Starting salary of an electrician from Wake Tech working in Oil and gas
Avg salary in oil and gas close to 150K
Avg starting salary installing Solar/wind 30K. Avg salary in Solar/wind 50K
Big time hit to economy and people's lives.
Break even point for avg house to install solar. 18 yrs.
China owns the solar panel market
Cost to replace battery pack after 10 yrs $10k
Avg savings on green house emissions counting battery charging, battery manufacturing, mineral mining (China) and toxic battery disposal .. close to
$0 with less than 10% savings in emissions.
USA is cleaner now than in 2015/2016 and continues to improve.
USA is not in bottom 25 of most polluting countries even given US size, US is in top 25 cleanest countries.
China, Singapore, India snd Russia are worst 4. Why aren't they being forced to clean up?
There will be worse global pollution as we buy from them and help grow their economies and Arab countries who hate us. As we destroy our industries and jobs .. how does that help USA citizens and the world?
Am I missing anything???
Avg salary in oil and gas close to 150K
Avg starting salary installing Solar/wind 30K. Avg salary in Solar/wind 50K
Big time hit to economy and people's lives.
Break even point for avg house to install solar. 18 yrs.
China owns the solar panel market
Cost to replace battery pack after 10 yrs $10k
Avg savings on green house emissions counting battery charging, battery manufacturing, mineral mining (China) and toxic battery disposal .. close to
$0 with less than 10% savings in emissions.
USA is cleaner now than in 2015/2016 and continues to improve.
USA is not in bottom 25 of most polluting countries even given US size, US is in top 25 cleanest countries.
China, Singapore, India snd Russia are worst 4. Why aren't they being forced to clean up?
There will be worse global pollution as we buy from them and help grow their economies and Arab countries who hate us. As we destroy our industries and jobs .. how does that help USA citizens and the world?
Am I missing anything???