packgrad said:
Packchem91 said:
packgrad said:
Disagreed. Sounds like a lot of after the fact driving to me. Trump administration did not "cause" the shutdown nor are they responsible for partial and failed reopenings. That is just partisan hobgobblery.
Right, because it is clear Trump's team had a great plan in place when cases started escalating with plenty of PPE for the frontline and availability of masks, etc for the general public.
You know, its ok to say Trump --- and pretty much every leader in the world -- screwed up. It's forgivable to make decisional issues with a novel virus, and/or to change your approach after you learn more.
But to say you knew it was worse AND to not implement procedures to help ensure front-line workers would be protected....that's difficult to minimize.
But, of course 40% will support him if he directly shot their mom, 40% would vote against him if he turned them all into millionaires and had had implemented policies that resulted in 0 covid deaths.
Those middle 20% though.....
The 40% nonsense is so typical of message board warriors. It's just stupid and unbecoming.
Trump placed big orders before he even declared a state of emergency, before there were even 20000-30000 cases nationally. That would be considered an effort to protect frontline workers. Maybe not to leftists I guess.
Trump has changed strategy multiple times as he's learned more.
LOTS of backseat driving.
Mehh, if he had reacted when he clearly first knew it was problem, and had the PPE then, he may have actually been able to do what you propose --- not shut down.
The 40% nonsense is clearly a bit of exaggeration -- but there are some large % of base who would under almost no circumstance, vote against Trump now
Likewise, there are some large % of left voters, who almost under no circumstance, would vote for Trump. Jeez....the reason every Dem is pushing voter registration in black colleges, areas, etc, is because they know 95% of those folks will vote Dem w/no other marketing effort required.
So both sides have their entrenched groups who will not budge. Trump and the media have helped entrench both of those groups.
And If Trump had the capacity to show some degree of empathy -- for either Covid victims or racial injustice victims, he'd likely be leading the polls despite his bad decisions at the beginning of Covid. Whatever else we want in a POTUS, most still want a decent person (see also, why HRC could not be elected)