Election Interference/Fraud

293,612 Views | 3695 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by BBW12OG
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pineknollshoresking said:

statefan91 said:

Are you all saying that BLM protests were the same as the invasion of the Capitol and targeted attempt at stopping the certification of the electoral college votes?
Here is what I'm saying...

Capitol - 100% funded by you and me (the people's house)
2020 Summer Protest. - 100% (except for the government buildings) private property

With that in mind, yes, the riots over the summer were more egregious than January 6th.
If they are breaking the law; convict them and lock them up! All of them.

5 people died at the Capitol and several others were injured; many others had threats against them inc. VP Mike Pence. What kind of property was that?
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Wolfpackrich1 said:

pineknollshoresking said:

statefan91 said:

Are you all saying that BLM protests were the same as the invasion of the Capitol and targeted attempt at stopping the certification of the electoral college votes?
Here is what I'm saying...

Capitol - 100% funded by you and me (the people's house)
2020 Summer Protest. - 100% (except for the government buildings) private property

With that in mind, yes, the riots over the summer were more egregious than January 6th.

Trying to compare two wrongs. Is in itself just crazy. I am on the left side. Shocking I know. I am sure none of you thought that. Lol. But I think riots of any kind is wrong!

The part of the capital riots that need thinking about is a president lit that spark by telling a lie.
Rich, you and I agree that riots of any kind are wrong. That wasn't the question. I answered the question from a different perspective than how it was being presented. I view property as a foundational value of this country.

BTW, life is the first, obviously...

Just an FYI, the justice department has charged a group of people for coordinating the pipe bombs, starting back in November. That is starting to throw doubt, by politicians, on the charges alleged in the impeachment.
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ciscopack said:

pineknollshoresking said:

statefan91 said:

Are you all saying that BLM protests were the same as the invasion of the Capitol and targeted attempt at stopping the certification of the electoral college votes?
Here is what I'm saying...

Capitol - 100% funded by you and me (the people's house)
2020 Summer Protest. - 100% (except for the government buildings) private property

With that in mind, yes, the riots over the summer were more egregious than January 6th.
If they are breaking the law; convict them and lock them up! All of them.

5 people died at the Capitol and several others were injured; many others had threats against them inc. VP Mike Pence. What kind of property was that?
Cisco, you will not find a single person, on this board, that doesn't agree with "convict them and lock them up".

What you are missing is what BBW actually said:

When you two start posting videos of the 20+ people killed, $1.5 Billion dollars in damages to cities and the thousands of people who lost their businesses, livelihoods of the Marxist BLM riots from the summer with the same zest and fervor you do of an event that EVERY single member of the GOP has admonished maybe someone will take you seriously. Until you do you are just trying to stir the pot.

Nothing in his post suggested to let the people off, for what happened, on January 6th. He was speaking directly at two people (perhaps you were one of the two) regarding the hypocrisy of the outrage in this thread.

Your statement of: "if they are breaking the law; convict them and lock them up!" hopefully applied to riots of the summer, including CHAZ (or whatever it was) in Portland. Also, where is the outrage over what's happened, in the past weeks, in Portland?

Just be consistent. If it's wrong and people should be charged, then that should happen, regardless of political slant... right?
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Hey Rich... here is one man's perspective...


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pine you shouldn't have marked out the word Marxist. It is on their home page and the co-founder has said so many, many times.




"The first time someone shows you who they are believe them."
- Maya Angelou

BLM showed us for the last 10 years who they are. I'm sure there are good people that are also there marching with them just like there were good people at the Capital and a few idiots decided to make a stupid decision.

It does however pale in comparison to the 20 lives lost, over $1 billion in property damages, 1,000's of businesses lost forever and the absolute division that the BLM rioters caused this summer.

ZERO comparison to the two.

My point is that one side has overwhelmingly condemned and admonished everyone that was involved in the Capital. One side has yet to condemn the BLM rioters. You had the lefty politicians defending, supporting and encouraging people to "take to the streets," "get in their faces," "tell them they are not welcome here."

I think that is inciting a riot. Has it or will it be condemned by ANY lefties? No.

HYPOCRISY lives deep in them.

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Donald Trump's entire legal team quits week before impeachment trial

The team, led by Butch Bowers, has walked away.

All five of the impeachment lawyers who were expected to represent former President Donald Trump have called it quits, sources told ABC News.

The team, led by South Carolina lawyer Butch Bowers, resigned in part because of disagreements over how to mount Trump's defense, the sources said. The lawyers had planned to argue the constitutionality of holding a trial given Trump is now a former president.

The disagreements over strategy varied, sources told ABC News, but Trump wanted his team to argue there was election fraud, while the lawyers and some top advisers to the former president wanted the focus to remain on the constitutionality of a trial with the president no longer in office.
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ciscopack said:

Donald Trump's entire legal team quits week before impeachment trial

The team, led by Butch Bowers, has walked away.

All five of the impeachment lawyers who were expected to represent former President Donald Trump have called it quits, sources told ABC News.

The team, led by South Carolina lawyer Butch Bowers, resigned in part because of disagreements over how to mount Trump's defense, the sources said. The lawyers had planned to argue the constitutionality of holding a trial given Trump is now a former president.

The disagreements over strategy varied, sources told ABC News, but Trump wanted his team to argue there was election fraud, while the lawyers and some top advisers to the former president wanted the focus to remain on the constitutionality of a trial with the president no longer in office.

This lead is somewhat misleading...

I don't think it's fair to say his legal team quit. It was more of an amicable parting of ways. Trump does have some high-ranking advisors pushing to get the "receipts" on the floor of the Senate. Yes, some advisors are pushing the constitutionality of this, now that he has left the office; however, Trump still feels (as I read things) that this election was stolen.

So, it looks like the advisors that are pushing the receipts are in alignment with Trump, himself. This is going to be interesting to watch, that's for sure...
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A person familiar with the departures of the five attorneys -- Butch Bowers, Deborah Barbier, Josh Howard, Johnny Gasser and Greg Harris told CNN that Trump wanted the attorneys to center his defense on the notion that there was mass election fraud in November and that the election was stolen from him, instead of questioning the legality of convicting a president after he's left office. Trump was not receptive to the discussions about how they should proceed.

Former President Donald Trump's lies and his insistence that the November election was rigged against him may have turned out to be a bridge too far for the attorneys who were slated to defend him in his upcoming Senate impeachment trial in a little more than a week.

But his party has largely stuck with him. After a brief flirtation with reason and sound judgment in the weeks following the January 6 siege at the Capitol, the Republican Party has decided to honor their deep and often blind allegiance to Trump, choosing to overlook his role in inciting the deadly insurrection rather than pay the price of crossing him and his base next year at the ballot box.

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ciscopack said:

A person familiar with the departures of the five attorneys -- Butch Bowers, Deborah Barbier, Josh Howard, Johnny Gasser and Greg Harris told CNN that Trump wanted the attorneys to center his defense on the notion that there was mass election fraud in November and that the election was stolen from him, instead of questioning the legality of convicting a president after he's left office. Trump was not receptive to the discussions about how they should proceed.

Former President Donald Trump's lies and his insistence that the November election was rigged against him may have turned out to be a bridge too far for the attorneys who were slated to defend him in his upcoming Senate impeachment trial in a little more than a week.

But his party has largely stuck with him. After a brief flirtation with reason and sound judgment in the weeks following the January 6 siege at the Capitol, the Republican Party has decided to honor their deep and often blind allegiance to Trump, choosing to overlook his role in inciting the deadly insurrection rather than pay the price of crossing him and his base next year at the ballot box.

Shouldn't this say:

CNN's disgust with Trump and their blind allegiance to the Democratic Party chose to overlook the lies created and perpetrated by themselves regarding the Russian misinformation...

CNN should be looked at with a grain of salt. They have shown 'ZERO" objectivity in reporting during the previous administration. I can find "NOTHING" that has been reported accurately, including this mess...

CNN lies, they are liars, they have damaged this country as much as any politician. Again, they are liars... perhaps the biggest liars in the MSM (well, maybe MSNBC).

Cisco, I hope you will leave it at that!
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I know that Fox leans right and I accept that. I know they slant stories to their audience. I have no problem admitting that.

Anyone that posts CNN or MSNBC articles with their "sources" claiming anything can go pound sand. Those are the two most biased, unreliable, borderline propaganda networks that have ever existed.

That's all I have to say about that.
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pineknollshoresking said:

ciscopack said:

A person familiar with the departures of the five attorneys -- Butch Bowers, Deborah Barbier, Josh Howard, Johnny Gasser and Greg Harris told CNN that Trump wanted the attorneys to center his defense on the notion that there was mass election fraud in November and that the election was stolen from him, instead of questioning the legality of convicting a president after he's left office. Trump was not receptive to the discussions about how they should proceed.

Former President Donald Trump's lies and his insistence that the November election was rigged against him may have turned out to be a bridge too far for the attorneys who were slated to defend him in his upcoming Senate impeachment trial in a little more than a week.

But his party has largely stuck with him. After a brief flirtation with reason and sound judgment in the weeks following the January 6 siege at the Capitol, the Republican Party has decided to honor their deep and often blind allegiance to Trump, choosing to overlook his role in inciting the deadly insurrection rather than pay the price of crossing him and his base next year at the ballot box.

Shouldn't this say:

CNN's disgust with Trump and their blind allegiance to the Democratic Party chose to overlook the lies created and perpetrated by themselves regarding the Russian misinformation...

CNN should be looked at with a grain of salt. They have shown 'ZERO" objectivity in reporting during the previous administration. I can find "NOTHING" that has been reported accurately, including this mess...

CNN lies, they are liars, they have damaged this country as much as any politician. Again, they are liars... perhaps the biggest liars in the MSM (well, maybe MSNBC).

Cisco, I hope you will leave it at that!

Hello PKS. I agree that MSM has a left slant. I do not remember out right lies. The Russian investigation lead to showing people tied to the president broke laws. So how has the MSM hurt this country? In regards to that. I counter that the off shoot right wing news media. Read America One and News Max did more harm with disinformation on election fraud.
I am being civil and I am in no way want you to feel attacked. Just a healthy discussion is all I seek.
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Wolfpackrich1 said:

pineknollshoresking said:

ciscopack said:

A person familiar with the departures of the five attorneys -- Butch Bowers, Deborah Barbier, Josh Howard, Johnny Gasser and Greg Harris told CNN that Trump wanted the attorneys to center his defense on the notion that there was mass election fraud in November and that the election was stolen from him, instead of questioning the legality of convicting a president after he's left office. Trump was not receptive to the discussions about how they should proceed.

Former President Donald Trump's lies and his insistence that the November election was rigged against him may have turned out to be a bridge too far for the attorneys who were slated to defend him in his upcoming Senate impeachment trial in a little more than a week.

But his party has largely stuck with him. After a brief flirtation with reason and sound judgment in the weeks following the January 6 siege at the Capitol, the Republican Party has decided to honor their deep and often blind allegiance to Trump, choosing to overlook his role in inciting the deadly insurrection rather than pay the price of crossing him and his base next year at the ballot box.

Shouldn't this say:

CNN's disgust with Trump and their blind allegiance to the Democratic Party chose to overlook the lies created and perpetrated by themselves regarding the Russian misinformation...

CNN should be looked at with a grain of salt. They have shown 'ZERO" objectivity in reporting during the previous administration. I can find "NOTHING" that has been reported accurately, including this mess...

CNN lies, they are liars, they have damaged this country as much as any politician. Again, they are liars... perhaps the biggest liars in the MSM (well, maybe MSNBC).

Cisco, I hope you will leave it at that!

Hello PKS. I agree that MSM has a left slant. I do not remember out right lies. The Russian investigation lead to showing people tied to the president broke laws. So how has the MSM hurt this country? In regards to that. I counter that the off shoot right wing news media. Read America One and News Max did more harm with disinformation on election fraud.
I am being civil and I am in no way want you to feel attacked. Just a healthy discussion is all I seek.
We will have to disagree on the Russia investigation. Not one person, related to Trump, was found guilty in that investigation. Anyone found guilty was related to some other charge, not directly related to the allegation.

Now, the one lawyer that jacked up the fisa documentation was found guilty. He was just sentenced to one year probation and a $100 fine, for falsifying document. That's another problem I have!

One America News and NewsMax continued to report the information on election fraud. I agree, none of the MSM did; however, that doesn't conclude they did harm. Whether the facts bare to be true or not, it was still news and should have been covered. That is, it should have been covered as much as the Russia mess, if we want to be fair about things.

BTW, I don't feel attacked at all. I appreciate you saying that...
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Nothing Mitch McConnell does is without a significant amount of thinking and strategy behind it. It's why he's in his seventh term representing Kentucky in the Senate -- and why he has been the chamber's leading Republican for more than a decade.

So when McConnell released a statement Monday night condemning Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, you can bet there was a plan there.

"Loony lies and conspiracy theories are cancer for the Republican Party and our country," McConnell said of the conspiracy-loving Greene. "Somebody who's suggested that perhaps no airplane hit the Pentagon on 9/11, that horrifying school shootings were pre-staged, and that the Clintons crashed JFK Jr.'s airplane is not living in reality. This has nothing to do with the challenges facing American families or the robust debates on substance that can strengthen our party."

Which, well, yeah. Greene's views -- she's publicly expressed support for the QAnon movement, made Islamophobic and anti-Semitic comments and agreed with the idea of executing Democratic leaders, among many other things -- are noxious and have no business enjoying the cover of one of the two major parties in this country.

McConnell praises Cheney, hits Marjorie Taylor Greene

Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell has praised embattled No. 3 House Republican Liz Cheney as "a leader with deep convictions and courage," even as he's criticized the "looney lies" of a hard-right House GOP freshman as a "cancer" on the party.

McConnell: Trump Tricked Me Into Backing His Coup

On November 9, a senior Republican explained what was then the Republican Party's consensus posture toward President Trump's refusal to accept the election results. The quote, given anonymously to the, became instantly notorious: "What is the downside for humoring him for this little bit of time? No one seriously thinks the results will change."

Needless to say, that explanation looks even worse now. McConnell and his allies are trying to launder their reputations. McConnell's excuse is contained within a deeply reported narrative account of Trump's election challenge. Apparently, McConnell was duped by Trump and his wily son-in-law:

The senator was also under a false impression that the president was only blustering, the officials said. Mr. McConnell had had multiple conversations with the White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and the senator's top political adviser, Josh Holmes, had spoken with Mr. Kushner, the president's son-in-law and senior adviser. Both West Wing officials had conveyed the same message: They would pursue all potential avenues but recognized that they might come up short. Mr. Trump would eventually bow to reality and accept defeat.
Poor sweet, nave Mitch McConnell was told that Trump would graciously concede defeat, only to eventually realize Trump had misled him.

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Four months. Let it go. President Trump lost and you can't let it go.

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Inside the craziest meeting of the Trump presidency

Trump was no longer focused on any semblance of a governing agenda, instead spending his days taking phone calls and meetings from anyone armed with conspiracy theories about the election. For the White House staff, it was an unending sea of garbage churned up by the bottom feeders.

But Powell, fixing on Trump, continued to elaborate on a fantastical election narrative involving Venezuela, Iran, China and others. She named a county in Georgia where she claimed she could prove that Dominion had illegally flipped the vote.

Herschmann interrupted to point out that Trump had actually won the Georgia county in question: "So your theory is that Dominion intentionally flipped the votes so we could win that county?"


The House article of impeachment charged that Trump incited the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol Jan. 6 with a fiery speech before a violent mob invaded the Capitol and left multiple dead. The riot came after Trump spent months questioning the legitimacy of the election and pleaded with Georgia officials to "find" votes to allow him to win that state, the article charged.

"The only honorable path at that point was for President Trump to accept the results and concede his electoral defeat," the 80-page brief said. "Instead, he summoned a mob to Washington, exhorted them into a frenzy, and aimed them like a loaded cannon down Pennsylvania Avenue."
The brief outlined the violence that occurred.

"In a grievous betrayal of his Oath of Office, President Trump incited a violent mob to attack the United States Capitol during the Joint Session, thus impeding Congress's confirmation of Joseph R. Biden, Jr. as the winner of the presidential election," the brief said. "As it stormed the Capitol, the mob yelled out 'President Trump Sent Us,' 'Hang Mike Pence,' and 'Traitor Traitor Traitor.'"

House prosecutors file written argument in Trump impeachment trial

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ciscopack said:

Inside the craziest meeting of the Trump presidency

Trump was no longer focused on any semblance of a governing agenda, instead spending his days taking phone calls and meetings from anyone armed with conspiracy theories about the election. For the White House staff, it was an unending sea of garbage churned up by the bottom feeders.

But Powell, fixing on Trump, continued to elaborate on a fantastical election narrative involving Venezuela, Iran, China and others. She named a county in Georgia where she claimed she could prove that Dominion had illegally flipped the vote.

Herschmann interrupted to point out that Trump had actually won the Georgia county in question: "So your theory is that Dominion intentionally flipped the votes so we could win that county?"


The House article of impeachment charged that Trump incited the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol Jan. 6 with a fiery speech before a violent mob invaded the Capitol and left multiple dead. The riot came after Trump spent months questioning the legitimacy of the election and pleaded with Georgia officials to "find" votes to allow him to win that state, the article charged.

"The only honorable path at that point was for President Trump to accept the results and concede his electoral defeat," the 80-page brief said. "Instead, he summoned a mob to Washington, exhorted them into a frenzy, and aimed them like a loaded cannon down Pennsylvania Avenue."
The brief outlined the violence that occurred.

"In a grievous betrayal of his Oath of Office, President Trump incited a violent mob to attack the United States Capitol during the Joint Session, thus impeding Congress's confirmation of Joseph R. Biden, Jr. as the winner of the presidential election," the brief said. "As it stormed the Capitol, the mob yelled out 'President Trump Sent Us,' 'Hang Mike Pence,' and 'Traitor Traitor Traitor.'"

House prosecutors file written argument in Trump impeachment trial


I've been meaning to ask you about all of the Lincoln Project clips that you spammed all of these threads with for weeks....Do you have any comment about one of the guys that was running the thing using the Lincoln Project as a whole in an attempt to groom boys?

In fact its come out that the only two things that the Lincoln Project was for was to help one of the founders, John Weaver, groom boys with the other reason being to scam people out of money.
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cowboypack02 said:

ciscopack said:

Inside the craziest meeting of the Trump presidency

Trump was no longer focused on any semblance of a governing agenda, instead spending his days taking phone calls and meetings from anyone armed with conspiracy theories about the election. For the White House staff, it was an unending sea of garbage churned up by the bottom feeders.

But Powell, fixing on Trump, continued to elaborate on a fantastical election narrative involving Venezuela, Iran, China and others. She named a county in Georgia where she claimed she could prove that Dominion had illegally flipped the vote.

Herschmann interrupted to point out that Trump had actually won the Georgia county in question: "So your theory is that Dominion intentionally flipped the votes so we could win that county?"


The House article of impeachment charged that Trump incited the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol Jan. 6 with a fiery speech before a violent mob invaded the Capitol and left multiple dead. The riot came after Trump spent months questioning the legitimacy of the election and pleaded with Georgia officials to "find" votes to allow him to win that state, the article charged.

"The only honorable path at that point was for President Trump to accept the results and concede his electoral defeat," the 80-page brief said. "Instead, he summoned a mob to Washington, exhorted them into a frenzy, and aimed them like a loaded cannon down Pennsylvania Avenue."
The brief outlined the violence that occurred.

"In a grievous betrayal of his Oath of Office, President Trump incited a violent mob to attack the United States Capitol during the Joint Session, thus impeding Congress's confirmation of Joseph R. Biden, Jr. as the winner of the presidential election," the brief said. "As it stormed the Capitol, the mob yelled out 'President Trump Sent Us,' 'Hang Mike Pence,' and 'Traitor Traitor Traitor.'"

House prosecutors file written argument in Trump impeachment trial


I've been meaning to ask you about all of the Lincoln Project clips that you spammed all of these threads with for weeks....Do you have any comment about one of the guys that was running the thing using the Lincoln Project as a whole in an attempt to groom boys?

In fact its come out that the only two things that the Lincoln Project was for was to help one of the founders, John Weaver, groom boys with the other reason being to scam people out of money.
Cowboy, what's really wrong with what he was doing? His actions should be considered normal in today's world...
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And now they are having Racist Rick Wilson and Sleaze Ball George Conway on CNN and MSNBC talking about the GOP and how it has lost its' morality.

You can't begin to make this up for it to sound any more foolish than it does in real time.

The self righteousness of today's SOCIALIST PARTY is sickening. The smug, condescension of the political officials, their party run media and the sheep that follow them blindly says all you need to about their character.

And if anyone on here takes that personally I really could give a damn. Truth hurts.
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cowboypack02 said:

ciscopack said:

Inside the craziest meeting of the Trump presidency

Trump was no longer focused on any semblance of a governing agenda, instead spending his days taking phone calls and meetings from anyone armed with conspiracy theories about the election. For the White House staff, it was an unending sea of garbage churned up by the bottom feeders.

But Powell, fixing on Trump, continued to elaborate on a fantastical election narrative involving Venezuela, Iran, China and others. She named a county in Georgia where she claimed she could prove that Dominion had illegally flipped the vote.

Herschmann interrupted to point out that Trump had actually won the Georgia county in question: "So your theory is that Dominion intentionally flipped the votes so we could win that county?"


The House article of impeachment charged that Trump incited the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol Jan. 6 with a fiery speech before a violent mob invaded the Capitol and left multiple dead. The riot came after Trump spent months questioning the legitimacy of the election and pleaded with Georgia officials to "find" votes to allow him to win that state, the article charged.

"The only honorable path at that point was for President Trump to accept the results and concede his electoral defeat," the 80-page brief said. "Instead, he summoned a mob to Washington, exhorted them into a frenzy, and aimed them like a loaded cannon down Pennsylvania Avenue."
The brief outlined the violence that occurred.

"In a grievous betrayal of his Oath of Office, President Trump incited a violent mob to attack the United States Capitol during the Joint Session, thus impeding Congress's confirmation of Joseph R. Biden, Jr. as the winner of the presidential election," the brief said. "As it stormed the Capitol, the mob yelled out 'President Trump Sent Us,' 'Hang Mike Pence,' and 'Traitor Traitor Traitor.'"

House prosecutors file written argument in Trump impeachment trial


I've been meaning to ask you about all of the Lincoln Project clips that you spammed all of these threads with for weeks....Do you have any comment about one of the guys that was running the thing using the Lincoln Project as a whole in an attempt to groom boys?

In fact its come out that the only two things that the Lincoln Project was for was to help one of the founders, John Weaver, groom boys with the other reason being to scam people out of money.
I know nothing about the dude and just read about it....after reading your post. It seems what you state about the sick man is true and what you state about the Lincoln Project is not true. It seems criminal to me (Weaver's actions when he was a Republican consultant with boys and young men).

1. I read that the Lincoln Project condemns and disavows John Weaver. The Lincoln Project called Weaver a "predator, a liar, and an abuser." NBC News' Ali Vitali explains who Weaver is and the major roles he has had in the GOP.
2. I read that the man's actions happened when his was a Republican consultant for 30 years

He's been on medical leave from the Lincoln Project since last summer and he never worked together with anyone there (because of covid.) In other words....the stuff I was posting, did not come from John Weaver.

If you're interested....listen to the story here or make up your own >>>>

The Lincoln Project called Weaver a "predator, a liar, and an abuser." NBC News' Ali Vitali explains who Weaver is and the major roles he has had in the GOP.

It's funny to me that what I was posting was spamming with links and much of what I read here was gospel. Mitch ain't backing that crap anymore and he'll still do anything for the win. One day, Dominion will be paid for the slander. So forth and so on...
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ciscopack said:

cowboypack02 said:

ciscopack said:

Inside the craziest meeting of the Trump presidency

Trump was no longer focused on any semblance of a governing agenda, instead spending his days taking phone calls and meetings from anyone armed with conspiracy theories about the election. For the White House staff, it was an unending sea of garbage churned up by the bottom feeders.

But Powell, fixing on Trump, continued to elaborate on a fantastical election narrative involving Venezuela, Iran, China and others. She named a county in Georgia where she claimed she could prove that Dominion had illegally flipped the vote.

Herschmann interrupted to point out that Trump had actually won the Georgia county in question: "So your theory is that Dominion intentionally flipped the votes so we could win that county?"


The House article of impeachment charged that Trump incited the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol Jan. 6 with a fiery speech before a violent mob invaded the Capitol and left multiple dead. The riot came after Trump spent months questioning the legitimacy of the election and pleaded with Georgia officials to "find" votes to allow him to win that state, the article charged.

"The only honorable path at that point was for President Trump to accept the results and concede his electoral defeat," the 80-page brief said. "Instead, he summoned a mob to Washington, exhorted them into a frenzy, and aimed them like a loaded cannon down Pennsylvania Avenue."
The brief outlined the violence that occurred.

"In a grievous betrayal of his Oath of Office, President Trump incited a violent mob to attack the United States Capitol during the Joint Session, thus impeding Congress's confirmation of Joseph R. Biden, Jr. as the winner of the presidential election," the brief said. "As it stormed the Capitol, the mob yelled out 'President Trump Sent Us,' 'Hang Mike Pence,' and 'Traitor Traitor Traitor.'"

House prosecutors file written argument in Trump impeachment trial


I've been meaning to ask you about all of the Lincoln Project clips that you spammed all of these threads with for weeks....Do you have any comment about one of the guys that was running the thing using the Lincoln Project as a whole in an attempt to groom boys?

In fact its come out that the only two things that the Lincoln Project was for was to help one of the founders, John Weaver, groom boys with the other reason being to scam people out of money.
I know nothing about the dude and just read about it....after reading your post. It seems what you state about the sick man is true and what you state about the Lincoln Project is not true. It seems criminal to me (Weaver's actions when he was a Republican consultant with boys and young men).

1. I read that the Lincoln Project condemns and disavows John Weaver. The Lincoln Project called Weaver a "predator, a liar, and an abuser." NBC News' Ali Vitali explains who Weaver is and the major roles he has had in the GOP.
2. I read that the man's actions happened when his was a Republican consultant for 30 years

He's been on medical leave from the Lincoln Project since last summer and he never worked together with anyone there (because of covid.) In other words....the stuff I was posting, did not come from John Weaver.

If you're interested....listen to the story here or make up your own >>>>

The Lincoln Project called Weaver a "predator, a liar, and an abuser." NBC News' Ali Vitali explains who Weaver is and the major roles he has had in the GOP.

It's funny to me that what I was posting was spamming with links and much of what I read here was gospel. Mitch ain't backing that crap anymore and he'll still do anything for the win. One day, Dominion will be paid for the slander. So forth and so on...

Far out right conservative and far out left liberal views are one thing; I don't care for either in general but out and out lying are not part of either. Both get elected by their constituents. They are beliefs in how governing should be done. Hopefully most sane people join me right smack dab in the middle.

People like this should get no extra responsibilities! >>>>

What Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has said about election fraud, QAnon and other conspiracy theories
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I think this is actually good. I, for one, have been troubled by some of the reports about Dominion. Hopefully, this will do one of two things in discovery:

  • Dominion software issues being exposed and prove the reports correct
  • Dominion software being 100% legit and all the reports will become false

Either way, this will put it to bed finally...
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Let's see which judge gets this case. I'm betting it will be a "D" beside their name. This isn't going to end well for the GOP.

Will further divide the country.
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Looks like Mark Elias, a Democrat power lawyer, is alleging machine malfunction in NY on a loss for a Democrat. Trying to find the report to post...
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BBW12OG said:

Let's see which judge gets this case. I'm betting it will be a "D" beside their name. This isn't going to end well for the GOP.

Will further divide the country.

Laughable. Listen to yourself.

First you claimed the election was rigged.

Now the civil suits that will be tried in courts of law are also rigged?

Or maybe Trump just took the L, he and Rudy and Sid lied for months, Dominion and Smartmatic would not be bringing these suits if there was any chance they would lose, and Rudy Giuliani and Sid Powell are likely ****ting bricks facing multiple billion dollar lawsuits and becoming even bigger laughingstocks than they already are.

If the evidence is in the defendants' favor, they've got nothing to worry about.

As far as dividing the country, maybe they should've thought about that before enabling Trump's outrageous electoral fraud lies for months and even concocting some of their own about the rigged Venezuelan elections and the Hammer supercomputer and all that crazy mess. That's what divided the country.

Dominion and Smartmatic are just setting the record straight. The truth is what it is, there's nothing divisive about truth.

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Civilized said:

BBW12OG said:

Let's see which judge gets this case. I'm betting it will be a "D" beside their name. This isn't going to end well for the GOP.

Will further divide the country.

Laughable. Listen to yourself.

First you claimed the election was rigged.

Now the civil suits that will be tried in courts of law are also rigged?

Or maybe Trump just took the L, he and Rudy and Sid lied for months, Dominion and Smartmatic would not be bringing these suits if there was any chance they would lose, and Rudy Giuliani and Sid Powell are likely ****ting bricks facing multiple billion dollar lawsuits and becoming even bigger laughingstocks than they already are.

If the evidence is in the defendants' favor, they've got nothing to worry about.

As far as dividing the country, maybe they should've thought about that before enabling Trump's outrageous electoral fraud lies for months and even concocting some of their own about the rigged Venezuelan elections and the Hammer supercomputer and all that crazy mess. That's what divided the country.

Dominion and Smartmatic are just setting the record straight. The truth is what it is, there's nothing divisive about truth.

Several R- judges found the lawsuits were out and out lies or had no basis....what was it? 0-60?....when Trump was in office.
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Cisco, keep on saying that...
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I think we all know Civ is the arbiter of truth...
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'There is real teeth to this': Legal experts weigh in on Smartmatic's $2.7 billion lawsuit against Fox News

"I think it's the type of case that has to be brought right now to try to get us away from disinformation," Connolly told me. "Disinformation has a free rein right now. This kind of case can be a shot across the bow that courts can deliver that says, 'Let's get back to reality. Let's get back to factual reporting.'"

'What's changed,' Kaplan said, 'and why we're seeing so many more defamation cases today than ever before, is because, frankly, we're living in a world in which people with legitimacy and authority seem to feel no compunction whatsoever about just telling outright lies.' This is partly why other legal experts are saying Smartmatic has a strong argument -- the lies are explicit and easily debunked. And that's why it may not be so hard to prove that Fox and its hosts knew, or should have known, that they were telling lies -- which is the 'actual malice' standard that public figures have to meet in defamation cases..."

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LOL at what the TImes Magazine is running today....

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What a horrifically stupid article. All it does is give ammo to both sides

Democrats - "We saved democracy from a dictator"

Republicans - "See, Trump was right!"

How did that make it through an editor?
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pineknollshoresking said:

I think we all know Civ is the arbiter of truth...

Dominion and Smartmatic would not be bringing these suits if there was any chance they would lose

Laughable. Listen to yourself.
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FlossyDFlynt said:

What a horrifically stupid article. All it does is give ammo to both sides

Democrats - "We saved democracy from a dictator"

Republicans - "See, Trump was right!"

How did that make it through an editor?
Because it's true.
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FlossyDFlynt said:

What a horrifically stupid article. All it does is give ammo to both sides

Democrats - "We saved democracy from a dictator"

Republicans - "See, Trump was right!"

How did that make it through an editor?
I am surprised that the article ran as well.

As far as ammo for both sides I don't think that ammo is even with our form of elections and governance.

From the democrats perspective of "We saved democracy from a dictator". The democrats are cheering that our form of election was circumvented because somebody that they didn't like lost. Trump isn't a dictator....and never was. Its wild that the same people to created "the resistance" and screamed "not my president" for 4 years yell that Trump is a dictator and say that Trump is the one that was out of line.

From the republicans perspective of "See, Trump was right!". Well.....he kinda was
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