OMG the Quad-demic is here!!!!
Mask mandates coming back!!
All because only a small percentage of people are getting their booster poison injections!!
I'm so "concerned"…because the communist Lamestream media is telling me to be concerned.
Are mask mandates making a comeback?
01/04/25 08:09 AM ET
Concern about a "quad-demic" is growing in much of the country as the nation's hospitals see a surge in respiratory viruses.
Hospitalizations are up sharply in major cities, including Los Angeles, New York and Chicago.
OMG!…hospitalizations up the most in the most Commie DemonRat cities where the highest percentage of libtarded citizens are Vaxxed up to their eyeballs! This must be a super virulent variant!!
I noticed many of my coworkers sick over the last several weeks. I haven't taken any Covid Vaxxes at all since the scamdemic started, and I did not get sick at all this winter. Does this mean I will die soon because I am not vaxxed??
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19