TRUMP 2024

466,343 Views | 6138 Replies | Last: 1 day ago by Werewolf
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packofwolves said:

SmaptyWolf said:

caryking said:

packgrad said:

Again I ask…

What was Trump convicted for today?

He was found unanimously guilty (by a jury that Trump lawyers helped pick) of 34 felonies for illegally falsifying business records to cover up a $130,000 payment to an adult film star in an effort to prevent voters in the 2016 election from learning of an alleged sexual encounter.

I'm sure if Hunter Biden or Hillary had done this and produced reams of evidence you'd have totally let it go.

Falsifying the classification of the business records are misdemeanors that had expired. Explain the bootstrap felony, which NY law was broken for a federal election resulting in a felony upgrade.

The DOJ and FEC both declined to pursue charges.

Sure, I'll read the jury instructions for you:


The People allege that the other crime the defendant intended to commit, aid, or conceal is a violation of New York Election Law section 17-152.

Section 17-152 of the New York Election Law provides that any two or more persons who conspire to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means and which conspiracy is acted upon by one or more of the parties thereto, shall be guilty of conspiracy to promote or prevent an election.


Although you must conclude unanimously that the defendant conspired to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means, you need not be unanimous as to what those unlawful means were.

In determining whether the defendant conspired to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means, you may consider the following:
  • (1) violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act otherwise known as FECA;
  • (2) the falsification of other business records; or
  • (3) violation of tax laws.

The jury was given evidence for each of the 3 unlawful means for violating the NY Election Law section 17-152. Trump didn't just break that law, he managed a hat trick of unlawful means to do it. Each juror only had to buy one of the unlawful means to convict, didn't matter which one.
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WolfpackUSC said:

ncsupack1 said:

I'm very conservative, I'm not a Trump fan. Why is that a problem for so many?

This board is full of people who think politics have to be black and white with no gray area

I've noticed. Both can be true here, not be a Trump fan, but still vote for him.
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WolfpackUSC said:

Gulfstream4 said:

WolfpackUSC said:

Gulfstream4 said:

WolfpackUSC said:

Gulfstream4 said:

WolfpackUSC said:

DrummerboyWolf said:

WolfpackUSC said:

caryking said:

WolfpackUSC said:

DrummerboyWolf said:

Do some of you people not see what just has happened here? Unfortunately you don't.

The government has been weaponized against a political opponent. This is stuff that happens in Cuba, Venezuela, used to happen in Iraq, China and so on. This administration is using the power of the Federal Government to take out the leading candidate by any means necessary. Why are they so afraid of Trump? Ever stop to think about that?

They have violated Trump's Constitutional rights and they will be coming for yours too. Doesn't matter which side you are on. Eventually we all lose.

Your rights under the Constitution are being taken away right in front of your eyes and some of you don't see this. This is what we fought against in the Revolutionary War. Either wake up or lose your Republic. We are teetering on the edge of the abyss as is. Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder could both see this, but some on here can't.

Mind Boggling Stupid.

I will not comply with this regime. If it so happens that I die defending this Republic, then I will die a free man.

"I will die a free man"
Perhaps that is dramatic…. If you don't think we are seeing a dramatic moment in this country's history, then, I don't know what to say…

Dramatic moment in our history sure. First president to be convicted of a crime.

Throwing out statements like "I won't comply, I'll die a free man" is overly dramatic.

Is that gentlemen not gonna file his taxes next year?
Most likely not. I thought about not filing them this year. I respect all men and women who have served tis country in the military. My dad and brother were Marines. My dad fought in two wars before I was conceived. My wife the same. The Constitution is under attack and you don't see it. Sorry but that is on you.

20 years in the Marines here, and I don't see it.

Is this BuzzOsbourne?

He's considerably older

20 years? Ramada?? No way he's that much older than you.

Ramadi. City in Iraq
Isn't he 60? If so, he has 2 decades+ on me.

Yes I'm aware. Please excuse my fat fingers. I was flying ISR out of Balad. Spent many days over Ramadi.

I was a JTAC for about half of my career. An absolutely stressful but amazing job.

That's cool. I was a fister
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SmaptyWolf said:

caryking said:

packgrad said:

Again I ask…

What was Trump convicted for today?

He was found unanimously guilty (by a jury that Trump lawyers helped pick) of 34 felonies for illegally falsifying business records to cover up a $130,000 payment to an adult film star in an effort to prevent voters in the 2016 election from learning of an alleged sexual encounter.

I'm sure if Hunter Biden or Hillary had done this and produced reams of evidence you'd have totally let it go.

Paula Jones got $800,000 from Bill Clinton. Was that a crime?
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And you have just explained how it will be overturned on appeal.
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Ncsufist said:

And you have just explained how it will be overturned on appeal.

You know the TDS boys don't care about that. They just wanted the scalp. That's why the deranged nutjobs cheerlead rape accusations.

Enemies of the state support what happened in NY. Pure banana republic, kangaroo court nonsense.

The funny part to me is the nutjobs that still cry RUSSSIA!!!! or Putin!!! support this Russia/Putin like tactic to attempt to recreate laws to jail a political rival. Also the hilarious justification that this atrocious judicial behavior is acceptable because "gosh darn it he says things I don't like and MSNBC tells me he's crossed the line too many times!!!" is stellar. History will look bacl poorly on these nutjobs.

Trump wins in a cakewalk.
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Democrats are just going back to their roots. They used to make up laws using biased judges, prosecutors, and juries to imprison and hang black men.

The supporters of these legal decisions used to use the same rhetoric as well. He had it coming. He may not have done it but he's done other things I don't like so he deserved it.
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SmaptyWolf said:

packofwolves said:

SmaptyWolf said:

caryking said:

packgrad said:

Again I ask…

What was Trump convicted for today?

He was found unanimously guilty (by a jury that Trump lawyers helped pick) of 34 felonies for illegally falsifying business records to cover up a $130,000 payment to an adult film star in an effort to prevent voters in the 2016 election from learning of an alleged sexual encounter.

I'm sure if Hunter Biden or Hillary had done this and produced reams of evidence you'd have totally let it go.

Falsifying the classification of the business records are misdemeanors that had expired. Explain the bootstrap felony, which NY law was broken for a federal election resulting in a felony upgrade.

The DOJ and FEC both declined to pursue charges.

Sure, I'll read the jury instructions for you:


The People allege that the other crime the defendant intended to commit, aid, or conceal is a violation of New York Election Law section 17-152.

Section 17-152 of the New York Election Law provides that any two or more persons who conspire to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means and which conspiracy is acted upon by one or more of the parties thereto, shall be guilty of conspiracy to promote or prevent an election.


Although you must conclude unanimously that the defendant conspired to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means, you need not be unanimous as to what those unlawful means were.

In determining whether the defendant conspired to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means, you may consider the following:
  • (1) violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act otherwise known as FECA;
  • (2) the falsification of other business records; or
  • (3) violation of tax laws.

The jury was given evidence for each of the 3 unlawful means for violating the NY Election Law section 17-152. Trump didn't just break that law, he managed a hat trick of unlawful means to do it. Each juror only had to buy one of the unlawful means to convict, didn't matter which one.
This didn't happen…

Sixth Amendment

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
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Ncsufist said:

WolfpackUSC said:

Gulfstream4 said:

WolfpackUSC said:

Gulfstream4 said:

WolfpackUSC said:

Gulfstream4 said:

WolfpackUSC said:

DrummerboyWolf said:

WolfpackUSC said:

caryking said:

WolfpackUSC said:

DrummerboyWolf said:

Do some of you people not see what just has happened here? Unfortunately you don't.

The government has been weaponized against a political opponent. This is stuff that happens in Cuba, Venezuela, used to happen in Iraq, China and so on. This administration is using the power of the Federal Government to take out the leading candidate by any means necessary. Why are they so afraid of Trump? Ever stop to think about that?

They have violated Trump's Constitutional rights and they will be coming for yours too. Doesn't matter which side you are on. Eventually we all lose.

Your rights under the Constitution are being taken away right in front of your eyes and some of you don't see this. This is what we fought against in the Revolutionary War. Either wake up or lose your Republic. We are teetering on the edge of the abyss as is. Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder could both see this, but some on here can't.

Mind Boggling Stupid.

I will not comply with this regime. If it so happens that I die defending this Republic, then I will die a free man.

"I will die a free man"
Perhaps that is dramatic…. If you don't think we are seeing a dramatic moment in this country's history, then, I don't know what to say…

Dramatic moment in our history sure. First president to be convicted of a crime.

Throwing out statements like "I won't comply, I'll die a free man" is overly dramatic.

Is that gentlemen not gonna file his taxes next year?
Most likely not. I thought about not filing them this year. I respect all men and women who have served tis country in the military. My dad and brother were Marines. My dad fought in two wars before I was conceived. My wife the same. The Constitution is under attack and you don't see it. Sorry but that is on you.

20 years in the Marines here, and I don't see it.

Is this BuzzOsbourne?

He's considerably older

20 years? Ramada?? No way he's that much older than you.

Ramadi. City in Iraq
Isn't he 60? If so, he has 2 decades+ on me.

Yes I'm aware. Please excuse my fat fingers. I was flying ISR out of Balad. Spent many days over Ramadi.

I was a JTAC for about half of my career. An absolutely stressful but amazing job.

That's cool. I was a fister

Awesome. I was the Marine equivalent, 0861. I assume you were a 13F.
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Libby's will dismiss this even though it's true.

" At trial, the accused was never informed of his alleged felonious conduct. It was an egregious violation of his Sixth Amendment rights. Jurors were then given a creative menu of three possibilities and informed that our cherished constitutional principle of unanimity had gone the way of the dodo. We still don't know and may never know what conspiracy Trump supposedly committed."

" But Bragg did not act alone. His accomplice and co-prosecutor, Judge Juan Merchan, blithely disregarded the established rules of evidence, manipulated standards of admissibility to favor the prosecution, sanctioned prejudicial testimony bereft of probative value, and helped engineer a wrongful conviction by depriving Trump of a full and legitimate defense to which he was entitled. Merchan did all of this without conscience or regret."

" Bragg never had authority to bring a case against Trump based on federal campaign finance violations, which appeared to be the centerpiece of his misbegotten case. That's why he concealed it to the bitter end. A competent or unbiased judge would never have allowed it. Merchan was neither."

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" Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan got their way Thursday, maneuvering a jury of former President Donald Trump's peers into finding him guilty of . . . something.

We'll have to wait to find out exactly what, since Merchan had told the jurors they didn't even have to agree on what exactly Trump did wrong: They could individually choose any of the (vague) theories the prosecution presented as to what other crime was committed to turn the supposed misdemeanors into felonies."

" All that should get the verdict tossed on appeal, but for now President Biden's campaign can and will call Trump a "convicted felon" every minute through Election Day.

That is: Bragg and Merchan have completely prostituted the justice system for a purely political purpose."

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WolfpackUSC said:

Ncsufist said:

WolfpackUSC said:

Gulfstream4 said:

WolfpackUSC said:

Gulfstream4 said:

WolfpackUSC said:

Gulfstream4 said:

WolfpackUSC said:

DrummerboyWolf said:

WolfpackUSC said:

caryking said:

WolfpackUSC said:

DrummerboyWolf said:

Do some of you people not see what just has happened here? Unfortunately you don't.

The government has been weaponized against a political opponent. This is stuff that happens in Cuba, Venezuela, used to happen in Iraq, China and so on. This administration is using the power of the Federal Government to take out the leading candidate by any means necessary. Why are they so afraid of Trump? Ever stop to think about that?

They have violated Trump's Constitutional rights and they will be coming for yours too. Doesn't matter which side you are on. Eventually we all lose.

Your rights under the Constitution are being taken away right in front of your eyes and some of you don't see this. This is what we fought against in the Revolutionary War. Either wake up or lose your Republic. We are teetering on the edge of the abyss as is. Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder could both see this, but some on here can't.

Mind Boggling Stupid.

I will not comply with this regime. If it so happens that I die defending this Republic, then I will die a free man.

"I will die a free man"
Perhaps that is dramatic…. If you don't think we are seeing a dramatic moment in this country's history, then, I don't know what to say…

Dramatic moment in our history sure. First president to be convicted of a crime.

Throwing out statements like "I won't comply, I'll die a free man" is overly dramatic.

Is that gentlemen not gonna file his taxes next year?
Most likely not. I thought about not filing them this year. I respect all men and women who have served tis country in the military. My dad and brother were Marines. My dad fought in two wars before I was conceived. My wife the same. The Constitution is under attack and you don't see it. Sorry but that is on you.

20 years in the Marines here, and I don't see it.

Is this BuzzOsbourne?

He's considerably older

20 years? Ramada?? No way he's that much older than you.

Ramadi. City in Iraq
Isn't he 60? If so, he has 2 decades+ on me.

Yes I'm aware. Please excuse my fat fingers. I was flying ISR out of Balad. Spent many days over Ramadi.

I was a JTAC for about half of my career. An absolutely stressful but amazing job.

That's cool. I was a fister

Awesome. I was the Marine equivalent, 0861. I assume you were a 13F.

Yeah I saw a bunch of y'all training at sill
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As I've posted here many times, the POLLS are fake.

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#VotingforTrump trending
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I've said it before and I'll say it again…. As bad as I see the Dems, the Pubs are worse. Dems play to win, Pubs are WEAK!!

For all you Pubs, that dislike Trump, remember, Trump is the flavor of the month, for Dems. It will be this mild mannered Pub, that you do like, the Dems will go after next.

Either you get behind fighting for constitutional values or you will lose! If anybody (Pubs that is) thinks we "haven't" lost our country, and we don't need to fight, then you are kidding yourself. Dems have been playing this game for a long time and slowly, they have changed the landscape, right in front of your lazy eyes!

Fight like Hell to WIN!! For all you weak minded people, fighting doesn't mean getting out your guns and start shooting. It means, play the same game the strong Dems play, yet, do it harder and stronger!

We have to WIN!!!

People like Smapty and some of the other loudmouths, well… you just need to roll over them! They are nothing but noise! Nobody's!! The real game is being played by Dems. We win by beating them down into oblivion!
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caryking said:

I've said it before and I'll say it again…. As bad as I see the Dems, the Pubs are worse. Dems play to win, Pubs are WEAK!!

For all you Pubs, that dislike Trump, remember, Trump is the flavor of the month, for Dems. It will be this mild mannered Pub, that you do like, the Dems will go after next.

Either you get behind fighting for constitutional values or you will lose! If anybody (Pubs that is) thinks we "haven't" lost our country, and we don't need to fight, then you are kidding yourself. Dems have been playing this game for a long time and slowly, they have changed the landscape, right in front of your lazy eyes!

Fight like Hell to WIN!! For all you weak minded people, fighting doesn't mean getting out your guns and start shooting. It means, play the same game the strong Dems play, yet, do it harder and stronger!

We have to WIN!!!

People like Smapty and some of the other loudmouths, well… you just need to roll over them! They are nothing but noise! Nobody's!! The real game is being played by Dems. We win by beating them down into oblivion!

^ this is nothing but noise
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Some of you do realize that one can dislike Trump and still vote for him right? Just because someone may not like the man doesn't make them lib, and people wonder why the other side calls it cult like.
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ncsupack1 said:

Some of you do realize that one can dislike Trump and still vote for him right? Just because someone may not like the man doesn't make them lib, and people wonder why the other side calls it cult like.

Who has said that people who dislike Trump won't vote for him? I think that is the case with many voters.
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packofwolves said:

ncsupack1 said:

Some of you do realize that one can dislike Trump and still vote for him right? Just because someone may not like the man doesn't make them lib, and people wonder why the other side calls it cult like.

Who has said that people who dislike Trump won't vote for him? I think that is the case with many voters.

The name calling or questioning one's patriotism for simply asking questions are common place here.
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ncsupack1 said:

Some of you do realize that one can dislike Trump and still vote for him right? Just because someone may not like the man doesn't make them lib, and people wonder why the other side calls it cult like.

^This. Been called a liberal/ Biden supporter quite a few times due to my disdain for Trump.
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WolfpackUSC said:

ncsupack1 said:

Some of you do realize that one can dislike Trump and still vote for him right? Just because someone may not like the man doesn't make them lib, and people wonder why the other side calls it cult like.

^This. Been called a liberal/ Biden supporter quite a few times due to my disdain for Trump.

It happens.
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caryking said:

I've said it before and I'll say it again…. As bad as I see the Dems, the Pubs are worse. Dems play to win, Pubs are WEAK!!

"THE DEMS" didn't make the decision to have a habitual criminal and disgusting human being lead their party. "THE DEMS" didn't pass on multiple opportunities to distance themselves from him. "THE DEMS" didn't pass on impeachment, citing that the judicial process should deal with Trump, rather than themselves (and then cry "political witch-hunt" when he was indicted on his multiple crimes).

Start taking some responsibility for your party's own decisions.

I get that it's too late now for anyone to admit this to themselves or their constituents, so the only option is to claim that everyone's out to get Trump.

It is indeed a sad time for America, but not for any of the reasons that you guys think.
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the first "Nobody"
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the second "Nobody"
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grantwolf said:

caryking said:

I've said it before and I'll say it again…. As bad as I see the Dems, the Pubs are worse. Dems play to win, Pubs are WEAK!!

"THE DEMS" didn't make the decision to have a habitual criminal and disgusting human being lead their party. "THE DEMS" didn't pass on multiple opportunities to distance themselves from him. "THE DEMS" didn't pass on impeachment, citing that the judicial process should deal with Trump, rather than themselves (and then cry "political witch-hunt" when he was indicted on his multiple crimes).

Start taking some responsibility for your party's own decisions.

I get that it's too late now for anyone to admit this to themselves or their constituents, so the only option is to claim that everyone's out to get Trump.

It is indeed a sad time for America, but not for any of the reasons that you guys think.

The dems just weaponized the judicial system to go after someone because they don't have anything to run on. But hey you're all for saving democracy right? Also are you saying that the democrats don't have disgusting behavior on their side? Pelosi and insider trading, the Clinton's pay to play foundation. Joe Biden using his son to network income. On and on it goes just wait until republicans start using the judicial system to convict your own. You will call foul then but it will be too late.
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ncsupack1 said:

WolfpackUSC said:

ncsupack1 said:

Some of you do realize that one can dislike Trump and still vote for him right? Just because someone may not like the man doesn't make them lib, and people wonder why the other side calls it cult like.

^This. Been called a liberal/ Biden supporter quite a few times due to my disdain for Trump.

It happens.
ncsupack1, one can certainly dislike Trump. I even understand why some people dislike the guy. That said, this is so much bigger than Trump. This is about our Republic!

I'm not an absolutist on Trump policies, at all. That said, I like how tenacious he is. Dems are very tenacious; while, we sit around and try to be meek and mild and watch the country go to shambles.

I'm an unabashed supporter of Trump, even with all his warts.
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grantwolf said:

caryking said:

I've said it before and I'll say it again…. As bad as I see the Dems, the Pubs are worse. Dems play to win, Pubs are WEAK!!

"THE DEMS" didn't make the decision to have a habitual criminal and disgusting human being lead their party. "THE DEMS" didn't pass on multiple opportunities to distance themselves from him. "THE DEMS" didn't pass on impeachment, citing that the judicial process should deal with Trump, rather than themselves (and then cry "political witch-hunt" when he was indicted on his multiple crimes).

Start taking some responsibility for your party's own decisions.

I get that it's too late now for anyone to admit this to themselves or their constituents, so the only option is to claim that everyone's out to get Trump.

It is indeed a sad time for America, but not for any of the reasons that you guys think.

The issue that I have with this whole situation, the gates are now open for anyone to be gone after. This isn't going to just stop with Trump. When it happens again we can thank the Democrats for it. I hope you will be either okay with it or stay on the sidelines. This whole thing was bad.
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caryking said:

ncsupack1 said:

WolfpackUSC said:

ncsupack1 said:

Some of you do realize that one can dislike Trump and still vote for him right? Just because someone may not like the man doesn't make them lib, and people wonder why the other side calls it cult like.

^This. Been called a liberal/ Biden supporter quite a few times due to my disdain for Trump.

It happens.
ncsupack1, one can certainly dislike Trump. I even understand why some people dislike the guy. That said, this is so much bigger than Trump. This is about our Republic!

I'm not an absolutist on Trump policies, at all. That said, I like how tenacious he is. Dems are very tenacious; while, we sit around and try to be meek and mild and watch the country go to shambles.

I'm an unabashed supporter of Trump, even with all his warts.

And that is fine. I'm more so talking about the trashing of people who simply ask questions.
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ncsupack1 said:

caryking said:

ncsupack1 said:

WolfpackUSC said:

ncsupack1 said:

Some of you do realize that one can dislike Trump and still vote for him right? Just because someone may not like the man doesn't make them lib, and people wonder why the other side calls it cult like.

^This. Been called a liberal/ Biden supporter quite a few times due to my disdain for Trump.

It happens.
ncsupack1, one can certainly dislike Trump. I even understand why some people dislike the guy. That said, this is so much bigger than Trump. This is about our Republic!

I'm not an absolutist on Trump policies, at all. That said, I like how tenacious he is. Dems are very tenacious; while, we sit around and try to be meek and mild and watch the country go to shambles.

I'm an unabashed supporter of Trump, even with all his warts.

And that is fine. I'm more so talking about the trashing of people who simply ask questions.

It's because you're challenging them to think for themselves and they can't handle that. They are spoon fed information and just repeat it. When you question it they can't back it up so they attack you to quiet you down.
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Will someone please attack ncsupack1 so we can justify his victimhood seeking? My god, what are we doing here?
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Wolfpack8602 said:

ncsupack1 said:

caryking said:

ncsupack1 said:

WolfpackUSC said:

ncsupack1 said:

Some of you do realize that one can dislike Trump and still vote for him right? Just because someone may not like the man doesn't make them lib, and people wonder why the other side calls it cult like.

^This. Been called a liberal/ Biden supporter quite a few times due to my disdain for Trump.

It happens.
ncsupack1, one can certainly dislike Trump. I even understand why some people dislike the guy. That said, this is so much bigger than Trump. This is about our Republic!

I'm not an absolutist on Trump policies, at all. That said, I like how tenacious he is. Dems are very tenacious; while, we sit around and try to be meek and mild and watch the country go to shambles.

I'm an unabashed supporter of Trump, even with all his warts.

And that is fine. I'm more so talking about the trashing of people who simply ask questions.

It's because you're challenging them to think for themselves and they can't handle that. They are spoon fed information and just repeat it. When you question it they can't back it up so they attack you to quiet you down.

You support Putin like tactics. Congratulations on "thinking for yourself".
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packgrad said:

Will someone please attack ncsupack1 so we can justify his victimhood seeking? My god, what are we doing here?

Victimhood? Not even close. What are we doing here, good question.
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ncsupack1 said:

caryking said:

ncsupack1 said:

WolfpackUSC said:

ncsupack1 said:

Some of you do realize that one can dislike Trump and still vote for him right? Just because someone may not like the man doesn't make them lib, and people wonder why the other side calls it cult like.

^This. Been called a liberal/ Biden supporter quite a few times due to my disdain for Trump.

It happens.
ncsupack1, one can certainly dislike Trump. I even understand why some people dislike the guy. That said, this is so much bigger than Trump. This is about our Republic!

I'm not an absolutist on Trump policies, at all. That said, I like how tenacious he is. Dems are very tenacious; while, we sit around and try to be meek and mild and watch the country go to shambles.

I'm an unabashed supporter of Trump, even with all his warts.

And that is fine. I'm more so talking about the trashing of people who simply ask questions.
Put yourself in his place. The amount of crap he received, from the day he road down those elevators, was ridiculous. Hell, even Mika and Joe loved the guy, until he rode down those elevators... It all turned, and turned quickly...

BTW, I didn't vote for Trump in the primary; rather, I voted for Cruz. In hindsight, I should have voted for Trump, but, you know the saying... hindsight is 20/20 vision.
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