Daviewolf83 said:
RunsWithWolves26 said:
GP, you may be right but if those numbers were accurate, it would be front page news everywhere and it ain't. My brother actually works with a data collection group on the vaccines, he was part of one of the groups going through the info as the vaccines were in trial phases. I will send this to him for confirmation.
Before you bother your brother with this, you might want to read this article from Politifact regarding the article GP makes reference to:
European databased does not prove the Covid-19 vaccines are lethal
Much like the VAERS site I have mentioned before, the database is a site for collecting reports, but these reports are unverified and should not be used to make a final determination as to the safety of vaccines. In fact, the EudraVigilance database says it collects data for:
"suspected side effects ... but which are not necessarily related to or caused by the medicine."
"Information on suspected side effects should not be interpreted as meaning that the medicine or the active substance causes the observed effect or is unsafe to use," EudraVigilance's website says. "Only a detailed evaluation and scientific assessment of all available data allows for robust conclusions to be drawn on the benefits and risks of a medicine."
Until all reports are verified, it is "garbage in = garbage out"
But when the government or a doctor "suspects" a person "has covid" (as many of the "covid cases" are determined), then that is to be considered a "concrete fact" that cannot be questioned?
And who must "verify" the cause of the side effects, in order for you to trust it? Pfizer or the other vaccine manufacturers?
This is the crux of the issue, for people like myself ("conspiracy realists")....we don't trust the government and these big powerful corporations and the Establishment, and for easily discernible and very good reasons. I place far more trust in the common person reporting these side effects, to know and be truthful about what caused them.
The true garbage comes from the government, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Establishment media, and other organs of the Establishment. They have zero credibility, and cannot be trusted at all in regards to virtually any issue of importance.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19