And this is not just the result of a bunch of rich elites becoming "hedonistic" and "worldly" and becoming antagonistic to God. It is much deeper and darker than that. Hollywood and the music industry are literally run by a Satanic secret society or cult -- which may go by various names and involve many interconnected groups, but is popularly referred to, as a whole, as the "Illuminati".
This may sound unbelievable at first, but the amount of evidence proving it is staggering. For instance, various musicians have openly admitted in interviews and in the lyrics to their songs that they "sold their soul to the devil" as a prerequisite to signing a contract and being made famous, and that they even wrote their music by "channeling" demonic spirits. One excellent documentary exposing the Satanic agenda of the music industry is "They Sold Their Souls For Rock and Roll".
Many of the music videos and live performances of the artists display various Satanic and Illuminati symbols. Most major celebrities pose in carefully staged photographs where they display Satanic hand-signs and gestures, or are seen wearing clothing and jewelry (eg, pentagrams, baphomet) signalling their allegiance to this Satanic-Illuminati agenda.
As I mentioned, there is a ton of evidence proving this agenda. One might dismiss it after only looking at a small portion of the information, but after digging deeper it becomes overwhelmingly conclusive.
This is just scratching the surface of all the evidence...but just to start the discussion, one fascinating piece of evidence is the use of the "666" hand sign by celebrities. If you search for images on the internet (say "celebrities 666 hand sign"), you will find hundreds or thousands of examples of celebrities making this strange hand sign, similar to the "ok" hand sign, with the circle created by their thumb and index finger over their eye. And these are not photos where they were captured innocuously making the "ok" sign. These are carefully staged photographs for magazines/etc, where the gesture has some specific meaning.
Here's a sample of these images:

The three upright fingers and the circle symbolize three "sixes":

Paul McCartney using this symbol, along with the well-known "devil horns" symbol (by John Lennon):

Additional evidence to prove that this hand sign is used to refer to "666", from this website promoting a "666" shirt:

The reason the sign is placed over the eye has to do with the "all-seeing eye" (of Lucifer), which is the most popular symbol of the Illuminati:

You will also find thousands of images of celebrities in staged photographs for magazines with one eye covered, to refer to this: