Mormad said:
wilmwolf80 said:
I agree. Mask mandates simply don't cover the scenarios where people are most likely to get covid. Namely, inside a dwelling from people they know during extended periods of close unmasked contact. I have seen numerous articles and studies that put the home as the most likely place to become infected. Wearing a mask while you walk down the grocery store aisle is fine, I'm sure it helps, I just don't think people wear masks in the most likely scenarios for them to get the virus, and short of sending the national guard door to door, you really can't control what people do in their home.
You're quite correct, my friend. But somebody has to be the first to bring it into your household and they got it somewhere outside the household i presume. Isn't it important to reduce the risk of infection outside the home as much as we can no matter the mode? Masking certainly plays a role in circumstances outside the home i would think. I know you mask appropriately based on your comments, I'm just adding to the thought process for everybody.
Which brings up other questions. If they got it out of the household, where and how did that happen, and is the answer to that question a further indictment of the mandates failure, or of the failure of personal responsibility?
I have believed, and still believe, that the great majority of people are wearing masks in an appropriate way in the places required, in addition to social distancing and hand washing. I know that everyone's experiences are different in that regard, but it's what I see with my eyes and hear from those around me. Yet the virus continued to spread.
Is that because of the small percentage of people not wearing a mask? If you aren't wearing a mask, but are surrounded by people who are, how are you getting the virus? Is it because the people who don't wear masks tend to socialize together? So they are spreading it between themselves and then taking it home? And if we don't know the answer to these questions, why not?
It's very easy, and dangerous, to paint with a broad brush and say that it's one group that is spreading it around. I just think there are plenty of careful, conscious, mask wearing people that have ended up with the virus, and mask mandates didn't have anything to do with it. There's quite a few people on this board that have had it, and I haven't seen one that said they got it because they, or the person they got it from, weren't wearing their mask in a place where it was mandated the they do so.
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