Election Interference/Fraud

289,490 Views | 3695 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by BBW12OG
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Pacfanweb said:

pineknollshoresking said:

Do you understand how the courts work? Yes!

Good, then you realize that Trump did, in fact, have the opportunity to present his evidence.
And you realize that there wasn't a thorough investigation of the evidence? Right? I mean your party had four years of investigations that turned up nothing. You aren't even willing to admit that two hours was the most given to President Trump before he was deemed a conspiracy theorist right???? Pony up free loader... pony up.
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BBW12OG said:

Pacfanweb said:

pineknollshoresking said:

Do you understand how the courts work? Yes!

Good, then you realize that Trump did, in fact, have the opportunity to present his evidence.
And you realize that there wasn't a thorough investigation of the evidence? Right? I mean your party had four years of investigations that turned up nothing. You aren't even willing to admit that two hours was the most given to President Trump before he was deemed a conspiracy theorist right???? Pony up free loader... pony up.
Hasn't Trump been a conspiracy theorist since at least 2012? He's one of the original Birther guys.
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Evidence did turn up in the investigations of the president. Several people were convicted and sent to prison for it. The Muller investigation said it could not exonerate the president of obstruction. And Robert Muller said that it was congress that needed to act with charges on the President. He then made a phone call asking for quid pro quo to the Ukrainian President. He was later impeached by the house. The senate later did not confirm his impeachment. With one republican senator saying that the president had learned his lesson and we should let it go. Another republican senator saying that there was plenty of evidence that the president was guilty but he did not think he should be impeached for it.
Well just this past Friday The President abused the power of his office again and called the SOS of Georgia and asked him to overturn the election. "I just need 11780 votes."
So I ask you did he learn his lesson Senator Collins? I guess not. Nor will he ever.
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Wolfpackrich1 said:

Evidence did turn up in the investigations of the president. Several people were convicted and sent to prison for it. The Muller investigation said it could not exonerate the president of obstruction. And Robert Muller said that it was congress that needed to act with charges on the President. He then made a phone call asking for quid pro quo to the Ukrainian President. He was later impeached by the house. The senate later did not confirm his impeachment. With one republican senator saying that the president had learned his lesson and we should let it go. Another republican senator saying that there was plenty of evidence that the president was guilty but he did not think he should be impeached for it.
Well just this past Friday The President abused the power of his office again and called the SOS of Georgia and asked him to overturn the election. "I just need 11780 votes."
So I ask you did he learn his lesson Senator Collins? I guess not. Nor will he ever.
So it's back to the phone call... well Sleepy bragged about withholding money, his coke head son made millions but yet President Trump is still the bad guy. How many of those convicted that you convoluted your claim with were a direct result of ANYTHING having to do with the Trump Administration? ZERO. As always, leave it to a socialist liberal democrat to spin things the way they want to fit their narrative. Trump isn't and never claimed to be a politician. How about addressing the Chinese celebrating "their" victory with Sleepy Joe and Horizontal Harris supposedly winning the White House??? Care to comment on that comrade? And here is an article from the ultra liberal NPR.....


I'm sure his coke head son is licking his chops knowing that "the Big Guy" will be running cover for him and providing him with transportation to and from his business deals only this time it will be on Air Force One. You liberals never fail to deliver... enjoy your two year run with the House. The last two years of whichever clown is POTUS I hope and pray are as scrutinized and difficult as the four that President Trump had. You won't win in 2024....

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Pacfanweb said:

pineknollshoresking said:

Do you understand how the courts work? Yes!

Good, then you realize that Trump did, in fact, have the opportunity to present his evidence.
You're funny!!!!
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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BBW12OG said:

Pacfanweb said:

pineknollshoresking said:

Do you understand how the courts work? Yes!

Good, then you realize that Trump did, in fact, have the opportunity to present his evidence.
And you realize that there wasn't a thorough investigation of the evidence? Right? I mean your party had four years of investigations that turned up nothing. You aren't even willing to admit that two hours was the most given to President Trump before he was deemed a conspiracy theorist right???? Pony up free loader... pony up.

LOL. So Mueller turned up nothing? The impeachment investigation was nothing?

A bipartisan Congressional commission found that Trump's team was eager to electoral accept help from a foreign superpower; that they encouraged stealing and leaking of stolen information; that they were manipulated by foreign intelligence services; and that they obstructed the investigation.

It was suspected, but not proven, that Manafort colluded.

People went to prison.

Regarding his impeachment, that was 'nothing'?

Trump's on tape asking Ukraine to help dig up dirt against Biden to help his re-election bid, then likely obstructed Congress when they investigated.

There was real evidence of all of these findings and observations, sometimes sufficient to draw damning conclusions, sometimes not. But there was boatloads of evidence.

That's hardly 'nothing'.

Electoral fraud evidence? Now THAT's nothing. It's getting laughed out of court. Yuge difference.
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It was a partisan hack job and I look forward to the tens of millions of dollars of wasted tax payer dollars that will go into investigating Sleepy Joe, his crooked family and most of all the shenanigans he is involved in with his son. If you think that that the eyes of justice are blind in American then you are more of a rube than you come off as. The medial largely dictates the narratives and have for decades. You and your flock of blind sheep that swallow every word as gospel are to blame as well. You so much have just reiterated a CNN newscast with your statements overlooking the fact that Sleepy Joe admitted to withholding money, his son flew with him on Air Force two 20+ times to China where he made deals. The Burisma Company hired him with ZERO experience in the energy sector. You want to talk about the MBNA issue or is Trump so much in your socialist head that you don't have room for any "negative" information on your beloved socialist party? Dust off your ***** hat Nancy boy.... the next two years are going to be rough. After the House is back in GOP control you will have seen your better days. I hope when the GOP regains the White House, House and maintains the Senate they will come after your party and your ilk with a sledgehammer. Expose the crooked DOJ, FBI and whoever is left in the deep state. Expose them publicly and pass laws that will forever be etched that the socialist dream of the left never comes to fruition. By the way, come up with better sources... when you use CNN and MSNBC you are in a Swiss Cheese life boat.
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Yes, there was something. People lives were ruined by the swindling done during this investigation. Also, the Ukraine tape was laughed out of reality. You holding on to that shows me where your mind is.

The progressives have two tapes. Both, of which, show absolutely nothing vs. to the media narrative. And yes, I have listened to the entire call with Raffinsburger. Media narrative is so WRONG!!!

Civ, you are a progressive and your hatred towards Trump is sinful!
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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BBW12OG said:

Wolfpackrich1 said:

Evidence did turn up in the investigations of the president. Several people were convicted and sent to prison for it. The Muller investigation said it could not exonerate the president of obstruction. And Robert Muller said that it was congress that needed to act with charges on the President. He then made a phone call asking for quid pro quo to the Ukrainian President. He was later impeached by the house. The senate later did not confirm his impeachment. With one republican senator saying that the president had learned his lesson and we should let it go. Another republican senator saying that there was plenty of evidence that the president was guilty but he did not think he should be impeached for it.
Well just this past Friday The President abused the power of his office again and called the SOS of Georgia and asked him to overturn the election. "I just need 11780 votes."
So I ask you did he learn his lesson Senator Collins? I guess not. Nor will he ever.
So it's back to the phone call... well Sleepy bragged about withholding money, his coke head son made millions but yet President Trump is still the bad guy. How many of those convicted that you convoluted your claim with were a direct result of ANYTHING having to do with the Trump Administration? ZERO. As always, leave it to a socialist liberal democrat to spin things the way they want to fit their narrative. Trump isn't and never claimed to be a politician. How about addressing the Chinese celebrating "their" victory with Sleepy Joe and Horizontal Harris supposedly winning the White House??? Care to comment on that comrade? And here is an article from the ultra liberal NPR.....


I'm sure his coke head son is licking his chops knowing that "the Big Guy" will be running cover for him and providing him with transportation to and from his business deals only this time it will be on Air Force One. You liberals never fail to deliver... enjoy your two year run with the House. The last two years of whichever clown is POTUS I hope and pray are as scrutinized and difficult as the four that President Trump had. You won't win in 2024....

So why is it whenever you actually tell a right wing conservative a fair point they try to just call you a name like socialist? I will comment on Joe Biden winning the White House since you asked me to comment on it..

I expect Joe Biden to hold the Chinese accountable in every aspect of Fair Trade, keeping the south China Sea open to shipping lanes, Environmental issues, and Taiwan. I also expect to repair the state department and our relationship with our NATO allies that Trump has damaged. I also expect him to crack down on Russia on such things as bounty on our military service men. My father served in the military during the 60's and 70's and small part of the 80's. During Vietnam conflict and the turbulent cold war. By Trump doing and saying nothing on that matter spoke volumes to me and many that have served or have had family members serve. I have those and many more expectations for the Biden administration.

Nor will Trump win in 2024 either....
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BBW12OG said:

It was a partisan hack job and I look forward to the tens of millions of dollars of wasted tax payer dollars that will go into investigating Sleepy Joe, his crooked family and most of all the shenanigans he is involved in with his son. If you think that that the eyes of justice are blind in American then you are more of a rube than you come off as. The medial largely dictates the narratives and have for decades. You and your flock of blind sheep that swallow every word as gospel are to blame as well. You so much have just reiterated a CNN newscast with your statements overlooking the fact that Sleepy Joe admitted to withholding money, his son flew with him on Air Force two 20+ times to China where he made deals. The Burisma Company hired him with ZERO experience in the energy sector. You want to talk about the MBNA issue or is Trump so much in your socialist head that you don't have room for any "negative" information on your beloved socialist party? Dust off your ***** hat Nancy boy.... the next two years are going to be rough. After the House is back in GOP control you will have seen your better days. I hope when the GOP regains the White House, House and maintains the Senate they will come after your party and your ilk with a sledgehammer. Expose the crooked DOJ, FBI and whoever is left in the deep state. Expose them publicly and pass laws that will forever be etched that the socialist dream of the left never comes to fruition. By the way, come up with better sources... when you use CNN and MSNBC you are in a Swiss Cheese life boat.
Would you recommend America One New Network Or what about News Max? Maybe QAnon? Parlor.com?
Talk about Swiss Cheese?
It appears to the rest of the world that the only people trying to create a deep State is Trump and his supporters.
You know the people trying to convince an elected official to overturn a fair election.

Typical Trump accuse others of exactly what he is doing.
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Not everybody believes with the Progressives and the MSM...

On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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Wolfpackrich1 said:

BBW12OG said:

It was a partisan hack job and I look forward to the tens of millions of dollars of wasted tax payer dollars that will go into investigating Sleepy Joe, his crooked family and most of all the shenanigans he is involved in with his son. If you think that that the eyes of justice are blind in American then you are more of a rube than you come off as. The medial largely dictates the narratives and have for decades. You and your flock of blind sheep that swallow every word as gospel are to blame as well. You so much have just reiterated a CNN newscast with your statements overlooking the fact that Sleepy Joe admitted to withholding money, his son flew with him on Air Force two 20+ times to China where he made deals. The Burisma Company hired him with ZERO experience in the energy sector. You want to talk about the MBNA issue or is Trump so much in your socialist head that you don't have room for any "negative" information on your beloved socialist party? Dust off your ***** hat Nancy boy.... the next two years are going to be rough. After the House is back in GOP control you will have seen your better days. I hope when the GOP regains the White House, House and maintains the Senate they will come after your party and your ilk with a sledgehammer. Expose the crooked DOJ, FBI and whoever is left in the deep state. Expose them publicly and pass laws that will forever be etched that the socialist dream of the left never comes to fruition. By the way, come up with better sources... when you use CNN and MSNBC you are in a Swiss Cheese life boat.
Would you recommend America One New Network Or what about News Max? Maybe QAnon? Parlor.com?
Talk about Swiss Cheese?
It appears to the rest of the world that the only people trying to create a deep State is Trump and his supporters.
You know the people trying to convince an elected official to overturn a fair election.

Typical Trump accuse others of exactly what he is doing.
Not true!

On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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Wolfpackrich1 said:

BBW12OG said:

Wolfpackrich1 said:

Evidence did turn up in the investigations of the president. Several people were convicted and sent to prison for it. The Muller investigation said it could not exonerate the president of obstruction. And Robert Muller said that it was congress that needed to act with charges on the President. He then made a phone call asking for quid pro quo to the Ukrainian President. He was later impeached by the house. The senate later did not confirm his impeachment. With one republican senator saying that the president had learned his lesson and we should let it go. Another republican senator saying that there was plenty of evidence that the president was guilty but he did not think he should be impeached for it.
Well just this past Friday The President abused the power of his office again and called the SOS of Georgia and asked him to overturn the election. "I just need 11780 votes."
So I ask you did he learn his lesson Senator Collins? I guess not. Nor will he ever.
So it's back to the phone call... well Sleepy bragged about withholding money, his coke head son made millions but yet President Trump is still the bad guy. How many of those convicted that you convoluted your claim with were a direct result of ANYTHING having to do with the Trump Administration? ZERO. As always, leave it to a socialist liberal democrat to spin things the way they want to fit their narrative. Trump isn't and never claimed to be a politician. How about addressing the Chinese celebrating "their" victory with Sleepy Joe and Horizontal Harris supposedly winning the White House??? Care to comment on that comrade? And here is an article from the ultra liberal NPR.....


I'm sure his coke head son is licking his chops knowing that "the Big Guy" will be running cover for him and providing him with transportation to and from his business deals only this time it will be on Air Force One. You liberals never fail to deliver... enjoy your two year run with the House. The last two years of whichever clown is POTUS I hope and pray are as scrutinized and difficult as the four that President Trump had. You won't win in 2024....

So why is it whenever you actually tell a right wing conservative a fair point they try to just call you a name like socialist? I will comment on Joe Biden winning the White House since you asked me to comment on it..

I expect Joe Biden to hold the Chinese accountable in every aspect of Fair Trade, keeping the south China Sea open to shipping lanes, Environmental issues, and Taiwan. I also expect to repair the state department and our relationship with our NATO allies that Trump has damaged. I also expect him to crack down on Russia on such things as bounty on our military service men. My father served in the military during the 60's and 70's and small part of the 80's. During Vietnam conflict and the turbulent cold war. By Trump doing and saying nothing on that matter spoke volumes to me and many that have served or have had family members serve. I have those and many more expectations for the Biden administration.

Nor will Trump win in 2024 either....
I expect Joe Biden to hold the Chinese accountable in every aspect of Fair Trade, keeping the south China Sea open to shipping lanes,

I suspect you do. Biden and Obama never did it for 8 years. Trump actually did it. The impact on Tariffs, in the region, were absolutely the correct decision. In fact, most of you probably don't know. Trump did not renew certain agreements in the asian market that expired on 12/31/2021. This now affects allot of other asian country's.

I also expect to repair the state department and our relationship with our NATO allies that Trump has damaged.

You care far more than I do on this. Understand, when any of these so-called NATO allies needs something, they will come calling for Trump. They are mostly takers and not givers anyway. USA First!!!

Also, it looks like the Middle East is making progress. The one and only true ally we have is Israel.

My biggest concern with a Biden presidency, and for that matter, most other politician is the handling of China. China is a far more threat than you can ever imagine. If you know anything about international trade and supply chain, then you will understand this. Don't listen to the Wall Street types, large business tech companies, as they all care only about the bottom line of the company. I care about people having jobs through industrializing the USA. All we have gotten are the crap jobs for people.
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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pineknollshoresking said:

Not everybody believes with the Progressives and the MSM...


Why would anyone?
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Wolfpackrich1 said:

BBW12OG said:

Wolfpackrich1 said:

Evidence did turn up in the investigations of the president. Several people were convicted and sent to prison for it. The Muller investigation said it could not exonerate the president of obstruction. And Robert Muller said that it was congress that needed to act with charges on the President. He then made a phone call asking for quid pro quo to the Ukrainian President. He was later impeached by the house. The senate later did not confirm his impeachment. With one republican senator saying that the president had learned his lesson and we should let it go. Another republican senator saying that there was plenty of evidence that the president was guilty but he did not think he should be impeached for it.
Well just this past Friday The President abused the power of his office again and called the SOS of Georgia and asked him to overturn the election. "I just need 11780 votes."
So I ask you did he learn his lesson Senator Collins? I guess not. Nor will he ever.
So it's back to the phone call... well Sleepy bragged about withholding money, his coke head son made millions but yet President Trump is still the bad guy. How many of those convicted that you convoluted your claim with were a direct result of ANYTHING having to do with the Trump Administration? ZERO. As always, leave it to a socialist liberal democrat to spin things the way they want to fit their narrative. Trump isn't and never claimed to be a politician. How about addressing the Chinese celebrating "their" victory with Sleepy Joe and Horizontal Harris supposedly winning the White House??? Care to comment on that comrade? And here is an article from the ultra liberal NPR.....


I'm sure his coke head son is licking his chops knowing that "the Big Guy" will be running cover for him and providing him with transportation to and from his business deals only this time it will be on Air Force One. You liberals never fail to deliver... enjoy your two year run with the House. The last two years of whichever clown is POTUS I hope and pray are as scrutinized and difficult as the four that President Trump had. You won't win in 2024....

So why is it whenever you actually tell a right wing conservative a fair point they try to just call you a name like socialist? I will comment on Joe Biden winning the White House since you asked me to comment on it..

I expect Joe Biden to hold the Chinese accountable in every aspect of Fair Trade, keeping the south China Sea open to shipping lanes, Environmental issues, and Taiwan. I also expect to repair the state department and our relationship with our NATO allies that Trump has damaged. I also expect him to crack down on Russia on such things as bounty on our military service men. My father served in the military during the 60's and 70's and small part of the 80's. During Vietnam conflict and the turbulent cold war. By Trump doing and saying nothing on that matter spoke volumes to me and many that have served or have had family members serve. I have those and many more expectations for the Biden administration.

Nor will Trump win in 2024 either....
You mean "repair" relationships with countries that have outlawed homosexuality, stone women who don't cover their faces, utilize child labor, put people in concentration camps that do not fall in line with the government beliefs and refuse to let their citizens have basic freedoms? Sounds pretty much like the socialist democrat manifesto that's in place here to some extent minus the obvious civil rights abuses. Flip that to anyone who believes in God, thinks abortion is murder and that there are TWO genders not 147 and most of all believe that you are responsible for yourself and your own actions not the damn government and you have the DNC platform. And please I'd be amiss if I didn't end that with the proper socialist democrat closing... "Amen and A-women." Thank you for your family's service to our Democratic Republic as they fought the communist and socialist policies that many in your party are now clamoring for on this very soil. As far as the so-called bounties... how many times does a lie have to be debunked before a socialist democrat believes it not to be true. Please, enlighten me on how anonymous sources carry so much weight with you and your party when the people who were in the room, heard the conversation, have went on all the MSM stations and said it never happened. But yet here you are a supposedly educated individual spouting the same nonsense because CNN and MSNBC told you it was true. So sad that so many Americans have been whittled down to nothing more than sheep being led around by their self inflicted laziness. As far as 2024....the DNC is scared to damn death of Nicki Haley and and the bench that the GOP has. Who the hell is on yours? Horizontal Harris???? AOC??? Gavin Newsome??? Governor Andrew "send them to die in nursing homes" Cuomo and his roided up brother Fredo??? Please... worry about your own joke of a party before you tell anyone who is or isn't going to be POTUS in 2024. The only guarantee I can give you is that it won't be either one of the clowns that supposedly won in November.
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pineknollshoresking said:

Wolfpackrich1 said:

BBW12OG said:

It was a partisan hack job and I look forward to the tens of millions of dollars of wasted tax payer dollars that will go into investigating Sleepy Joe, his crooked family and most of all the shenanigans he is involved in with his son. If you think that that the eyes of justice are blind in American then you are more of a rube than you come off as. The medial largely dictates the narratives and have for decades. You and your flock of blind sheep that swallow every word as gospel are to blame as well. You so much have just reiterated a CNN newscast with your statements overlooking the fact that Sleepy Joe admitted to withholding money, his son flew with him on Air Force two 20+ times to China where he made deals. The Burisma Company hired him with ZERO experience in the energy sector. You want to talk about the MBNA issue or is Trump so much in your socialist head that you don't have room for any "negative" information on your beloved socialist party? Dust off your ***** hat Nancy boy.... the next two years are going to be rough. After the House is back in GOP control you will have seen your better days. I hope when the GOP regains the White House, House and maintains the Senate they will come after your party and your ilk with a sledgehammer. Expose the crooked DOJ, FBI and whoever is left in the deep state. Expose them publicly and pass laws that will forever be etched that the socialist dream of the left never comes to fruition. By the way, come up with better sources... when you use CNN and MSNBC you are in a Swiss Cheese life boat.
Would you recommend America One New Network Or what about News Max? Maybe QAnon? Parlor.com?
Talk about Swiss Cheese?
It appears to the rest of the world that the only people trying to create a deep State is Trump and his supporters.
You know the people trying to convince an elected official to overturn a fair election.

Typical Trump accuse others of exactly what he is doing.
Not true!


Ok so what President Trump mean when he told Georgia's SOS that " you can just say you recalculated it"
How can you say he did not mean for him to do something wrong there?

I am sorry it is very true.
And it is sad for this country
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Wolfpackrich1 said:

pineknollshoresking said:

Wolfpackrich1 said:

BBW12OG said:

It was a partisan hack job and I look forward to the tens of millions of dollars of wasted tax payer dollars that will go into investigating Sleepy Joe, his crooked family and most of all the shenanigans he is involved in with his son. If you think that that the eyes of justice are blind in American then you are more of a rube than you come off as. The medial largely dictates the narratives and have for decades. You and your flock of blind sheep that swallow every word as gospel are to blame as well. You so much have just reiterated a CNN newscast with your statements overlooking the fact that Sleepy Joe admitted to withholding money, his son flew with him on Air Force two 20+ times to China where he made deals. The Burisma Company hired him with ZERO experience in the energy sector. You want to talk about the MBNA issue or is Trump so much in your socialist head that you don't have room for any "negative" information on your beloved socialist party? Dust off your ***** hat Nancy boy.... the next two years are going to be rough. After the House is back in GOP control you will have seen your better days. I hope when the GOP regains the White House, House and maintains the Senate they will come after your party and your ilk with a sledgehammer. Expose the crooked DOJ, FBI and whoever is left in the deep state. Expose them publicly and pass laws that will forever be etched that the socialist dream of the left never comes to fruition. By the way, come up with better sources... when you use CNN and MSNBC you are in a Swiss Cheese life boat.
Would you recommend America One New Network Or what about News Max? Maybe QAnon? Parlor.com?
Talk about Swiss Cheese?
It appears to the rest of the world that the only people trying to create a deep State is Trump and his supporters.
You know the people trying to convince an elected official to overturn a fair election.

Typical Trump accuse others of exactly what he is doing.
Not true!


Ok so what President Trump mean when he told Georgia's SOS that " you can just say you recalculated it"
How can you say he did not mean for him to do something wrong there?

I am sorry it is very true.
And it is sad for this country
Audit the votes. Audit the registered voters. Add up the LEGAL votes and throw out the ones that don't match up. Damn.... is it that hard to understand? What he "mean" is that 1 + 1 isn't adding up to 2. Try and keep up.
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pineknollshoresking said:

Not everybody believes with the Progressives and the MSM...


Forget criminality for a second. When it really comes down to it, who cares if it was a crime or not? We all know by now that Trump is Teflon and even if it was criminal it will slide off him.

Was it grossly improper?

ETA: Breaking News, Cleta Mitchell, is out of her law firm because her partners evidently thought the call was grossly improper and potentially illegal.

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Wolfpackrich1 said:

pineknollshoresking said:

Wolfpackrich1 said:

BBW12OG said:

It was a partisan hack job and I look forward to the tens of millions of dollars of wasted tax payer dollars that will go into investigating Sleepy Joe, his crooked family and most of all the shenanigans he is involved in with his son. If you think that that the eyes of justice are blind in American then you are more of a rube than you come off as. The medial largely dictates the narratives and have for decades. You and your flock of blind sheep that swallow every word as gospel are to blame as well. You so much have just reiterated a CNN newscast with your statements overlooking the fact that Sleepy Joe admitted to withholding money, his son flew with him on Air Force two 20+ times to China where he made deals. The Burisma Company hired him with ZERO experience in the energy sector. You want to talk about the MBNA issue or is Trump so much in your socialist head that you don't have room for any "negative" information on your beloved socialist party? Dust off your ***** hat Nancy boy.... the next two years are going to be rough. After the House is back in GOP control you will have seen your better days. I hope when the GOP regains the White House, House and maintains the Senate they will come after your party and your ilk with a sledgehammer. Expose the crooked DOJ, FBI and whoever is left in the deep state. Expose them publicly and pass laws that will forever be etched that the socialist dream of the left never comes to fruition. By the way, come up with better sources... when you use CNN and MSNBC you are in a Swiss Cheese life boat.
Would you recommend America One New Network Or what about News Max? Maybe QAnon? Parlor.com?
Talk about Swiss Cheese?
It appears to the rest of the world that the only people trying to create a deep State is Trump and his supporters.
You know the people trying to convince an elected official to overturn a fair election.

Typical Trump accuse others of exactly what he is doing.
Not true!


Ok so what President Trump mean when he told Georgia's SOS that " you can just say you recalculated it"
How can you say he did not mean for him to do something wrong there?

I am sorry it is very true.
And it is sad for this country
I listened to the it in its entirety. No context whatsoever... Nothing he said wouldn't be something I would say if in the same position. You guys just don't like him and you see things in a worldview that doesn't align with a bunch other people.
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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Civilized said:

pineknollshoresking said:

Not everybody believes with the Progressives and the MSM...


Forget criminality for a second. When it really comes down to it, who cares if it was a crime or not? We all know by now that Trump is Teflon and even if it was criminal it will slide off him.

Was it grossly improper?

ETA: Breaking News, Cleta Mitchell, is out of her law firm because her partners evidently thought the call was grossly improper and potentially illegal.

No even close! our worldview allows you to see things the way you do. Sorry, your standard is somewhat dubious...

On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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BBW12OG said:

Wolfpackrich1 said:

pineknollshoresking said:

Wolfpackrich1 said:

BBW12OG said:

It was a partisan hack job and I look forward to the tens of millions of dollars of wasted tax payer dollars that will go into investigating Sleepy Joe, his crooked family and most of all the shenanigans he is involved in with his son. If you think that that the eyes of justice are blind in American then you are more of a rube than you come off as. The medial largely dictates the narratives and have for decades. You and your flock of blind sheep that swallow every word as gospel are to blame as well. You so much have just reiterated a CNN newscast with your statements overlooking the fact that Sleepy Joe admitted to withholding money, his son flew with him on Air Force two 20+ times to China where he made deals. The Burisma Company hired him with ZERO experience in the energy sector. You want to talk about the MBNA issue or is Trump so much in your socialist head that you don't have room for any "negative" information on your beloved socialist party? Dust off your ***** hat Nancy boy.... the next two years are going to be rough. After the House is back in GOP control you will have seen your better days. I hope when the GOP regains the White House, House and maintains the Senate they will come after your party and your ilk with a sledgehammer. Expose the crooked DOJ, FBI and whoever is left in the deep state. Expose them publicly and pass laws that will forever be etched that the socialist dream of the left never comes to fruition. By the way, come up with better sources... when you use CNN and MSNBC you are in a Swiss Cheese life boat.
Would you recommend America One New Network Or what about News Max? Maybe QAnon? Parlor.com?
Talk about Swiss Cheese?
It appears to the rest of the world that the only people trying to create a deep State is Trump and his supporters.
You know the people trying to convince an elected official to overturn a fair election.

Typical Trump accuse others of exactly what he is doing.
Not true!


Ok so what President Trump mean when he told Georgia's SOS that " you can just say you recalculated it"
How can you say he did not mean for him to do something wrong there?

I am sorry it is very true.
And it is sad for this country
Audit the votes. Audit the registered voters. Add up the LEGAL votes and throw out the ones that don't match up. Damn.... is it that hard to understand? What he "mean" is that 1 + 1 isn't adding up to 2. Try and keep up.
Unfortunately, the sinful hatred for Trump is clouding there judgement. Also, unfortunately, you and I are not equipped to help them. They do have redeeming qualities, I'm sure; however, they don't espouse them on this board...
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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BBW12OG said:

Wolfpackrich1 said:

pineknollshoresking said:

Wolfpackrich1 said:

BBW12OG said:

It was a partisan hack job and I look forward to the tens of millions of dollars of wasted tax payer dollars that will go into investigating Sleepy Joe, his crooked family and most of all the shenanigans he is involved in with his son. If you think that that the eyes of justice are blind in American then you are more of a rube than you come off as. The medial largely dictates the narratives and have for decades. You and your flock of blind sheep that swallow every word as gospel are to blame as well. You so much have just reiterated a CNN newscast with your statements overlooking the fact that Sleepy Joe admitted to withholding money, his son flew with him on Air Force two 20+ times to China where he made deals. The Burisma Company hired him with ZERO experience in the energy sector. You want to talk about the MBNA issue or is Trump so much in your socialist head that you don't have room for any "negative" information on your beloved socialist party? Dust off your ***** hat Nancy boy.... the next two years are going to be rough. After the House is back in GOP control you will have seen your better days. I hope when the GOP regains the White House, House and maintains the Senate they will come after your party and your ilk with a sledgehammer. Expose the crooked DOJ, FBI and whoever is left in the deep state. Expose them publicly and pass laws that will forever be etched that the socialist dream of the left never comes to fruition. By the way, come up with better sources... when you use CNN and MSNBC you are in a Swiss Cheese life boat.
Would you recommend America One New Network Or what about News Max? Maybe QAnon? Parlor.com?
Talk about Swiss Cheese?
It appears to the rest of the world that the only people trying to create a deep State is Trump and his supporters.
You know the people trying to convince an elected official to overturn a fair election.

Typical Trump accuse others of exactly what he is doing.
Not true!


Ok so what President Trump mean when he told Georgia's SOS that " you can just say you recalculated it"
How can you say he did not mean for him to do something wrong there?

I am sorry it is very true.
And it is sad for this country
Audit the votes. Audit the registered voters. Add up the LEGAL votes and throw out the ones that don't match up. Damn.... is it that hard to understand? What he "mean" is that 1 + 1 isn't adding up to 2. Try and keep up.

Not hard at all.
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statefan91 said:

BBW12OG said:

Pacfanweb said:

pineknollshoresking said:

Do you understand how the courts work? Yes!

Good, then you realize that Trump did, in fact, have the opportunity to present his evidence.
And you realize that there wasn't a thorough investigation of the evidence? Right? I mean your party had four years of investigations that turned up nothing. You aren't even willing to admit that two hours was the most given to President Trump before he was deemed a conspiracy theorist right???? Pony up free loader... pony up.
Hasn't Trump been a conspiracy theorist since at least 2012? He's one of the original Birther guys.

No liberal has ANYTHING to say about conspiracy theories after three years of RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIA.

The mother of all conspiracy theories.
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SupplyChainPack said:

statefan91 said:

BBW12OG said:

Pacfanweb said:

pineknollshoresking said:

Do you understand how the courts work? Yes!

Good, then you realize that Trump did, in fact, have the opportunity to present his evidence.
And you realize that there wasn't a thorough investigation of the evidence? Right? I mean your party had four years of investigations that turned up nothing. You aren't even willing to admit that two hours was the most given to President Trump before he was deemed a conspiracy theorist right???? Pony up free loader... pony up.
Hasn't Trump been a conspiracy theorist since at least 2012? He's one of the original Birther guys.

No liberal has ANYTHING to say about conspiracy theories after three years of RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIA.

The mother of all conspiracy theories.

This is your victory lap:

  • 34 people and 3 companies were indicted based on the Mueller report.
  • 5 former aids to Trump stuck plea deals with Mueller.
  • Mueller didn't charge Trump with a crime because ""The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing."
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Ground_Chuck said:

SupplyChainPack said:

statefan91 said:

BBW12OG said:

Pacfanweb said:

pineknollshoresking said:

Do you understand how the courts work? Yes!

Good, then you realize that Trump did, in fact, have the opportunity to present his evidence.
And you realize that there wasn't a thorough investigation of the evidence? Right? I mean your party had four years of investigations that turned up nothing. You aren't even willing to admit that two hours was the most given to President Trump before he was deemed a conspiracy theorist right???? Pony up free loader... pony up.
Hasn't Trump been a conspiracy theorist since at least 2012? He's one of the original Birther guys.

No liberal has ANYTHING to say about conspiracy theories after three years of RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIA.

The mother of all conspiracy theories.

This is your victory lap:

  • 34 people and 3 companies were indicted based on the Mueller report.
  • 5 former aids to Trump stuck plea deals with Mueller.
  • Mueller didn't charge Trump with a crime because ""The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing."

And how many of those were related to him being elected President? Elaborate please. Mueller also couldn't tell his ass from a hole in the ground during the hearing before the Senate. Andrew Weissman and the team of 23 angry leftwing nut jobs ran the investigation, wrote the report and then he, being the "lead counsel" signed a deal with MSNBC to be their on air anti-Trump, anti-GOP, anti-conservative pundit. You don't think if he found ANY iota of wrong doing he wouldn't have nailed Trump? Please... take that sanctimonious crap and put it back where you pulled it out of. The Mueller report was nothing but an Obama/Biden/DNC media contrived pile of garbage. I hope Trump continues to pardon every damn person that was charged with anything resulting from it. You people are straight up obsessed with the fact that you ran a ****ty candidate in 2016. Your "queen" wasn't crowned. You lost the SCOTUS and 237 judicial seats. But yet after shady election laws were passed by SOS of 4 states circumventing state legislatures conservatives are supposed to "get over it." When the hell did anyone from the socialist party get over losing in 2016? Enjoy your victory. Put on your ***** hat and scream at the sky in victory. I'm sure you still proudly wear it. Fits your party to a "P."
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I have stayed away from this thread for a while. Well it appears things are going to happen tomorrow and there are warnings everywhere. This right here might be a start. Enjoy this little article. It's about to get real folks.

Being an N. C. State fan builds great character!
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And how many of those were related to him being elected President?

None. The answer is absolutely none. Zero.

It was the biggest conspiracy theory in all American history.

It may never be beaten.
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BBW12OG said:

Wolfpackrich1 said:

pineknollshoresking said:

Wolfpackrich1 said:

BBW12OG said:

It was a partisan hack job and I look forward to the tens of millions of dollars of wasted tax payer dollars that will go into investigating Sleepy Joe, his crooked family and most of all the shenanigans he is involved in with his son. If you think that that the eyes of justice are blind in American then you are more of a rube than you come off as. The medial largely dictates the narratives and have for decades. You and your flock of blind sheep that swallow every word as gospel are to blame as well. You so much have just reiterated a CNN newscast with your statements overlooking the fact that Sleepy Joe admitted to withholding money, his son flew with him on Air Force two 20+ times to China where he made deals. The Burisma Company hired him with ZERO experience in the energy sector. You want to talk about the MBNA issue or is Trump so much in your socialist head that you don't have room for any "negative" information on your beloved socialist party? Dust off your ***** hat Nancy boy.... the next two years are going to be rough. After the House is back in GOP control you will have seen your better days. I hope when the GOP regains the White House, House and maintains the Senate they will come after your party and your ilk with a sledgehammer. Expose the crooked DOJ, FBI and whoever is left in the deep state. Expose them publicly and pass laws that will forever be etched that the socialist dream of the left never comes to fruition. By the way, come up with better sources... when you use CNN and MSNBC you are in a Swiss Cheese life boat.
Would you recommend America One New Network Or what about News Max? Maybe QAnon? Parlor.com?
Talk about Swiss Cheese?
It appears to the rest of the world that the only people trying to create a deep State is Trump and his supporters.
You know the people trying to convince an elected official to overturn a fair election.

Typical Trump accuse others of exactly what he is doing.
Not true!


Ok so what President Trump mean when he told Georgia's SOS that " you can just say you recalculated it"
How can you say he did not mean for him to do something wrong there?

I am sorry it is very true.
And it is sad for this country
Audit the votes. Audit the registered voters. Add up the LEGAL votes and throw out the ones that don't match up. Damn.... is it that hard to understand? What he "mean" is that 1 + 1 isn't adding up to 2. Try and keep up.

Really. You need to wake up. Three recounts. Election was fair and all the votes counted are legal. The courts have said so.
Or just go back to sleep
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SupplyChainPack said:


And how many of those were related to him being elected President?

None. The answer is absolutely none. Zero.

It was the biggest conspiracy theory in all American history.

It may never be beaten.
Keep moving the goal posts.
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Oh hell! The fix is in for the GA Senate race. Do you think Trump pumping up the rigged elections deterred some of his base to show up? I really don't care that much but I wonder what people think what influenced this important race.
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SexualChocolate said:

Oh hell! The fix is in for the GA Senate race. Do you think Trump pumping up the rigged elections deterred some of his base to show up? I really don't care that much but I wonder what people think what influenced this important race.

I think the nail in the coffin was the republican senate not carrying the 2000 dollar stimulus package, honesty.
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cowboypack02 said:

SexualChocolate said:

Oh hell! The fix is in for the GA Senate race. Do you think Trump pumping up the rigged elections deterred some of his base to show up? I really don't care that much but I wonder what people think what influenced this important race.

I think the nail in the coffin was the republican senate not carrying the 2000 dollar stimulus package, honesty.
I kind of agree with that. The Senate and Mitch McConnell being the chamber that prevented the bill passing (a bill that even Trump supported, or at least the $2k part), made this a very easy sell for dems. "vote blue if you want to get your $2k". People tend to not care about their philosophies of government handouts when they are hurting themselves, as so many are these days.
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I don't disagree. Will be interesting how our country goes from this point forward.
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Ground_Chuck said:

SupplyChainPack said:


And how many of those were related to him being elected President?

None. The answer is absolutely none. Zero.

It was the biggest conspiracy theory in all American history.

It may never be beaten.
Keep moving the goal posts.

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