hokiewolf said:
GuerrillaPack said:
hokiewolf said:
Oh yeah, I forgot you think that the shooting up of an elementary school was made up. Yeah, you are a doofus
You have no argument, other than silly/lame/desperate/hysterical name-calling.
maybe all this bad stuff you think didn't happen is because you don't live on round earth.
The Satanic Marxist Establishment that has ruled our society (Hollywood, Lamestream media, academia, controlling governments, etc) has lied to us and/or pushed INSANE polices on a massive scale about
VIRTUALLY EVERYTHING that is of key importance to us - eg, covid scamdemic, JFK assassination, 70 genders, cut your sons ding dong off and your daughters breasts off, take school children to drag queen story time and drag parades, climate change hoax for massive taxation and to deliberately destroy our economy and standard of living, promotion of open border invasion of 30+ million illegals, foundational "science" and "truth" of this Establishment is the PREPOSTEROUS theory of evolution and "Big Bang" nonsense, unborn children are "not human but only a clump of cells" and therefore can be murdered, etc etc etc etc.
We live in an upside down world where this Satanic Communist-Leftist Establishment is attempting to invert reality, and is promoting the most bat-chit insane, preposterous things imaginable. Everything they promote is 180 degrees opposite of the truth -- whether it's the false "science" they promote, the false history, the false narratives about even current events, etc.
To sum up the worldview of the Satanic Establishment, the key "foundational truths" they would have you believe is that "God does not exist and you are an evolved monkey clump of cells that can be murdered before you are born, and you need to have your son's ding dong cut off and accept unlimited immigration to destroy your nation or you are a bigot and a racist".
But you think I'm a "crazy conspiracy theorist" to not trust these insane scum of this Establishment, and to allege that they might also be lying about other things? That's cute.
No, the "conspiracy theorists" are the people who are not under a trance, and who still have working brains enough to not trust lying tyrants who are destroying the world.