James Henderson said:
waxhaw said:
I don't know what NC State can do if a player decides to not take a vaccine that is not FDA approved.
I don't know if NC State made mistakes..I suspect there are things they would change in retrospect. It may not have mattered.
I KNOW the NCAA handled it poorly.
NC State can't make a player get vaxxed and they shouldn't.
What can NC State literally do?
1. Not travel with un-vaxxed players.
2. Travel with un-vaxxed players but keep them in their own bubble to try and minimize as much as possible the chance of a positive/outbreak.
I gave multiple examples above of where I think NC State made mistakes relative to No. 2 given they clearly weren't going to do #1.
Again, why are two unvaxxed players rooming together? I mean damn, it's the CWS. Why not just pay to get them their own room? Is that asking too much? LOL
You do that and you may end up in this situation just being able to send 1 player home and the other player isn't quarantined/subjected to additional testing.
I'm not sure understood what I was saying. I don't think there is anything NC State could do about players choice of vax or no vax.
I do think there may have been some things they could do in retrospect (like separate rooms) but I don't hold it against them. If the NCAA had spelled out the rules I advance maybe we should have done something different.
Too many what if's to blame anyone but the ncaa.