hokiewolf said:
Why do you care about Canada?
Australia is further along than Canada and they're putting many of their people in concentration camps. In terms of implementing the Cabal agenda, Canada is slightly ahead of our blue states with the implementation of vaccine passport card. It's an agenda of totalitarian control ..at the minimum that is working its way here.
One might ask, why do I care about New York....it's simply a domino effect ultimately ending up at your doorstep or mine way down here on the Gulf Coast. Looking the other way won't stop it so lets help support them. Right now it is so important to educate others on what's going on.
Let's say 100% of our citiizens take Jabs 1 and 2...........and then our authoritarians tell us we cannot buy groceries without Jab 3.......then we comply.......only to learn that we're now considered unvaccinated and a threat to each other ......comply and take Jab 4....and so on and so fifth.
As we continue to take the jabs we further pressure this virus into a mutation.........eventually the mutation evolves to a strength that wipes out the human species. blah blah blah.
The damn virus started out with a survival rate of 998.5 out of 1,000. Why are we being forced to take these jabs? There is a graphene oxide in these jabs which will allow monitoring and control via 5G fiber. We soon become the North American version of the Peoples Republic of China and subject to social credit scores on up to organ harvesting, etc........
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