
2,383,550 Views | 20286 Replies | Last: 1 day ago by Werewolf
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......the only poster here that i think would benefit from a monthly COVID jab.
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#Nappy, look what's coming! You would be wise to get your January shot earlier rather than later in the month. it cover? Naah, right?

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Ivermectin is a horsepill..... and HCQ doesn't work, #Nappy, get the jab!

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This little fella has even figured it out. I bet his IQ is higher than #Nappy's and a few others here, LOL.

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One of the more interesting questions now being looked at is why children (thankfully) rarely were impacted by Covid infection.
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Werewolf said:

#Nappy, look what's coming! You would be wise to get your January shot earlier rather than later in the month. it cover? Naah, right?

Good to see Alex Jones back on Twitter. Boy, that must REALLY piss off commie leftist libtards. You know, people having freedom of speech and all. The Marxists can't have that. They need censorship and a tight control of the "narrative" in order to brainwash everyone to fall in line with their Satanic agenda.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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I have a hard time understanding why they'd care. Jones seems to be a bit of a caricature with his wild-eyed theories, and not just to leftists. Maybe nutty left-wing kooks don't stop to consider that they be better off not reacting to non-left wing kooks.
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Oldsouljer said:

I have a hard time understanding why they'd care. Jones seems to be a bit of a caricature with his wild-eyed theories, and not just to leftists. Maybe nutty left-wing kooks don't stop to consider that they be better off not reacting to non-left wing kooks.
"Wild-eyed"? Tell me what Jones has been wrong about. He's accurate in his positions FAR more often than he is wrong. He's been on the "cutting edge" of "predicting" and warning about major issues and events -- such as calling out "Covid-19" as being a pre-planned scam from the beginning, talking about the danger of the agenda from the World Economic Forum and their "Great Reset" agenda, among many other things. A lot of what he talks about only seems "crazy", because he's one of the first prominent public figures to call attention to the information.

Of course I'm not saying that I agree with everything Alex Jones says (mainly on some philosophical, religious issues, and some factual/historical views). But on the issues and especially current events, Alex Jones is accurate on basically 99% of what he covers -- ie, on the malevolent agenda of the "elites" who control our governments and Establishment institutions (ie, the "New World Order" aka "Great Reset" agenda).
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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This is a must listen. An hour long, but well worth it.

This morning I stumbled upon this interview published yesterday by Tucker Carlson with Bret Weinstein (author, former professor of biology). Weinstein is very knowledgeable on virology, and provides an excellent overview of the entire covid "event" and makes the "hypothesis"/argument in the interview that Big Pharma used the supposed "covid-19" (fake, exaggerated) "pandemic" as the excuse to capitalize financially on the mRNA technology, and the supposed "emergency" allowed them to bypass safety testing -- which would have discovered the severe flaw in mRNA technology which is that it causes ALL cells in your body to produce the spike protein.

This flaw in the mRNA of causing ALL cells in your body to produce the spike protein is the cause of the heart problems -- because the way your body's immune system works is to attack and destroy cells in your body that are infected during an illness, and the cells that are producing the spike protein in the case of the "vaccine" -- meaning that the mRNA vaccines cause your body to attack and destroy your own heart cells (if your heart cells are producing the spike protein).

Weinstein cites a Pfizer study that admitted that there was a 1 in 800 chance (per shot/dose) of "serious" harmful side effects of their mRNA covid "vaccines"...from only a one month study (not a study analyzing the LONG-term effects of the vaccines). He mentions the recently released study that estimates that 17 million people worldwide have died so far from adverse effects of the covid vaccines. Considering that about 5.5 billion people have taken these shots (well over 10 billion doses, for sure), that would make sense (doing the math), considering the 1 in 800 chance of serious harm from the Pfizer trials. And that may be a low estimate. It could be much higher....40, 50 million people killed worldwide by these vaccines by now....considering that the Pfizer study was only analyzing short-term effects, and the strong likelihood that Pfizer would downplay the harmful side effects in their own study.

The "official" data says that around 7 million people have died from covid worldwide. And, of course, this number is probably vastly inflated -- given how governments and the medical and media Establishments deliberately exaggerated and inflated the number of "coivd cases", as has been discussed at length and conclusively documented.

So....the reality is that the covid vaccines have killed far more people than the Wu Flu did.

About halfway into the interview, he begins discussing the WHO and their plan to implement a new international treaty (to be voted on in May of this year), which will cede national sovereignty to the WHO in the event that the WHO declares a "pandemic emergency" -- where the WHO will dictate vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, and even mandate that dissidents be silenced, and our states and Federal government could not override the WHO dictates.

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

Werewolf said:

#Nappy, look what's coming! You would be wise to get your January shot earlier rather than later in the month. it cover? Naah, right?

Good to see Alex Jones back on Twitter. Boy, that must REALLY piss off commie leftist libtards. You know, people having freedom of speech and all. The Marxists can't have that. They need censorship and a tight control of the "narrative" in order to brainwash everyone to fall in line with their Satanic agenda.

I, for one, welcome the opportunity for Alex Jones to peddle more blatant lies and get successfully sued into oblivion!
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#daSieve has spoken.
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GuerrillaPack said:

Oldsouljer said:

I have a hard time understanding why they'd care. Jones seems to be a bit of a caricature with his wild-eyed theories, and not just to leftists. Maybe nutty left-wing kooks don't stop to consider that they be better off not reacting to non-left wing kooks.
"Wild-eyed"? Tell me what Jones has been wrong about. He's accurate in his positions FAR more often than he is wrong. He's been on the "cutting edge" of "predicting" and warning about major issues and events -- such as calling out "Covid-19" as being a pre-planned scam from the beginning, talking about the danger of the agenda from the World Economic Forum and their "Great Reset" agenda, among many other things. A lot of what he talks about only seems "crazy", because he's one of the first prominent public figures to call attention to the information.

Of course I'm not saying that I agree with everything Alex Jones says (mainly on some philosophical, religious issues, and some factual/historical views). But on the issues and especially current events, Alex Jones is accurate on basically 99% of what he covers -- ie, on the malevolent agenda of the "elites" who control our governments and Establishment institutions (ie, the "New World Order" aka "Great Reset" agenda).
Agreed with the 'wild eyes'........its not helpful for sure. He told us the pandemic was coming about 15-20 yrs before it happened. If you recall, the Jessie Ventura interview too.......the lady said the same thing at the airport upon arrival and then immediately fled. Tucker Carlson is now a believer too. I have been on a few of his things. He's been talking trafficking and adrenochrome for a while too. The Towers is something I did not believe but now I'm leaning the other way. I think Mossad was involved for instance and thus CIA and MI6. I think it was allowed to happen.....much like the Hamas flying hang gliders over the most sophisticated protecded border in the world.
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Civilized said:

I, for one, welcome the opportunity for Alex Jones to peddle more blatant lies and get successfully sued into oblivion!
Doesn't matter if the kangaroo courts give the Sandy Hoaxers "500 trillion dollars" in judgements.

Because Alex Jones is still out there on various platforms, speaking the truth. The lawsuits were designed to try to silence him - and intimidate others who tell the truth into silence. They failed.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

Civilized said:

I, for one, welcome the opportunity for Alex Jones to peddle more blatant lies and get successfully sued into oblivion!
Doesn't matter if the kangaroo courts give the Sandy Hoaxers "500 trillion dollars" in judgements.

Because Alex Jones is still out there on various platforms, speaking the truth. The lawsuits were designed to try to silence him - and intimidate others who tell the truth into silence. They failed.
the truth is coming..........we got this!
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I had to go to T-mobile today to get something fixed on my phone, and one of the covidiot employees was still wearing a facemask. She's probably been getting sick a bunch lately since her immune system has been weakened by the miracle vaxx, like many of my co-workers who are covid vaxxed up to their eyeballs and mysteriously have been constantly sick for the last month or two.

Even though covid case counts are TWENTY (20) times lower than those two years ago, now mask mandates are coming back!!

Mask mandates return to hospitals in NYC and other communist Democrat-run cities:

St Louis Mayor rescinds mask mandate within 24 hours after push back from hospitals and governor:


It's because these communist libtard Leftists just love humanity so much!! They passed the mask mandate right after they get done with planning their next march to fight for abortion, to continue to mass murder millions of unborn children!!

The Democrats care about your health SO MUCH!! They love you!! Really!! Just like they love unborn children!!

Pfizer loves you!! It helps their profits for you to be completely healthy! The communist Lamestream media loves you!! They would NEVER lie about anything!!

Trust your Lefitst overlords!! Strap on that mask NOW!! Get your 7th booster TODAY!!
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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same here.....all the 'jabbed' are constantly sick!

Nappy, its not true! Jabs work!!!!
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This was reported about a year ago, but somewhat overlooked and now being noticed again.

Former pharmaceutical executive Alexandra "Sasha" Latypova compiles data demonstrating that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were deliberately designed to be lethal, and furthermore that specific batches were designed to be more deadly, and were used to target conservative/republican populations -- which explains, for example, why Kentucky has a covid vaccine-caused death rate that is around 20 times higher than in California (19 of the 24 states with the highest death rate from covid vaccines are red states).


The crux of Latypova's presentation claims that the DoD, Big Pharma, and Big Regulation (the FDA and CDC) conspired with one another "to commit mass murder through bioterrorism and informational warfare operations worldwide."

"The evidence is overwhelming that there is an intent to harm people by the covid-19 injections, so-called 'vaccines,' and other nonsensical covid response measures implemented in lockstep by governments all over the world," she said.

Again, it is not that the shots were designed to help people but just so happened to be dangerous. Latypova says they were designed that way on purpose as a chemical and / or biological weapon against the people, which she says is substantiated by an extensive body of literature, studies, scientific discussions, (and) evidence published on this matter.

"There are numerous mechanisms of injury built into the covid-19 injections," she further explained. "The most important one being that these shots are designed to make your cells attack themselves, make your cells express antigens that are toxic spike proteins, and then create antibodies to attack the cells. So, it trains your body to destroy itself."

Presentation by Latypova:

Report on Latypova's findings, including Robert Kennedy Jr. saying that Covid-19 is a bioweapon, that was targeted to kill white and black people, and not affect ashkenazi jews and chinese:
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

This was reported about a year ago, but somewhat overlooked and now being noticed again.

Former pharmaceutical executive Alexandra "Sasha" Latypova compiles data demonstrating that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were deliberately designed to be lethal, and furthermore that specific batches were designed to be more deadly, and were used to target conservative/republican populations -- which explains, for example, why Kentucky has a covid vaccine-caused death rate that is around 20 times higher than in California (19 of the 24 states with the highest death rate from covid vaccines are red states).

Lol, of course. So Covid death rates are significantly higher among republicans (true), but you can't possibly admit that not getting the vaccine and relying on crackpot treatments like Ivermectin got a BUNCH of Republicans killed. So of course you're told it was all the vaccine that was designed to kill Republicans! So plausible!!!

Definitely wouldn't want to just, you know, blame the conservative media who actually got you killed.

Man, for a guy who doesn't even trust scientists enough to accept that the Earth is a sphere, you sure are happy to trust your health care decisions to rando Twitter disinformation.
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SmaptyWolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:

This was reported about a year ago, but somewhat overlooked and now being noticed again.

Former pharmaceutical executive Alexandra "Sasha" Latypova compiles data demonstrating that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were deliberately designed to be lethal, and furthermore that specific batches were designed to be more deadly, and were used to target conservative/republican populations -- which explains, for example, why Kentucky has a covid vaccine-caused death rate that is around 20 times higher than in California (19 of the 24 states with the highest death rate from covid vaccines are red states).

Lol, of course. So Covid death rates are significantly higher among republicans (true), but you can't possibly admit that not getting the vaccine and relying on crackpot treatments like Ivermectin got a BUNCH of Republicans killed. So of course you're told it was all the vaccine that was designed to kill Republicans! So plausible!!!

Definitely wouldn't want to just, you know, blame the conservative media who actually got you killed.

Man, for a guy who doesn't even trust scientists enough to accept that the Earth is a sphere, you sure are happy to trust your health care decisions to rando Twitter disinformation.

It's one of the easiest macro medical intervention analyses of all time.

In a massive data set, vaccine hesitancy, vaccination rates, and deaths from COVID all broke down strongly along party lines.

But the vaccines didn't work or even worse, were more harmful than helpful according to many loons on the social-media-right.

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SmaptyWolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:

This was reported about a year ago, but somewhat overlooked and now being noticed again.

Former pharmaceutical executive Alexandra "Sasha" Latypova compiles data demonstrating that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were deliberately designed to be lethal, and furthermore that specific batches were designed to be more deadly, and were used to target conservative/republican populations -- which explains, for example, why Kentucky has a covid vaccine-caused death rate that is around 20 times higher than in California (19 of the 24 states with the highest death rate from covid vaccines are red states).

Lol, of course. So Covid death rates are significantly higher among republicans (true), but you can't possibly admit that not getting the vaccine and relying on crackpot treatments like Ivermectin got a BUNCH of Republicans killed. So of course you're told it was all the vaccine that was designed to kill Republicans! So plausible!!!

Definitely wouldn't want to just, you know, blame the conservative media who actually got you killed.

Man, for a guy who doesn't even trust scientists enough to accept that the Earth is a sphere, you sure are happy to trust your health care decisions to rando Twitter disinformation.
Try reading comprehension. I said she analyzed vaccine-caused deaths, and found them to be much higher in conservative/red states. Not "covid-19 deaths".

And what's truly crazy and insanity is to trust a communist Lamestream media and faux "scientific" Establishment that now touts it as "science" that there are 70 genders, "men can become women", and an unborn child "is not a human being, but only a blob of flesh". No, I don't trust a Marxist Lamestream media and academic Establishment that is extremely anti-God and pushing a fanatical anti-Christ agenda, when they push the theory of evolution and Big Bang theory as if were "scientific fact"...and not acknowledging that these are only THEORIES (and theories with absolutely zero evidence to support them).

No, I don't trust your communist faux "scientific" Establishment, which are nothing but a cabal of degenerate Marxists pushing a bunch of lies to advance their atheistic, anti-Christ agenda.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Civilized said:

It's one of the easiest macro medical intervention analyses of all time.

In a massive data set, vaccine hesitancy, vaccination rates, and deaths from COVID all broke down strongly along party lines.

But the vaccines didn't work or even worse, were more harmful than helpful according to many loons on the social-media-right.

Communist libtards are the definition and epitome of lunatics....believing that there are "70 genders", "men can become women", "unborn children are not human beings but only blobs of flesh", and that "the universe and all life came into existence by random chance after a big explosion and we evolved from amoebas and monkies".

Communist leftist libtards have the IQ of a maybe they did evolve from them. They are mentally deranged, genocidal maniacs (ie, worshipping the mass murder of tens of millions of unborn children).

Communist leftist libtards have no business pretending to be intelligent or have the moral high ground on ANYTHING. They know NOTHING. But they think that they are "SOOO smart" because they parrot all the LIES and talking points they have been brainwashed to believe from their Satanic Marxist overlords.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

Civilized said:

It's one of the easiest macro medical intervention analyses of all time.

In a massive data set, vaccine hesitancy, vaccination rates, and deaths from COVID all broke down strongly along party lines.

But the vaccines didn't work or even worse, were more harmful than helpful according to many loons on the social-media-right.

Communist libtards are the definition and epitome of lunatics....believing that there are "70 genders", "men can become women", "unborn children are not human beings but only blobs of flesh", and that "the universe and all life came into existence by random chance after a big explosion and we evolved from amoebas and monkies".

Communist leftist libtards have the IQ of a maybe they did evolve from them. They are mentally deranged, genocidal maniacs (ie, worshipping the mass murder of tens of millions of unborn children).

Communist leftist libtards have no business pretending to be intelligent or have the moral high ground on ANYTHING. They know NOTHING. But they think that they are "SOOO smart" because they parrot all the LIES and talking points they have been brainwashed to believe from their Satanic Marxist overlords.

Nice talk!
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Civilized said:

Nice talk!
Yeah, it's great. You wanna shoot your mouth off and accuse people of being lunatics.

Well...we can actually look at the evidence and find out who the REAL lunatics are: communist Leftist braindead gullible degenerates who love believing the most preposterous and obvious lies ever peddled upon mankind
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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#Sieve, u and #Nappy are 100% correct. Take monthly jabs and do not use horse pills like Ivermectin. Please proceed!

I happen to like #daSieve but g whiz....take the damn shots!
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GP, u gotta let em go, I know u want to do the right thing but there is only so much u can do. Let em' go........

They are the wise guys that jump into a roaring river after you've urged them not to. They'll be halfway across and then its...........
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I share for those that might be on the fence or face a vaccine reqmt in the future at work.
......and certainly for ALL CHILDREN.

A comprehensive discussion of what has transpired and the potential dangers which lie ahead.

A MUST WATCH for you and the sake of your families.

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Which is exactly the advice AARP is giving their members. Typical, they've been selling their members down the river since before Obamacare, and obviously too many of those sheep don't mind being sheep.
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Info for all those not named #Nappy.
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#Nappy, Fauci recommends the newly formulated jabs for the new COVID. Do not take the horsepills.........all lies.

#Nappy, I urge you to take this month's jab.....and if you happen to be hospitalized Fauci recommends Remdesivir for several days while on a will fix you right up!!!

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I remember discussing the ridiculousness of 6' social distancing on this thread. Fauci did so much damage to this country with all of the lies he told and his rebranding of "science". He formed a cult. The board moron is clearly a member.

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The WHO, arm of the communist United Nations and growing one-world government, is attempting to get nations to sign on to a treaty allowing the WHO to implement worldwide vaccine passport system, in which the sovereignty of individual nations will be eliminated (whenever the WHO declares a "pandemic emergency") and the WHO can mandate all people around the world to be forcibly vaccinated and all nations to have a vaccine passport system, whereby no one will be able to travel anywhere in the world unless they have submitted to being injected.

This is tyranny only dreamed of by the likes of Stalin and Mao. A poster on godlikeproductions summed up the real intent of this quite well...


let's cut to the chase.

this is about one thing, a system where every 6 months or year they can purge the world of anyone who they don't like by murdering them with a syringe. that's the future you cowards left for your children.

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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There actually is a bit of science in the form of the inverse square law, backing the 6' rule but that's bare minimum, should actually be more than 8' IMO. At these distances, in theory, your viral particle dose rate is greatly reduced by the square of the unit of distance from an infected person. However, there are other factors, such as modifications for unventilated indoor confined spaces plus time of exposure that also come into play. Mask use, however, is all but completely useless for viral transmission protection.
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Oldsouljer said:

There actually is a bit of science in the form of the inverse square law, backing the 6' rule but that's bare minimum, should actually be more than 8' IMO. At these distances, in theory, your viral particle dose rate is greatly reduced by the square of the unit of distance from an infected person. However, there are other factors, such as modifications for unventilated indoor confined spaces plus time of exposure that also come into play. Mask use, however, is all but completely useless for viral transmission protection.

Does mask use impact the inverse square law, with regards to your viral particles reaching other people at a lower dose? Hint: Of course it does. Which is why this topic is so confusing for you guys... it requires thinking about others to understand the value of masks lowering community spread.
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