Olympic hammer thrower Gwen Berry 'pissed' national anthem was playing at Olympic tri

7,974 Views | 73 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by BBW12OG
Steve Williams
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After reading the article, I have no words.

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In a related story, singer Macy Gray says we should redesign the US flag, writing an op ed in which she stated that the US flag "has replaced the confederate flag as a symbol of racism and hate."


The Left has already torn down numerous statues of Thomas Jefferson. How long until they start doing that to George Washington too? Give it 5-10 more years, maybe less. He was a "racist" slave owner too.

Eventually, politicians will argue that the 2nd Amendment and other portions of the Constitution should be overturned, since they are just the "outdated" ideas of "old racist white men". They already argue this in full force in Marxist-run academia.

The Left absolutely wants to radically "change" the United States. They wish to blot out and/or demonize our history and foundational principles. Why? In order to strip us of our constitutional rights and limited government principles, paving the way for the communist totalitarian government and society they are planning.

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She's an ungrateful dumbass.
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WarrenPeace said:

She's an ungrateful dumbass.
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These idiots are going to be so disrespectful and completely embarrass our nation. It will make watching the Olympics painful and annoying.
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PackFansXL said:

These idiots are going to be so disrespectful and completely embarrass our nation. It will make watching the Olympics painful and annoying.

That and NBC (or whoever is covering this) injecting faux "woke" racial political activism into the broadcast every 30-45 minutes, as has been done on almost every sports broadcast for the past year.
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The absolute highlight of the article was when this numbnut had the audacity to say "it was real disrespectful" to play the anthem. SMH. Her lack of self-awareness is telling.
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I'd you can't stand for your country then you shouldn't be competing for them in a national event
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cowboypack02 said:

I'd you can't stand for your country then you shouldn't be competing for them in a national event
If the USOC had any balls, they would tell her: do it again and your done. Actually, screw that, she should be done before she ever gets to Japan!!!!
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
Bell Tower Grey
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Hey bicth, take your happy ass anywhere else you'd like since you have it so difficult here. I'll borrow a quarter from Travis, to give to you, so you call your ride.
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I honestly dont get it. Why go through all that hard work and intense training to represent a country you hate?
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She's a hero.
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FlossyDFlynt said:

I honestly dont get it. Why go through all that hard work and intense training to represent a country you hate?
Its about the money....we are probably the only country in the world that will reward people for hating their own country
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Until this country get real leaders in all aspects, we will be doomed to this type of crap. The real fighters have been quiet for too long.

This will change, I hope, as we are seeing people stand up at school boards, patriots giving their time counting ballots in Maricopa County (this one has a chance to be a real doozie) and others starting to say: enough!!

A change is upon us... will we finish?
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
Steve Williams
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My guess is she'll ride this hate for her country all the way to a massive pay day. She's already got Puma.
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Steve Williams said:

My guess is she'll ride this hate for her country all the way to a massive pay day. She's already got Puma.
Nike did a great job with Kap. Their CEO recently said on a call that Nike is "a brand of China and for China."
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Steve Williams said:

My guess is she'll ride this hate for her country all the way to a massive pay day. She's already got Puma.

Colin Kapernick model.

Your a hamer throw that nobody cares about. Best way to get money from woke corporate america is to pull a stunt like this.

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It will be interesting to see reports on the actual audience size the Olympics pull in when broadcasters are so busy preaching their mythology on America and athletes are acting out on a grand scale.
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I realize the American experience has been wildly different for different people and groups of people, but if you want to devote your life to change, maybe a career in politics or law would be more effective than one in track and field?
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dogplasma said:

I realize the American experience has been wildly different for different people and groups of people, but if you want to devote your life to change, maybe a career in politics or law would be more effective than one in track and field?
People have no perspective.

We are probably the only country in the world were you can be overweight, have a tv and cable, phone, car to drive around in, and get a decent amount of money from the government every month and still be considered in poverty.

Yes, i realize that people do grow up in different walks of live and are disadvantaged compared to other folks in this country, but look at world compared to us. For god sake people are turning turning their "mistreatment" by the country today into lucrative opportunities and being given a platform where millions of people will listen to them and support them. You don't get that anywhere else in the world.

I think that the folks who don't realize that should take some time and see how the rest of the world lives before weighing in. Spend a few months in poverty in Brazil, Russia, China, any African or Latin American country before coming back and complaining
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cowboypack02 said:

dogplasma said:

I realize the American experience has been wildly different for different people and groups of people, but if you want to devote your life to change, maybe a career in politics or law would be more effective than one in track and field?
People have no perspective.

We are probably the only country in the world were you can be overweight, have a tv and cable, phone, car to drive around in, and get a decent amount of money from the government every month and still be considered in poverty.

Yes, i realize that people do grow up in different walks of live and are disadvantaged compared to other folks in this country, but look at world compared to us. For god sake people are turning turning their "mistreatment" by the country today into lucrative opportunities and being given a platform where millions of people will listen to them and support them. You don't get that anywhere else in the world.

I think that the folks who don't realize that should take some time and see how the rest of the world lives before weighing in. Spend a few months in poverty in Brazil, Russia, China, any African or Latin American country before coming back and complaining

Add India to that mix.
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cowboypack02 said:

People have no perspective.

We are probably the only country in the world were you can be overweight, have a tv and cable, phone, car to drive around in, and get a decent amount of money from the government every month and still be considered in poverty.

Yes, i realize that people do grow up in different walks of live and are disadvantaged compared to other folks in this country, but look at world compared to us. For god sake people are turning turning their "mistreatment" by the country today into lucrative opportunities and being given a platform where millions of people will listen to them and support them. You don't get that anywhere else in the world.

I think that the folks who don't realize that should take some time and see how the rest of the world lives before weighing in. Spend a few months in poverty in Brazil, Russia, China, any African or Latin American country before coming back and complaining

I would assume pretty much every developed Western country will have people that act as leeches on the system.

For the record, the poverty line for a single person is making < $12,880 a year. That sounds pretty ****ty no matter what the government benefits you get with it are.
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National Review Link


The average bottom-quintile household receives $45,389 in government transfers. Private transfers from charitable and family sources provide another $3,313. The average household in the bottom quintile pays $2,709 in taxes, mostly sales, property and excise taxes. The net result is that the average household in the bottom quintile has $50,901 of available resources.

The average top-quintile household pays on average $109,125 in taxes and is left, after taxes and transfer payments, with only 3.8 times as much as the bottom quintile: $194,906 compared with $50,901. No matter how much income you think government in a free society should redistribute, it is much harder to argue that the bottom quintile is getting too little or the top quintile is getting too much when the ratio of net resources available to them is 3.8 to 1 rather than 60 to 1 (the ratio of what they earn) or the Census number of 17 to 1 (which excludes taxes and most transfers).
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cowboypack02 said:

dogplasma said:

I realize the American experience has been wildly different for different people and groups of people, but if you want to devote your life to change, maybe a career in politics or law would be more effective than one in track and field?
People have no perspective.

We are probably the only country in the world were you can be overweight, have a tv and cable, phone, car to drive around in, and get a decent amount of money from the government every month and still be considered in poverty.

Yes, i realize that people do grow up in different walks of live and are disadvantaged compared to other folks in this country, but look at world compared to us. For god sake people are turning turning their "mistreatment" by the country today into lucrative opportunities and being given a platform where millions of people will listen to them and support them. You don't get that anywhere else in the world.

I think that the folks who don't realize that should take some time and see how the rest of the world lives before weighing in. Spend a few months in poverty in Brazil, Russia, China, any African or Latin American country before coming back and complaining


No country is perfect, but living in the US is great compared to the rest of the world. I'd never want to live anywhere else. The people who think things here are awful do so from a privilaged POV and have never critically examined the other options.
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statefan91 said:

cowboypack02 said:

People have no perspective.

We are probably the only country in the world were you can be overweight, have a tv and cable, phone, car to drive around in, and get a decent amount of money from the government every month and still be considered in poverty.

Yes, i realize that people do grow up in different walks of live and are disadvantaged compared to other folks in this country, but look at world compared to us. For god sake people are turning turning their "mistreatment" by the country today into lucrative opportunities and being given a platform where millions of people will listen to them and support them. You don't get that anywhere else in the world.

I think that the folks who don't realize that should take some time and see how the rest of the world lives before weighing in. Spend a few months in poverty in Brazil, Russia, China, any African or Latin American country before coming back and complaining

I would assume pretty much every developed Western country will have people that act as leeches on the system.

For the record, the poverty line for a single person is making < $12,880 a year. That sounds pretty ****ty no matter what the government benefits you get with it are.
Its not the way that I want to live but when your getting housing, food, phone, and a vehicle out of the deal its not a bad way to go if you don't want to put any effort into your life
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For sure - some people are lost causes and not much you can do about it. Still would rather have them doing that than going out and turning to crime in order to survive, if you're deciding between the two.
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I see today she now claims she doesn't hate the country (in response to people telling her if she hates the country so much she should leave / not represent it).

Just loves her people, and thinks she shouldn't be represented by what she deems a racist song (she ascribes the lyrics in the never-used 3rd verse of Star Spangled Banner as being about slavery).

Sports have afforded her an opportunity to do a lot in life, including trying to raise a voice to issues. But living in the US has also afforded her many opportunities that others would never experience, and i think many folks lose site of that. Those types of shenanigans would not have been well received by the governments of many nations, and I'd daresay many more would have likely found her in conflict with its Olympic standards and kicked her out.
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So are you recommending she not use the freedoms that living in the US have given her?
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pineknollshoresking said:

Until this country get real leaders in all aspects, we will be doomed to this type of crap. The real fighters have been quiet for too long.

This will change, I hope, as we are seeing people stand up at school boards, patriots giving their time counting ballots in Maricopa County (this one has a chance to be a real doozie) and others starting to say: enough!!

A change is upon us... will we finish?

Yep. Going to be at least 8 years by 2024 that we have gone without leadership in the White House. Really sad. The best of the best don't go into politics and it shows.
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statefan91 said:

So are you recommending she not use the freedoms that living in the US have given her?
Nope....she has every right to do so. I think in this case, though, she didn't do herself any favors. When you look like a petulant child protesting, it 100% loses the power of a more sedate standard set by Tommie Smith and John Carlos in Mexico City -- looks like its much more about her than her beliefs.

But I also think many who think things are so bad here have no freaking clue. And like so many things in life, you are free to exercise your rights, and you may well be entitled to a lot of criticism for how you do it.
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For the record, I think she was just being petulant as well after finishing in 3rd and probably wasn't going to do this if she had come in 1st place. As you said, this seems like an attention grabbing opportunity at best.

However I don't think there's anything wrong with criticizing something you love or that you're a part of. Things can't improve if you're unwilling to acknowledge what's wrong. So in this case, she feels like something is wrong and wants to draw attention to it. Whether that was in earnest or not is up for debate, as I agree with you that she really just seems to want attention.
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I put being upset the national anthem was played at an Olympic event in the same category of going to a comedy show and being upset at a dirty joke. You knew what you signed up for. Giving this any attention at all is giving it too much attention.
Just a guy on the sunshine squad.
The Gatekeeper.
Homer Dumbarse.
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statefan91 said:

For the record, I think she was just being petulant as well after finishing in 3rd and probably wasn't going to do this if she had come in 1st place. As you said, this seems like an attention grabbing opportunity at best.

However I don't think there's anything wrong with criticizing something you love or that you're a part of. Things can't improve if you're unwilling to acknowledge what's wrong. So in this case, she feels like something is wrong and wants to draw attention to it. Whether that was in earnest or not is up for debate, as I agree with you that she really just seems to want attention.
I agree with pretty much everything you've said. But I'd also believe, that if she pulled this stunt at many other countries olympic trials, she'd have been kicked out. Clearly thats the case in some of the countries referenced in this thread (Russia, China, Central America with all its dangerous leaders), but I'd hope we'd aspire to be above those guys.

But I think even in some democratic governments, this type of action might draw enough ire from leaders that they'd come up with some sort of suspension. I think if the US did that, it'd give her far more attention and martyrdom than just letting it go and letting her own petulance tell the story
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Yep - I don't disagree that the US is one of the only places she's probably able to do this, and that's what makes us awesome.

To that point, I'm fine if the USOC want to suspend her. They probably don't/won't because of the backlash, but that's their decision and anyone expressing free speech should prepare that their may be consequences, just not from the government.
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Bas2020 said:

Steve Williams said:

My guess is she'll ride this hate for her country all the way to a massive pay day. She's already got Puma.

Colin Kapernick model.

Your a hamer throw that nobody cares about. Best way to get money from woke corporate america is to pull a stunt like this.

It was only a matter of time...

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