That is indeed a very important piece. And I would argue there are additional much more important points being raised by Malone and others. For starters, you have the fact (discussed in the video from the interview with Rogan I posted) that governments, the medical Establishment, and the communist Leftist Establishment media have suppressed effective treatments, such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin -- which could have saved the lives of tens or hundreds of thousands of people. They are pushing these "vaccines" as the "ONLY" way to treat covid. Also, by the way, they are now ignoring and downplaying natural immunity for covid-recovered patients...another huge red flag of the agenda here.Bellhenmar said:
The biggest takeaway from this talk and the one with Dr McCullough is that our president and others made false claims that the Pfizer vaccine was APPROVED by the FDA and it never has been. It's authorized...meaning the emergency use authorization was continued. But our president, the media and those pushing the vaccine blatantly misled all of us. That should make us all furious, but instead the person that told us this is being shunned and blackballed.
My name is Robert Malone, and I am speaking to you as a parent, grandparent, physician and scientist.
I don't usually read from a prepared speech, but this is so important that I wanted to make sure that I get every single word and scientific fact correct.
I stand by this statement with a career dedicated to vaccine research and development. I'm vaccinated for COVID and I'm generally pro-vaccination. I have devoted my entire career to developing safe and effective ways to prevent and treat infectious diseases.
After this, I will be posting the text of this statement so you can share it with your friends and family.
Before you inject your child - a decision that is irreversible - I wanted to let you know the scientific facts about this genetic vaccine, which is based on the mRNA vaccine technology I created:
There are three issues parents need to understand:
The first is that a viral gene will be injected into your children's cells. This gene forces your child's body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause permanent damage in children's critical organs, including
Their brain and nervous system
Their heart and blood vessels, including blood clots
Their reproductive system, and
This vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to their immune system
The most alarming point about this is that once these damages have occurred, they are irreparable
I know it's 6 hours worth but I really wish everyone would take time to sit down, or ride around, or whatever, and listen to these two men. It's fascinating to listen to and quite boggling as to why this is being done. This isn't "two quacks" as someone told me on a thread. These two men have devoted their lives to this purpose, and have never made an issue out of something, why would they do so now if it weren't legitimate? There were several instances I was literally shocked.GuerrillaPack said:The biggest and most important point, however, is the harm and adverse effects being caused by these experimental gene therapy "vaccines". Malone, for example, says that the spike proteins are "toxic" and "often cause permanent damage in children's critical organs", including the brain, heart, blood vessels (blood clots) and reproductive system (direct quotes from Malone, in Rumble video below).Bellhenmar said:
That is indeed a very important piece. And I would argue there are additional much more important points being raised by Malone and others. For starters, you have the fact (discussed in the video from the interview with Rogan I posted) that governments and the medical Establishment have suppressed early treatments, such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. They are pushing these "vaccines" as the "ONLY" way to treat covid. Also, by the way, they are now ignoring and downplaying natural immunity for covid-recovered patients...another huge red flag of the agenda here.
I would hope it would take a lot less than 6 hours to be convinced of the truth, that these experimental vaccines may be dangerous, or that the official narrative on covid is fishy. But you may be right. The average person is probably exposed to 6 hours of Establishment propaganda every single day. So it's going to take a lot of "mental unpacking" to change some minds. If all you do is watch (and believe) CNN, NY Times, and other Establishment "news" 3-4 hours a day, then of course you are going to think that someone who disagrees with the "mainstream" narrative is a "lunatic conspiracy theorist whacko". Because they have never actually taken even 5 minutes to consider alternative views -- such as what Dr. Malone here is saying. They've just heard the Establishment smears of Malone, and false arguments.Bellhenmar said:
I know it's 6 hours worth but I really wish everyone would take time to sit down, or ride around, or whatever, and listen to these two men. It's fascinating to listen to and quite boggling as to why this is being done. This isn't "two quacks" as someone told me on a thread. These two men have devoted their lives to this purpose, and have never made an issue out of something, why would they do so now if it weren't legitimate? There were several instances I was literally shocked.
As for my children, they will receive no vaccine, period. Pull the numbers from the CDC, more kids died from the flu in 2019 than have since from Covid. The chances of a vaccine killing them, or causing irreparable harm, is much greater than them contracting Covid and becoming hospitalized and dying. It just doesn't make sense. But the collusion with pharma, big tech and big media is alarming.
Yeah, no kidding the daycare rules look draconian at this point.statefan91 said:
Daughter's daycare room just closed for two weeks. It seems crazy that daycare guidance hasn't been updated from June of 2020 with how long they shut down.
The Supreme Court is deciding on a mandate for a vaccine the Pfizer CEO now says with two shots "offer very limited protection, if any."
— thebradfordfile (@thebradfordfile) January 11, 2022
This is insane.
CDC is moving to less transparency. They just informed their ACIP advisors that because they met for 24 days last year, the CDC will make more decisions internally this year (circumventing experts & cutting down on public discussions). My latest oped:
— Marty Makary MD, MPH (@MartyMakary) January 11, 2022
“After reviewing the charts of every COVID-positive patient at UCSF hospitals on Jan. 4, Dr. Jeanne Noble, an associate professor of emergency medicine at UCSF, determined that 70% of them were in the hospital for other reasons.”
— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) January 11, 2022
At some point, I'd expect the deaths to pull up some, if for nothing else we were in the middle of a winter seasonal wave of Delta in mid-December when Omicron showed up. Cases had been increasing for 6 weeks or so at that point.Daviewolf83 said:
Good news!! The percentage of hospitalized Covid patients in ICU continues to decline and decline rapidly. While hospitalizations increase, the percentage of those that end up in ICU is now down to 21% (14-day average). The average percentage has declined by 2% in a week, following a 2% decline the preceding week.
Directly related to the lower ICU population, deaths by date of death continues to remain well below last year's Winter Wave. Given the trends in ICU, I do expect this trend to continue for the Winter Wave. We are far enough into the wave for increased mortality to show in the statistics.
I pointed this out on Twitter yesterday and as expected, one of the "long-Covid" zealots chimed in that we had to be concerned about "long-Covid", implying it will never be over. I replied with a Tweet from this weekend that points out there is NO peer-reviewed data showing long-Covid is an issue with people who are vaccinated or have been previously infected. They responded that they will continue to follow the advice and tweets of Dr. Eric Ding. If you are not familiar with him or his Tweets, he is one of the most extreme tweeters when it comes to panic porn and is definitely not a voice of reason.
The natural thought is with more cases deaths will rise in number but percentage of death will fall.statefan91 said:
Best case scenario that Omicron outcompetes Delta leading to less severity of outcomes, right? Cases will be higher due to how contagious it is but shouldn't see it correlate with hospitalizations + deaths.
Right. But again that reflects going forward. There were still significant Delta cases late into December, so when severe outcomes are reported today, they could still certainly reflect Delta.statefan91 said:
Best case scenario that Omicron outcompetes Delta leading to less severity of outcomes, right? Cases will be higher due to how contagious it is but shouldn't see it correlate with hospitalizations + deaths.
Yes. Seems to be some evidence that infection from Omicron provides for protection from all past variants, including Delta. I have seen tweets suggesting this is true if you were not vaccinated or if you had a breakthrough infection (see below).Bellhenmar said:
I know the original thought was once you had Covid you couldn't become reinfected but when omicron came about that changed. Have any of you heard if you contract omicron does it provide protection against the other variants?
This study also shows breakthrough infection (Omicron) led to potent cross-reactive broad neutralizing antibodies against Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta VOCs (higher peak than Pfizer vaccine) + Cross-reactive spike- and nucleocapsid-specific T cells
— Monica Gandhi MD, MPH (@MonicaGandhi9) January 10, 2022
Delta vs Omicron Kaiser SoCal study (preprint)
— Jake Scott, MD (@jakescottMD) January 11, 2022
52k Omicron cases ➡️ 235 (0.5%) hospitalizations, 0 required mechanical ventilation
17k Delta cases ➡️ 222 (1.3%), 11 required ventilation
53% ⬇️ in risk of hospital admission due to Omicron
70% shorter LOS for Omicron patients
Mormad said:
Midnight census 252
No beds available. An L1 burst fracture I'm fixing tomorrow has been in the ER in a hall way bed since 4am Monday. Usually 30-50 pts in ER awaiting admission.
30 yo healthy vaxxed nurse on our floor with long covid. Likely Delta of course. Really cool girl and great nurse. Still working. I think she'll be fine in time.
500 staff out. 70% of the vaxxed staff missing work were vaxxed >6 mos ago.
All elective surgeries cancelled.
A lot of good news from Europe: Spain pushing the EU to adopt an endemic Covid strategy; Finland ending mandatory quarantines and mass testing; Italy evaluating an end to daily case reporting; governments committed to keeping schools open.
— Anthony LaMesa (@ajlamesa) January 12, 2022
Hope mask mandates can end soon.
Europe does have an advantage with higher vaccination rates than the US and vaccinations have proven very effective in reducing severe disease and hospitalizations.Mormad said:
We need to follow suit
You can't report it like that when it doesn't prop up the false message that you need to get across in order to attempt to stay in power.Daviewolf83 said:
One driver of a lower percentage of hospitalized Covid patients being in ICU would be if they are admitted "with" Covid, instead of "for" Covid. Unfortunately, we do not get this information in the data reported by NCDHHS, but we can assume "with" Covid admissions are driving down the ICU percentage.
It is interesting how people wanted to ignore this detail for over a year and a half, but now it seems like it is something important to report. I know Wayland and others posting on this thread have called for this detail for a long time. With a highly infectious, less severe version of Covid now in circulation, it is definitely important and would help people make the mental adjustment to endemic Covid.“After reviewing the charts of every COVID-positive patient at UCSF hospitals on Jan. 4, Dr. Jeanne Noble, an associate professor of emergency medicine at UCSF, determined that 70% of them were in the hospital for other reasons.”
— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) January 11, 2022
I said this 4 months ago already… I'm waiting on Novavax (if it's still prudent at that time). No more mRNA vaccines for me.Daviewolf83 said:
Looks like some people in Europe are starting to think about repeated boosters and the impact on the immune system.
Werewolf said:
^ After all the world-renowned expert testimony that's been smeared all over this you're gonna follow the lead of a European agency. So many of you have one foot in the cattle car.....when do you step off? Mormad, you do a disservice to people on this site........I'm sorry to say but it is the truth. Medical profession is pitiful in this particular situation......all falling in line, unfortunately for those that depend on you. I have no bone to pick with you but these jabs must stop!
Both ADE and also some sort of an AIDS type response to the jabs.
Mormad said:Werewolf said:
^ After all the world-renowned expert testimony that's been smeared all over this you're gonna follow the lead of a European agency. So many of you have one foot in the cattle car.....when do you step off? Mormad, you do a disservice to people on this site........I'm sorry to say but it is the truth. Medical profession is pitiful in this particular situation......all falling in line, unfortunately for those that depend on you. I have no bone to pick with you but these jabs must stop!
Both ADE and also some sort of an AIDS type response to the jabs.
Oh, i do a disservice to this site?? And you somehow are enlightened to the "truth?" Ok. Thank goodness everybody here is intelligent enough to wade through the bullsht then, huh?