caryking said:
hokiewolf said:
caryking said:
Civilized said:
FlossyDFlynt said:
Civilized said:
caryking said:
hokiewolf said:
caryking said:
hokiewolf said:
This is something to celebrate, now can we please fix the system to make things simpler to the US legally?
Just dumb Hokie. People can start by not breaking the law by attempting to come in illegally. We can give 500 million, 1 day citizenship passes, and they will continue to try and come in illegally…
The system is fine, for now! Just stop trying to come in illegally!
the reason people are desperate enough to endure incredible danger and cost with the cartel types and enter illegally is BECAUSE there is not enough avenues of legal means to enter the country.
Cary, it's simple supply and demand.
Wait… what's illegal about supply and demand? Please don't conflate simple business principles to illegal activities…
Now, if business is doing illegal supply and demand practices, then they should be held accountable, just like people crossing our border.
Again, just dumb Hokie.
Why do you keep calling it dumb when it's obviously not?
There would clearly be less illegal immigration if the process duration and expense to enter legally weren't so extreme. Why would you choose to enter illegally if you can go though the proper process to be legal in some reasonable amount of time and for a reasonable amount of dough?
I think you guys are just fundamentally misaligned about the need for legal immigration period and the process argument is window dressing.
Im on Civ/Hokies side on this one. Our legal immigration system needs to be modernized. Ill fully admit I have no idea what that looks like, but I have seen parts of the process first hand and its an insane mess.
Yes. I've got an immigration attorney client/buddy and the money and time to get a green card and eventually become naturalized is staggering.
Good for his business but not for the country.
Civ, I look at this whole subject as two different ones…. I have no idea what it takes to be some a citizen in the US. That said, all my other dealings with government doesn't give me a good feel for the immigration process; so, I would conclude that reform is extremely needed.
Now, people entering our country, illegally, is not a free pass because our laws need fixing. It's a crime! In fact, the talking point that you and Hokie are perpetuating are the exact same we see legacy media using.
So, conflating the issue is why I say it's dumb. BTW, smart people can say dumb things. That's what I feel about Hokie. He's not a dumb person; however, sometimes says dumb things. Hell, I'm sure he feels the same about me…
im not conflating. It's cause and affect. Because it's so difficult to legally apply and come into the country leagally, it is easier to pay a cartel and risk death and enter the country illegally. You don't find that fundamentally wrong? That's why it needs to fixed and the supply and demand for entering this country LEGALLY needs to be looked at. The caps on legal immigration cause this issue. The poor working conditions at farms and manufacturing plants are there because of illegal immigration.
Again, we are retiring 4.4M baby boomers a month. We don't have a birth rate that keeps up with that. immigration labor is needed.
Hokie, I think most people would like to see an immigration system that works for the country, in whole. I too am one of those people. Right now, I don't see an urgency vs seeing what's transpired with illegal immigration over the last 10 to 20 years.
We have to normalize those people via a return process and/or an evaluation of what we have to see how many are viable to meet the needs of the work requirements.
He'll, if a proper betting can be done, I would consider an automatic citizenship…
Anyone actually interested in tackling illegal immigration, rather than fear mongering off of it to win elections, can look at decades of data and see exactly what's happening. Illegal immigration numbers have tracked almost perfectly with labor demand. Full stop.
So if you were serious, long ago you'd have demanded a zero tolerance policy on hiring illegal labor in America. But we've done everything we can to prevent any serious enforcement... it's just understood that companies need cheap labor or our economy will collapse.
We can't even keep drugs out of prison, but you seriously think we can keep illegal labor out of America while there is strong demand? Just like the War on Drugs, it will find a way in no matter what we do.
So instead of calling other people dumb, why not consider the possibility that you have yet another outraged vocal opinion about a topic you don't really understand, and have mostly just been duped by people that use your outrage to win elections?