
2,303,529 Views | 20272 Replies | Last: 10 days ago by Werewolf
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Daviewolf83 said:

Civilized said:

packgrad said:

By mixed company, I presume you mean democrat and other.

Democrats like using the word racist. That's not what triggers them; they're triggered by the topic.

The right is triggered by the word because they're so tired of hearing Democrats talk about it.
Progressive activists like to use the accusation as a method to nullify a counter argument. If you accuse someone of being racist, it shifts the argument and the person being accused must defend against it, instead of arguing the original point. It is a classic example of the use of misdirection to try and win an argument.

When I see someone misuse the accusation, I assume their point of view should not be taken seriously.
Yep! This board has a person that is a perfect example of this.
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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caryking said:

Daviewolf83 said:

Civilized said:

packgrad said:

By mixed company, I presume you mean democrat and other.

Democrats like using the word racist. That's not what triggers them; they're triggered by the topic.

The right is triggered by the word because they're so tired of hearing Democrats talk about it.
Progressive activists like to use the accusation as a method to nullify a counter argument. If you accuse someone of being racist, it shifts the argument and the person being accused must defend against it, instead of arguing the original point. It is a classic example of the use of misdirection to try and win an argument.

When I see someone misuse the accusation, I assume their point of view should not be taken seriously.
Yep! This board has a person that is a perfect example of this.
I disagree Cary... "a person..?"

Hell, I can rattle off quite a few.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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caryking said:

Daviewolf83 said:

Civilized said:

packgrad said:

By mixed company, I presume you mean democrat and other.

Democrats like using the word racist. That's not what triggers them; they're triggered by the topic.

The right is triggered by the word because they're so tired of hearing Democrats talk about it.
Progressive activists like to use the accusation as a method to nullify a counter argument. If you accuse someone of being racist, it shifts the argument and the person being accused must defend against it, instead of arguing the original point. It is a classic example of the use of misdirection to try and win an argument.

When I see someone misuse the accusation, I assume their point of view should not be taken seriously. ep! This board has a person that is a perfect example of this.

Look, lets not beat around the bush. Defintion of racism: "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or instituion against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized"

Saying, we need to turn over every rock to find out the source of a deadly virus that killed millions and not just rely on the country of origin's government -- is NOT racist.

Saying we need to evaluate the content of what is being taught in schools and make sure it is backed by historical context, and not just propaganda, is NOT racist. Saying "we can't let these black people dictate the educational content or they'll ____ (fill in the blank with some very negative stereotype) ---- well, that is probably going to meet the mark.

Making a joke about a person of color and calling them an orangutan is not necessarily could just be bad timing, or it could be a comedian, who is generally given license to be on the edge. Defending said joke and saying there's nothing wrong with it for a week until multiple friends explain it to you, well, that pretty much fits the definition. I guess your out is that the target wasn't actually hurt by it, so congratulations that it only speaks to what is in your mind/heart!
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Not sure how the PLANDEMINC thread is hi-jacked by RACISM, LOL.

Any's Robert Malone discussing the role of the PLANDEMIC and 5th Generation Warefare.

Hey HOAK, no 155 mm Howitzers in a row we aren't at war, right?

Dr. Robert Malone Exposes Military Grade Weapons Being Used Against Us (
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Packchem91 said:

caryking said:

Daviewolf83 said:

Civilized said:

packgrad said:

By mixed company, I presume you mean democrat and other.

Democrats like using the word racist. That's not what triggers them; they're triggered by the topic.

The right is triggered by the word because they're so tired of hearing Democrats talk about it.
Progressive activists like to use the accusation as a method to nullify a counter argument. If you accuse someone of being racist, it shifts the argument and the person being accused must defend against it, instead of arguing the original point. It is a classic example of the use of misdirection to try and win an argument.

When I see someone misuse the accusation, I assume their point of view should not be taken seriously. ep! This board has a person that is a perfect example of this.

Look, lets not beat around the bush. Defintion of racism: "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or instituion against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized"

Saying, we need to turn over every rock to find out the source of a deadly virus that killed millions and not just rely on the country of origin's government -- is NOT racist.

Saying we need to evaluate the content of what is being taught in schools and make sure it is backed by historical context, and not just propaganda, is NOT racist. Saying "we can't let these black people dictate the educational content or they'll ____ (fill in the blank with some very negative stereotype) ---- well, that is probably going to meet the mark.

Making a joke about a person of color and calling them an orangutan is not necessarily could just be bad timing, or it could be a comedian, who is generally given license to be on the edge. Defending said joke and saying there's nothing wrong with it for a week until multiple friends explain it to you, well, that pretty much fits the definition. I guess your out is that the target wasn't actually hurt by it, so congratulations that it only speaks to what is in your mind/heart!

You seriously avoid your comments don't you?

Keep up the good work. I know you have said you have me on ignore and it is probably in your best interest to do so.

You have ZERO chance of ever having an intellectual debate with me. I have challenged you numerous times to do so. I have destroyed many of your MARXIST comrades in the past and I have retired a couple.

Have you seen Manny lately? I haven't either. You and your ilk can't handle the facts when they are presented.

Any time you want to man up and have an adult conversation where you reply when I respond I will leave the name calling and the BS aside. Man up. Grow a pair.

Until you do why don't you go over to Carrboro and hang out with your like minded people.

The folks that are NCSU grads, alum and fans damn sure do not want anyone like you in the same dame space. We have plenty of fans, grads or not, that don't embarrass themselves like you do.

Oh.. go pound sand.

Will one of you please copy this so this azz clown will be able to read it please?

Thanks in advance.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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BBW12OG said:

Packchem91 said:

caryking said:

Daviewolf83 said:

Civilized said:

packgrad said:

By mixed company, I presume you mean democrat and other.

Democrats like using the word racist. That's not what triggers them; they're triggered by the topic.

The right is triggered by the word because they're so tired of hearing Democrats talk about it.
Progressive activists like to use the accusation as a method to nullify a counter argument. If you accuse someone of being racist, it shifts the argument and the person being accused must defend against it, instead of arguing the original point. It is a classic example of the use of misdirection to try and win an argument.

When I see someone misuse the accusation, I assume their point of view should not be taken seriously. ep! This board has a person that is a perfect example of this.

Look, lets not beat around the bush. Defintion of racism: "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or instituion against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized"

Saying, we need to turn over every rock to find out the source of a deadly virus that killed millions and not just rely on the country of origin's government -- is NOT racist.

Saying we need to evaluate the content of what is being taught in schools and make sure it is backed by historical context, and not just propaganda, is NOT racist. Saying "we can't let these black people dictate the educational content or they'll ____ (fill in the blank with some very negative stereotype) ---- well, that is probably going to meet the mark.

Making a joke about a person of color and calling them an orangutan is not necessarily could just be bad timing, or it could be a comedian, who is generally given license to be on the edge. Defending said joke and saying there's nothing wrong with it for a week until multiple friends explain it to you, well, that pretty much fits the definition. I guess your out is that the target wasn't actually hurt by it, so congratulations that it only speaks to what is in your mind/heart!

You seriously avoid your comments don't you?

Keep up the good work. I know you have said you have me on ignore and it is probably in your best interest to do so.

You have ZERO chance of ever having an intellectual debate with me. I have challenged you numerous times to do so. I have destroyed many of your MARXIST comrades in the past and I have retired a couple.

Have you seen Manny lately? I haven't either. You and your ilk can't handle the facts when they are presented.

Any time you want to man up and have an adult conversation where you reply when I respond I will leave the name calling and the BS aside. Man up. Grow a pair.

Until you do why don't you go over to Carrboro and hang out with your like minded people.

The folks that are NCSU grads, alum and fans damn sure do not want anyone like you in the same dame space. We have plenty of fans, grads or not, that don't embarrass themselves like you do.

Oh.. go pound sand.

Will one of you please copy this so this azz clown will be able to read it please?

Thanks in advance.
So this is seen by Chem…
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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The United States must immediately pull itself out of the WHO.

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The dangers of centralization are evident if you're paying attention.

- Big Pharma
- Corporate Media
- BIg Govt

then take it further to a NWO and a WHO........and you're in a pickle.

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As I have pointed out repeatedly, Dr. Anthony Fauci (The Elf), should not be trusted. Here is further evidence as to why:

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Why ........... so intent on killing the messenger, instead of focusing on the substance of the message?

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Lab leak or eating bats. I couldn't give a rats ass. I'm taking my wife to the hospital for this ***** Someone tells me this is the flu to may face, well, see the Tyson meme
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On Dec. 13, 2020, Hancock and aide Damon Poole were discussing the possibility of London Mayor Sadiq Khan opposing a lockdown for London and how to encourage compliance with restrictions.

"Rather than doing too much forward signaling, we can roll pitch with the new strain," Poole told Hancock.

Hancock responded, "We frighten the pants of (sic) everyone with the new strain."

"Yep, that's what will get proper behaviour change," Poole agreed.

Shockingly, the health minister then asked, "When do we deploy the new variant."

Poole responded that he had "been thinking about this" and advised Hancock that they needed to be "more cautious," suggesting they keep "schools off paperwork/agenda," perhaps referring to not applying new restrictions to schools.

Top health official asked when to 'deploy the new variant' to force compliance with pandemic restrictions, leaked messages show - TheBlaze

Is anybody AWAKE in the house????? SCAMDEMIC is the word
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Sieve & Kim, is it LONG COVID or is it CLIMATE CHANGE? In your layman's opinion.

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This says all you need to know about the way Covid was handled across the world. Call it what you want. Bottom line is it was used to disrupt the 2020 election, the lefties profited off of it financially and politically.

More stories like this and worse will be coming out and I can't wait for all of the clowns on the left to try and say.."we were following the science..."

Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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Report 52: Nine Months Post-COVID mRNA "Vaccine" Rollout, Substantial Birth Rate Drops in 13 European Countries, England/Wales, Australia, and Taiwan. - DailyClout
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I know some believe uncovering the origins of the Covid pandemic is not important, but I believe it is. As the congressman in the linked CBS news story explains, if a plane crashes, you want to understand the reasons for the crash, so it can be prevented in the future. Some people do not care. The fact the Wuhan virology lab was conducting gain of function research and the fact US agencies under the direction of Dr. Fauci and others in the US government, in violation of Presidential orders, seems important to me. As the story points out, records seem to indicate some US government agencies (NIH as an example) were funding research and in some cases, were double-billed for this research.

Bury your heads in the sand if you want, but do not get upset with others who want to know what happened, why it happened, and who should be held accountable.

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Thank you Davie....

Funny how all the folks that swore Lord Fauci could never be wrong, the people who questioned him were "conspiracy theorists" and Donald J. Trump was the most evilest, vilest man to walk the face of the Earth are now nowhere to be found....

Wonder why?

I'm sure they are the ones that are still wearing masks in the car when they are by themselves.

Can't fix stupid... I appreciate those people who do that. Makes it easier to identify who not to park next to.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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US labs (e.g. Chapel Hill), Ukraine labs, Chinese labs & Canadian labs (Winnipeg); add in CDC, NIH, FDA, NIAID, Fauci, Francis Collins, Baric etc.; these are all criminals, they made it, released it
accidental or purposeful, but they (agencies and persons) must all be investigated under oath, and every cent taken if shown they killed people by their actions and many jailed, JAIL them all

IMO, US has biggest role in creating COVID. And if a death penalty is called for by appointed judges, then so be it. Life for life.

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Covid Vaccines Driving Dangerous Variants & Immune Suppression -Dr Geert Vanden Bossche

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VSS Scientific Updates During Pandemic Times #45 | Voice for Science and Solidarity
VSS Scientific Updates During Pandemic Times #45 : U.S. Flu Hospitalizations Highest in 10 years,
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Below is a link to a very good summary article from journalist David Zweig, a writer for The Free Press on "gain of function" research, the risks involved with this research, and the word games bureaucrats such as Dr. Fauci use to hide what they are doing. I highly recommend people read this article - it is quite scary. Personally, I do not believe "gain of function" research is worth the risk and has the potential to unleash another deadly pathogen.

Is Gain-of-Function Research a 'Risk Worth Taking'? Or 'Insanity'?

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I'm not prepared to accept anything that these two are saying without a detailed discussion of the mechanics involved, and they do not provide that. Theres a lot of established principles of genetics and molecular biology that's being ignored here. To believe that the Covid shot contributes to a directly hereditable event, they would have to precisely explain how the mRNA crossed certain barriers from somatic cells into germ cells. And as I've previously mentioned, if it's really mRNA we're talking about, mRNA in nature doesn't enter the nucleus, it's created there when genes are expressed and exits the nucleus to go to the ribosomes to be translated into proteins. Thus, if mRNA, which is a very unstable molecule even with modifications attached, doesn't go straight to the ribosomes upon transport across the cell wall, it's likely to be degraded by cellular nucleases. I don't think the vaccination is worthy of the name and is potentially harmful, but some of these detractors are just as credibility-challenged with their vague innuendos as the proponents are.
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I was just curious as to why every time I see a pharmaceutical advertisement on tv now, that it ends with a disclaimer not to take if you've had "a" vaccine? Is there a reason why they don't specify what type of vaccine would put you at higher risk of taking said medication?

I'm sure that Civ could explain it away to me just fine...
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TheStorm said:

I was just curious as to why every time I see a pharmaceutical advertisement on tv now, that it ends with a disclaimer not to take if you've had "a" vaccine? Is there a reason why they don't specify what type of vaccine would put you at higher risk of taking said medication?

I'm sure that Civ could explain it away to me just fine...

Above my pay grade.

Page Mormad.
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Civilized said:

TheStorm said:

I was just curious as to why every time I see a pharmaceutical advertisement on tv now, that it ends with a disclaimer not to take if you've had "a" vaccine? Is there a reason why they don't specify what type of vaccine would put you at higher risk of taking said medication?

I'm sure that Civ could explain it away to me just fine...

Above my pay grade.

Page Mormad.
Funny how every liberal that commented on this thread were so-called "experts" when the information fit their narratives isn't it?

Now... the ACTUAL "BIG LIE" is being exposed daily if not by the hour they have all run and put their heads in the sand.

See above.

Typical of the left. When it doesn't benefit you politically, fit your political cause of the day or exposes you for the frauds that you are you deflect, obfuscate and deny any responsibility.

The split of this country couldn't come fast enough.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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Haunts us all. That age group has been taught what to think and not how to. Not an ounce of discernment. We're all in for a rough ride. Can we survive it........#RestoredRepublic
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I know totally off topic but I actually still comb through the NC stats every week.

This caught my eye about U.S. data the other day.

The USA, with 4.25% of the global population, currently accounts for 44% of all covid deaths reported worldwide.

Amazing what incentivizing classifications does... now the pandemic has been basically over for a year now. We are just stuck in incentivized coding habits.

But it isn't just U.S. vs the World. We see the same things here even between counties.

Look at with COVID deaths for Wake, Meck, and Guilford .... just since the beginning of the new year.

Wake has identified 1 death that occurred in 2023.... Guilford 53. That is a paperwork problem... not a pandemic problem. I assume there is still a little extra Fed juice floating around. It has been obvious since the start of the pandemic that certain systems were squeezing as much of that Fed money as possible.

Anyways... like I said, I still do stats on weekly basis, but don't share them, again, because the pandemic portion has been over for a year. But this bit of NC data has been driving me nuts for the last few months...

Someone with authority should call this junk out.

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The GOP did... Trump did...

The MSM and the left called them "conspiracy theorists."

Many on this site did as well.

Where are they now?
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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The "conspiracy theorists" are winning....

And the government/Establishment is panicking...

No commie Gubbamint overlords, you have it completely backwards, as usual. The truth is not losing. The truth is winning. As you well know, you are the liars. Totalitarian communist governments everywhere are the sworn enemies of the truth. But only "conspiracy theorists" can recognize that fact. Everyone else is under Stockholm Syndrome and it's too painful and psychologically traumatizing for them to finally accept the truth that the Establishment, faux "elite", Big Pharma, Big Establishment Marxist media, and the powers-that-be that run totalitarian communist governments are actually the enemies of the masses, and are seeking to exploit, enslave, and destroy us.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Wayland said:

The USA, with 4.25% of the global population, currently accounts for 44% of all covid deaths reported worldwide.


Wake has identified 1 death that occurred in 2023.... Guilford 53. That is a paperwork problem... not a pandemic problem. I assume there is still a little extra Fed juice floating around. It has been obvious since the start of the pandemic that certain systems were squeezing as much of that Fed money as possible.

Bingo. I was saying this from the very beginning of this scamdemic hoaxdemic fraud. If the Wu Flu truly was some "super duper deadly" second coming of the Black Plague, then why haven't Third World nations been totally devastated by this, at vastly higher rates of deaths than the first world nations with all their access to the miracle Big Pharma "vaccines"?? Why hasn't most of Africa or central America been decimated? If you look at the statistics, the United States and Europe have the highest "covid deaths", and very poor Third World nations that have extremely low vaccination rates have much, much lower "covid death" rates. There was a report where Haiti (one of the poorest nations on earth, which had less than 2-3% vaccinated at the time) had virtually no "covid deaths" like a year into the supposed "pandemic". How is that remotely possible, given the "official narrative"? It's not. It's absolutely preposterous.

This whole "official covid narrative" we've been told is a GARGANTUAN FRAUD. Period. It's a gigantic pack of lies. And as you rightfully noted, it's a "paperwork" pandemic. It's fabricated, via falsely labelling/diagnosing millions with "having covid" when they never did -- which goes directly back to the completely bogus PCR "testing" and other methods of falsely diagnosing people as "having covid". And one of the main ways that they got hospitals to go along with the fraud is that there was big, big money from the Feds for each "covid case" and "covid death" they could falsely create.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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