Democratic Debates

61,278 Views | 309 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by IseWolf22
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statefan91 said:

RunsWithWolves26 said:

statefan91 said:

RWW26 - I have GP on ignore so no idea what his circus is saying.

You've mentioned a number of times that you don't align with either party. Can I ask what your views are? What is most important to you?

  • Sure. I don't believe any person, president, governor, congressman or congresswoman ect. has any right to tell a woman of she can or can't have an abortion.
  • I don't believe any person has the right to tell any man or woman who he or she can or can't love and can or can't marry.
  • I don't believe any person has the right to demand others pay higher taxes simply because they have more money and I don't believe any person has the right the freely take from the wealthy to give to the poor.
  • At the same time, I don't believe any person has the right to pass policies that benefit the wealthy specifically at the expense of the less wealthy and vis versa.
  • I also don't believe any person has the right to to tell any person how they should go about living their lives when it comes to.things such as solar panels, or solar powered vehicles, or charging more because you aren't using energy efficient lightbulbs.
  • I do believe that government serves a purpose in that it does help to define laws, regulations, etc.
  • I just don't believe, in the system we have now, that it is done in a way that benefits the WHOLE. I believe it is done in a way that benefits the SOME.
  • The left and the right both scream and yell about this and that, but in the end, they both want the same thing. Complete control that benefits the SOME and not the WHOLE.
  • My wish, hope, and dream is that somehow and someway, we revert back to actually having a thing called states rights and an election not based on the electoral college(yes, that's a discussion for a different day).
  • For now, I can't align myself with either party because both parties have gone so far left and right that I just can't find any common ground with them.

Broke it down a little bit for ease of reading, appreciate your response. I agree with a lot of your points. The ones I disagree with to some degree are related to wealth. Even those like Elizabeth Warren who I think most would agree are on the far end of the "tax the rich" spectrum, is only proposing a small tax on those with fortunes $50MM+, and it would only apply to the money after $50MM.

I don't think a plan like that is too outlandish, and the projections of what it would generate are astounding. There is a lot of wealth in this country that sits in banks for generations doing little productive for the society.
A lot of European countries abandoned wealth taxes because it's too east for the rich to move money between entities and avoid ever paying. The tax lawyers make more and that's about all that changes. European social benefits are funded with high taxes on the middle class. Yes the income tax at higher earnings is huge, but the capital gains tax and estate taxes are often lower than in the US.

Also, wealth that "sits in banks for generations doing little productive for the society," doesn't really make sense. That wealth is invested in companies and assets that are improving GDP. Wealth in banks does not just sit there like a gold buried in the back yard. It's actively being loaned, spent, and circulating in the economy.

BTW RWW, I believe most posters in the thread so far are some mix of moderate. There are a few who are definitely not.
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statefan91 said:

Understood - but you have to start somewhere. I'd rather Warren be ambitious and have a plan to explain how she'll pay for the big ideas she has. She's done that so far, how realistic it is depends on the makeup of the legislative branch just as much as if she gets elected.

Agreed but I will always be gun shy of any plan by any politician. They all say what sounds good and what it takes to get elected and then they bend you over every single time.
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RunsWithWolves26 said:

statefan91 said:

Understood - but you have to start somewhere. I'd rather Warren be ambitious and have a plan to explain how she'll pay for the big ideas she has. She's done that so far, how realistic it is depends on the makeup of the legislative branch just as much as if she gets elected.

Agreed but I will always be gun shy of any plan by any politician. They all say what sounds good and what it takes to get elected and then they bend you over every single time.
As pathetically poor of a person and president I think Donald Trump is; I don't think he bends me over with his every move. To me he's our lowlife president whom many worship including many Christians and he could not be further away from the Bible. He doesn't fill positions and often when he does, the person he chooses should be #5M down the list or more, like 11 months before the election he chose mafia linked stock fraud felon Felix Sater as a senior advisor and loads of clowns since including talking about how good of people the leaders of Russia and North Korea while talking junk to long time friends. I have no problem with our friends paying their share of the way to defeat Russia and N. Korea and China's crooked ways either but there are better methods. Trump said he wasn't familiar with Sater whose office was on the same floor as his at Trump Headquarters and Sater had worked for Trump in real estate transactions. I don't mind keeping people out of the US who want to walk in without going through proper immigration matter where they come from. There is supposedly a process. Very few of those trying to gain access are because they though their government would kill them. I don't care for a 10th century AD wall but razor wire, high tech surveillance and more agents wouldn't bother me at all and there must be some kind of punishment for trespassers to keep them from coming back without going through channels. Take care of them and bus them home if they can be bused. Dump Trump. I'd be fine with calling off the election if the Repubs and others would agree.....we'll dump Trump and put in R - John Kasich in as President with a D or I vice president. Never voted Republican...skipped a few names and I'm fine with that for sure.
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ciscopack said:

RunsWithWolves26 said:

statefan91 said:

Understood - but you have to start somewhere. I'd rather Warren be ambitious and have a plan to explain how she'll pay for the big ideas she has. She's done that so far, how realistic it is depends on the makeup of the legislative branch just as much as if she gets elected.

Agreed but I will always be gun shy of any plan by any politician. They all say what sounds good and what it takes to get elected and then they bend you over every single time.
As pathetically poor of a person and president I think Donald Trump is; I don't think he bends me over with his every move. To me he's our lowlife president whom many worship including many Christians and he could not be further away from the Bible. He doesn't fill positions and often when he does, the person he chooses should be #5M down the list or more, like 11 months before the election he chose mafia linked stock fraud felon Felix Sater as a senior advisor and loads of clowns since including talking about how good of people the leaders of Russia and North Korea while talking junk to long time friends. I have no problem with our friends paying their share of the way to defeat Russia and N. Korea and China's crooked ways either but there are better methods. Trump said he wasn't familiar with Sater whose office was on the same floor as his at Trump Headquarters and Sater had worked for Trump in real estate transactions. I don't mind keeping people out of the US who want to walk in without going through proper immigration matter where they come from. There is supposedly a process. Very few of those trying to gain access are because they though their government would kill them. I don't care for a 10th century AD wall but razor wire, high tech surveillance and more agents wouldn't bother me at all and there must be some kind of punishment for trespassers to keep them from coming back without going through channels. Take care of them and bus them home if they can be bused. Dump Trump. I'd be fine with calling off the election if the Repubs and others would agree.....we'll dump Trump and put in R - John Kasich in as President with a D or I vice president. Never voted Republican...skipped a few names and I'm fine with that for sure.

Um, ok? Not sure how that got turned into a trump bashing moment(have no problem that it did) but okie dokie then my friend.
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paragraph breaks are your friend
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statefan91 said:

pack4life11 said:

This is going to kind of be all over the place, but I'm enjoying reading this thread and having these discussions with all of you...

My major issue with the Democratic Party and the constitution is freedom of speech and guns. The 2nd amendment is literally the only one that clearly and explicitly states "...shall not be infringed." I disagree 100% with anyone who thinks gun control will decrease crime. Criminals love gun control. I do not agreein any way, with taking away guns from law abiding citizens.

- Guns right have already been infringed if you read the text of the constitution and take it at face value. The fact that fully automatic guns are illegal proves that. I don't think there's anything wrong with gun control in the following sense, which I think is what the majority of the nation would see as logical: Require background checks that work across every municipality at every point of sale with a waiting period. Institute red flag laws that must be approved by magistrates before removal of guns from those deemed to pose a threat to others via a legal process. National gun registry. Background check on ammo purchases. Very strong penalties for death and injury that occur due to carelessness of storage and use. None of those things, save red flag laws, "infringe" on someone's ability to own a gun, but they sure as hell help make sure people are more responsible. I'm tired of reading articles every day about toddlers and children that find unsecured guns and shoot themselves, siblings, etc on accident.

In regards to freedom of speech- in my experiences, Democrats love freedom of speech...until you say something they don't agree with. At that point, whatever you're saying is now racist, demeaning, sexist, bigoted, etc. A lot of Democrats preach tolerance, but are very intolerant of those that disagree with them and immediately attempt to censor or name call.

- I think you have to consider a couple things. First with freedom of speech. That does not mean freedom from consequences of your speech. I haven't seen any government programs being designed to take away free speech. There may be a lot of brushback to people who voice homophobic / racist / xenophobic comments, but I don't see anyone forming government solutions to the issue.

Now, do I believe in everything Donald Trump says or do I support everything that comes out of his mouth? Absolutely friggin not. I do not think he acts very presidential a great deal of the time, especially on Twitter. However, I for one was very tired with Obama going around apologizing to other countries for America being America and attempting to either buy back friendship, or pay money to have countries behave.

- You can believe in American exceptionalism and still understand that the country has done things that need to be apologized for. If you're in a relationship and you never apologize then I have to think something is wrong. Having support of our allies is how the country stays safe, that's my preference at least.

I agree with RWW on most of what he said and that's where I think a lot of my beliefs and political views lie, minus the abortion bit. With rape, or if life is not sustainable outside the womb due to a medical condition of the child, or if the baby is a threat to the mothers health, then I'm very open to the abortion route. But simply erasing a life because of a choice you made, that doesn't fly with me. On the flip side of that deal, I believe that men who father children should be held accountable as well (takes two to tango) and that the raising of a child whether wanted or not sits at the feet of both individuals who acted and created that child. I believe men who rape women should be publicly castrated as well but I guess that's a different subject entirely.

- I definitely struggle with the abortion topic. I have two healthy, planned children and we are comfortable enough to afford their necessities and to give them a good life. I also have never been in the position of being a woman with an unplanned pregnancy. Many don't know they're pregnant until 6-8 weeks and the laws being enacted prevent them from being able to get an abortion after that point. We should be helping the causes of unwanted pregnancy first - government should offer 100% free birth control and contraceptive access. I think the societal and financial benefits of reducing unwanted children would more than cover the cost to the government. Also, if you are going to restrict access to abortion you need to, as a society, be prepared to bear the cost of supporting the children with healthcare, nutrition, housing, etc. for those that can't afford to have the child but are forced to bring them to term.

I believe if 2 men or 2 women want to get married then they should be able to. But they shouldn't be catered to any more than a man or a woman who are married. I also believe that people who own a good (cake store, salon, car dealership, etc) should be allowed to serve whoever they want to serve and laws should not interfere with that.

- I don't think any gay couple is asking to be catered to "more" than a straight couple. I think they're just being asked to be treated equally. Government has no place in marriage in my opinion, but if they are going to be involved with it they need to offer it to two consenting adults no matter the sex.

Regarding those going into business and being allowed to serve whoever they want to serve...How does that jive with discriminatory practices? Are you saying you think a business should be able to only serve whites, blacks, asians, etc if they want to? Or are you just focused on sexual orientation? Because if a gay person is living in a small town and wants a wedding cake, and the only baker in town denies them service, are you saying that's ok? What if it's a doctor deciding they don't want to operate on a gay person? I'm not really sure where you can draw the line without it being discriminatory.

I don't believe you can tax a nation into prosperity.

- I don't think that's what anyone is proposing. You can tax the country to provide benefits for the country that the less fortunate could never afford to live a better life (help with healthcare, food, jobs training, housing).

I don't believe in government funded anything because government funded just means tax payer funded.

- Does this apply to the military, fire, police? How would those things operate if they were private? Firemen only go to the houses that are prepaid on their firefighting plan?

I know a lot of my response here is all over the place, but I am thoroughly enjoying the civilized discussion here and trying to gain more understanding of everyone's point of view.

I'm trying to not make this super long because you gave a lot of great thoughts, so I'll try to just splice in my responses.

Quoting myself to try to bring pack4life's questions back to this page
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Sorry, been away for a while and just saw this. So I brought up many topics previously and you addressed them all and we can circle back around to the rest, but for starters, I'll just bring up the last 2-3.

In regards to companies/industries/restaurants/businesses etc serving who they choose to serve, I believe that is where the American way drives out racism. I believe The only color capitalism cares about is green. For instance, If there is a racist car dearlership in town, they'll eventually go out of business because word will get out and people won't soend their money there. If the baker doesn't wanna bake a cake and enough people agree with him, he'll stay in busines..if not, he'll be forced to close.

In regards to taxing a nation into prosperity, every single democrat in recent history has proposed a tax hike. I'm all for charitable giving (Republicans and the Bible Belteven the States with lowest income in the country continuously lead the country in this statistic), but continuously undermining the incentive to improve your station in life by taking money from some and giving it to others, that just doesn't sit right with me. I have never been able to understand how it is greed to want to keep something you've worked hard for.

Another issue was taxes going to fire, Ems, military etc. I believe you'll be hard pressed to find many republicans who don't agree with, or aren't on with, their tax money paying hose salaries. It's why most "back the blue." So I guess I should have been more clear in my viewpoint. I'm all for my tax money going to protecting me, my family, and my country. But increasing my taxes to pay for food stamps for able bodied individuals who just suffer from pure laziness...nahhh, that ain't gonna cut it for me and I take issue with that.

This country has lost sight of the idea that actions have consequences. We continue to try to change the rules of things just because we don't like the outcomes. Like the recent push by dems to wipe away college debt. Don't want 100k in debt? Don't go to a 4 year out of state school. I'm a doctor and have my fair share of debt, but guess what, that was my choice. I knew what was coming and made a choice to proceed. I don't feel right laying the burden of my choices at the feet of others by expecting them to pay off my debt. Nor do I feel I should be held responsible for someone else's choices. Choices have consequences. Choosing to have sex leads to possibility of having children. Choosing to go to college leads to debt. Choosing to cross the border illegally leads to the possibility of being separated from your family. The results of almost everything in life are often very well known, but people choose to pursue or take action anyway and then complain about the outcome and place the blame and responsibility at the feet of others. And I take issue with that.
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In regards to companies/industries/restaurants/businesses etc serving who they choose to serve, I believe that is where the American way drives out racism. I believe The only color capitalism cares about is green. For instance, If there is a racist car dearlership in town, they'll eventually go out of business because word will get out and people won't soend their money there. If the baker doesn't wanna bake a cake and enough people agree with him, he'll stay in busines..if not, he'll be forced to close.

Are you saying is that if a community approves of the specific discrimination and supports the business, then that's ok? If they don't, the company will go out of business? Market forces shouldn't be depended on to deal with discrimination.

In regards to taxing a nation into prosperity, every single democrat in recent history has proposed a tax hike. I'm all for charitable giving (Republicans and the Bible Belteven the States with lowest income in the country continuously lead the country in this statistic), but continuously undermining the incentive to improve your station in life by taking money from some and giving it to others, that just doesn't sit right with me. I have never been able to understand how it is greed to want to keep something you've worked hard for.

Do you think that raising taxes on people earning $50MM+ will disincentive them from building as much wealth as possible?

Another issue was taxes going to fire, Ems, military etc. I believe you'll be hard pressed to find many republicans who don't agree with, or aren't on with, their tax money paying hose salaries. It's why most "back the blue." So I guess I should have been more clear in my viewpoint. I'm all for my tax money going to protecting me, my family, and my country. But increasing my taxes to pay for food stamps for able bodied individuals who just suffer from pure laziness...nahhh, that ain't gonna cut it for me and I take issue with that.

Do you have a lot of experience with lazy individuals on food stamps? I do, via Church, and I would say that slim to none of the people I interact with are lazy and want to be on food stamps. Life isn't always fair, I'd like to err on giving someone a helping hand if they need it.

This country has lost sight of the idea that actions have consequences. We continue to try to change the rules of things just because we don't like the outcomes. Like the recent push by dems to wipe away college debt. Don't want 100k in debt? Don't go to a 4 year out of state school. I'm a doctor and have my fair share of debt, but guess what, that was my choice. I knew what was coming and made a choice to proceed. I don't feel right laying the burden of my choices at the feet of others by expecting them to pay off my debt. Nor do I feel I should be held responsible for someone else's choices. Choices have consequences. Choosing to have sex leads to possibility of having children. Choosing to go to college leads to debt. Choosing to cross the border illegally leads to the possibility of being separated from your family. The results of almost everything in life are often very well known, but people choose to pursue or take action anyway and then complain about the outcome and place the blame and responsibility at the feet of others. And I take issue with that.

Do you mind if I asked when you went to school, or at least what generation you fall into? College costs have grown incredibly in the past 50 years, it's absolutely baffling. You say "don't go to a 4 year out of state school" - do you know how much it costs to go to a 4 year in state school? $25k per year. That is insane.

Look, I paid my student loans too but I'm all for finding a way to help people out from the crushing burden of a lifetime of debt just so they can be able to find a competitive job.
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You and I are just looking at the same coins (different coin for each example) from 2 different sides I believe. To me, it seems as though you are living, or you're believing, in a more idealistic mindset with your view on things. Nothing wrong with that at all, that's what makes America, America. But I approach things from a more realistic sense and tend not to believe what my ears hear, but what my eyes see.

And to answer your question, I'm 30 and graduated with my doctorate in 2016. 4 years of undergrad at a private school, then doctorate at in state public university.
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Ok and I'm just asking you:

- Have you been discriminated against and had nowhere else to go to get the service you needed?
- Have you seen a significant amount of lazy people hanging out getting food stamps and living large?

I am not being idealistic. I am just asking questions of your experience because I've worked with people that have been discriminated against and have had to use food stamps.
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Yes and yes to both your questions.

I watched undergrad classmates with lower GPAs and school entrance exams get into schools that I didn't get into. Was good friends with a couple..still am. We were in all the same clubs, all played NCAA sports. The only other difference between them and I was the color of my skin.

Family member of mine owns a meat shop in NC that I frequent. We use to watch people come in at the first of every month and use food stamps to buy hundreds of dollars worth of meat, walk outside the store, sell it for 20-40 bucks, and use the cash for drugs, alcohol, or whatever else. They didn't need food stamps. They needed cash. Too lazy to go get a job, and why should they go get one? Their incentive to work and earn a wage is taken away when the government just provides handouts that they can exchange for cash. Pure laziness and the government (Republican and Democrat) allowed that and my tax money funded it.

If you don't mind me asking, what race do you think I am? (Think the answer may surprise you).

Also, if it's not too much to ask, do you mind telling me roughly how old you are and the region of the country where you live? If you don't want to answer, I understand, but I (like you) also think age and location is a factor in the political directions individuals lean.
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I haven't seen any research that shows food stamp fraud is a widespread problem. Here is an article from Forbes last year that talks about this. Truthfully if there is research showing prevalent fraud I would like to read about it:

"If you are concerned, then consider the following. The total cost of the SNAP benefits disbursed in 2016 was $66.5 billion, down from $74.6 billion in 2012. Those are significant figures because America is a big country.

When compared with those total figures, the fraud identified in 2016 amounted to a mere 0.9% of the total. That was up from 0.5% in 2012.

Or put another way, 99% of the benefit dollars were in no way associated with fraud, assuming that the government is doing its job of identifying malfeasance. If the fraud figure continues to grow at the same rate, then there is a real problem, but so far not so much."

I'm sorry to hear about your experience with affirmative action, if you believe that's what prevented you from getting to the schools that your friends did. I wasn't clear in my question but I was focused on a business that is open to the public refusing you service for some reason that you felt was discriminatory.
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"assuming that the government is doing its job of identifying malfeasance"

This is a key line. I worked on a Benefits Fraud and Recovery system for the State of Delaware. First job/project out of school. They are one of the only states that actually has a robust system to identify fraud and they still believed they caught much less than half of what actually occurred.
Really the only way that they have to identify fraud is to cross reference various government databases to make sure people weren't lying about things like their income. Selling food stamps or food purchased with them was not something that could be found easily. EBT fraud was only caught when someone turned someone in out of spite. Surprisingly one of the things most frequently caught was claiming you are a single mother, living alone, but then the father is in fact living at the residence.
That said, food stamps fraud is hardly a driver of fiscal issues.
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I like Bullock so far
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He was interesting tonight, I didn't notice him in the first debates. I think he has a very good, pragmatic view of the current environment.

I think the question for Democrats is if they think they can win by energizing hundreds of thousands / millions of people that don't normally vote with the large scale reform ideas via inspiration without losing too many centrists, or if they need to take someone more centrist (Biden, Harris, Bullock) and hope that the progressive wing is still energized enough to come out.

None of the above gets into the additional concerns on if those areas that were Obama 8/12 and Trump 16 would vote for a woman or person of color.
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statefan91 said:

He was interesting tonight, I didn't notice him in the first debates. I think he has a very good, pragmatic view of the current environment.

I think the question for Democrats is if they think they can win by energizing hundreds of thousands / millions of people that don't normally vote with the large scale reform ideas via inspiration without losing too many centrists, or if they need to take someone more centrist (Biden, Harris, Bullock) and hope that the progressive wing is still energized enough to come out.

None of the above gets into the additional concerns on if those areas that were Obama 8/12 and Trump 16 would vote for a woman or person of color.
Bullok wasn't in the first debate, so makes sense that you didn't notice him! he declared too close to the first debate to make the doner criteria. Salwell from the last debates dropped out.

Democrats do have a choice. I would really hate for Warren or Bernie to win the nomination. It would make me seriously consider going 3rd party. While Bullok, Hickenlooper, Biden, etc. would ensure that I cross the aisle to vote blue. But you make a good point about turnout too. Trump's base will turn out in droves. I think the safer choice is to choose a moderate since the blue base is so fired up to remove Trump anyways.

I really don't think racism/sexism against a candidate is going to flip a district. I'm not sure which areas would have that strong of a bias and aren't already safely red. The 10% of Obama voters who voted for Trump were more looking for change and/or voting against Hilary. Xenophobia for immigrants will play a big role in this election, but that's not directly related to the race/gender of the candidate.

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To the last point, I was talking more toward if a district that went Obama in 8/12, to Trump in 16, could go back to D if it's someone like Harris/Warren/Castro. I think the last few years have either emboldened the '16 Trump voter into being a diehard Trump supporter, or mostly turned them off and now they're waiting for a Democrat that will excite / interest them. TBD on if that's a Biden-esque or Warren-esque candidate.
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statefan91 said:

To the last point, I was talking more toward if a district that went Obama in 8/12, to Trump in 16, could go back to D if it's someone like Harris/Warren/Castro. I think the last few years have either emboldened the '16 Trump voter into being a diehard Trump supporter, or mostly turned them off and now they're waiting for a Democrat that will excite / interest them. TBD on if that's a Biden-esque or Warren-esque candidate.

OK, I'm in agreement then.

It's really hard to predict since some voting blocks have views that are varied and inconsistent. I've met several people who love Bernie and Trump, but hate the moderates. Then there is a certain number of people who have shifted party affiliation. I've long suspected that a reason trump has such high Republican support is that many of his detractors left the party, and supporters have joined as former democrats or independents. I can't verify that though because I haven't been able to find any recent studies that have looked at this.
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Here's NC as an example:


Interesting that Democratic and Unaffiliated are top 2, but due to gerrymandering the Republicans still hold a vast majority of the seats in the state.
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statefan91 said:

Here's NC as an example:


Interesting that Democratic and Unaffiliated are top 2, but due to gerrymandering the Republicans still hold a vast majority of the seats in the state.
A lot of the older generation are registered as Democrats but vote Republican
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910wolf said:

A lot of the older generation are registered as Democrats but vote Republican
Unaffiliated also tends to break slightly Right.

But what I'd really love to see is this:

Between 2014 and 2019,
X% of Democrats changed affiliation to Independent
Y% of Democrats changed affiliation to Republican

And then do the same for Republicans and independents. I'm most interested in people who could vote at both times, many came of age sometime after 2014. There's a ton of anecdotal stories about the party switching caused by Trump, I'd love to see some data around it.

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Good point - also much of the Democratic vote is found in dense urban spots.
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These debates are what they are, but I won't be following too closely until the September debates. I watched some last night, but nothing really stood out. September should be pared down to 10 or so, and when the real race will start IMO. Bullock, et Al are fine, but they don't have a shot to be in the next one.
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PackBacker07 said:

These debates are what they are, but I won't be following too closely until the September debates. I watched some last night, but nothing really stood out. September should be pared down to 10 or so, and when the real race will start IMO. Bullock, et Al are fine, but they don't have a shot to be in the next one.
I'm mostly watching for fun right now. If one of the people I like is homing in on the September donor threshold, my wife and I may send $5 each to help them get there.

I am hoping that we get 8 or less in September, but I feel like it will be closer to 10-12. They really need to have everyone on the same stage, but 10 is way too many.

For others, assume 10 qualify. Would you want to have 1 debate with all 10, or would you rather have 2 debates with 5 candidates each, allowing them to actually debate each other.
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IseWolf22 said:

PackBacker07 said:

These debates are what they are, but I won't be following too closely until the September debates. I watched some last night, but nothing really stood out. September should be pared down to 10 or so, and when the real race will start IMO. Bullock, et Al are fine, but they don't have a shot to be in the next one.
For others, assume 10 qualify. Would you want to have 1 debate with all 10, or would you rather have 2 debates with 5 candidates each, allowing them to actually debate each other.
This is an interesting question, and I agree that hopefully it may just be 8 which will solve the problem. I like the idea of 2 days to give more time to candidates, but practically it's too much to ask the normal person to take 2+ hours 2 nights in a row to watch this stuff.
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I would want two debates, with the top 5 polling candidates on the first night and the bottom 5 polling candidates the second night.
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statefan91 said:

I would want two debates, with the top 5 polling candidates on the first night and the bottom 5 polling candidates the second night.
I don't like that format. No one watched the 'JV' debates for Republicans last cycle. If you're going to give the top 5 candidates a stage together, you might as well just have that be the only one.
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IseWolf22 said:

statefan91 said:

I would want two debates, with the top 5 polling candidates on the first night and the bottom 5 polling candidates the second night.
I don't like that format. No one watched the 'JV' debates for Republicans last cycle. If you're going to give the top 5 candidates a stage together, you might as well just have that be the only one.
Understood, I just don't think you gain much from having Warren debate with Marianne Williamson or John Hickenlooper. Putting her, Biden, Sanders, Harris, and Buttigeig on the same stage would be much more interesting.
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statefan91 said:

IseWolf22 said:

statefan91 said:

I would want two debates, with the top 5 polling candidates on the first night and the bottom 5 polling candidates the second night.
I don't like that format. No one watched the 'JV' debates for Republicans last cycle. If you're going to give the top 5 candidates a stage together, you might as well just have that be the only one.
Understood, I just don't think you gain much from having Warren debate with Marianne Williamson or John Hickenlooper. Putting her, Biden, Sanders, Harris, and Buttigeig on the same stage would be much more interesting.
Well what would the top 10 be?

Biden, Warren, Sanders, Harris, and Buttigege would be the top 5.
Then you have: O'rourke, Kloubucher, Booker, Castro, Yang as the next most likely

Those 10 are expected to qualify. The last 4 have not done so quite yet. But there could be a couple more who make it
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I watched a little bit last night but it was much less interesting for some reason. I'll have to read some today to see if there were any big moments.
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I thought tonight was way better than last night. The candidates actually got into it and called each other out. Tulsi Gabbard tore into Harris' record as a prosecutor
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IseWolf22 said:

I thought tonight was way better than last night. The candidates actually got into it and called each other out. Tulsi Gabbard tore into Harris' record as a prosecutor

I was looking Gabbard until she said trump supported Al Qaeda. She lost me at that point. I believe that as much as the ones who said the same about Obama. I did find it funny how butthurt that fraud Harris looked when Gabbard tore her a new one though. Lol
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RunsWithWolves26 said:

IseWolf22 said:

I thought tonight was way better than last night. The candidates actually got into it and called each other out. Tulsi Gabbard tore into Harris' record as a prosecutor

I was looking Gabbard until she said trump supported Al Qaeda. She lost me at that point. I believe that as much as the ones who said the same about Obama. I did find it funny how butthurt that fraud Harris looked when Gabbard tore her a new one though. Lol

No one running for president this cycle hasn't said or done things I massively disagree with. Gabbard is probably in my top 5. She's intelligent, not crazy liberal, and is strong on a few issues I care about.
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IseWolf22 said:

RunsWithWolves26 said:

IseWolf22 said:

I thought tonight was way better than last night. The candidates actually got into it and called each other out. Tulsi Gabbard tore into Harris' record as a prosecutor

I was looking Gabbard until she said trump supported Al Qaeda. She lost me at that point. I believe that as much as the ones who said the same about Obama. I did find it funny how butthurt that fraud Harris looked when Gabbard tore her a new one though. Lol

No one running for president this cycle hasn't said or done things I massively disagree with. Gabbard is probably in my top 5. She's intelligent, not crazy liberal, and is strong on a few issues I care about.

Agree but for me, if you make that accusation, in eliminating you. No way could that possibly be true of any president, now, or before. Just as I don't support trump because of the ignorant statements he makes.
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This is the source of Gabbard's comments. We were helping fund a portion of rebels in Syria that were linked to Al-Qaeda.

Not thrilled about her stance on Syria and her meeting with Assad, especially outside of her duties as a Congresswoman.
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