For the US and NC, here are the current vaccination numbers:
US Vaccinations:Total Vaccination Doses Available: 109,950,530
Total Vaccination Dose Administered: 82,572,848 <== 16.3% of population have received 1st dose
Percentage of Available Doses Administered: 75.1%
NC Vaccinations:Total Vaccination Doses Available: 3,302,138
Total Vaccination Dose Administered: 2,661,523 <== 16.3% of population have received 1st dose
Percentage of Available Doses Administered: 80.6%
In other news:
1. To expand upon my earlier comments regarding the reporting of cases and deaths by the CDC, Biden administration officials, and local news media, please realize that "reported" cases and "reported" deaths are not equal to "cases by date" and "deaths by date" when you are trying to show trends. As I mentioned, the CDC director and the CDC in general were guilty yesterday in both stating in a briefing and in a Tweet that cases are increasing nationally. In fact, they were using "reported" data and if they had used cases by "date of specimen" they would have not been able to report this. They need to do better, since they are sending out a very inaccurate message to the American people.
2. Related to my first point, today NCDHHS reported 2,502 new Covid-19 cases from yesterday's report. They also reported 36 new deaths from yesterday's report. If you do a quick analysis, you will find that 428 of the new cases were from specimens taken last week or earlier. With regards to deaths, 27 of the new deaths were from deaths that occurred last week or earlier. In actuality, cases, deaths, and hospitalizations are continuing their rapid decrease.
3. I would urge everyone to focus more on hospitalization numbers, percent positive tests, and deaths by date of death, instead of cases. Cases will likely continue well into the coming months and as such, are not a good method to track vaccine effectiveness. Since the immediate focus has been on vaccinating the population that has most contribute to hospitalizations and deaths (those aged 65+), looking at these two statistics will be a much better gauge of vaccine effectiveness.
With regards to percent positive tests, I would call your attention to the attached graph. It shows some really astounding news - we are now showing percent positive tests below 5%. This was one of the key thresholds the governor and NCDHHS set for ending a lot of the "lock-down" policies. Hopefully, this percentage will continue to fall. 4. As it relates to the recent discussions regarding Texas and Mississippi, I did some checking and found that Texas and Mississippi are not the first states to end statewide mask mandates. There are now 15 states that have no statewide mandate to wear a mask. So, I guess Texas and Mississippi are not the only states with "Neanderthal thinking."
Texas' guidelines also stipulate that if Covid-19 hospitalizations in any of Texas' 22 hospital regions rise above 15% of the capacity in the region for seven straight days, a county judge may use Covid mitigation strategies in their county. Apparently, county judges in Texas have had the power to implement Covid restrictions on businesses in local communities, regardless of statewide guidelines. Reportedly, Gov. Abbott's ruling yesterday eliminate a loophole some judges were using to enforce local guidelines.
Daily Percent Positive Tests (Data Source: NCDHHS):
US Vaccination Tracking (Data Source: Bloomberg Vaccination Tracker):
NC Vaccination Tracking (Data Source: Bloomberg Vaccination Tracker):