Democratic Debates

61,301 Views | 309 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by IseWolf22
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The Donald Fascist Party; he'd like to be Benito Mussolini. At next year's July 4th party, the soldiers will be kicking their legs high when marching. - Fascism is a form of government which is a type of one-party dictatorship. Fascists are against democracy. They work for a totalitarian one-party state. ... Historically, fascist governments tend to be militaristic, and racist. Rig elections, rig districts and rig the Supreme Court!!!!

Wide left isn't much better, if any.
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Didn't pay much attention to the debates because I will not vote for any of them nor will I vote for Donald Trump. It's just pathetically sad that we have no better to pick from. As a true independent, I see noone on either side worth voting for.
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You got room for another in your boat?
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PackDaddy said:

You got room for another in your boat?

Come aboard! Seems only the sane ones are in the boat. Otherwise, it's socialist lefties and ultra conservative righties. Neither appeal to me at all.
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RunsWithWolves26 said:

Didn't pay much attention to the debates because I will not vote for any of them nor will I vote for Donald Trump. It's just pathetically sad that we have no better to pick from. As a true independent, I see noone on either side worth voting for.
He probably won't win but seems like a really good guy and good family. He knows his people (local) well and works hard to help them; probably needs to learn more about what others need in US. He has a lot of good ideas and in a one-on-one setting....he answers questions easily. He'd work hard to make America whole! much as possible.

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Glasswolf said:

Please stop. I've ignored all your post but you are borderline posting crap like northwolf was on the scout (pp) network and they globally banned him

It does get a little old when you're trying to have a rational debate/conversation with you know, actual facts.
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PackBacker07 said:

Glasswolf said:

Please stop. I've ignored all your post but you are borderline posting crap like northwolf was on the scout (pp) network and they globally banned him

It does get a little old when you're trying to have a rational debate/conversation with you know, actual facts.

Just because you dont agree with it, doesnt mean he/she cant post it. See Struttingwolf96.
We're all Red on the inside. Some of us are just Blue in the face, and they're sick.
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PackBacker07 said:

Glasswolf said:

Please stop. I've ignored all your post but you are borderline posting crap like northwolf was on the scout (pp) network and they globally banned him

It does get a little old when you're trying to have a rational debate/conversation with you know, actual facts.

Your "facts" are what I consider to be lies. And vice versa. I'm not breaking any of the rules of this forum. Unless there is some hidden rule where I can't post views that leftists don't like -- as is the case on Facebook and YouTube, where leftists operate a "ministry of truth" where they determine what are "facts" and then silence anyone who disagrees with them.

As far as I know, the only rules here are to not personally attack other posters, and to stay on the topic of the thread.

I get that you hate me. Fine. Put me on "ignore" if you so wish. Just because you strongly disagree with me does not give you the right to try to silence me.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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My question for you I guess is, out of all these conspiracy topics you post, what are you trying to gain? Do you actually think anyone is going to come here and say, damn you were right!

I mean your post on the sports forums are pretty much well thought out and spot on. I just don't understand what your motivation is...
Payton Wilson on what he thought of Carter Finley: Drunk Crazy Crowded

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Glasswolf said:

My question for I guess is, out of all these conspiracy topics you post, what are you trying to gain? Do you actually think anyone is going to come here and say, damn you were right!

I mean your post on the sports forums are pretty much well thought out and spot on. I just don't understand what your motivation is...

Same motivation as virtually anyone else starting topics or posting here in the Water Cooler. If I have a strong belief on a subject, and I create a topic or make a comment in a thread, that usually involves trying to persuade others to adopt my viewpoint. I think most people have that goal in try to persuade others to their viewpoint.

A "conspiracy" viewpoint is, IMO, simply disagreeing with the Establishment, government, or "mainstream" media position. Naturally, most of such anti-Establishment views will be unpopular or seem "out there" to many people -- simply because those views are so drastically opposed to the popular/Establishment view. And posting unpopular opinions, of course, causes many people in the majority to become irritated with the person expressing those unpopular opinions.

I'm not trying to cause any trouble here. I'm trying to follow the rules. I don't attack other users personally, and I try to stay on the topic of the threads.

To be clear, what are you getting at? I don't think you are saying that "conspiracy theory" views are not allowed in the Water Cooler. Are you saying that certain "conspiracy" views are "too unpopular", and shouldn't be allowed? I would strongly disagree with such a "rule". But if, in general, there are not clearly defined rules, how can I be expected to follow them? As far as I knew, the only rules in this forum were: 1) don't personally attack other posters, and 2) stay on the topic of the thread.

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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And round and round and round we go. Lord have mercy on my soul. Back to the debates. I will be interested to see if the wishy washy Harris continues to poll well after this next debate. She literally, from what I saw, changed her mind on a couple of subjects within hours of each other. Will ole uncle Joe figure it out? When will swallwell just leave and how long can Spartacus hold on? All the while, trump just keep bringing in more money while the Dems continue to preach views that seem as out there as trump claiming Mexico would pay for a dang wall.

Now back to our regularly scheduled back and forth about people being conspiracy theorists and no man ever landing on the moon!
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RunsWithWolves26 said:

All the while, trump just keep bringing in more money while the Dems continue to preach views that seem as out there as trump claiming Mexico would pay for a dang wall.

I've only seen bits and pieces of the debates, but what I did see was terrifying. It seems the Democrats are now openly saying they want to abolish ICE and let anyone who enters the country illegally stay here permanently...openly admitting they want massive gun control...arguing in favor of "reparations" for slavery...etc. Now I see why everyone is calling these debates a "Clown Show".
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

RunsWithWolves26 said:

All the while, trump just keep bringing in more money while the Dems continue to preach views that seem as out there as trump claiming Mexico would pay for a dang wall.

I've only seen bits and pieces of the debates, but what I did see was terrifying. It seems the Democrats are now openly saying they want to abolish ICE and let anyone who enters the country illegally stay here permanently...openly admitting they want massive gun control...arguing in favor of "reparations" for slavery...etc. Now I see why everyone is calling these debates a "Clown Show".

And as an independent, I will follow that with the crazy right wing telling people what they should and shouldn't do with their own bodies, who they can and can't marry, who is and isn't getting a tax break, who should and shouldn't be allowed to vote, who can and can't come into the country legally, etc,etc,etc. Again, the far right and far left is what the hell is so wrong with this damn country. Period, simple and easy.
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GuerrillaPack said:

Glasswolf said:

My question for I guess is, out of all these conspiracy topics you post, what are you trying to gain? Do you actually think anyone is going to come here and say, damn you were right!

I mean your post on the sports forums are pretty much well thought out and spot on. I just don't understand what your motivation is...

Same motivation as virtually anyone else starting topics or posting here in the Water Cooler. If I have a strong belief on a subject, and I create a topic or make a comment in a thread, that usually involves trying to persuade others to adopt my viewpoint. I think most people have that goal in try to persuade others to their viewpoint.

A "conspiracy" viewpoint is, IMO, simply disagreeing with the Establishment, government, or "mainstream" media position. Naturally, most of such anti-Establishment views will be unpopular or seem "out there" to many people -- simply because those views are so drastically opposed to the popular/Establishment view. And posting unpopular opinions, of course, causes many people in the majority to become irritated with the person expressing those unpopular opinions.

I'm not trying to cause any trouble here. I'm trying to follow the rules. I don't attack other users personally, and I try to stay on the topic of the threads.

To be clear, what are you getting at? I don't think you are saying that "conspiracy theory" views are not allowed in the Water Cooler. Are you saying that certain "conspiracy" views are "too unpopular", and shouldn't be allowed? I would strongly disagree with such a "rule". But if, in general, there are not clearly defined rules, how can I be expected to follow them? As far as I knew, the only rules in this forum were: 1) don't personally attack other posters, and 2) stay on the topic of the thread.

No I'm not and you do stay within the rules. I'm just saying stuff you post is so far out in left field no one believes them. Do you share them anywhere else on social media?
Payton Wilson on what he thought of Carter Finley: Drunk Crazy Crowded

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Glasswolf said:

No I'm not and you do stay within the rules. I'm just saying stuff you post is so far out in left field no one believes them. Do you share them anywhere else on social media?
Yes, I share these things on other social media. And I have to disagree that "no one" agrees with me. Perhaps very few in this forum post in agreement with me. But this forum is a small sample size, with relatively low posting activity. But there are huge segments of the population in the world at large who agree with me. On a recent subject, for instance, anywhere from 16% to 25% of the British public thinks the moon landings were faked. And 14% of Americans.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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I leave for several days...
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I'd also say this is how most Americans feel watching the debates
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No need to ever watch the debates until the field is down to 10 or so
Payton Wilson on what he thought of Carter Finley: Drunk Crazy Crowded

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Glasswolf said:

No need to ever watch the debates until the field is down to 10 or so
Disagree - I honestly had little to no interest in Castro or Harris but it was nice to see them perform in the debates and introduce themselves. Now I'm interested because I watched, not sure if I would've cared just reading the post-debate headlines. Maybe that's just me though.
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I'm not attacking anyone here. I honestly just want someone to help me better understand with actual facts, not media fluff, a couple different things:

1) I don't understand how you can say you believe in the constitution and in America, but side with the current Democratic Party.

2) I don't understand how someone can be called a racist when that individual has decreased unemployment to all time lows and increased take home pay to all time highs for ALL minority groups.

3) I don't understand how a whole party can go 8 years in saying that they're going to fine people without insurance, but then 2 years later, openly give insurance and medical coverage to anyone crossing the border illegally.

Again, I'm not attacking, I'm simply asking for help from someone to help me to understand these things. In a civilized way of course.
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*Caveat - I'm an Unaffiliated voter but doubt you'll find many Democrats here

1. Sort of an open-ended question there, what specific things are the Democratic party currently doing that makes you think they don't believe in the constitution?

2. What has Donald Trump's economic policy done that has caused the African-American unemployment rate to drop so low? It seems based on the data, this was a trend started by Obama that Donald Trump's Presidency hasn't really done anything to interrupt -

3. I don't think Democrats as a whole are saying they are going to give everyone in the country insurance whether they cross the border illegally or are already here. From the debates, it sounds like they are pushing for Medicare for all so that every person in the country can have healthcare, regardless of their status. It would likely be a baseline, bare bones type of access.

Assuming someone is already in the country, would you prefer that they not get medical care for a disease and either spread the disease if it's a contagious disease or die a slow, painful death without treatment for something like cancer? What if they have mental health problems, would you prefer they not have access to care and whatever unfortunate outcomes could come without it?

To counterpoint, I don't understand how citizens of the USA, the greatest nation in the world, are comfortable with a significant portion of our population not having access to affordable healthcare, going bankrupt from a cancer designation, or having pre-existing conditions able to be denied coverage. Do you think the USA doesn't have enough money to reform our healthcare system? We spend a ****load of money on healthcare to have a system that is driven by profits of Insurance companies and Healthcare/Hospitals - keeping people alive shouldn't be something driven by profits
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statefan91 said:

1. Sort of an open-ended question there, what specific things are the Democratic party currently doing that makes you think they don't believe in the constitution?

For starters...their obvious (and many times openly admitted) agenda to destroy the 2nd Amendment, by banning whole classes of firearms -- including all handguns and semi-automatic rifles. Democrat-run cities such as Chicago, D.C. and NYC all ban handguns almost completely. And most Democrat-run cities and states are now banning semi-automatic rifles. This aligns with the communist agenda to enslave the population, and have all power in the hands of the State/government.

statefan91 said:

3. I don't think Democrats as a whole are saying they are going to give everyone in the country insurance whether they cross the border illegally or are already here. From the debates, it sounds like they are pushing for Medicare for all so that every person in the country can have healthcare, regardless of their status. It would likely be a baseline, bare bones type of access.

California just passed a law providing "free" health care to illegal aliens. Many other Democrat-controlled states will follow suit, and Democrat politicians will push for Federal legislation to do this.

And what's the difference between providing "free" Medicare to illegal aliens, and "giving insurance" to illegal aliens? Medicare is a national health insurance program.

statefan91 said:

Assuming someone is already in the country, would you prefer that they not get medical care for a disease and either spread the disease if it's a contagious disease or die a slow, painful death without treatment for something like cancer? What if they have mental health problems, would you prefer they not have access to care and whatever unfortunate outcomes could come without it?

First off, if they are inside the country illegally, they should not be here, and should be deported ASAP. Everyone should be required to pay for their own healthcare, out of their own pocket, or via insurance that they purchase themselves from their own earnings. Health care is not a "human right". Just as people don't have a "human right" to housing, food, or education. Each person should have to earn their own money, and pay for those things. Socialism/communism is an unjust system, because it forces the people who do work to be heavily taxed in order pay for the "free" health care, housing, food, etc of other people, even if they refuse to work. This is theft. You do not have the right to steal from one class of people to provide "free stuff" to other classes of people.

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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pack4life11 said:

I'm not attacking anyone here. I honestly just want someone to help me better understand with actual facts, not media fluff, a couple different things:

1) I don't understand how you can say you believe in the constitution and in America, but side with the current Democratic Party.

2) I don't understand how someone can be called a racist when that individual has decreased unemployment to all time lows and increased take home pay to all time highs for ALL minority groups.

3) I don't understand how a whole party can go 8 years in saying that they're going to fine people without insurance, but then 2 years later, openly give insurance and medical coverage to anyone crossing the border illegally.

Again, I'm not attacking, I'm simply asking for help from someone to help me to understand these things. In a civilized way of course.
1. Explain how you can support Trump's republican party if you believe in the constitution? If you are a constitutionalist, you should be absolutely disgusted with both parties right now.

2. One has nothing to do with the other. First, the president does not have direct control over the economy. The impact they do have often takes months or years to show up in economic numbers. Saying Trump decreased minority unemployment to all time lows is a major stretch, just as much as claiming Obama saved the economy after the 2008 recession. Anyways this completely separate from Trump's views on race. Is he a racist? I have no idea. He certainly has made a large number of insensitive and tone deaf comments, but I cannot draw enough from that either way.

3. Healthcare is a mess. Democrats don't have the answer IMO. However, Republicans have yet to offer a counter proposal. The fact that they had control of all 3 chambers and couldn't agree on policy was an awful look
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IseWolf22 said:

3. Healthcare is a mess. Democrats don't have the answer IMO. However, Republicans have yet to offer a counter proposal. The fact that they had control of all 3 chambers and couldn't agree on policy was an awful look

The solution is to go back to the system we had prior to Obamacare -- ie, everyone pay for their own health care insurance via their own earnings. Just like everyone should pay for their own housing, food, education, electronic appliances, etc.

The Republicans support a "socialized" (socialist) health care system. They never intended to repeal Obamacare. That's why Paul Ryan and the RINO Establishment didn't do it, even while running Congress with Trump as president during 2017-18.

There is no substantive difference between the Republicans and Democrats. Forget the rhetoric. Look at the policies they support. The Republican Establishment and the Democrat Establishment are on the same team. Technically, they are both controlled by the real rulers of the country, that operate behind the scenes -- whether you want to call them "special interests", the "Deep State", NWO elites, etc.

Both parties support a gigantic big government (that spies on you illegally, etc), the "military industrial complex" and endless foreign wars on the pretext of the "war on terror" fraud, wide open borders and amnesty for illegals, socialist health care, etc.

The Republicans are effectively Democrats and socialists (by policy), but pretending to be "conservative" with their rhetoric. In other words, they con and betray their supporters. At least the Democrats just admit they are socialists, who want big government and socialist health care and open borders. The Republicans support all of those things while pretending to oppose it.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Ding ding ding to your response about question number 1
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I'm really a bit confused on what everyone is viewing the Democrats doing that is unconstitutional? Is it the ACA?
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And round and round we go! Lol. I still have room on the boat for those that aren't hardcore left or right. I do find this discussion amusing and I am glad y'all are continuing it. In some ways, it makes me realize how much "on an island" I am and in other ways makes me realize how nothing will ever change, it will only get worse and more divided. Oh well, I guess I shall continue to hang out on the island until the **** hits the fan and people go back to actually being more center then far left or right.
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RWW26 - I have GP on ignore so no idea what his circus is saying.

You've mentioned a number of times that you don't align with either party. Can I ask what your views are? What is most important to you?

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statefan91 said:

RWW26 - I have GP on ignore so no idea what his circus is saying.

You've mentioned a number of times that you don't align with either party. Can I ask what your views are? What is most important to you?

Sure. I don't believe any person, president, governor, congressman or congresswoman ect. has any right to tell a woman of she can or can't have an abortion. I don't believe any person has the right to tell any man or woman who he or she can or can't love and can or can't marry. I don't believe any person has the right to demand others pay higher taxes simply because they have more money and I don't believe any person has the right the freely take from the wealthy to give to the poor. At the same time, I don't believe any person has the right to pass policies that benefit the wealthy specifically at the expense of the less wealthy and vis versa. I also don't believe any person has the right to to tell any person how they should go about living their lives when it comes to.thinfs such as solar panels, or solar powered vehicles, or charging more because you aren't using energy efficient lightbulbs. I do believe that government serves a purpose in that it does help to define laws, regulations, etc. I just don't believe, in the system we have now, that it is done in a way that benefits the WHOLE. I believe it is done in a way that benefits the SOME. The left and the right both scream and yell about this and that, but in the end, they both want the same thing. Complete control that benefits the SOME and not the WHOLE. My wish, hope, and dream is that somehow and someway, we revert back to actually having a thing called states rights and an election not based on the electoral college(yes, that's a discussion for a different day). For now, I can't align myself with either party because both parties have gone so far left and right that I just can't find any common ground with them.
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RunsWithWolves26 said:

statefan91 said:

RWW26 - I have GP on ignore so no idea what his circus is saying.

You've mentioned a number of times that you don't align with either party. Can I ask what your views are? What is most important to you?

  • Sure. I don't believe any person, president, governor, congressman or congresswoman ect. has any right to tell a woman of she can or can't have an abortion.
  • I don't believe any person has the right to tell any man or woman who he or she can or can't love and can or can't marry.
  • I don't believe any person has the right to demand others pay higher taxes simply because they have more money and I don't believe any person has the right the freely take from the wealthy to give to the poor.
  • At the same time, I don't believe any person has the right to pass policies that benefit the wealthy specifically at the expense of the less wealthy and vis versa.
  • I also don't believe any person has the right to to tell any person how they should go about living their lives when it comes to.things such as solar panels, or solar powered vehicles, or charging more because you aren't using energy efficient lightbulbs.
  • I do believe that government serves a purpose in that it does help to define laws, regulations, etc.
  • I just don't believe, in the system we have now, that it is done in a way that benefits the WHOLE. I believe it is done in a way that benefits the SOME.
  • The left and the right both scream and yell about this and that, but in the end, they both want the same thing. Complete control that benefits the SOME and not the WHOLE.
  • My wish, hope, and dream is that somehow and someway, we revert back to actually having a thing called states rights and an election not based on the electoral college(yes, that's a discussion for a different day).
  • For now, I can't align myself with either party because both parties have gone so far left and right that I just can't find any common ground with them.

Broke it down a little bit for ease of reading, appreciate your response. I agree with a lot of your points. The ones I disagree with to some degree are related to wealth. Even those like Elizabeth Warren who I think most would agree are on the far end of the "tax the rich" spectrum, is only proposing a small tax on those with fortunes $50MM+, and it would only apply to the money after $50MM.

I don't think a plan like that is too outlandish, and the projections of what it would generate are astounding. There is a lot of wealth in this country that sits in banks for generations doing little productive for the society.
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statefan91 said:

I'm really a bit confused on what everyone is viewing the Democrats doing that is unconstitutional? Is it the ACA?

This is going to kind of be all over the place, but I'm enjoying reading this thread and having these discussions with all of you...

My major issue with the Democratic Party and the constitution is freedom of speech and guns. The 2nd amendment is literally the only one that clearly and explicitly states "...shall not be infringed." I disagree 100% with anyone who thinks gun control will decrease crime. Criminals love gun control. I do not agreein any way, with taking away guns from law abiding citizens.

In regards to freedom of speech- in my experiences, Democrats love freedom of speech...until you say something they don't agree with. At that point, whatever you're saying is now racist, demeaning, sexist, bigoted, etc. A lot of Democrats preach tolerance, but are very intolerant of those that disagree with them and immediately attempt to censor or name call.

Now, do I believe in everything Donald Trump says or do I support everything that comes out of his mouth? Absolutely friggin not. I do not think he acts very presidential a great deal of the time, especially on Twitter. However, I for one was very tired with Obama going around apologizing to other countries for America being America and attempting to either buy back friendship, or pay money to have countries behave.

I agree with RWW on most of what he said and that's where I think a lot of my beliefs and political views lie, minus the abortion bit. With rape, or if life is not sustainable outside the womb due to a medical condition of the child, or if the baby is a threat to the mothers health, then I'm very open to the abortion route. But simply erasing a life because of a choice you made, that doesn't fly with me. On the flip side of that deal, I believe that men who father children should be held accountable as well (takes two to tango) and that the raising of a child whether wanted or not sits at the feet of both individuals who acted and created that child. I believe men who rape women should be publicly castrated as well but I guess that's a different subject entirely.

I believe if 2 men or 2 women want to get married then they should be able to. But they shouldn't be catered to any more than a man or a woman who are married. I also believe that people who own a good (cake store, salon, car dealership, etc) should be allowed to serve whoever they want to serve and laws should not interfere with that.

I don't believe you can tax a nation into prosperity.

I don't believe in government funded anything because government funded just means tax payer funded.

I know a lot of my response here is all over the place, but I am thoroughly enjoying the civilized discussion here and trying to gain more understanding of everyone's point of view.

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statefan91 said:

RunsWithWolves26 said:

statefan91 said:

RWW26 - I have GP on ignore so no idea what his circus is saying.

You've mentioned a number of times that you don't align with either party. Can I ask what your views are? What is most important to you?

  • Sure. I don't believe any person, president, governor, congressman or congresswoman ect. has any right to tell a woman of she can or can't have an abortion.
  • I don't believe any person has the right to tell any man or woman who he or she can or can't love and can or can't marry.
  • I don't believe any person has the right to demand others pay higher taxes simply because they have more money and I don't believe any person has the right the freely take from the wealthy to give to the poor.
  • At the same time, I don't believe any person has the right to pass policies that benefit the wealthy specifically at the expense of the less wealthy and vis versa.
  • I also don't believe any person has the right to to tell any person how they should go about living their lives when it comes to.things such as solar panels, or solar powered vehicles, or charging more because you aren't using energy efficient lightbulbs.
  • I do believe that government serves a purpose in that it does help to define laws, regulations, etc.
  • I just don't believe, in the system we have now, that it is done in a way that benefits the WHOLE. I believe it is done in a way that benefits the SOME.
  • The left and the right both scream and yell about this and that, but in the end, they both want the same thing. Complete control that benefits the SOME and not the WHOLE.
  • My wish, hope, and dream is that somehow and someway, we revert back to actually having a thing called states rights and an election not based on the electoral college(yes, that's a discussion for a different day).
  • For now, I can't align myself with either party because both parties have gone so far left and right that I just can't find any common ground with them.

Broke it down a little bit for ease of reading, appreciate your response. I agree with a lot of your points. The ones I disagree with to some degree are related to wealth. Even those like Elizabeth Warren who I think most would agree are on the far end of the "tax the rich" spectrum, is only proposing a small tax on those with fortunes $50MM+, and it would only apply to the money after $50MM.

I don't think a plan like that is too outlandish, and the projections of what it would generate are astounding. There is a lot of wealth in this country that sits in banks for generations doing little productive for the society.

I would tend to agree with you in regards to Warren except we all know it won't happen that way. It MAY start thy way but it won't stay that way. All these plans by the left and right start out ok but always turn into **** shows. I lost all hope years ago with the "read my lips, no new taxes" BS. Then we had the wonderful(not really) Clinton years then bush years then the "if you like your plan, you can keep it. If you like your doctor, you can keep it." joke of a president and now we are stuck with the "Mexico will build the wall." moron. No plan ever stays as it is first stated unfortunately
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Understood - but you have to start somewhere. I'd rather Warren be ambitious and have a plan to explain how she'll pay for the big ideas she has. She's done that so far, how realistic it is depends on the makeup of the legislative branch just as much as if she gets elected.
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pack4life11 said:

This is going to kind of be all over the place, but I'm enjoying reading this thread and having these discussions with all of you...

My major issue with the Democratic Party and the constitution is freedom of speech and guns. The 2nd amendment is literally the only one that clearly and explicitly states "...shall not be infringed." I disagree 100% with anyone who thinks gun control will decrease crime. Criminals love gun control. I do not agreein any way, with taking away guns from law abiding citizens.

- Guns right have already been infringed if you read the text of the constitution and take it at face value. The fact that fully automatic guns are illegal proves that. I don't think there's anything wrong with gun control in the following sense, which I think is what the majority of the nation would see as logical: Require background checks that work across every municipality at every point of sale with a waiting period. Institute red flag laws that must be approved by magistrates before removal of guns from those deemed to pose a threat to others via a legal process. National gun registry. Background check on ammo purchases. Very strong penalties for death and injury that occur due to carelessness of storage and use. None of those things, save red flag laws, "infringe" on someone's ability to own a gun, but they sure as hell help make sure people are more responsible. I'm tired of reading articles every day about toddlers and children that find unsecured guns and shoot themselves, siblings, etc on accident.

In regards to freedom of speech- in my experiences, Democrats love freedom of speech...until you say something they don't agree with. At that point, whatever you're saying is now racist, demeaning, sexist, bigoted, etc. A lot of Democrats preach tolerance, but are very intolerant of those that disagree with them and immediately attempt to censor or name call.

- I think you have to consider a couple things. First with freedom of speech. That does not mean freedom from consequences of your speech. I haven't seen any government programs being designed to take away free speech. There may be a lot of brushback to people who voice homophobic / racist / xenophobic comments, but I don't see anyone forming government solutions to the issue.

Now, do I believe in everything Donald Trump says or do I support everything that comes out of his mouth? Absolutely friggin not. I do not think he acts very presidential a great deal of the time, especially on Twitter. However, I for one was very tired with Obama going around apologizing to other countries for America being America and attempting to either buy back friendship, or pay money to have countries behave.

- You can believe in American exceptionalism and still understand that the country has done things that need to be apologized for. If you're in a relationship and you never apologize then I have to think something is wrong. Having support of our allies is how the country stays safe, that's my preference at least.

I agree with RWW on most of what he said and that's where I think a lot of my beliefs and political views lie, minus the abortion bit. With rape, or if life is not sustainable outside the womb due to a medical condition of the child, or if the baby is a threat to the mothers health, then I'm very open to the abortion route. But simply erasing a life because of a choice you made, that doesn't fly with me. On the flip side of that deal, I believe that men who father children should be held accountable as well (takes two to tango) and that the raising of a child whether wanted or not sits at the feet of both individuals who acted and created that child. I believe men who rape women should be publicly castrated as well but I guess that's a different subject entirely.

- I definitely struggle with the abortion topic. I have two healthy, planned children and we are comfortable enough to afford their necessities and to give them a good life. I also have never been in the position of being a woman with an unplanned pregnancy. Many don't know they're pregnant until 6-8 weeks and the laws being enacted prevent them from being able to get an abortion after that point. We should be helping the causes of unwanted pregnancy first - government should offer 100% free birth control and contraceptive access. I think the societal and financial benefits of reducing unwanted children would more than cover the cost to the government. Also, if you are going to restrict access to abortion you need to, as a society, be prepared to bear the cost of supporting the children with healthcare, nutrition, housing, etc. for those that can't afford to have the child but are forced to bring them to term.

I believe if 2 men or 2 women want to get married then they should be able to. But they shouldn't be catered to any more than a man or a woman who are married. I also believe that people who own a good (cake store, salon, car dealership, etc) should be allowed to serve whoever they want to serve and laws should not interfere with that.

- I don't think any gay couple is asking to be catered to "more" than a straight couple. I think they're just being asked to be treated equally. Government has no place in marriage in my opinion, but if they are going to be involved with it they need to offer it to two consenting adults no matter the sex.

Regarding those going into business and being allowed to serve whoever they want to serve...How does that jive with discriminatory practices? Are you saying you think a business should be able to only serve whites, blacks, asians, etc if they want to? Or are you just focused on sexual orientation? Because if a gay person is living in a small town and wants a wedding cake, and the only baker in town denies them service, are you saying that's ok? What if it's a doctor deciding they don't want to operate on a gay person? I'm not really sure where you can draw the line without it being discriminatory.

I don't believe you can tax a nation into prosperity.

- I don't think that's what anyone is proposing. You can tax the country to provide benefits for the country that the less fortunate could never afford to live a better life (help with healthcare, food, jobs training, housing).

I don't believe in government funded anything because government funded just means tax payer funded.

- Does this apply to the military, fire, police? How would those things operate if they were private? Firemen only go to the houses that are prepaid on their firefighting plan?

I know a lot of my response here is all over the place, but I am thoroughly enjoying the civilized discussion here and trying to gain more understanding of everyone's point of view.

I'm trying to not make this super long because you gave a lot of great thoughts, so I'll try to just splice in my responses.
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