statefan91 said:
Can you "Explain Like I'm 5" the emergence of things like Flu and how it relates to the recession / endemic nature of COVID? I have seen you mention it but truly don't understand what it means.
So when COVID exploded worldwide.... flu disappeared (almost... there are always a handful of cases here and there so it still 'exists' and is present but can't gain traction). Can pick any number of countries, U.S., Japan, Sweden, Brazil, India... COVID showed up.... Flu was gone.
(side note: I always wondered why they didn't contact trace the hell out of the few cases of flu that showed up because those are more interesting than COVID)
One theory was all the NPIs that places enacted and travel bans. But flu basically disappeared almost everywhere at the same time and before most NPIs were enacted (or even in places they weren't enacted) and despite COVID running rampant. But again, flu is still 'present', cases are still detected at a nominal rate, so it is 'out there' but not spreading widely.
A much stronger alternate theory (IMO) is 'viral interference'. Some of the reasons that might cause it are murky and a mystery of nature. But basically COVID is winning the race at finding hosts and COVID infections are inhibiting flu infections. For whatever reason as long as COVID is running rampant, flu is have a hard time gaining a foothold.
Obviously, there is a ton unknown and a ton of variables.
The theory is flu will start to come back when it no longer has to compete with an overwhelming amount of COVID-19.
Now, we have seen other viruses start to emerge again, and why there is such a strong negative correlation between flu and COVID will likely be something that future careers are made on.
Again we look to India, with something like 80-90% seroprevalence for COVID after their most recent wave... and look what happened with flu?

Although still low, the fact that Biofire has its highest detection percent of flu since the pandemic began could be significant.