Daviewolf83 said:
Wayland said:
Wayland said:
Daviewolf83 said:
RunsWithWolves26 said:
Starting September 20th, booster shots are available for anyone fully vaccinated and at least 8 months removed from being fully vaccinated.
Hopefully, they release the data that shows a need. I have not seen any evidence for it yet, especially why T-Cells are not working beyond 8 months. Did they address J&J? All I had seen to date was with regards to the two mRNA vaccines. I got J&J, so I am not a candidate for the other two vaccines.
They are in a full on panic to try and appear to do something that 'may' work. Because if/when this next winter wave rolls over on the country hard.... going to some explaining.
Apparently this is a 4 pt slide from a Fauci briefing today. (not for sure so don't sue me)
It is all guesswork.... and "MAY" ... desperation not trials and science.
Not one mention of T-Cells and studies. This is some really good "science."
To be fair, it's not like fauci, for all his hate, doesn't know the science of viral disease better then us, or that there's anything on that slide that is indeed not a simple support for boosters. I discussed this very topic with multiple docs at lunch today. I was the one guy who is hesitant to get a booster, and i explained my reasoning.
The slide does state the ideas that support getting a booster. That doesn't mean that it should state or be felt to state that boosters should be mandatory or even needed for the majority. It even leaves out at least 2 very good reasons to consider a booster that we discussed today.
All that said, i remain hesitant to get a booster despite my peers' strong feelings to the contrary. If we depended on or waited on pure science for many accepted best practices in medicine we would be in trouble. Most of the time we use an understanding of "science" and a knowledge of its inherent weaknesses and we depend on experience, training, and knowledge to guide us to treat patients the best we can.
But, yes, memory B cells and T cells are the reason I'm willing to bet on my vaccination, despite my likely falling IgG levels. But there's no denying that a booster 8 months later would greatly increase younger antibodies, and that a delayed booster, as we've found with multiple other vaccinations, boosts immunity. The question remains, is it needed in the majority? If any know the answer to that for this particular pandemic that is known for making us look stupid, you're a lot smarter than me. But right now I'm hedging until we know more. And that knowledge is building at an exponential rate it seems.