CLTWolf said:
Hilarious that people are tryna complain about hitters being too aggressive in the box tonight. A couple weeks ago people were pissin and moanin about us showing too much patience. LOL
Stop listening to Gaby Sanchez he's up there freestylin'. He called Justin Lawson 2 different names for pete's sake. Dawson and Jawson!
Eli swung at a fastball right down mainstreet. None of the coaches got on him one bit about that, I'd bet dollars to donuts.
If he gets a hit there not one word would've been posted about his "aggression". LOL
I can't wait to see what we complain about next week (hopefully during a game).
Smart baseball says you take one there. Yeah it was fastball down the pipe.
Dollars to doughnuts that he would of gotten another one As well if he would of took that one.
Just not smart baseball. It is what it is.