
2,448,154 Views | 20293 Replies | Last: 1 day ago by Werewolf
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Packchem91 said:

TheStorm said:

Civilized said:

Oldsouljer said:

I will say just this. As a tool for preventing the spread of infections, I think the vaccines aren't worthy of the name, and since I took two shots, not for my protection but for that of elderly relatives living with me, I feel deceived.

When were you vaccinated?
Oh, I don't know there Civ... probably back when they told all of us that all we needed was the first two series (Pfizer) and a lot of us felt "compelled" to try to do our small little part to help end the pandemic.

You know... back before "they" started resorting to the virtue signalizing and the shaming tactics, vaccine mandates and demanding the multiple boosters of a shot that no longer worked on the current variants... and the worst sin of all, in brainwashing people into believing that a 5 year old needs to be vaccinated as well (even though the medical evidence never supported that). < and of course we had one here that went right out and did it literally on the very first day, so that he wouldn't have to be inconvenienced in his own desires to live a normal life... but he's a kool-aid drinker anyway, so it wouldn't have mattered... he was marching in lockstep, no matter what.

Do you still wear a mask, Civ? If not - why?
One observation on mask wearing.....i have been to two churches the past couple of Sundays that are very ethnically diverse. A number of folks were wearing masks....but probably 3-to-1 lean of black people wearing them over white people.
In general, when out and and about, this seemed consistent.

I didn't ask....not sure if that is because tend to have a higher preponderance towards underlying health conditions, have sick family members and want to take extra precautions, didn't trust getting vaccinated, or believe what the government tells them (or some other reason).
A lingering mistrust of the medical system among many Black people is rooted in the infamous 20th century U.S. study of syphilis that left Black men in Tuskegee, Ala., to suffer.........
#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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Werewolf said:

Oldsouljer said:

Glasswolf said:

Werewolf said:

A coincidence that life insurance companies are reporting a 40% to even 60% increase in life insurance policy clams in our working age (18-65 - I think it was). Plausible deniability is a term often used so we'll see.

In regards to premature death and injury - over time - I've posted info here indicating
- adverse cardiovascular type reactions in the 1st few weeks
- Antibody Dependent Enhancement in the 1st several years
- Vaccine AIDS in the 5+ years

1. Are you prepared to take the boosters..........4 and above?
2. Will you encourage your children and grandchildren (if either apply) to take future jabs?

If I feel it's necessary to get the 4th booster I will. It's not my place to tell my children (don't have grandchildren) to get any vaccine. My 83 year old in laws have both received the 4th shot. No side effects. I'm 62 and I have no fear of another if I feel I need it. Right now I don't feel that way even while having Covid. I'm on my 3rd day and have no symptoms and I attribute that to being triple vaccinated.
You and I have similarities in our ages and with in laws of practically the same age. But I won't willingly take another shot. In my O positive blood type I trust!
I'm O-negative.......that's less susceptible too, is it not?
I need to look at the literature a little more closely, but I think it's the blood type (O, in your case) and not the Rh factor that makes the difference, yes.
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Mormad said:

Well I finally tested positive for covid. I'm sure I've had it before. Mild sore throat Sunday, yesterday aches, low grade fever and sore throat, positive on a home rapid test today. We're on vacation, so far the others are ok.
So sorry to hear this. What a pain to be sick on vacation! Hope you're well soon and the others stay well.
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TheStorm said:

Civilized said:

Oldsouljer said:

I will say just this. As a tool for preventing the spread of infections, I think the vaccines aren't worthy of the name, and since I took two shots, not for my protection but for that of elderly relatives living with me, I feel deceived.

When were you vaccinated?
Oh, I don't know there Civ... probably back when they told all of us that all we needed was the first two series (Pfizer) and a lot of us felt "compelled" to try to do our small little part to help end the pandemic.

You know... back before "they" started resorting to the virtue signalizing and the shaming tactics, vaccine mandates and demanding the multiple boosters of a shot that no longer worked on the current variants... and the worst sin of all, in brainwashing people into believing that a 5 year old needs to be vaccinated as well (even though the medical evidence never supported that). < and of course we had one here that went right out and did it literally on the very first day, so that he wouldn't have to be inconvenienced in his own desires to live a normal life... but he's a kool-aid drinker anyway, so it wouldn't have mattered... he was marching in lockstep, no matter what.

Do you still wear a mask, Civ? If not - why?

Did they know boosters would ultimately be recommended when they were encouraging the two-shot series?

Did the science at that time seem to indicate conferred protection against infection (as well as hospitalization and death, which were immediately and obviously clear)?

Did they know that the pre-Delta vaccine would not ultimately protect from mutated (Omicron) infection?

Regarding your question about wearing a mask, only in doctor's offices when required.

I don't wear one other than that because I'm triple-vaxxed and have had COVID in the last 90 days and with both personal and community antibodies being high due to infection or vaxx or both, and with the relative mildness of Omicron, don't think a mask on me adds consequential protection for others or for myself.

If we're not going to stop wearing masks now (except for the compromised and other certain circumstances), when would we ever?
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Mormad said:

Well I finally tested positive for covid. I'm sure I've had it before. Mild sore throat Sunday, yesterday aches, low grade fever and sore throat, positive on a home rapid test today. We're on vacation, so far the others are ok.

Noooooo!! Sorry man. Frankly I'm shocked that as much as you're around people it's taken this long for you to get a symptomatic case.

Sorry it's eating into vacay and hope both that everyone else you're with steers clear and that the symptoms stay mild, brother!
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So you don't think it's important anymore to protect others?
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Mormad said:

Well I finally tested positive for covid. I'm sure I've had it before. Mild sore throat Sunday, yesterday aches, low grade fever and sore throat, positive on a home rapid test today. We're on vacation, so far the others are ok.
Get well soon, Mormad!
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Heard on the radio that the gubbamint is now setting up sites for the Monkeypox vaccine!! But only for "at risk population" right now. They media and gubbamint is being hush hush about this being a disease 99% contracted by Sodomites. Maybe because they want everyone to go get their Monkeypox vaccine. Better safe than sorry. Sign up for your appointment today!
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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The virus is thus far determined to be transmitted primarily by skin contact. That shouldn't be too hard to avoid.
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More lies, right? Come to terms with the truth. The world is not as many insist it to be.

2 min 38 sec.
#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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TheStorm said:

So you don't think it's important anymore to protect others?

Bad framing.

Antibodies from vaccines and infection protect others significantly. The virus is milder; everyone has had access to vaccines for a year; and over 95% of Americans 16 and up now have antibodies.

If not now to wind down mitigations, then when?

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Milder or not, the virus persists in a way that the SARS virus of over a decade ago did not, and I'm curious about that. The truth is, I feel that there are still a lot of unanswered questions about Covid and I wonder if we'll ever get to the full truth about the pandemic.
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Covid vaccine: Study reveals 40.2% of women experienced menstruation changes as a side effect.

Doesn't matter right?? Because King Fauci and the CDC overlords can just say it's still "rare". They have re-defined "rare" to mean whatever they want to mean...even if 80% were getting any particular side effect.

"Rare" myocarditis and rapid heart beat too right? Who knows...probably 15, 20, or 30% getting that.

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Oldsouljer said:

Milder or not, the virus persists in a way that the SARS virus of over a decade ago did not, and I'm curious about that. The truth is, I feel that there are still a lot of unanswered questions about Covid and I wonder if we'll ever get to the full truth about the pandemic.


This will be studied for decades and will beget a lot of useful novel respiratory virus knowledge.
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Civilized said:

TheStorm said:

So you don't think it's important anymore to protect others?

Bad framing.

Antibodies from vaccines and infection protect others significantly. The virus is milder; everyone has had access to vaccines for a year; and over 95% of Americans 16 and up now have antibodies.

If not now to wind down mitigations, then when?

Man, it doesn't feel mild. It's kicking my ass pretty good.
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Mormad said:

Man, it doesn't feel mild. It's kicking my ass pretty good.

Sorry to hear that man.

How many days in are you again?

You opting for Paxlovid or you just riding it out cold turkey?
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Mormad said:

Civilized said:

TheStorm said:

So you don't think it's important anymore to protect others?

Bad framing.

Antibodies from vaccines and infection protect others significantly. The virus is milder; everyone has had access to vaccines for a year; and over 95% of Americans 16 and up now have antibodies.

If not now to wind down mitigations, then when?

Man, it doesn't feel mild. It's kicking my ass pretty good.

Get well brother! Lucky for you there is lots of good State content out there and plenty of optimism for the upcoming season to help cheer ya up!

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We have 9% of our company out right now with it. I think the most we ever had was 17%. It's for sure going around.
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"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Civilized said:

Mormad said:

Man, it doesn't feel mild. It's kicking my ass pretty good.

Sorry to hear that man.

How many days in are you again?

You opting for Paxlovid or you just riding it out cold turkey?

Today is day 4

I went cold turkey. Tylenol and ibuprofen have been my friend. I thought about texting my doc about decadron and paxlovid yesterday, but figured I'd ride it out. Seems days 2 and 3 are the bad ones, and that's proven true to form for me.

This morning seems better. I feel afebrile, less tired and achey, throat sore but not like a blow torch every time I cough or swallow. Chest more congested and cough more productive, no voice.

Yep, temp 97.5. No Tylenol since 9pm, no ibuprofen in 6 hrs. This is better.

My best friend in the practice is up here on vacation with his family, too. He recently received his fourth dose. There is some data out of Israel suggesting the 4th dose reduced the odds of infection in health care workers so I don't blame him, though I hadn't really considered another booster. I have always assumed I have had a mild case once or twice before. I thought I had a false negative last month, but this confirmed case tells me maybe not. Anyway, I'm surviving and now I have a natural booster. So that's cool.

I'm honestly at the point that I would not have tested had it not been for my youngest leaving for Cheerio Sunday and I'm supposed to take my oldest to Chicago Monday.

One of my buddies came up here with his wife and 8 month old Monday when I was first symptomatic but assumed it wasn't covid. He's like me ("treat it like a cold and go on wth your life, man"), so he's being really chill about it. They all had it in April, so I'm hoping they have some immunity to what I exposed them to. I feel guilty about it, but I guess that's natural.
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Hope you feel better soon. My sister recently had it when we all went on vacation. We took the same path as your best friend. She wasn't going to come, but we all told her to come on anyway. Even my 70+ year old parents and a few covid fanatics said for her to come. Pretty much all of us had it recently so weren't worried about getting it another time. None of us tested positive after a week vacation. Most of us probably didn't test, but I'm certain a few did and must have tested negative.
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Glad to hear you're beginning to feel better and hope everyone else stays healthy. Thanks for the update.
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GuerrillaPack said:
Priceless. Reality is we have a raging monster that plans to kill as many of us as it can.
#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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The Cheerio mention brings back some long forgotten memories from long ago days as a young teenager... and the reminder of many, many rounds at High Meadows over the years as an adult.

Glad to hear that the fever has broken...
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Werewolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:
Priceless. Reality is we have a raging monster that plans to kill as many of us as it can.
Why post this when you know it's not true? Are you Alex Jones?
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Glasswolf said:

Werewolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:
Priceless. Reality is we have a raging monster that plans to kill as many of us as it can.
Why post this when you no it's not true? Are you Alex Jones?
Funny..........but the state of the world today......mad scientists are real. I'll post yesterday's MonkeyWerx show on the climate thread later today when I have a moment. Its an assessment of climate change capabilities and aircraft involved. He'll show you the aircraft. Its up to us to decide what is factual or not.

Glass, are you gonna be near the front of the line on this one? :-)
#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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Mormad said:

Civilized said:

Mormad said:

Man, it doesn't feel mild. It's kicking my ass pretty good.

Sorry to hear that man.

How many days in are you again?

You opting for Paxlovid or you just riding it out cold turkey?

Today is day 4

I went cold turkey. Tylenol and ibuprofen have been my friend. I thought about texting my doc about decadron and paxlovid yesterday, but figured I'd ride it out. Seems days 2 and 3 are the bad ones, and that's proven true to form for me.

This morning seems better. I feel afebrile, less tired and achey, throat sore but not like a blow torch every time I cough or swallow. Chest more congested and cough more productive, no voice.

Yep, temp 97.5. No Tylenol since 9pm, no ibuprofen in 6 hrs. This is better.

My best friend in the practice is up here on vacation with his family, too. He recently received his fourth dose. There is some data out of Israel suggesting the 4th dose reduced the odds of infection in health care workers so I don't blame him, though I hadn't really considered another booster. I have always assumed I have had a mild case once or twice before. I thought I had a false negative last month, but this confirmed case tells me maybe not. Anyway, I'm surviving and now I have a natural booster. So that's cool.

I'm honestly at the point that I would not have tested had it not been for my youngest leaving for Cheerio Sunday and I'm supposed to take my oldest to Chicago Monday.

One of my buddies came up here with his wife and 8 month old Monday when I was first symptomatic but assumed it wasn't covid. He's like me ("treat it like a cold and go on wth your life, man"), so he's being really chill about it. They all had it in April, so I'm hoping they have some immunity to what I exposed them to. I feel guilty about it, but I guess that's natural.
glad you are doing better, though your conditions sound a little rougher than many these days it seems. I agree with your approach though -- we are at a point where common sense approaches, like we should all practice any time we are sick, is the best way.

And when/if you have to be around immuno-challenged or folks with known existing conditions, take an extra step of caution.
But otherwise, life goes on.
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Werewolf said:

Glasswolf said:

Werewolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:
Priceless. Reality is we have a raging monster that plans to kill as many of us as it can.
Why post this when you no it's not true? Are you Alex Jones?
Funny..........but the state of the world today......mad scientists are real. I'll post yesterday's MonkeyWerx show on the climate thread later today when I have a moment. Its an assessment of climate change capabilities and aircraft involved. He'll show you the aircraft. Its up to us to decide what is factual or not.

Glass, are you gonna be near the front of the line on this one? :-)
Why would I? Just because I'm vaccinated?

The problem with post like this is some people, yes people on this forum and around the country believe this crap. See what kind of crap Alex Jones is in due to spreading lies?
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Glasswolf said:

Werewolf said:

Glasswolf said:

Werewolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:
Priceless. Reality is we have a raging monster that plans to kill as many of us as it can.
Why post this when you no it's not true? Are you Alex Jones?
Funny..........but the state of the world today......mad scientists are real. I'll post yesterday's MonkeyWerx show on the climate thread later today when I have a moment. Its an assessment of climate change capabilities and aircraft involved. He'll show you the aircraft. Its up to us to decide what is factual or not.

Glass, are you gonna be near the front of the line on this one? :-)
Why would I? Just because I'm vaccinated?

The problem with post like this is some people, yes people on this forum and around the country believe this crap. See what kind of crap Alex Jones is in due to spreading lies?
Why don't you create an Alex Jones thread and rail about him there. I never mentioned his name.....or did I?
#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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Werewolf said:

Glasswolf said:

Werewolf said:

Glasswolf said:

Werewolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:
Priceless. Reality is we have a raging monster that plans to kill as many of us as it can.
Why post this when you no it's not true? Are you Alex Jones?
Funny..........but the state of the world today......mad scientists are real. I'll post yesterday's MonkeyWerx show on the climate thread later today when I have a moment. Its an assessment of climate change capabilities and aircraft involved. He'll show you the aircraft. Its up to us to decide what is factual or not.

Glass, are you gonna be near the front of the line on this one? :-)
Why would I? Just because I'm vaccinated?

The problem with post like this is some people, yes people on this forum and around the country believe this crap. See what kind of crap Alex Jones is in due to spreading lies?
Why don't you create an Alex Jones thread and rail about him there. I never mentioned his name.....or did I?
Because so of the lies spread by some here remind me of the lies Alex Jones spread.
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Glasswolf said:

Werewolf said:

Glasswolf said:

Werewolf said:

Glasswolf said:

Werewolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:
Priceless. Reality is we have a raging monster that plans to kill as many of us as it can.
Why post this when you no it's not true? Are you Alex Jones?
Funny..........but the state of the world today......mad scientists are real. I'll post yesterday's MonkeyWerx show on the climate thread later today when I have a moment. Its an assessment of climate change capabilities and aircraft involved. He'll show you the aircraft. Its up to us to decide what is factual or not.

Glass, are you gonna be near the front of the line on this one? :-)
Why would I? Just because I'm vaccinated?

The problem with post like this is some people, yes people on this forum and around the country believe this crap. See what kind of crap Alex Jones is in due to spreading lies?
Why don't you create an Alex Jones thread and rail about him there. I never mentioned his name.....or did I?
Because so of the lies spread by some here remind me of the lies Alex Jones spread.
I'm sorry that so much of what's going on in the world reminds you of his stuff. You're almost as old as i am so you have no excuses for being offended and WOKE. The youngsters, on the other hand, I give a pass to....they know no better.
#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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Glasswolf said:

Werewolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:
Priceless. Reality is we have a raging monster that plans to kill as many of us as it can.
Why post this when you know it's not true? Are you Alex Jones?
Wow, really? You don't realize that it's a joke?

Are you piggy-packing on this Leftist agenda to ban "misinformation" (the real goal of the Alex Jones Sandy hoax show trial), and suggesting that we should censor "misinformation" in this forum?
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

Glasswolf said:

Werewolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:
Priceless. Reality is we have a raging monster that plans to kill as many of us as it can.
Why post this when you know it's not true? Are you Alex Jones?
Wow, really? You don't realize that it's a joke?

Are you piggy-packing on this Leftist agenda to ban "misinformation" (the real goal of the Alex Jones Sandy hoax show trial), and suggesting that we should censor "misinformation" in this forum?
If that was the case the post would have disappeared. As for Jones even he has admitted Sandy Hook wasn't a hoax after everything was presented. No one is censoring anything. Joke or not people tend to believe this type of bull***** But that's your MO
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GuerrillaPack said:

Glasswolf said:

Werewolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:
Priceless. Reality is we have a raging monster that plans to kill as many of us as it can.
Why post this when you know it's not true? Are you Alex Jones?
Wow, really? You don't realize that it's a joke?

Are you piggy-packing on this Leftist agenda to ban "misinformation" (the real goal of the Alex Jones Sandy hoax show trial), and suggesting that we should censor "misinformation" in this forum?

Naahhh, I just hope he has to pay a huge price for purposefully peddling and profiting off his misinformation.

Amd the fact so many people believed him showed just how stupid many people in this country are
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Packchem91 said:

Naahhh, I just hope he has to pay a huge price for purposefully peddling and profiting off his misinformation.

Amd the fact so many people believed him showed just how stupid many people in this country are
If we lived in a just society where wicked people were actually prosecuted and sued for peddling lies and misinformation (and being responsible for actually killing and maiming thousands/millions of people), then King Fauci, the head of the CDC, and other powerful people peddling the lies about the covid scamdemic should be in prison. They've peddled these poison injections that have killed tens of thousands, and maimed and damaged millions more.

We don't live in a just society. We live in upside down world. We are ruled by criminals, in an empire of lies. The show trial against Alex Jones is meant to chill free speech, and lead to more censorship of those telling the truth on important subjects (which the Left and Establishment falsely label as "misinformation").

The Leftist Establishment spews nothing but misinformation and lies. 99% of what you are getting from the far Left Establisment Lamestream media, government, and Establishment academia is lies and deception, designed to enslave and destroy you -- per their Marxist agenda.

The Biden regime has already pushed Big Tech to censor and ban those who oppose the "official narrative" on covid -- those who speak out against the vaccines, etc. That's where this is all going. The Left want to sue, censor, silence, and ruin the life of anyone who opposes their tyrannical agenda. With the precedent of this Alex Jones show trial, they will next have Pfizer or Fauci or whoever trying to sue prominent anti-vaxx doctors and other influential people for "misinformation".
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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