Navy confirms UFO footage

9,223 Views | 55 Replies | Last: 6 days ago by wolfbreath
Steve Williams
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Maybe they are out there lol

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You gotta believe, Steve !
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Aliens DO exist. But they are not little green men that fly around in space ships, and can invade earth.

The aliens are fallen angels aka demons. They are spiritual beings that can posses human bodies, and humans can contact and communicate with them. In the New Testament, the Messiah talked with them and cast some of them into a herd of swine, for example.

The wicked elites who rule our society are literal Satanists/Luciferians who are in communication with these fallen angels and taking direction from them to implement the Satanic agenda for the world - ie, the "New World Order" agenda.

The deception will be governments telling us to revere/obey/worship these fallen angels (aliens).
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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The "Ancient Aliens" show mixes truth with deception. The main deception is their theme that these "aliens" (fallen angels) are the creators of mankind. This is Satan attempting to usurp God, and take credit for things that God has done. Again...they want to condition people to revere/worship these fallen angels.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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The number of galaxies is estimated at 2 trillion. The medium sized Milky Way galaxy has at least a 100 billion planets. Is it far fetched to think there are other inhabited planets that are further advanced than the human race?
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packofwolves said:

The number of galaxies is estimated at 2 trillion. The medium sized Milky Way galaxy has at least a 100 billion planets. Is it far fetched to think there are other inhabited planets that are further advanced than the human race?

Sure, there are a lot of stars. But there is absolutely zero evidence of any other inhabitable worlds/planets out there. The stars and planets are just lights in the sky. The planets are not terra firma that you can land on. The entire cosmology from the pseudo-scientific orthodoxy is false. The earth is not a planet. The stars and planets rotate around the earth.

What's far-fetched is the view of cosmology presented by the pseudo-scientific orthodoxy - ie, a universe "created" by "Big Bang" explosion, and all life in the universe coming into existence via random chance...that we are "evolved monkeys" on a rock flying through space.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

packofwolves said:

The number of galaxies is estimated at 2 trillion. The medium sized Milky Way galaxy has at least a 100 billion planets. Is it far fetched to think there are other inhabited planets that are further advanced than the human race?

Sure, there are a lot of stars. But there is absolutely zero evidence of any other inhabitable worlds/planets out there. The stars and planets are just lights in the sky. The planets are not terra firma that you can land on. The entire cosmology from the pseudo-scientific orthodoxy is false. The earth is not a planet. The stars and planets rotate around the earth.

What's far-fetched is the view of cosmology presented by the pseudo-scientific orthodoxy - ie, a universe "created" by "Big Bang" explosion, and all life in the universe coming into existence via random chance...that we are "evolved monkeys" on a rock flying through space.

Zero evidence to date. No way of knowing with the number of galaxies and planets out there. Those numbers do not include stars.
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Wow shiot got real quick in this thread!
Bell Tower Grey
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packofwolves said:

The number of galaxies is estimated at 2 trillion. The medium sized Milky Way galaxy has at least a 100 billion planets. Is it far fetched to think there are other inhabited planets that are further advanced than the human race?
I guess those of us that believe in God can ask when we get to Heaven.
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If the Webb telescope ever actually launches :|, it may be able to detect oxygen in the atmospheres of nearby exoplanets. While not a sure fire sign of life, that would still be pretty cool. There may be other projects in the works to image and study exoplanets - not sure. I know images of some exoplanets do exist already, and some limited atmospheric measurements have already been done.

Personally, I can't see how there couldn't be life on some other planets. Like was said above, there are literally billions and billions of stars and the evidence seems to show that most stars have planets. You have to think that some of those planets have civilizations and that they are coming to earth in flying pyramids in order to abduct us and conduct anal probe experiments. I mean, law of averages.
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packofwolves said:

The number of galaxies is estimated at 2 trillion. The medium sized Milky Way galaxy has at least a 100 billion planets. Is it far fetched to think there are other inhabited planets that are further advanced than the human race?

Just on pure numerical analysis, there really isn't a question that life exists outside the Earth. Does it look like humanity or anything in our known animal kingdom? I would guess no, but it's out there.
Y'all means ALL.
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You're right, a lot of **** posts in this thread.
Y'all means ALL.
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Wow this thread is uhhhhh something else...
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Bell Tower Grey said:

packofwolves said:

The number of galaxies is estimated at 2 trillion. The medium sized Milky Way galaxy has at least a 100 billion planets. Is it far fetched to think there are other inhabited planets that are further advanced than the human race?
I guess those of us that believe in God can ask when we get to Heaven.
I've come to believe that God lives vicariously within us. If that's true, it's hard to believe that He'd confine His enjoyment of His creation and creation of sentience to just one world within two trillion galaxies. Being retired Army, I also believe Navy pukes drink too much and see things that aren't there.
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" We are happy to say we protected Earth from an alien visitor that was obviously not advanced enough to engage in common trans-sensitive pronoun courtesy during a greeting."
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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PackBacker07 said:

packofwolves said:

The number of galaxies is estimated at 2 trillion. The medium sized Milky Way galaxy has at least a 100 billion planets. Is it far fetched to think there are other inhabited planets that are further advanced than the human race?

Just on pure numerical analysis, there really isn't a question that life exists outside the Earth. Does it look like humanity or anything in our known animal kingdom? I would guess no, but it's out there.
I would conjecture that life on world resembling earth actually might look very recognizable to us due to convergent evolution by which similar shapes (dolphins, sharks) which actually are nothing alike, look alike because they were shaped by the same environment (the ocean).
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Lmao. With all the critical race theory bs my brothers and daughter are going through with the military. That would not surprise me
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PackBacker07 said:

packofwolves said:

The number of galaxies is estimated at 2 trillion. The medium sized Milky Way galaxy has at least a 100 billion planets. Is it far fetched to think there are other inhabited planets that are further advanced than the human race?

Just on pure numerical analysis, there really isn't a question that life exists outside the Earth. Does it look like humanity or anything in our known animal kingdom? I would guess no, but it's out there.


If you give an infinite number of monkeys typewriters, one of them will bang out the Declaration of Independence.

It's just a numbers game. When there are 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000+ opportunities for something rare to happen, that rare thing is gonna happen a few times at least.
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You're assuming that the monkeys and the typewriters already exist. For your theory to work, you gotta start with a lot less than that.
3rd generation CALS grad
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CBS 60 minutes gets in on the act. Funny how something is magically no longer a "conspiracy theory" now that the Gubbamint and the big Lamestream "news" networks are the ones alleging it.

Because something can only be true once the "Establishment" approves it. Until the "Establishment" approval, anyone who believes otherwise is a "nutball theorizing conspiracies".

So if this is all true and UFOs are "real", what about the fact that the Gubment and Establishment has been lying to the public, or at the very least misleading and concealing this information from the public for all these years? Is that not cause to distrust the Gubbamint and Establishment? Or is anyone who distrusts the Gubbamint and Establishment still automatically to be considered a "lunatic conspiracy theorist"?? Guess we need to wait for word from the Lamestream Establishment media on that question, since they alone get to decide all truth in the universe and decide what everyone should believe.

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Well, it does help to have actual video/infrared/radar evidence from military aircraft plus on-the-record accounts from US service members. You can see how that might make a more newsworthy case than, say, a blog from some dude living in an RV out in the desert. And they're not saying it's necessarily aliens.

But it's aliens.
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Oldsouljer said:

PackBacker07 said:

packofwolves said:

The number of galaxies is estimated at 2 trillion. The medium sized Milky Way galaxy has at least a 100 billion planets. Is it far fetched to think there are other inhabited planets that are further advanced than the human race?

Just on pure numerical analysis, there really isn't a question that life exists outside the Earth. Does it look like humanity or anything in our known animal kingdom? I would guess no, but it's out there.
I would conjecture that life on world resembling earth actually might look very recognizable to us due to convergent evolution by which similar shapes (dolphins, sharks) which actually are nothing alike, look alike because they were shaped by the same environment (the ocean).
. That's a good point.
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dogplasma said:

Well, it does help to have actual video/infrared/radar evidence from military aircraft plus on-the-record accounts from US service members. You can see how that might make a more newsworthy case than, say, a blog from some dude living in an RV out in the desert. And they're not saying it's necessarily aliens.

But it's aliens.

That's a fallacy of argument - "appeal to authority", making the argument that only so-called "authorities" (Gubbamint, big corporate Lamestream media) can give us the truth.

And that is the crux of the entire issue. The reality is that these self-proclaimed "authorities" do NOT have any credibility. It's the complete opposite. They are completely untrustworthy, with a long track record of deception, fraud, and criminality - lying to the public on dozens/hundreds of huge issues, suppressing and concealing vital information from the public, and overall advancing tyrannical agendas against the interest of the public.

And that's what they've done here with the "UFO" issue, if you believe what they are now saying - because the US Govt has lied to the public for decades about this and is just now "disclosing" the "truth".

All that said...I personally don't believe what they are now saying is the truth either.

The person who the criminal Establishment demonizes as a "conspiracy theorist" is not crazy. They are simply people who can see all the deception, fraud, and criminality - and don't trust known liars. It's the opposite. They are the sane ones. The people who continue to trust the criminal government and Establishment faux "news" media are the people who are actually crazy.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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This surge in UFO stories reminds me of an experience from one of the times I served on a jury. It was an arson case and we had listened to lots of testimony about the use of accelerants, alibis, etc. The Prosecutor called a woman who was a victim of the apartment fire to the stand. I watched her and listened to her testimony until I heard a loud sound from a chair pushed away from a desk. I turned to see the Defense Attorney prop his feet up on the desk and make a big production of removing one of his rings and holding it at arm's length to peer through it ...

A little voice in my head screamed sideshow distraction; so, I returned to the witness and discovered her crying as she described waking to a smoke filled apartment and the scramble to get her child and find the door to make her escape. I remember thinking that attorney was a clever snake who was determined to get his client off by hook or crook.

This UFO focus smells like an attempt to distract an outraged public from the shocking socialist shapeshifter actions taken by the ruling political party that currently holds the narrowest of margins in our country. All the while pretending they have nothing to do with the border crisis, reverse racism movement, low jobs uptake, wacky wokism, trans tyranny, rebellious teacher's unions, exponential spending explosion, and completely corrupted national media.

Listen to the voice telling you to pay attention!
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I don't watch Lamestream communist propaganda faux "news" on TV, and only see some of it in pieces on YouTube, Instagram, etc. By the looks of this segment on Fox discussing a "newly released video of UFOs swarming a navy ship" it appears they are ramping up the coverage of this "UFOs" story.

As pointed out in the previous post in this thread, people in the comments to this video are asking the right questions, such as why this is being pushed now, and what is it meant to distract us from? - massive government spending, inflation, big problems in the economy/unemployment, etc.

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I won't believe anything on ufo's being important until an alien lands here.
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I think the aliens see where we're headed and they're here to measure the drapes.
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You can't call them "aliens"...Facebook will ban you for hate speech for that. The correct term is undocumented visitors. And once they land, Biden and the Democrats will immediately give them free healthcare and unemployment benefits.
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As a believer in the coming Rapture. I think this is how they(AntiChrist) will explain all the Christians disappearing. And you'll all probably believe it and follow it like you did with Covid, wearing masks, vaccines, etc. etc. etc.
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GuerrillaPack said:

You can't call them "aliens"...Facebook will ban you for hate speech for that. The correct term is undocumented visitors. And once they land, Biden and the Democrats will immediately give them free healthcare and unemployment benefits.
That is gold!!!
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What if UFOs are just billionaires from other planets?

(found on The Tweeter Machine)
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Makes sense, after all, you can't expect aliens who live below the federal poverty line to be able to fork over the warpdrivecoin required to buy a ticket for interstellar travel.
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GuerrillaPack said:

You can't call them "aliens"...Facebook will ban you for hate speech for that. The correct term is undocumented visitors. And once they land, Biden and the Democrats will immediately give them free healthcare and unemployment benefits.
Enhanced unemployment or just regular unemployment? Need to dial up my outrage to the appropriate level.
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