The Biden Administration

689,487 Views | 5465 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by James Henderson
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pineknollshoresking said:

tuffy1006 said:

TheStorm said:

So someone flags BBW's post and it gets taken down?!? That's how it works here now? Wonder what happens when one of your lefty friend's posts get flagged?

you should boycott.
Now, that sounds like a woke person....

Tuffy, do you agree with all the boycotting/canceling, or whatever is going on, being done by the likes of: MLB, Delta, Coke, etc...

You were asking Tuffy and not me, Cary, but this issue is pretty nuanced. I think you should parse the question more.

Is the issue at hand specifically Georgia election law or any corporate pushback on laws their leadership or shareholders believe are unethical?

Did you disagree with corporate pushback on HB2 in NC?

If so, was it because you disagreed that the law was anti-LGBTQ or because even if it was you disagreed with corporations trying to effect legislative change they saw as ethical?

Do you think the new Georgia voter restriction legislation restricts voting access for Georgians?

If so, is that a problem?

If so, does it affect Georgians across party, racial, and socioeconomic lines in roughly proportional ways or does it disproportionately affect certain groups? If disproportionate, who does it affect more?

I think if you dive into it this way you'll understand better not just whether someone objects to the boycotts, but also why they feel this way.
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Glasswolf said:

pineknollshoresking said:

tuffy1006 said:

BBW and pineknoll, dirty libtards trying to censor me.
tuff, I haven't flagged any post recently; however, I do think your shtick is over the top. For whatever reason, you appear to just argue and call people names without having a reasonable debate... I'm confident you are more mature that that, right?
Every single one of you for the most part do nothing but argue and call people names and it's getting old. I've stayed off this board for the most part but when you wake up and you have 10 messages filled with complaints someone has to act.

All the moderation I do for the most part is check the registrations 3 - 4 times a day and ban all the russian bots, (14 verified russian bot sites just today) the sites selling male enhancement and online gambling sites.

I haven't called anyone names....just sayin'

As far as the arguing...we are on a thread that discusses politics....isn't the argument the entire point?
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"I'm 100% an expert on what opinions I have written on this site"
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"I'm 100% an expert on what opinions I have written on this site"
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"I'm 100% an expert on what opinions I have written on this site"
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tuffy1006 said:

hokiewolf said:

I'm definitely not a conspiracy theorist but I do find it hard to believe that this virus jumped from bats to humans without some sort of lab modification. Now, I don't think the lab released this virus on purpose, but what makes the most sense to me is that there was some sort of missed protocol within the lab and the virus got out.
viruses have jumped species all through time. This is nothing new.
Wuhan Wildlife Market
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cowboypack02 said:

Glasswolf said:

pineknollshoresking said:

tuffy1006 said:

BBW and pineknoll, dirty libtards trying to censor me.
tuff, I haven't flagged any post recently; however, I do think your shtick is over the top. For whatever reason, you appear to just argue and call people names without having a reasonable debate... I'm confident you are more mature that that, right?
Every single one of you for the most part do nothing but argue and call people names and it's getting old. I've stayed off this board for the most part but when you wake up and you have 10 messages filled with complaints someone has to act.

All the moderation I do for the most part is check the registrations 3 - 4 times a day and ban all the russian bots, (14 verified russian bot sites just today) the sites selling male enhancement and online gambling sites.

I haven't called anyone names....just sayin'

As far as the arguing...we are on a thread that discusses politics....isn't the argument the entire point?
You are free to discuss any and all things the lefties agree with. If you have a dissenting opinion you better walk on glass or you will have your posts deleted.

Or better yet.... you better not start a thread totally on different topic calling out the lefties or your thread will be locked and you will be personally insulted by a mod.

How tuffy didn't get a vacation after the comments he made yesterday is the most telling situation I have ever seen on a message board. After the things he said who's posts were deleted? Mine. Sure a few of his were but every single one of mine were.

Yesterday the bias became clear as day. Not that we didn't already know but damn..... take the homophobic slur out of the mix and the word tuffy used to refer to Conservatives was vile and vulgar.

If I had been making those comments I would have been shown the door. I have the emails from a mod to prove it. I said nothing nearly as bad and was threatened.

"Good for me but not for thee...."
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Civilized said:

pineknollshoresking said:

tuffy1006 said:

TheStorm said:

So someone flags BBW's post and it gets taken down?!? That's how it works here now? Wonder what happens when one of your lefty friend's posts get flagged?

you should boycott.
Now, that sounds like a woke person....

Tuffy, do you agree with all the boycotting/canceling, or whatever is going on, being done by the likes of: MLB, Delta, Coke, etc...

You were asking Tuffy and not me, Cary, but this issue is pretty nuanced. I think you should parse the question more.

Is the issue at hand specifically Georgia election law or any corporate pushback on laws their leadership or shareholders believe are unethical?

Did you disagree with corporate pushback on HB2 in NC?

If so, was it because you disagreed that the law was anti-LGBTQ or because even if it was you disagreed with corporations trying to effect legislative change they saw as ethical?

Do you think the new Georgia voter restriction legislation restricts voting access for Georgians?

If so, is that a problem?

If so, does it affect Georgians across party, racial, and socioeconomic lines in roughly proportional ways or does it disproportionately affect certain groups? If disproportionate, who does it affect more?

I think if you dive into it this way you'll understand better not just whether someone objects to the boycotts, but also why they feel this way.
Civ, while you are at the "nuanced game", I think I'll join in...

  • Do agree with the ruling, by the US Supreme Court, aptly named Citizens United?

The answer of that question forms the basis of my thinking and the answers to your questions. BTW, you may be surprised by my belief.

Last year, during all the BLM outings, the company I work for felt pressure to comment. The CEO made a simple statement, to the company: we are a business that provides jobs, for each and everyone hear. We also provide a product that is admired in the industry. We are not a political statement!
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packgrad said:

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"I'm 100% an expert on what opinions I have written on this site"
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As long as they have control over the media...i.e. SOCIALIST PARTY run media .... they will control the dissemination of information and most of all the narrative delivered to the public .

Orwell's predictions in "1984" are playing out in real time. But guess what? The lefties are the party doing it instead of Conservatives.

Accusing everyone that doesn't goose step in line with them of being fascists, claiming racism, sexism, calling for boycotts, appealing to the "woke" idiot generation of trophies for all is what the left has been but is finally able to say the quiet part out loud. You know what that is?

The very things they are doing are SOCIALISM 101 which in turn leads to fascism once they assume absolute power.

You can tell on this very site how if you control the narrative you control how information is shared or put out to the public.

If certain people don't like posts they are deleted. No reason given. If certain people say you shouldn't start a thread totally unrelated to a thread they said it should fall under it's fine.

Funny how it only applies to Conservatives. Fact. And I have the receipts to prove it.

Now put that on the National scale where 98% of all social media company employees who made donations made them to the SOCIALIST PARTY during the 2020 election cycle. You don't think they are in cahoots with the lefties? Hell, they are the lefties.
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Before we get started on this SOCIALIST infrastructure speech that Sleepy Joe just stumbled through I would like to share the current Merriam Webster definition of "infrastructure."

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines infrastructure as the following: "the system of public works of a country, state or region... also : the resources (such as personnel, buildings or equipment) required for an activity."

I'd like to ask each and everyone of you who since December have made fun of me referring to the current administration, their party and their supporters as SOCIALISTS to please explain to me how the speech Sleepy Joe just gave wasn't 100% in favor of turning this country into a full blown SOCIALIST country.

He just laid out his "infrastructure bill" and it included paid family leave, abolishing right to work laws in 27 states, empowering labor unions over businesses, government sponsored child care up to 7 years old, lowering the age for medicare, free community college nationwide, government funded home health care for elderly, $50 Billion in grants to colleges to fund "research" paid by taxpayers and most of all, eliminating ALL fossil fuels by 2035.

Oh... and the math has been calculated by several lefty news organizations on his corporate tax rate increase. It appears that he is 4.2% off if you use the current number of 28% he has been babbling about. In order to foot the bill of his SOCIALIST wish list the corporate tax rate would need to be increased to 32.5%.

Guess where that would put the Good Ol' USA? Highest in the civilized world. Just like it was when Dear Leader made sure his America Last agenda was fully implemented. You think Dear Leader has anything to do with making sure we are getting our dues from China and the rest of the world that he's beholden to?

How the hell is this not SOCIALISM?

Let's have a mature conversation on this. I'd love to hear some of you "so-called" libertarian views on this. The only person who can keep this country from spiraling into civil discord is a two bit hack from West Virginia who's wife just got a cushy job from Sleepy Joe and Horizontal "Cackling Hyena" Harris.

I teed it up lefties...prove me wrong.

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Hey BBW. Just for conversation, who would you have preferred to be in the white house? (It can be any candidate you choose) Just curious who you think would "fix" everything.
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And my advice for anyone is not to debate politics. I'm not changing your mind and your not changing mine. For the record I was voting for either Rubio or Cain in 2016 before they dropped out. Even considered Cruz
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Glass, let me take a stab at your last post...

I'll start with saying that I voted for Cruz in the Republican primary. In hindsight, I think Trump was the right person in 2016. Now let me tell you why...

First: I am always pulling for the American worker. I say this with some political nuance (this is for Civ). An American workers job must be a natural consumer demand, that is supplied by the company, thus creating jobs. I do not support minimum wages.

Immigration: we have to stop the illegal immigration on our borders. The people that are hurt the most are the American worker. We have to create a situation where we have more job demand, by corporations, than available workers. This will cause a natural rise in wages.

China: China has strategically worked American workers out of jobs. Now, China had willing participant... Big Corporations and Wall Street. We allowed almost our entire manufacturing base to be moved to China. The triad has been decimated by this. The owners of those hosiery companies did fine when they sold; however, the American worker got killed.

If we can fix the above, then this country will be better for most, and not just for the rich...

BTW, that's exactly why I support Trump! You can all say what you want about his antics, Twitter account, lies, and whatever else. To me, that is all noise! I'm all about jobs, jobs, jobs...

So, 1) close the border 2) higher tariffs on China 3) cut off the money supply/Wall Street to China 4) simplify the tax code 5) eliminate regulation

Everything else, like a said, is just noise!
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Glasswolf said:

Hey BBW. Just for conversation, who would you have preferred to be in the white house? (It can be any candidate you choose) Just curious who you think would "fix" everything.
After the primaries Trump was the man for the job. The rest of the field would have been eaten alive by the SOCIALIST PARTY'S media propaganda machine. No one would have fought back on them like Trump did.

Sorry he hurt your feelings with his tweets. I have never seen such a thin skinned bunch of lefties in my life as the ones that claim to not be SOCIALISTS but hate Trump.

There is never going to be a candidate to "fix" everything like you have challenged me to provide you with. Without repeating what Pine said I'll refer you to his post.

Everything that Sleepy Joe has done and is trying to do will set this country back decades and many will have no choice other than fall into the SOCIALIST trap out of necessity.

Not to get too personal but I'm guessing you are well under 40 and have never really been exposed to an off topic message board. What the hell did you think goes on on boards such as these? It's mostly political debate. Two sides arguing their points.

Now I answered yours. You answer mine where I laid out Sleepy Joe's plan and how it is nothing but a SOCIALIST agenda full of empty promises and lies. I even provided sources for you to check my work. I noticed you totally blew that off and challenged me to provide you with a candidate that I thought would "fix" everything.

Your turn glass.
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BBW12OG said:

Glasswolf said:

Hey BBW. Just for conversation, who would you have preferred to be in the white house? (It can be any candidate you choose) Just curious who you think would "fix" everything.
After the primaries Trump was the man for the job. The rest of the field would have been eaten alive by the SOCIALIST PARTY'S media propaganda machine. No one would have fought back on them like Trump did.

Sorry he hurt your feelings with his tweets. I have never seen such a thin skinned bunch of lefties in my life as the ones that claim to not be SOCIALISTS but hate Trump.

There is never going to be a candidate to "fix" everything like you have challenged me to provide you with. Without repeating what Pine said I'll refer you to his post.

Everything that Sleepy Joe has done and is trying to do will set this country back decades and many will have no choice other than fall into the SOCIALIST trap out of necessity.

Not to get too personal but I'm guessing you are well under 40 and have never really been exposed to an off topic message board. What the hell did you think goes on on boards such as these? It's mostly political debate. Two sides arguing their points.

Now I answered yours. You answer mine where I laid out Sleepy Joe's plan and how it is nothing but a SOCIALIST agenda full of empty promises and lies. I even provided sources for you to check my work. I noticed you totally blew that off and challenged me to provide you with a candidate that I thought would "fix" everything.

Your turn glass.
He's way older than 40, BBW...
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Gotcha..... well he acts like a "trophy for all" millennial with some of his rants. I perused the Coronavirus had a good chuckle on the last comment.

"For over a year..." , "( 9 -10 ) months....." I've come to expect that. Funny stuff for sure!

Not to mention no response to why my posts were removed and one of his lefty buddy's posts were allowed to remain even after making crude, vulgar and homophobic comments.

Total double standard between the two groups here. Damn shame. And they wonder why they don't have more traffic.

People don't mind being moderated but just do it fairly and down the middle. As long as you are liberal lefty you can get away with personal insults, crude and vulgar language and disparaging anyone on the right.

You know their motto...."Good for me but not for thee...."
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BBW12OG said:

Gotcha..... well he acts like a "trophy for all" millennial with some of his rants. I perused the Coronavirus had a good chuckle on the last comment.

"For over a year..." , "( 9 -10 ) months....." I've come to expect that. Funny stuff for sure!

Not to mention no response to why my posts were removed and one of his lefty buddy's posts were allowed to remain even after making crude, vulgar and homophobic comments.

Total double standard between the two groups here. Damn shame. And they wonder why they don't have more traffic.

People don't mind being moderated but just do it fairly and down the middle. As long as you are liberal lefty you can get away with personal insults, crude and vulgar language and disparaging anyone on the right.

You know their motto...."Good for me but not for thee...."

The one thing I can't square... Glass said he was voting for Rubio (R) or Cain (D) until they dropped out, and then Cruz (R). That's a varied group. It would be interesting to understand what policy (not personality) each of those candidates espoused to garner support of Glass.
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FYI.... Cain was a ( R )..... He was one of the founding members of the Tea Party. Which makes comrade glass' political positioning even more perplexing.

Rubio and Cruz were arguably "establishment" candidates whereas Cain was way more to the right.

Not to mention all of the "libertarian" nonsense doesn't fall in line with the positions I have seen him support.

But never forget...."orange man said mean things. him call people names. him hurt my man not vote for mean orange man...."
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BBW12OG said:

FYI.... Cain was a ( R )..... He was one of the founding members of the Tea Party. Which makes comrade glass' political positioning even more perplexing.

Rubio and Cruz were arguably "establishment" candidates whereas Cain was way more to the right.

Not to mention all of the "libertarian" nonsense doesn't fall in line with the positions I have seen him support.

But never forget...."orange man said mean things. him call people names. him hurt my man not vote for mean orange man...."
Wow!!! I forgot about Herman Cain. 9-9-9! Yea, I liked Herman as well. He appeared to be a solid person. Wasn't he one of the first to support Trump?
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pineknollshoresking said:

BBW12OG said:

Gotcha..... well he acts like a "trophy for all" millennial with some of his rants. I perused the Coronavirus had a good chuckle on the last comment.

"For over a year..." , "( 9 -10 ) months....." I've come to expect that. Funny stuff for sure!

Not to mention no response to why my posts were removed and one of his lefty buddy's posts were allowed to remain even after making crude, vulgar and homophobic comments.

Total double standard between the two groups here. Damn shame. And they wonder why they don't have more traffic.

People don't mind being moderated but just do it fairly and down the middle. As long as you are liberal lefty you can get away with personal insults, crude and vulgar language and disparaging anyone on the right.

You know their motto...."Good for me but not for thee...."

The one thing I can't square... Glass said he was voting for Rubio (R) or Cain (D) until they dropped out, and then Cruz (R). That's a varied group. It would be interesting to understand what policy (not personality) each of those candidates espoused to garner support of Glass.

Personality matters as much as policy because leadership requires highly effective communication and inspiration of your staff tasked with conceptualizing, writing, and implementing policy.

If you're in leadership your good ideas are only as good as you are at implementing them. Personality, relationships, and communication matters. A lot.

It's why the right needs to forget Trump and seize on other more effective leaders that also have an "America First" agenda. Trump completely hamstrings his effectiveness with his divisive and unpopular personality.

Also in this binary two-party system we have Glass may not have responded positively to Rubio, Cain, or Cruz as much as he just hated Hillary (and likely thought she'd make a bad president). That's not an illegitimate voting tactic either. Holding your nose and voting for someone implicitly means that you may not love them or even like them, but you prefer them to the alternative.
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Civilized said:

pineknollshoresking said:

BBW12OG said:

Gotcha..... well he acts like a "trophy for all" millennial with some of his rants. I perused the Coronavirus had a good chuckle on the last comment.

"For over a year..." , "( 9 -10 ) months....." I've come to expect that. Funny stuff for sure!

Not to mention no response to why my posts were removed and one of his lefty buddy's posts were allowed to remain even after making crude, vulgar and homophobic comments.

Total double standard between the two groups here. Damn shame. And they wonder why they don't have more traffic.

People don't mind being moderated but just do it fairly and down the middle. As long as you are liberal lefty you can get away with personal insults, crude and vulgar language and disparaging anyone on the right.

You know their motto...."Good for me but not for thee...."

The one thing I can't square... Glass said he was voting for Rubio (R) or Cain (D) until they dropped out, and then Cruz (R). That's a varied group. It would be interesting to understand what policy (not personality) each of those candidates espoused to garner support of Glass.

Personality matters as much as policy because leadership requires highly effective communication and inspiration of your staff tasked with conceptualizing, writing, and implementing policy.

If you're in leadership your good ideas are only as good as you are at implementing them. Personality, relationships, and communication matters. A lot.

It's why the right needs to forget Trump and seize on other more effective leaders that also have an "America First" agenda. Trump completely hamstrings his effectiveness with his divisive and unpopular personality.

Also in this binary two-party system we have Glass may not have responded positively to Rubio, Cain, or Cruz as much as he just hated Hillary (and likely thought she'd make a bad president). That's not an illegitimate voting tactic either. Holding your nose and voting for someone implicitly means that you may not love them or even like them, but you prefer them to the alternative.
Results are what matter!!! Personality is an emotional statement. BTW, most people from Trumps cabinet enjoyed working for him. Yes, you have exceptions; however, that's true with most people.

I totally disagree with dropping Trump!!! If he runs in 2024, I will most likely support him and his policy's. If not, then, I hope we get someone with very similar policy's. If it ends up being an establishment person, I will probably only vote down-ticket...
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It's a fairly easy choice. You lefties best get on board.

Democracy vs. SOCIALISM.

"America will never be a SOCIALIST country." - President Donald J. Trump

You can take that to the bank. No matter how bad you non-working free loaders want to ride the backs of hard working Americans it won't happen.

Governor Doocey in Arizona just flipped Sleepy Joe the bird on his "gun control" measures.

The Federal Government under Dear Leader decided that they are not going to enforce Federal Law prohibiting the sale of marijuana in the states. How is that ANY DIFFERENT than the attempted ban on guns?

Guess what? It's not. You lefties are the biggest bunch of hypocrites and can't help but step on your own dicks at every turn. All you care about is absolute power and in order to get there you make stupid decisions.

Try and hold a state accountable for not enforcing Federal Law and every state that has legalized pot in violation of Federal Law will find themselves in the very same boat.

So pick your poison lefties.... which is it? Does Federal Law override State's Rights or is it only the Federal Laws you agree with?

1 year 8 months 3 weeks. Your little power trip will be over. Enjoy trying to **** up America one last time.
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pineknollshoresking said:

Civilized said:

pineknollshoresking said:

tuffy1006 said:

TheStorm said:

So someone flags BBW's post and it gets taken down?!? That's how it works here now? Wonder what happens when one of your lefty friend's posts get flagged?

you should boycott.
Now, that sounds like a woke person....

Tuffy, do you agree with all the boycotting/canceling, or whatever is going on, being done by the likes of: MLB, Delta, Coke, etc...

You were asking Tuffy and not me, Cary, but this issue is pretty nuanced. I think you should parse the question more.

Is the issue at hand specifically Georgia election law or any corporate pushback on laws their leadership or shareholders believe are unethical?

Did you disagree with corporate pushback on HB2 in NC?

If so, was it because you disagreed that the law was anti-LGBTQ or because even if it was you disagreed with corporations trying to effect legislative change they saw as ethical?

Do you think the new Georgia voter restriction legislation restricts voting access for Georgians?

If so, is that a problem?

If so, does it affect Georgians across party, racial, and socioeconomic lines in roughly proportional ways or does it disproportionately affect certain groups? If disproportionate, who does it affect more?

I think if you dive into it this way you'll understand better not just whether someone objects to the boycotts, but also why they feel this way.
Civ, while you are at the "nuanced game", I think I'll join in...

  • Do agree with the ruling, by the US Supreme Court, aptly named Citizens United?

The answer of that question forms the basis of my thinking and the answers to your questions. BTW, you may be surprised by my belief.

Last year, during all the BLM outings, the company I work for felt pressure to comment. The CEO made a simple statement, to the company: we are a business that provides jobs, for each and everyone hear. We also provide a product that is admired in the industry. We are not a political statement!
Civ, did you forget to chime in on this subject?
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BBW12OG said:

It's a fairly easy choice. You lefties best get on board.

Democracy vs. SOCIALISM.

"America will never be a SOCIALIST country." - President Donald J. Trump

You can take that to the bank. No matter how bad you non-working free loaders want to ride the backs of hard working Americans it won't happen.

Governor Doocey in Arizona just flipped Sleepy Joe the bird on his "gun control" measures.

The Federal Government under Dear Leader decided that they are not going to enforce Federal Law prohibiting the sale of marijuana in the states. How is that ANY DIFFERENT than the attempted ban on guns?

Guess what? It's not. You lefties are the biggest bunch of hypocrites and can't help but step on your own dicks at every turn. All you care about is absolute power and in order to get there you make stupid decisions.

Try and hold a state accountable for not enforcing Federal Law and every state that has legalized pot in violation of Federal Law will find themselves in the very same boat.

So pick your poison lefties.... which is it? Does Federal Law override State's Rights or is it only the Federal Laws you agree with?

1 year 8 months 3 weeks. Your little power trip will be over. Enjoy trying to **** up America one last time.
Most here, really don't know the real answer to that question...

Federal law does preside over State Law (via the Supremacy Clause) in the constitution. Now, Federal law does not preside over State law when the Federal law is not constitutional. The issue is that most State AG's do not fight back against unconstitutional laws; therefore, unconstitutional laws stay on the books.

More States need to Nullify Federal law!
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pineknollshoresking said:

Civilized said:

pineknollshoresking said:

BBW12OG said:

Gotcha..... well he acts like a "trophy for all" millennial with some of his rants. I perused the Coronavirus had a good chuckle on the last comment.

"For over a year..." , "( 9 -10 ) months....." I've come to expect that. Funny stuff for sure!

Not to mention no response to why my posts were removed and one of his lefty buddy's posts were allowed to remain even after making crude, vulgar and homophobic comments.

Total double standard between the two groups here. Damn shame. And they wonder why they don't have more traffic.

People don't mind being moderated but just do it fairly and down the middle. As long as you are liberal lefty you can get away with personal insults, crude and vulgar language and disparaging anyone on the right.

You know their motto...."Good for me but not for thee...."

The one thing I can't square... Glass said he was voting for Rubio (R) or Cain (D) until they dropped out, and then Cruz (R). That's a varied group. It would be interesting to understand what policy (not personality) each of those candidates espoused to garner support of Glass.

Personality matters as much as policy because leadership requires highly effective communication and inspiration of your staff tasked with conceptualizing, writing, and implementing policy.

If you're in leadership your good ideas are only as good as you are at implementing them. Personality, relationships, and communication matters. A lot.

It's why the right needs to forget Trump and seize on other more effective leaders that also have an "America First" agenda. Trump completely hamstrings his effectiveness with his divisive and unpopular personality.

Also in this binary two-party system we have Glass may not have responded positively to Rubio, Cain, or Cruz as much as he just hated Hillary (and likely thought she'd make a bad president). That's not an illegitimate voting tactic either. Holding your nose and voting for someone implicitly means that you may not love them or even like them, but you prefer them to the alternative.
Results are what matter!!! Personality is an emotional statement. BTW, most people from Trumps cabinet enjoyed working for him. Yes, you have exceptions; however, that's true with most people.

I totally disagree with dropping Trump!!! If he runs in 2024, I will most likely support him and his policy's. If not, then, I hope we get someone with very similar policy's. If it ends up being an establishment person, I will probably only vote down-ticket...

Exactly, results matter.

If you have two leaders with equally compelling ideas but one has an abrasive, divisive, petulant personality and the other conducts themselves like a pro who's going to have better results?

Trump's America First agenda being delivered by a professional, compassionate conservative wins in 2024 hands down.

Trump in 2024 though? He just got beat soundly in 2020 by an old, average Dem candidate. What makes you think he'd fare any better in 2024?
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Civilized said:

pineknollshoresking said:

Civilized said:

pineknollshoresking said:

BBW12OG said:

Gotcha..... well he acts like a "trophy for all" millennial with some of his rants. I perused the Coronavirus had a good chuckle on the last comment.

"For over a year..." , "( 9 -10 ) months....." I've come to expect that. Funny stuff for sure!

Not to mention no response to why my posts were removed and one of his lefty buddy's posts were allowed to remain even after making crude, vulgar and homophobic comments.

Total double standard between the two groups here. Damn shame. And they wonder why they don't have more traffic.

People don't mind being moderated but just do it fairly and down the middle. As long as you are liberal lefty you can get away with personal insults, crude and vulgar language and disparaging anyone on the right.

You know their motto...."Good for me but not for thee...."

The one thing I can't square... Glass said he was voting for Rubio (R) or Cain (D) until they dropped out, and then Cruz (R). That's a varied group. It would be interesting to understand what policy (not personality) each of those candidates espoused to garner support of Glass.

Personality matters as much as policy because leadership requires highly effective communication and inspiration of your staff tasked with conceptualizing, writing, and implementing policy.

If you're in leadership your good ideas are only as good as you are at implementing them. Personality, relationships, and communication matters. A lot.

It's why the right needs to forget Trump and seize on other more effective leaders that also have an "America First" agenda. Trump completely hamstrings his effectiveness with his divisive and unpopular personality.

Also in this binary two-party system we have Glass may not have responded positively to Rubio, Cain, or Cruz as much as he just hated Hillary (and likely thought she'd make a bad president). That's not an illegitimate voting tactic either. Holding your nose and voting for someone implicitly means that you may not love them or even like them, but you prefer them to the alternative.
Results are what matter!!! Personality is an emotional statement. BTW, most people from Trumps cabinet enjoyed working for him. Yes, you have exceptions; however, that's true with most people.

I totally disagree with dropping Trump!!! If he runs in 2024, I will most likely support him and his policy's. If not, then, I hope we get someone with very similar policy's. If it ends up being an establishment person, I will probably only vote down-ticket...

Exactly, results matter.

If you have two leaders with equally compelling ideas but one has an abrasive, divisive, petulant personality and the other conducts themselves like a pro who's going to have better results?

Trump's America First agenda being delivered by a professional, compassionate conservative wins in 2024 hands down.

Trump in 2024 though? He just got beat soundly in 2020 by an old, average Dem candidate. What makes you think he'd fare any better in 2024?

Biden is helping Trump look better.
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If that's true then he's also making all Pub candidates, including Trump's competitors, look better.

Pubs can keep America First and do better than Trump. All of us would benefit from that evolution.

Also, there's a real likelihood Biden doesn't run again in 2024. Even if Trump decides to run and wins the nomination, it's likely not going to be Trump v Biden.
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Civilized said:

Also, there's a real likelihood Biden doesn't run again in 2024. Even if Trump decides to run and wins the nomination, it's likely not going to be Trump v Biden.
If we have Trump vs Biden again, just shoot me now
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IseWolf22 said:

Civilized said:

Also, there's a real likelihood Biden doesn't run again in 2024. Even if Trump decides to run and wins the nomination, it's likely not going to be Trump v Biden.
If we have Trump vs Biden again, just shoot me now

Preach, brother. I'm Redd Foxx having the Big One if that happens.
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Civilized said:

If that's true then he's also making all Pub candidates, including Trump's competitors, look better.

Pubs can keep America First and do better than Trump. All of us would benefit from that evolution.

Also, there's a real likelihood Biden doesn't run again in 2024. Even if Trump decides to run and wins the nomination, it's likely not going to be Trump v Biden.

Do not disagree that a Biden v Trump is unlikely but I still stand by Biden is making Trump look good. More so Trump than just republicans.

Also I get you hate Trump but you cannot discount that he got the second most popular vote ever. By a lot.
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Cthepack said:

Civilized said:

If that's true then he's also making all Pub candidates, including Trump's competitors, look better.

Pubs can keep America First and do better than Trump. All of us would benefit from that evolution.

Also, there's a real likelihood Biden doesn't run again in 2024. Even if Trump decides to run and wins the nomination, it's likely not going to be Trump v Biden.

Do not disagree that a Biden v Trump is unlikely but I still stand by Biden is making Trump look good. More so Trump than just republicans.

Also I get you hate Trump but you cannot discount that he got the second most popular vote ever. By a lot.

And you cannot discount that Trump galvanized his opposition and propelled an average, really old Dem to get the first-most popular vote ever, 7 million more than Trump.

Trump inspires historically unique love and hate, there is no remaining doubt about that. Unfortunately for him and his electoral chances more people hate him than love him.
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Cthepack said:

Civilized said:

If that's true then he's also making all Pub candidates, including Trump's competitors, look better.

Pubs can keep America First and do better than Trump. All of us would benefit from that evolution.

Also, there's a real likelihood Biden doesn't run again in 2024. Even if Trump decides to run and wins the nomination, it's likely not going to be Trump v Biden.

Do not disagree that a Biden v Trump is unlikely but I still stand by Biden is making Trump look good. More so Trump than just republicans.

Also I get you hate Trump but you cannot discount that he got the second most popular vote ever. By a lot.
The more Sleepy Joe talks and lets the left use him like a hand puppet the more middle America is turning back to President Trump.

Sleepy Joe ripping apart the Constitution like a good SOCIALIST today like his masters from the left have instructed him to did nothing to enamor him to anyone but the far left extremists.

He wants to remove immunity from gun manufacturers from being sued if a gun they make kills innocent people. Fine. Now do automobile manufacturers, motorcycle manufacturers, alcohol companies etc......

How is a manufacturer responsible for a gun that is legally purchased and illegally used to commit a crime? How damn stupid can one political party be?

The left is really too obnoxious to see that all they are doing is pushing the middle of the road voter away from their coastal elite ruling class and back to the basics with the America First platform.

Way to go I have said for months now... never underestimate the lefts ability to **** up a made hand.
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ok, here goes...

If you think Biden got 80M legal votes, then, I have 50 miles of ocean front property on the NC coast to sell you. You know I'm right about this; however, you just can't let yourself stoop to a level beneath you (assuming you are an elitist).

Civ, you can call Trump all the names you want; however, I'm confident of one thing. YOU have never worked for or around Trump; therefore, you are speaking ignorantly (lacking knowledge) on the subject. BTW, neither do I...

I have listened extensively, to people, that actually have worked for and/or around Trump and they speak highly of the man. So, you can take your opinions from the likes of Joe Scarborough and his petulant wife, if you'd like. Personally, I choose to listen to people more closely to the man...

Election law changes in Georgia and the other States forthcoming lets me know Trump has a chance in 2024....
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