Election Interference/Fraud

293,404 Views | 3695 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by BBW12OG
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It's all about power and owning the Conservatives. They are burning down the America we all love. They don't care. Even some on here show that mindset. They have their media partners making sure that nothing negative is ever said about their ruling party. Sad times ahead for sure.
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CONSERVATIVE Republican Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse - you are my hero!!! I'd vote for an honest man in a heartbeat; I know you won't out and out cheat me. You may be a little too far right but I'll fight in your foxhole! Long live Ben Sasse.

'Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude': Sasse shoots down Nebraska censure motion

Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska on Thursday became the latest prominent Republican to face home-state backlash following criticism of former President Donald Trump.

Sasse denounced the Nebraska Republican Party State Central Committee in a biting video statement after local news reports revealed the committee was considering a censure motion for the senator's rebuke of Trump following the Capitol insurrection last month.

In the five-minute video directed at the members of the party's State Central Committee, Sasse defended himself as holding Trump accountable for his actions and denounced blind loyalty to a single person.

"Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude," Sasse said. "The party can purge Trump skeptics. But I'd like to convince you that not only is that civic cancer for the nation, it's just terrible for our party."

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Bernie Sanders knows we have election fraud issues!! He was screwed by the Clinton campaign.
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ciscopack said:

CONSERVATIVE Republican Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse - you are my hero!!! I'd vote for an honest man in a heartbeat; I know you won't out and out cheat me. You may be a little too far right but I'll fight in your foxhole! Long live Ben Sasse.

'Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude': Sasse shoots down Nebraska censure motion

Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska on Thursday became the latest prominent Republican to face home-state backlash following criticism of former President Donald Trump.

Sasse denounced the Nebraska Republican Party State Central Committee in a biting video statement after local news reports revealed the committee was considering a censure motion for the senator's rebuke of Trump following the Capitol insurrection last month.

In the five-minute video directed at the members of the party's State Central Committee, Sasse defended himself as holding Trump accountable for his actions and denounced blind loyalty to a single person.

"Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude," Sasse said. "The party can purge Trump skeptics. But I'd like to convince you that not only is that civic cancer for the nation, it's just terrible for our party."

He's a Globalist, like many other Establishment Politicians. He didn't like Trump because his money was being threatened. As far as I'm concerned, primary the guy! He is not part of the party I support. The bros got to go... Take Liz Chaney with him...

Nicki Haley, if she wins the Republican nomination, I will only vote on the down ticket. Nicki Haley started the whole cancel culture we have today!
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Just gonna leave this here.

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Harry Truman ain't running and he has no shot if he does.

Harry S. Truman worked a number of odd jobs in his early life. Truman, who did not attend college, started out working on his family farm before going out to work at a railroad construction company and then a bank. He did not find his passion for politics until he returned from service in the National Guard during World War I. Truman's failed attempt at running a hat shop left him deeply in debt. He later used the contacts he made in the military to launch his career in politics, but his finances were in such poor shape, the presidential salary was doubled while he was in office.

No idiots please!

'Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude': Sasse shoots down Nebraska censure motion
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BBW12OG said:

Just gonna leave this here.

Direct link to the Time website...


All you Election Fraud deniers'... Enlighten yourself on the possibility something went wrong. Do you have the courage to do it?

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pineknollshoresking said:

BBW12OG said:

Just gonna leave this here.

Direct link to the Time website...


All you Election Fraud deniers'... Enlighten yourself on the possibility something went wrong. Do you have the courage to do it?

Election Fraud deniers? *raises hand*

I'm not sure you read the same article I did.

"The untold story of the election is the thousands of people of both parties who accomplished the triumph of American democracy at its very foundation"

"For Trump and his allies were running their own campaign to spoil the election"

"It is the story of an unprecedented, creative and determined campaign whose success also reveals how close the nation came to disaster..."

"They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it"

Y'all Election Fraud upholders, if that's what you want to call yourselves, need to pick a story and stick with it. First it was Dominion and Smartmatic, and was election observers not being allowed in, and fake ballots being pulled out from suitcases underneath tables when no one was looking, and real ballots being thrown in dumpsters (millions of times). Well, none of that **** was upheld in any court, and Dominion and Smartmatic are suing the pants off of Rudy and Sid.

Now, somehow Americans "conspiring" to keep an election safe from spoilage by a leader with "autocratic tendencies" [author's words] is a sign of fraud?
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Civilized said:

pineknollshoresking said:

BBW12OG said:

Just gonna leave this here.

Direct link to the Time website...


All you Election Fraud deniers'... Enlighten yourself on the possibility something went wrong. Do you have the courage to do it?

Election Fraud deniers? *raises hand*

I'm not sure you read the same article I did.

"The untold story of the election is the thousands of people of both parties who accomplished the triumph of American democracy at its very foundation"

"For Trump and his allies were running their own campaign to spoil the election"

"It is the story of an unprecedented, creative and determined campaign whose success also reveals how close the nation came to disaster..."

"They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it"

Y'all Election Fraud upholders, if that's what you want to call yourselves, need to pick a story and stick with it. First it was Dominion and Smartmatic, and was election observers not being allowed in, and fake ballots being pulled out from suitcases underneath tables when no one was looking, and real ballots being thrown in dumpsters (millions of times). Well, none of that **** was upheld in any court, and Dominion and Smartmatic are suing the pants off of Rudy and Sid.

Now, somehow Americans "conspiring" to keep an election safe from spoilage by a leader with "autocratic tendencies" [author's words] is a sign of fraud?
Civ, I give it to you... you know how to pull data out to fit your narrative of a story. But, hey... I give it to you. You are good at what you do.
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If by good you mean regurgitating CNN and MSNBC...he's a champ. His next original thought will be his first.

Funny how they are glossing over this little nugget. I guess "fraud" only happens witht the SOCIALIST PARTY loses.

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BBW12OG said:

If by good you mean regurgitating CNN and MSNBC...he's a champ. His next original thought will be his first.

Funny how they are glossing over this little nugget. I guess "fraud" only happens witht the SOCIALIST PARTY loses.

What am I missing here? Didn't the socialist party win AND lose this election?

And if he's right, there will be evidence. If he's wrong, but he keeps lying for months swearing there was fraud when there's no evidence of fraud, he'll get laughed at too.
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Civilized said:

BBW12OG said:

If by good you mean regurgitating CNN and MSNBC...he's a champ. His next original thought will be his first.

Funny how they are glossing over this little nugget. I guess "fraud" only happens witht the SOCIALIST PARTY loses.

What am I missing here? Didn't the socialist party win AND lose this election?

And if he's right, there will be evidence. If he's wrong, but he keeps lying for months swearing there was fraud when there's no evidence of fraud, he'll get laughed at too.
BBW, civ is brilliant! Trying to debate him is futile, at best... he is just too smart for you and I.
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Here is a reporter that is taking the Police Officer story, from January 6th and asking questions... What's going on here?

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Donald Trump lied about election fraud. He lied to his supporters. He caused an insurrection against our government through those supporters. He broke his oath to the constitution. With that he committed treason. He did all this because he did not want to give up his power.

Blame main stream media. Blame the deep state. Find all kind of excuses.

You want to know the cause of what happened? Look in the freaking mirror if you supported and made excuses for Donald Trump.

When he first lost the election leading Republicans said. " Give him time. he does not like to lose." I say who does? But in an election their is always a loser.

Then they said he has a right to his time in court. That was a clown show. Look at what they said (Lies) and then compare it to what they presented to the courts.

Then they said well it does not matter he never conceded. When Electoral college approves the election the congress certifies he will go peacfully. Well how did that work out. He lied and fired them up. Asking them to go to a MAGA rally the day Congress certifies it. The whole time asking elected officials to overturn a fair election. " I only need 11,780 votes." Then trying to force Mike Pence to do something about the election in the Senate that he did not have the power to do.

He is a disgrace! So go ahead support a traitor. Because that is what you are doing.
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Somebody is having a bad day. Too bad all of your predictions are predacted in regurgitating what your media masters tell you.

Don't forget to post pictures of President Trump and his kids being perp walked in orange jumpsuits like you stated. I am pretty sure you guaranteed a conviction in this impeachment sham as well.

As far as being un-American.... you would know a hell of a lot better than anyone else what that means.
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Wolfpackrich1 said:

Donald Trump lied about election fraud. He lied to his supporters. He caused an insurrection against our government through those supporters. He broke his oath to the constitution. With that he committed treason. He did all this because he did not want to give up his power.

Blame main stream media. Blame the deep state. Find all kind of excuses.

You want to know the cause of what happened? Look in the freaking mirror if you supported and made excuses for Donald Trump.

When he first lost the election leading Republicans said. " Give him time. he does not like to lose." I say who does? But in an election their is always a loser.

Then they said he has a right to his time in court. That was a clown show. Look at what they said (Lies) and then compare it to what they presented to the courts.

Then they said well it does not matter he never conceded. When Electoral college approves the election the congress certifies he will go peacfully. Well how did that work out. He lied and fired them up. Asking them to go to a MAGA rally the day Congress certifies it. The whole time asking elected officials to overturn a fair election. " I only need 11,780 votes." Then trying to force Mike Pence to do something about the election in the Senate that he did not have the power to do.

He is a disgrace! So go ahead support a traitor. Because that is what you are doing.
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BBW12OG said:

Somebody is having a bad day. Too bad all of your predictions are predacted in regurgitating what your media masters tell you.

Don't forget to post pictures of President Trump and his kids being perp walked in orange jumpsuits like you stated. I am pretty sure you guaranteed a conviction in this impeachment sham as well.

As far as being un-American.... you would know a hell of a lot better than anyone else what that means.

I stick with Trump going to jail. As he said stand by.

As far as guaranteeing an impeachment getting upheld in the Senate I never said that.

As far as being un- American. I give you Donald Trump.

Attack me on my patriotism and that makes you feel better?
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"Fight like Hell"

That appears to be the phrase of the Dems message today. Be careful what you ask for...
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Everybody wants to "Fight like Hell" for something... What the Hell is going on here?
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My boy brought receipts!!!
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You guys forget about what happened on Jan 6th?
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mrcpack17 said:

You guys forget about what happened on Jan 6th?
nobody forgot Jan 6th. I know it all too well...


The question is: Did you forget what happened last year? These "Fight like Hell" words cause people to do crazy things...


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BBW12OG said:

Wolfpackrich1 said:

BBW12OG said:

Somebody is having a bad day. Too bad all of your predictions are predacted in regurgitating what your media masters tell you.

Don't forget to post pictures of President Trump and his kids being perp walked in orange jumpsuits like you stated. I am pretty sure you guaranteed a conviction in this impeachment sham as well.

As far as being un-American.... you would know a hell of a lot better than anyone else what that means.

I stick with Trump going to jail. As he said stand by.

As far as guaranteeing an impeachment getting upheld in the Senate I never said that.

As far as being un- American. I give you Donald Trump.

Attack me on my patriotism and that makes you feel better?
You give me Donald Trump and I'll raise you 75 million plus AMERICANS that voted for him and would do the same.

You say so much BS it is hard to keep up with. You stand by that and if it happens I'll quit this board and never post again. Will you do the same say if by July 1st he hasn't been?

I don't have to attack you on your "so-called" patriotism. You have shown us who you are many times. No one can question your lack of it after you've shown you could give a damn about America, values and morals.

Goose step the hell out of here with your condescending BS.

My value and morals are intact. You keep attacking me with hate. Why? Because I call Donald Trump out?
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I'll say it right now...

Trump will be acquitted in this mess. Just like he did in the first one. I believe the charges are hypocritical at best. He has a right to say what he thinks, whether anyone agrees with him or not. If we are going to say he insighted this mess, then I think we should start the impeachment process of a bunch more people in congress.

Did anybody ever say: do this or that to anyone in the Trump admin? The answer is Yes!. That is inciting a riot against a person!

We can all disagree on policies; however, if any of us thinks one party in immune to the outrageous, then, I think you are 100% kidding yourself.
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pineknollshoresking said:

I'll say it right now...

Trump will be acquitted in this mess. Just like he did in the first one. I believe the charges are hypocritical at best. He has a right to say what he thinks, whether anyone agrees with him or not. If we are going to say he insighted this mess, then I think we should start the impeachment process of a bunch more people in congress.

Did anybody ever say: do this or that to anyone in the Trump admin? The answer is Yes!. That is inciting a riot against a person!

We can all disagree on policies; however, if any of us thinks one party in immune to the outrageous, then, I think you are 100% kidding yourself.
Trump takes it to a whole new level and you are kidding yourself if you can not see how he tried to overturn a fair election. It is fair because there is no proof of widespread fraud. None any where close enough to change the election. Then he timed a insurrection to try he get him the power he lost in an election.
74.2 million vs 81.2 million. I state this because I keep getting told 74.2 million people voted for him. And 81.2 million voted against him. I use the phrase "against him" because a large majority of those felt he needed to go.
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Someone needs to put this video on and then tell everyone to shut the **** up.
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Wolfpackrich1 said:

pineknollshoresking said:

I'll say it right now...

Trump will be acquitted in this mess. Just like he did in the first one. I believe the charges are hypocritical at best. He has a right to say what he thinks, whether anyone agrees with him or not. If we are going to say he insighted this mess, then I think we should start the impeachment process of a bunch more people in congress.

Did anybody ever say: do this or that to anyone in the Trump admin? The answer is Yes!. That is inciting a riot against a person!

We can all disagree on policies; however, if any of us thinks one party in immune to the outrageous, then, I think you are 100% kidding yourself.
Trump takes it to a whole new level and you are kidding yourself if you can not see how he tried to overturn a fair election. It is fair because there is no proof of widespread fraud. None any where close enough to change the election. Then he timed a insurrection to try he get him the power he lost in an election.
74.2 million vs 81.2 million. I state this because I keep getting told 74.2 million people voted for him. And 81.2 million voted against him. I use the phrase "against him" because a large majority of those felt he needed to go.
Trump takes it to a whole new level and you are kidding yourself if you can not see how he tried to overturn a fair election.

Rich, can we agree on the following... Trump overturned the election just like the Dems, Media, and big tech conspired to push the Russia story, which was proven to be false.

It is fair because there is no proof of widespread fraud.

Mike Lindell created a video showing evidence of fraud. Why don't you push to have anyone show their evidence to disprove his evidence. You can't just say: there is no evidence! He showed what he has, now someone needs to prove his evidence is flawed. That just one example. Another: look up the Navarro Report https://peternavarro.com/. Please sit down with some of these people and debate these evidentiary pieces.

Then he timed a insurrection to try he get him the power he lost in an election.

I guess we need to let the trial prove him guilty of this... Who do you think radicalized the Steve Scalise shooter?

74.2 million vs 81.2 million. I state this because I keep getting told 74.2 million people voted for him. And 81.2 million voted against him. I use the phrase "against him" because a large majority of those felt he needed to go.

You and I may agree here... 81.2 million aren't dumb enough to vote for Biden
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Speaking of words that I earlier called out... well, another is "The Big Lie" that the Dems are using. Look up the history of that term being used.

You might find a familiar term that BBW calls Dems.
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Stop the bs attack post or I'm locking this and banning people. Several of you have been warned about your post. No more warnings.
Payton Wilson on what he thought of Carter Finley: Drunk Crazy Crowded

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pineknollshoresking said:

Wolfpackrich1 said:

pineknollshoresking said:

I'll say it right now...

Trump will be acquitted in this mess. Just like he did in the first one. I believe the charges are hypocritical at best. He has a right to say what he thinks, whether anyone agrees with him or not. If we are going to say he insighted this mess, then I think we should start the impeachment process of a bunch more people in congress.

Did anybody ever say: do this or that to anyone in the Trump admin? The answer is Yes!. That is inciting a riot against a person!

We can all disagree on policies; however, if any of us thinks one party in immune to the outrageous, then, I think you are 100% kidding yourself.
Trump takes it to a whole new level and you are kidding yourself if you can not see how he tried to overturn a fair election. It is fair because there is no proof of widespread fraud. None any where close enough to change the election. Then he timed a insurrection to try he get him the power he lost in an election.
74.2 million vs 81.2 million. I state this because I keep getting told 74.2 million people voted for him. And 81.2 million voted against him. I use the phrase "against him" because a large majority of those felt he needed to go.
Trump takes it to a whole new level and you are kidding yourself if you can not see how he tried to overturn a fair election.

Rich, can we agree on the following... Trump overturned the election just like the Dems, Media, and big tech conspired to push the Russia story, which was proven to be false.

It is fair because there is no proof of widespread fraud.

Mike Lindell created a video showing evidence of fraud. Why don't you push to have anyone show their evidence to disprove his evidence. You can't just say: there is no evidence! He showed what he has, now someone needs to prove his evidence is flawed. That just one example. Another: look up the Navarro Report https://peternavarro.com/. Please sit down with some of these people and debate these evidentiary pieces.

Then he timed a insurrection to try he get him the power he lost in an election.

I guess we need to let the trial prove him guilty of this... Who do you think radicalized the Steve Scalise shooter?

74.2 million vs 81.2 million. I state this because I keep getting told 74.2 million people voted for him. And 81.2 million voted against him. I use the phrase "against him" because a large majority of those felt he needed to go.

You and I may agree here... 81.2 million aren't dumb enough to vote for Biden

But 74.2 million are dumb enough to vote for a man who deliberately tried to overturn the election.

If that video shows proof. Where was it during the election lawsuits?

You cannot with an honest heart and defend Trump.

He did some horrible things the last months of his term. Nothing worse than what he did on the days leading up to Jan 6th and that horrible day. He used his platform to invite that group. They used his name and office he held to do unthinkable things in our country.
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