Glad you're feeling better!
Are they looking to hireBBW12OG said:
I'm coming off my first Covid infection. I took the two doses of Moderna. No booster. I had the "36 hours of hell" when I first became sick and got the confirmation it was Covid. Fever, chills, body aches, hacking cough, horrible metallic taste in my mouth and general flu-like conditions.
I took the Paxlovid regime for 5 days, 3 in the morning and 3 at night. It seemed to have helped but I have no basis to make that determination. Today will be 8 days since I tested postive, 10-11 days since my first symptoms showed up.
Several of my close friends have had Covid multiple times and they have been vaccinated, no boosters. They all have said after the first go round it gets less and less invasive. One guy has tested positive 4 times and has had zero symptoms. His job requires that he be tested if anyone in his group tests positive. He gets a week off work with pay and has really upped his golf game.
LOL....State of NC... Wildlife Division.... Pretty sure those jobs have a hell of a long line. He waited 15+ years to get the gig he currently has. And that's with a 4 year degree!!PackPA2015 said:Are they looking to hireBBW12OG said:
I'm coming off my first Covid infection. I took the two doses of Moderna. No booster. I had the "36 hours of hell" when I first became sick and got the confirmation it was Covid. Fever, chills, body aches, hacking cough, horrible metallic taste in my mouth and general flu-like conditions.
I took the Paxlovid regime for 5 days, 3 in the morning and 3 at night. It seemed to have helped but I have no basis to make that determination. Today will be 8 days since I tested postive, 10-11 days since my first symptoms showed up.
Several of my close friends have had Covid multiple times and they have been vaccinated, no boosters. They all have said after the first go round it gets less and less invasive. One guy has tested positive 4 times and has had zero symptoms. His job requires that he be tested if anyone in his group tests positive. He gets a week off work with pay and has really upped his golf game.?
BBW12OG said:
I'm coming off my first Covid infection. I took the two doses of Moderna. No booster. I had the "36 hours of hell" when I first became sick and got the confirmation it was Covid. Fever, chills, body aches, hacking cough, horrible metallic taste in my mouth and general flu-like conditions.
I took the Paxlovid regime for 5 days, 3 in the morning and 3 at night. It seemed to have helped but I have no basis to make that determination. Today will be 8 days since I tested postive, 10-11 days since my first symptoms showed up.
Several of my close friends have had Covid multiple times and they have been vaccinated, no boosters. They all have said after the first go round it gets less and less invasive. One guy has tested positive 4 times and has had zero symptoms. His job requires that he be tested if anyone in his group tests positive. He gets a week off work with pay and has really upped his golf game.
Civilized said:BBW12OG said:
I'm coming off my first Covid infection. I took the two doses of Moderna. No booster. I had the "36 hours of hell" when I first became sick and got the confirmation it was Covid. Fever, chills, body aches, hacking cough, horrible metallic taste in my mouth and general flu-like conditions.
I took the Paxlovid regime for 5 days, 3 in the morning and 3 at night. It seemed to have helped but I have no basis to make that determination. Today will be 8 days since I tested postive, 10-11 days since my first symptoms showed up.
Several of my close friends have had Covid multiple times and they have been vaccinated, no boosters. They all have said after the first go round it gets less and less invasive. One guy has tested positive 4 times and has had zero symptoms. His job requires that he be tested if anyone in his group tests positive. He gets a week off work with pay and has really upped his golf game.
Yeah dude glad you're feeling better. The first 24-36 hours can be the suck.
Your buddy popping 4 times is nuts. Encouraging that it may be less severe with subsequent infections. Makes sense I think since your immune system has more information and is more primed to respond.
It's really crazy how many people have caught it in the last 2-3 weeks. From a personal contact standpoint, it's been more over the last 2-3 week period than over any other similar period since COVID hit.
BBW12OG said:
I'm coming off my first Covid infection. I took the two doses of Moderna. No booster. I had the "36 hours of hell" when I first became sick and got the confirmation it was Covid. Fever, chills, body aches, hacking cough, horrible metallic taste in my mouth and general flu-like conditions.
I took the Paxlovid regime for 5 days, 3 in the morning and 3 at night. It seemed to have helped but I have no basis to make that determination. Today will be 8 days since I tested postive, 10-11 days since my first symptoms showed up.
Several of my close friends have had Covid multiple times and they have been vaccinated, no boosters. They all have said after the first go round it gets less and less invasive. One guy has tested positive 4 times and has had zero symptoms. His job requires that he be tested if anyone in his group tests positive. He gets a week off work with pay and has really upped his golf game.
I hope she'll have an easy time of it and that the medication will help her. Glad to hear you're feeling better and getting your taste back.packgrad said:
Mom tested positive today. Of course. 5 days after exposure. Picked up some paxlovid this afternoon and she's starting her regimen tonight. She's doing good so far. Feels badly, but normal cold badly. Thanks for asking.
I'm good. Feel fine. Just a little cough that I imagine will hang around for a little while. Actually already tasting stuff again. Doesn't necessarily taste right, but I can taste stuff.
packgrad said:
Mom tested positive today. Of course. 5 days after exposure. Picked up some paxlovid this afternoon and she's starting her regimen tonight. She's doing good so far. Feels badly, but normal cold badly. Thanks for asking.
I'm good. Feel fine. Just a little cough that I imagine will hang around for a little while. Actually already tasting stuff again. Doesn't necessarily taste right, but I can taste stuff.
Agreed. COVID is back and if you've not had your 4th vaccine yet you need to hurry to the nearest walkin clinic or pharmacy. I think its lollypops for the kids and a $100 gift coupon to use at your near major shopping chain as the gift for being a concerned citizen. Think of the beniefits...........and your immunity is greatly enhanced.TheStorm said:
Nice to see the thread actually discussing the original topic again... well, mostly anyway I guess.
But sorry to see the reason why it is back on the original topic again... hopefully it will be another shorter wave again in NC, like Omicron 1 was
1 of 3:
— pieterstreicher (@pieterstreicher) May 14, 2022
Gauteng, South Africa #Omicron BA.4 BA.5 update.
Cases (7d avg by reported date), ICU- and ventilated beds all dropped in the last 24 hours. Hospital beds remain stable.
All variables are running well below December levels.
data source:
excellent info !Daviewolf83 said:
Some recent "scary" headlines about new variants of Omicron in South Africa, the country that brought us BA.1. Early data suggests, BA.3 and BA.4 are not nearly as severe or impactful as BA.1. Vaccinations, immunity from previous infection, reduction in virus severity should limit the effects of BA.3/BA.4 when they eventually find their way to the US and other countries.1 of 3:
— pieterstreicher (@pieterstreicher) May 14, 2022
Gauteng, South Africa #Omicron BA.4 BA.5 update.
Cases (7d avg by reported date), ICU- and ventilated beds all dropped in the last 24 hours. Hospital beds remain stable.
All variables are running well below December levels.
data source:
I have gone back and reviewed numerous posts of our very reliable and highly trained professionals on this site and had my day of reckoning..........I just returned from my local pharmacy after reading the above post with my very 1st Pfizer vaccine. I'll be ready for my 2nd as soon as I am eligible!!! Thankfully, I came to my senses......jeepers there were so many warnings on this thread I don't know why I didn't take heed.Glasswolf said:
I can only see the 2nd booster needed in the highest risk group. I've been triple vaccinated and unless a way more severe variant comes around i see no need
To add to your commentary, no one mandated I get any vaccine. I did it of my own free will to protect myself, my wife and my 84 year old in laws. I've only had one owner group (Eli Lilly) require all sub contractors be vaccinated and be able to show proof. I was vaccinated long before they ever came to that conclusion. My wife is also triple vaxxed and has tested positive once with only mild symptoms. If nothing else it has kept us out of the hospital. And to add just a bit more, there are some very reliable and highly trained professionals on this site regardless of whether you believe so. Do I rely on what they say or what you post? No. I have my own Doctors and health professionals that I have trusted for 30 years or more.Werewolf said:I have gone back and reviewed numerous posts of our very reliable and highly trained professionals on this site and had my day of reckoning..........I just returned from my local pharmacy after reading the above post with my very 1st Pfizer vaccine. I'll be ready for my 2nd as soon as I am eligible!!! Thankfully, I came to my senses......jeepers there were so many warnings on this thread I don't know why I didn't take heed.Glasswolf said:
I can only see the 2nd booster needed in the highest risk group. I've been triple vaccinated and unless a way more severe variant comes around i see no need
It's a free country.Werewolf said:I have gone back and reviewed numerous posts of our very reliable and highly trained professionals on this site and had my day of reckoning..........I just returned from my local pharmacy after reading the above post with my very 1st Pfizer vaccine. I'll be ready for my 2nd as soon as I am eligible!!! Thankfully, I came to my senses......jeepers there were so many warnings on this thread I don't know why I didn't take heed.Glasswolf said:
I can only see the 2nd booster needed in the highest risk group. I've been triple vaccinated and unless a way more severe variant comes around i see no need
An epiphany I guess.Glasswolf said:It's a free country.Werewolf said:I have gone back and reviewed numerous posts of our very reliable and highly trained professionals on this site and had my day of reckoning..........I just returned from my local pharmacy after reading the above post with my very 1st Pfizer vaccine. I'll be ready for my 2nd as soon as I am eligible!!! Thankfully, I came to my senses......jeepers there were so many warnings on this thread I don't know why I didn't take heed.Glasswolf said:
I can only see the 2nd booster needed in the highest risk group. I've been triple vaccinated and unless a way more severe variant comes around i see no need
Glasswolf said:It's a free country.Werewolf said:I have gone back and reviewed numerous posts of our very reliable and highly trained professionals on this site and had my day of reckoning..........I just returned from my local pharmacy after reading the above post with my very 1st Pfizer vaccine. I'll be ready for my 2nd as soon as I am eligible!!! Thankfully, I came to my senses......jeepers there were so many warnings on this thread I don't know why I didn't take heed.Glasswolf said:
I can only see the 2nd booster needed in the highest risk group. I've been triple vaccinated and unless a way more severe variant comes around i see no need
Y'all been trying to get that dog to bark for 25-30 years. No one is coming for your legal guns. Just trying to keep the guns away from the crazy peopleGuerrillaPack said:Glasswolf said:It's a free country.Werewolf said:I have gone back and reviewed numerous posts of our very reliable and highly trained professionals on this site and had my day of reckoning..........I just returned from my local pharmacy after reading the above post with my very 1st Pfizer vaccine. I'll be ready for my 2nd as soon as I am eligible!!! Thankfully, I came to my senses......jeepers there were so many warnings on this thread I don't know why I didn't take heed.Glasswolf said:
I can only see the 2nd booster needed in the highest risk group. I've been triple vaccinated and unless a way more severe variant comes around i see no need
Riiiight. In a country where the communist ruling party is trying to force people to be injected with an unknown substance in order to have a job and participate in society.
They would have us believe that same party is "not" coming for our guns either, right?
Also, they are "not" attacking free speech either.
So, so "free". So free that they are fanatically trying to destroy our rights to free speech, own and carry firearms, and determine what substances we can decide to go into our own bodies.
If you contract a bad enough case, I think mAb therapy is the way to go.Glasswolf said:
I can only see the 2nd booster needed in the highest risk group. I've been triple vaccinated and unless a way more severe variant comes around i see no need
.Glasswolf said:Y'all been trying to get that dog to bark for 25-30 years. No one is coming for your legal guns. Just trying to keep the guns away from the crazy peopleGuerrillaPack said:Glasswolf said:It's a free country.Werewolf said:I have gone back and reviewed numerous posts of our very reliable and highly trained professionals on this site and had my day of reckoning..........I just returned from my local pharmacy after reading the above post with my very 1st Pfizer vaccine. I'll be ready for my 2nd as soon as I am eligible!!! Thankfully, I came to my senses......jeepers there were so many warnings on this thread I don't know why I didn't take heed.Glasswolf said:
I can only see the 2nd booster needed in the highest risk group. I've been triple vaccinated and unless a way more severe variant comes around i see no need
Riiiight. In a country where the communist ruling party is trying to force people to be injected with an unknown substance in order to have a job and participate in society.
They would have us believe that same party is "not" coming for our guns either, right?
Also, they are "not" attacking free speech either.
So, so "free". So free that they are fanatically trying to destroy our rights to free speech, own and carry firearms, and determine what substances we can decide to go into our own bodies.
I can promise you no one wants to ban all firearms. And regardless it will never happen. Again, it's a free country. You can think however you want about covid, climate change, abortion or everything else. I'm not going to change your mind and you're not going to change my mind. See how that works? Enjoy your day on your flat earthGuerrillaPack said:.Glasswolf said:Y'all been trying to get that dog to bark for 25-30 years. No one is coming for your legal guns. Just trying to keep the guns away from the crazy peopleGuerrillaPack said:Glasswolf said:It's a free country.Werewolf said:I have gone back and reviewed numerous posts of our very reliable and highly trained professionals on this site and had my day of reckoning..........I just returned from my local pharmacy after reading the above post with my very 1st Pfizer vaccine. I'll be ready for my 2nd as soon as I am eligible!!! Thankfully, I came to my senses......jeepers there were so many warnings on this thread I don't know why I didn't take heed.Glasswolf said:
I can only see the 2nd booster needed in the highest risk group. I've been triple vaccinated and unless a way more severe variant comes around i see no need
Riiiight. In a country where the communist ruling party is trying to force people to be injected with an unknown substance in order to have a job and participate in society.
They would have us believe that same party is "not" coming for our guns either, right?
Also, they are "not" attacking free speech either.
So, so "free". So free that they are fanatically trying to destroy our rights to free speech, own and carry firearms, and determine what substances we can decide to go into our own bodies.
What planet do you live on? You're telling me that the communist DemonRat party does not ban whole classes of firearms? They don't ban handguns or semi-auto rifles in cities they control?
This is the type of bold-faced lying that is engaged in...on EVERY issue/agenda pushed by the Marxist Left.
Guess what??....the Leftist Establishment is bold-faced lying about "climate change", abortion, "covid" and everything else. The most blatant, ridiculous lies right to your face.
Davie has got some good graphs above. Outbreak coincides with some things being reported in SE Asia and West Africa... Ebola-like Marburg virus was reported.bigeric said:
I really miss the graphs, tables, stats, etc.
The things I use to make my decisions, not what someone else considers important.
I see what you did there.Glasswolf said:
No one is coming for your legal guns. Just trying to keep the guns away from the crazy people