pineknollshoresking said:
Civilized said:
pineknollshoresking said:
hokiewolf said:
pineknollshoresking said:
hokiewolf said:
pineknollshoresking said:
ncsualum05 said:
I think Trump ran a bad campaign as well.
But you're wrong on pretty much the rest of it. Biden.... didn't even run a campaign. He was way worse b/c he was invisible.
Fraud most definitely happened and it definitely impacted the election. To what extent we won't know but it was made possible by taking all our election laws and throwing them out the window in Nov in the name of COVID. Between all the reports and witnesses of all the different nefarious activities this country is a disgrace to be where it is. The election was close no doubt.... it has to be for fraud to even work. There were 3 states that combined had 44,000 votes that separated the presidency. It is absolutely plausible that with millions of mail in votes, reports of pollwatcher intimidation and being forced out, no signature verification or matching, duplicating ballots during processing, stopping counts in the middle of the night only to pick back up in odd hours of the morning, and I could go on and on.
There were thousands of affidavits and probably 100+ people that testified in hearings. All of this was overshadowed by Powell and Wood peddling their BS conspiracies which ultimately undermined the real cases. Combine that with a court system that is too scared to act, a media along with internet that covers it up, a corrupt DOJ that will not even look into it..... well there you go.
Future elections should not allow mail ins anymore... each state needs to follow its old laws and many are actually reforming their laws as we speak.
How can anyone who thinks we had significant election irregularities think Trump ran a bad campaign?
To quote HRC on Bengazi... What difference does it make?
Trump should have won handily over Biden, but he made to many campaign mistakes.
What mistakes do you think he made?
The first debate was a pretty big one.
You know that polling showed the opposite of your assertion. Yes, the major network polling showed something different, however, Rasmussen showed a dead heat with a slight bump to Trump. Actually, a few others that will tell you the details of their sample did as well.
So, the question is still open.... what mistakes did Trump make?
He acted like COVID was a fake news joke, didn't inspire confidence in his handling of the pandemic or its economic impacts, and lost key support of middle-class, suburban and independent voters.
His re-election hinged completely on confidence in the Trump economy. When Americans lost confidence in it he lost the election. Americans weren't willing to put up with his BS unless the economy was humming.
You know Fauci was giving him early guidance. In fact, Fauci said, mask were not needed. Fauci also fought tooth and nail with several of the key people on "NOT" shutting down China to the US.
I would also argue that the COVID stuff was so politicized by the media, he couldn't get a chance. As president, he should have inspired people and not speak gloom and doom, as he did.
BTW, the economy hummed just fine, all things considering. It's exactly why the resurgence is happening right now. Biden can only screw things up, as he is in the process of doing (you want examples?).
Now, you've given these platitudes, in your response; however, you haven't stated an example to debate...
LOL, don't put Trump's ridiculousness on Fauci (or the CDC, or the WHO). They were afraid we were going to run out of PPE if everybody in the country started scrounging for N95's but even despite that fear they walked back their early erroneous mask guidance quickly. Trump carried on with his mixed messaging and making fun of masks for months after the CDC and WHO changed their guidance.
I'm not going to waste time pulling up quotes but for months we all heard Trump say COVID wasn't a big deal, was seasonal, we were over the hump, make fun of Biden and others for masking, shun masking himself, etc. Trump supporters ate that **** up but it turned off independents, most of whom had voted for him in 2016. Trump's margin in 2016 wasn't sufficient to withstand losing the support of independents and moderate dems. They propelled him to victory in 16 and he lost enough of them in 20 to lose the election.
Trump could have not been gloom and doom and have been honest about where we were, what we needed to do, and how bad it could get if we didn't mitigate. We didn't need gloom and doom, we needed honest and coherent communication and he failed at it. It was this generation's version of Reagan's completely ignorant botching of the AIDS crisis.
I think the two most important late-game events that hurt him acutely in the race were him catching the Rona and landing in the hospital in October with a serious case of it after downplaying it, and the clown show that was his first debate performance. He was on the ropes before those two events but they were crushing for his chances down the stretch.