NOW - UK PM Boris Johnson: "The government will no longer mandate the wearing of face masks anywhere."pic.twitter.com/5gM3WnvUCf
— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) January 19, 2022
If you don't want to see posts from any poster, you can simply use the "ignore" feature.wilmwolf80 said:
When you log on and see that there are four new posts in a thread, but then realize they are all from the same poster. This forum needs a flood control feature.
Werewolf said:
Pretty powerful position when you control both...not to mention the % of advertising dollars the corporate media receives from Big Pharma. Then throw in the dollars that our federal politicians receive from international conglomerates. The dots are not that hard to connect to the WEF/NWO agenda.
Blackrock (and other companies like them) is intentionally intentionally driving up housing prices, and buying up property with the end goal of making home ownership unattainable for most Americans. The end game is to make America (and the world) a "nation of renters". Remember what Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum tweeted out recently about their "prediction" for the year 2030? "You will own nothing and have no privacy, and be happy".WolfPacker54 said:
This is very misleading. Blackrock is the world's largest investment firm that owns stock in almost every publicly traded company. They do not "own" any of these companies in the sense that they are majority stakeholders or run the day to day operations of the companies. For example, they only own 6% of CNN, split among several hundred portfolios.
Amen. If we are going to be able to continue to advance in knowledge/learning about anything in life, and be informed about current events, we MUST have freedom of speech. And this is especially true in regards to everything covid-related, given the EXTREME levels of censorship going on in society at large. For crying out loud, the freaking White House publicly called on Big Tech social media to censor anyone who goes against the "official narrative" on covid. And Big Tech has followed suit. Twitter, Facebook, and Google/YouTube have all enacted draconian policies to censor anyone who opposes the official narrative on covid, creating this new paradigm where now we can just ban and censor anyone who the Establishment decides is "spreading misinformation". Like the Ministry of Truth in Orwell's 1984. And those who speak the truth are not only memory-holed, but their lives destroyed, with the "woke" communist mob hounding those people to be fired from their jobs, etc. And next, if half of Democrat voters have their way, they should be fined and imprisoned and hauled off to a detention camp for speaking out against the Establishment overlords and not taking the vaxx.PackFansXL said:
I have found this erosion of tolerance to be the most important trend in recent years. It is appalling to watch successful and very experienced doctors have their public voice silenced because they state something that doesn't match the officially approved narrative in 100% lockstep. Science be damned, we must not deviate! Anyone who disagrees has their opinions labeled with the latest pejorative and then they are pressured to stop or banned.
This approach has become the preferred weapon from Progressives. They have chosen doxxing parents who challenge the CRT nonsense being forced on kids across the US. With the help of the Biden administration, the FBI has begun investigating outspoken parents as "terrorists" in the traditional sense of the word.
We can't speak out against boys competing against girls on teams created just for girls. We can't speak out against overtly racist tactics used under the guise of "anti-racist" strategies. Rebut the narrative at your own risk but expect to be silenced and publicly shamed at the least.
The scariest part of this is now everyone seems to want to embrace this silence the outspoken outliers technique for simply making posts we have to ignore. This is a malaise that has infected all of our society just like COVID. It must stop if we are ever to return to normal. I may not agree with some of these outlier posters but I will defend their right to post. Someday I may actually learn something from one of them.
BTW, I am not attacking any one poster or defending any single individual. I just think we need to return to a more tolerant time and rebut bad arguments with sound thinking instead of using censorship as a preferred weapon.
I listened to 6+ hrs of Joe Rogan, Malone & McCullough
— Vinay Prasad, MD MPH 🎙️📷 (@VPrasadMDMPH) January 19, 2022
In this 3000 wrd essay, I fact check the claims
This will be the single FAIREST analysis of their views you will read
Some take away lessons
🧵🧵🧵🧵https://t.co/zy6bbfg73q pic.twitter.com/gSXFeWB7x8
The US Department of Defense (DOD) 2004 and 2010 Counterinsurgency Operations Reports define "psyops" as the following:Quote:
"Psyops are the use of propaganda and psychological tactics to influence emotions and behaviors."
Read that last sentence again. "Behavioral change is at the root of the psyop mission." Sound familiar?Quote:
"The mission of psychological Operations (psyops) is to influence the behavior of foreign target audiences to support US national objectives. A psyop accomplishes this by conveying selected information and advising on actions that influence the emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign audiences. Behavioral change is at the root of the psyop mission."
🇳🇴👏:"Norwegian authorities believe 5-11-year-old children can be better protected against future coronavirus variants if they are infected naturally instead of vaccinated. Vaccination will be an option directed at the most vulnerable," says the major Danish newspaper @politiken https://t.co/B5NOgETyx4
— Tracy Høeg, MD, PhD (@TracyBethHoeg) January 19, 2022
People are so broadly unaware of what is going on in other countries.Daviewolf83 said:
Interesting policy Norway appears to be prepared to implement regarding how children aged 5-11 should acquire immunity. Vaccinate the ones who may have a health condition and let the others acquire immunity naturally.
I think this is a valid approach that is likely based on data. In the US, we are forcing kids with natural immunity to still be vaccinated.🇳🇴👏:"Norwegian authorities believe 5-11-year-old children can be better protected against future coronavirus variants if they are infected naturally instead of vaccinated. Vaccination will be an option directed at the most vulnerable," says the major Danish newspaper @politiken https://t.co/B5NOgETyx4
— Tracy Høeg, MD, PhD (@TracyBethHoeg) January 19, 2022
Has always been the perception of America and Americans.Wayland said:People are so broadly unaware of what is going on in other countries.Daviewolf83 said:
Interesting policy Norway appears to be prepared to implement regarding how children aged 5-11 should acquire immunity. Vaccinate the ones who may have a health condition and let the others acquire immunity naturally.
I think this is a valid approach that is likely based on data. In the US, we are forcing kids with natural immunity to still be vaccinated.🇳🇴👏:"Norwegian authorities believe 5-11-year-old children can be better protected against future coronavirus variants if they are infected naturally instead of vaccinated. Vaccination will be an option directed at the most vulnerable," says the major Danish newspaper @politiken https://t.co/B5NOgETyx4
— Tracy Høeg, MD, PhD (@TracyBethHoeg) January 19, 2022
Although with Omicron, it appears to be get vaccinated AND acquire immunity naturally.
packgrad said:
Good read.
It is well known that harmful effects of this vaxx are vastly under-reported to reporting agencies, such as VAERS...estimated at only around 1% of the harmful effects are reported/logged with these agencies. Therefore, the true rate of myocarditis is probably 100 times what is being "officially" acknowledged. Many doctors won't even report the complaints from patients when there are legitimate complaints, often reasoning that no definitive "cause and effect" is proven.Civilized said:
If he literally means he wouldn't recommend the mRNA vaccines to Americans due to myocarditis risk, I'd be curious to hear him elaborate on the 1/4500 risk of myocarditis in males (which is typically mild, responds well to treatment, and resolves quickly) outweighing the benefit of vaccination for the other 4499/4500 males that are conferred very significant protection against Long COVID, hospitalization, and death. That doesn't even account for the lower myocarditis risk for women from the vaccine.
I was hoping someone would share that thread on here. Thanks Packgrad!packgrad said:
Good read.I listened to 6+ hrs of Joe Rogan, Malone & McCullough
— Vinay Prasad, MD MPH 🎙️📷 (@VPrasadMDMPH) January 19, 2022
In this 3000 wrd essay, I fact check the claims
This will be the single FAIREST analysis of their views you will read
Some take away lessons
🧵🧵🧵🧵https://t.co/zy6bbfg73q pic.twitter.com/gSXFeWB7x8
#US #COVID19 Why Biden Sucks: pic.twitter.com/1Zy8kGEm8f
— Woke Zombie 😊 (@AWokeZombie) January 19, 2022
Daviewolf83 said:
I will need a couple more days worth of hospitalization data to be certain, but based on the latest daily hospitalization trend (see graph below), the Winter Wave is now peaking. We could hit another couple of high days due to reporting anomalies associated with weather, but I do believe we have peaked with respect to infections and daily hospital admissions.
As you pointed out, when the UK got over their Omicron peak and started to head back to normal, they removed mask mandates for kids aged 12+ (kids younger were are not wearing masks, due to impacts on learning) and vaccination requirements to participate in society. What is the US doing? Free tests and masks for all. Why? I can only assume it is because mask mandates and testing requirements will not be going away for the foreseeable future in the US. You really have to love how the science differs when you are in the US, compared to other modern countries.
Ya, last year case peak by collection date was around 1/8 and it took 10 or 11 days for the hospital census to start to roll over.Daviewolf83 said:
I will need a couple more days worth of hospitalization data to be certain, but based on the latest daily hospitalization trend (see graph below), the Winter Wave is now peaking. We could hit another couple of high days due to reporting anomalies associated with weather, but I do believe we have peaked with respect to infections and daily hospital admissions.
As you pointed out, when the UK got over their Omicron peak and started to head back to normal, they removed mask mandates for kids aged 12+ (kids younger were are not wearing masks, due to impacts on learning) and vaccination requirements to participate in society. What is the US doing? Free tests and masks for all. Why? I can only assume it is because mask mandates and testing requirements will not be going away for the foreseeable future in the US. You really have to love how the science differs when you are in the US, compared to other modern countries.
Isn't the UKs ability to do that tied to higher vaccination rates? Google shows the following:Daviewolf83 said:
I will need a couple more days worth of hospitalization data to be certain, but based on the latest daily hospitalization trend (see graph below), the Winter Wave is now peaking. We could hit another couple of high days due to reporting anomalies associated with weather, but I do believe we have peaked with respect to infections and daily hospital admissions.
As you pointed out, when the UK got over their Omicron peak and started to head back to normal, they removed mask mandates for kids aged 12+ (kids younger were are not wearing masks, due to impacts on learning) and vaccination requirements to participate in society. What is the US doing? Free tests and masks for all. Why? I can only assume it is because mask mandates and testing requirements will not be going away for the foreseeable future in the US. You really have to love how the science differs when you are in the US, compared to other modern countries.
— NYC Angry Mom (@angrybklynmom) January 19, 2022
statefan91 said:
Appreciate everyone chiming in, was asking Davie based on many of his previous comments about high levels of vaccination + immunity leading us to a more sustainable level of transmission and especially hospitalizations / deaths.
8% doesn't sound like a lot but if the US was at the same level of vaccination as UK, we'd have an additional 26MM fully vaccinated. That's a lot of people.