2024 Elections

471,121 Views | 4099 Replies | Last: 3 days ago by Werewolf
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GuerrillaPack said:

Has anyone else seen this ad on YouTube that now runs on every single video where creepy Joe starts out by saying "Donald Trump is obsessed with revenge"?

Well Joe Biden is obsessed with trying to destroy the Second Amendment and sniffing and groping young girls.

Which is worse?

Worse is being found liable for sexually abusing a woman. Or cheating with a porn star while your wife is nursing your newborn. And then paying said porn star to keep her quiet. Or bragging that you get to watch teenage girls undress because you own the beauty pageant.
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Wufskins said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Has anyone else seen this ad on YouTube that now runs on every single video where creepy Joe starts out by saying "Donald Trump is obsessed with revenge"?

Well Joe Biden is obsessed with trying to destroy the Second Amendment and sniffing and groping young girls.

Which is worse?

Worse is being found liable for sexually abusing a woman. Or cheating with a porn star while your wife is nursing your newborn. And then paying said porn star to keep her quiet. Or bragging that you get to watch teenage girls undress because you own the beauty pageant.
Found liable in a court that he had zero chance of not being found guilty. Also the law was changed specifically to be able to charge him.

Nothing to see there correct?

Also... packskins you soy boy liberal.... when this reaches the SCOTUS on appeal it will be overturned and little pillow biters like yourself will cry "foul.."

It's OK when a liberal court, liberal AG and liberal jury pool rules in your favor. But when actual laws and justice are applied you cry.

Glad people like you are few and far between in my personal life. Being around too much stupid can give you a headache.

Now run along and play in traffic.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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Wufskins said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Has anyone else seen this ad on YouTube that now runs on every single video where creepy Joe starts out by saying "Donald Trump is obsessed with revenge"?

Well Joe Biden is obsessed with trying to destroy the Second Amendment and sniffing and groping young girls.

Which is worse?

Worse is being found liable for sexually abusing a woman. Or cheating with a porn star while your wife is nursing your newborn. And then paying said porn star to keep her quiet. Or bragging that you get to watch teenage girls undress because you own the beauty pageant.
How about showering with your own daughter? Or molesting/groping young girls on camera over and over?

It's one thing to commit adultery with grown women, which I condemn. But it's a whole other level to molest young girls. Do you agree?

I condemn Trump for committing adultery. Do you condemn the communist POS Biden for showering with his own daughter or groping all these girls on camera?

Here is the big difference. Conservatives will condemn Trump for what he does wrong, including adultery.

Will commie libtards condemn Biden for groping all these young girls on camera??? Or will they continue to pretend that it hasn't happened??

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BBW12OG said:

SmaptyWolf said:

BBW12OG said:

SmaptyWolf said:

BBW12OG said:

SmaptyWolf said:

BBW12OG said:

Wufskins said:

barelypure said:

SmaptyWolf said:

hokiewolf said:

SmaptyWolf said:

hokiewolf said:

SmaptyWolf said:

Civilized said:

hokiewolf said:

Civilized said:

Wufskins said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Seeing the senile communist kid-sniffer's commercials everywhere now -- on television and YouTube non-stop. No Trump commercials at all.

The commie's main pitch is to "fight" the climate change hoax and to fight for the "right" to murder unborn children. Wow, winning issues there Demoncrats....how does paying more taxes and higher prices for fuel for the global warming hoax make my life better? How does women murdering their unborn children make my life better?

Guess you guys think you can rig the election again with millions of absentee ballots that are 100% for Biden magically arriving at 3:00am in every battleground state?

Keep thinking women's abortion rights doesn't move the needle.


It very clearly had a huge electoral impact in 2022.

The recency of the Dobbs decision relative to the date of the 2022 elections impacted too, in ways that will be hard to quantify and extrapolate to 2024.

It won't go from mattering a lot to not at all, but I am curious to see how much of a motivator or galvanizing issue it is for the left over two years after Dobbs.
To me, this is where I do not like politics. Roe was a terrible law, it kicked the can down the road. Leagally, it was correct to overturn the law. Now instead of doing the thing they're supposed to do, like produce legislation, debate it and compromise a sound solution that is bi-partisan, they just use it as another issue to raise money from.

Oh sure, it should always have been legislated.

And the legal community seemed to agree it was a law that should/would be overturned when the SC took it up.

Most Americans want sensible abortion law, not outright bans or effective bans and not red herring full-term abortions. They want something that makes sense that's in between those two extremes. That sentiment was clear before Dobbs. Pubs knew this.

They had the opportunity though to come to the table with Dems to craft and pass good, common-sense legislation that would supersede the legally dubious Roe law.

They chose instead to overturn first and ask legislative questions later (or not at all) and they should bear the electoral burden of that poor decision/sequencing.

Was there anything about Roe that wasn't already a sensible compromise? It seemed to work pretty well for decades. Sure it should have been legislated, but there was nothing stopping congress for all of those decades and they chose not to.

Roe was only under attack exactly because the anti-abortion movement wants an outright ban, full stop, and pushing it to the states gave them an opening to do that. So now conservatives are the dogs who finally caught the car.

What they're now discovering the hard way is that women care about their own bodily autonomy as much as anyone cares about any constitutional right, and the idea of kicking their rights to the states to decide is bullsh**.
Roe was bad law, bad laws need to be removed from our system, not reinforced.

Your last paragraph I especially disagree with. No one is forcing someone to live in the 14 states that banned abortion. Just like a woman has the free will to choose to not use contraception that would prevent having to have an abortion, they have the free will to pick up and move to the other 36 states of their choosing where some form of abortion is legal.

Abortion should be decided at the state level because what is good for California and New York is not necessarily what should be good for the entire country. Treating the United States like it is one big blob of like minded people is the reason why we get bad laws like Roe in the first place.

My biggest frustration with the left side argument is that there isn't free choice to begin with. Use contraception or abstain from sex, or don't and risk getting pregnant. That's autonomy! What you want is 0% accountability, and that was what Roe offered to woman.

Now, my biggest frustration with the right side at the moment is doing stupid **** like trying to ban IVF or contraception based on religious arguments. That don't fly with me either.

So you'd be fine with kicking the 2nd Amendment and every other constitutional right to the states to decide? Or just the ones that don't affect you personally?

Don't get me wrong, I think Republicans should definitely turn "if you don't like it, you're "free" to move to another state" and "it's your fault for getting pregnant, suck it up!" into their bumper stickers. I'd love a permanent Dem majority.
uh, the states actually can kick the amendments if they wanted to, it's part of the constitution. Roe was bad law that also happened to give you something you think is a right. It's not an amendment though.

Sorry, let me clarify. Roe was decided based on the "due process clause" of the 14th Amendment. So Roe was no less a "constitutional right" than any random gun law leveraging the 2nd Amendment.

The current court just decided to ignore all of that and instead use a bunch of questionable ideological reasoning to justify overturning long settled law. You're fine with that outcome because it happened to give you something you think is a right. I think you guys will end up regretting the dangerous precedent that you've now set with this court, never mind the political realities of getting what you wished for in this case. Ugly stuff.
Except neither Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, nor Barrett said it was settled law. The all said it was precedent. Precedents are merely guides and can be changed. Settled means it has stood the test and should hold up to challenges. Those on the left are all hung up that Roe was settled. They forgot to tell SCOTUS tho.

You're right BP, but the term to use is super precedent. Neither of the three Trump appointees called Roe super precedent.
So deadskins.... can a man have a baby?

You think about this topic a LOT. Have you considered getting on the birth control pill, just in case?
It's a legitimate political question. The fact you refuse to state your position is telling in and of itself.

You are a card toting MARXIST and you know it. You are just ashamed to admit it. So typical...

It's only a "legitimate political question" if you live in an increasingly bizarre right wing fantasy world. Has anyone in the real world ever suggested that a man can have a baby? How is this even a topic, let alone one that some of you clearly obsess about?
LOL... you are joking right?

Your party has been using the phrase "birthing person" for over a year now.

They also say that men can have babies, periods and lactate. They also say women can have balls and shafts.

Play dumb all you want. You deflected again. You have been exposed for what you are comrade. Enjoy being a MARXIST... don't run from it.

Ooohh, you're talking about people who are physiologically women, but psychologically see themselves as a man for whatever reason, a.k.a. transgender people. Honestly, who cares what they want to be called when they're pregnant? Does that really affect your life? Jesus you guys need a hobby.

If America can tolerate 40% of the country worshipping a used car salesman and insisting the Earth is flat, we can handle a relative handful of people who struggle with their gender identity.
Yeah playing make believe is one thing. When you start believing it is real then you need help.

Again... you have shown who you are. Embrace it.

While you are at it... why don't you find me a rooster that can lay an egg.

And for the record I see my self "psychologically" as a multi-billionaire, 4 time All American in three sports, inventor of Google and Amazon.

That doesn't make it true now does it?
You also see yourself as someone with educated and rational opinions. So should we cater to your delusions and give you an "I have an opinion too!" participation trophy, or just keep pointing out that you're a raging idiot?

Anyway, here you go... a rooster that can lay an egg:
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SmaptyWolf said:

BBW12OG said:

SmaptyWolf said:

BBW12OG said:

SmaptyWolf said:

BBW12OG said:

SmaptyWolf said:

BBW12OG said:

Wufskins said:

barelypure said:

SmaptyWolf said:

hokiewolf said:

SmaptyWolf said:

hokiewolf said:

SmaptyWolf said:

Civilized said:

hokiewolf said:

Civilized said:

Wufskins said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Seeing the senile communist kid-sniffer's commercials everywhere now -- on television and YouTube non-stop. No Trump commercials at all.

The commie's main pitch is to "fight" the climate change hoax and to fight for the "right" to murder unborn children. Wow, winning issues there Demoncrats....how does paying more taxes and higher prices for fuel for the global warming hoax make my life better? How does women murdering their unborn children make my life better?

Guess you guys think you can rig the election again with millions of absentee ballots that are 100% for Biden magically arriving at 3:00am in every battleground state?

Keep thinking women's abortion rights doesn't move the needle.


It very clearly had a huge electoral impact in 2022.

The recency of the Dobbs decision relative to the date of the 2022 elections impacted too, in ways that will be hard to quantify and extrapolate to 2024.

It won't go from mattering a lot to not at all, but I am curious to see how much of a motivator or galvanizing issue it is for the left over two years after Dobbs.
To me, this is where I do not like politics. Roe was a terrible law, it kicked the can down the road. Leagally, it was correct to overturn the law. Now instead of doing the thing they're supposed to do, like produce legislation, debate it and compromise a sound solution that is bi-partisan, they just use it as another issue to raise money from.

Oh sure, it should always have been legislated.

And the legal community seemed to agree it was a law that should/would be overturned when the SC took it up.

Most Americans want sensible abortion law, not outright bans or effective bans and not red herring full-term abortions. They want something that makes sense that's in between those two extremes. That sentiment was clear before Dobbs. Pubs knew this.

They had the opportunity though to come to the table with Dems to craft and pass good, common-sense legislation that would supersede the legally dubious Roe law.

They chose instead to overturn first and ask legislative questions later (or not at all) and they should bear the electoral burden of that poor decision/sequencing.

Was there anything about Roe that wasn't already a sensible compromise? It seemed to work pretty well for decades. Sure it should have been legislated, but there was nothing stopping congress for all of those decades and they chose not to.

Roe was only under attack exactly because the anti-abortion movement wants an outright ban, full stop, and pushing it to the states gave them an opening to do that. So now conservatives are the dogs who finally caught the car.

What they're now discovering the hard way is that women care about their own bodily autonomy as much as anyone cares about any constitutional right, and the idea of kicking their rights to the states to decide is bullsh**.
Roe was bad law, bad laws need to be removed from our system, not reinforced.

Your last paragraph I especially disagree with. No one is forcing someone to live in the 14 states that banned abortion. Just like a woman has the free will to choose to not use contraception that would prevent having to have an abortion, they have the free will to pick up and move to the other 36 states of their choosing where some form of abortion is legal.

Abortion should be decided at the state level because what is good for California and New York is not necessarily what should be good for the entire country. Treating the United States like it is one big blob of like minded people is the reason why we get bad laws like Roe in the first place.

My biggest frustration with the left side argument is that there isn't free choice to begin with. Use contraception or abstain from sex, or don't and risk getting pregnant. That's autonomy! What you want is 0% accountability, and that was what Roe offered to woman.

Now, my biggest frustration with the right side at the moment is doing stupid **** like trying to ban IVF or contraception based on religious arguments. That don't fly with me either.

So you'd be fine with kicking the 2nd Amendment and every other constitutional right to the states to decide? Or just the ones that don't affect you personally?

Don't get me wrong, I think Republicans should definitely turn "if you don't like it, you're "free" to move to another state" and "it's your fault for getting pregnant, suck it up!" into their bumper stickers. I'd love a permanent Dem majority.
uh, the states actually can kick the amendments if they wanted to, it's part of the constitution. Roe was bad law that also happened to give you something you think is a right. It's not an amendment though.

Sorry, let me clarify. Roe was decided based on the "due process clause" of the 14th Amendment. So Roe was no less a "constitutional right" than any random gun law leveraging the 2nd Amendment.

The current court just decided to ignore all of that and instead use a bunch of questionable ideological reasoning to justify overturning long settled law. You're fine with that outcome because it happened to give you something you think is a right. I think you guys will end up regretting the dangerous precedent that you've now set with this court, never mind the political realities of getting what you wished for in this case. Ugly stuff.
Except neither Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, nor Barrett said it was settled law. The all said it was precedent. Precedents are merely guides and can be changed. Settled means it has stood the test and should hold up to challenges. Those on the left are all hung up that Roe was settled. They forgot to tell SCOTUS tho.

You're right BP, but the term to use is super precedent. Neither of the three Trump appointees called Roe super precedent.
So deadskins.... can a man have a baby?

You think about this topic a LOT. Have you considered getting on the birth control pill, just in case?
It's a legitimate political question. The fact you refuse to state your position is telling in and of itself.

You are a card toting MARXIST and you know it. You are just ashamed to admit it. So typical...

It's only a "legitimate political question" if you live in an increasingly bizarre right wing fantasy world. Has anyone in the real world ever suggested that a man can have a baby? How is this even a topic, let alone one that some of you clearly obsess about?
LOL... you are joking right?

Your party has been using the phrase "birthing person" for over a year now.

They also say that men can have babies, periods and lactate. They also say women can have balls and shafts.

Play dumb all you want. You deflected again. You have been exposed for what you are comrade. Enjoy being a MARXIST... don't run from it.

Ooohh, you're talking about people who are physiologically women, but psychologically see themselves as a man for whatever reason, a.k.a. transgender people. Honestly, who cares what they want to be called when they're pregnant? Does that really affect your life? Jesus you guys need a hobby.

If America can tolerate 40% of the country worshipping a used car salesman and insisting the Earth is flat, we can handle a relative handful of people who struggle with their gender identity.
Yeah playing make believe is one thing. When you start believing it is real then you need help.

Again... you have shown who you are. Embrace it.

While you are at it... why don't you find me a rooster that can lay an egg.

And for the record I see my self "psychologically" as a multi-billionaire, 4 time All American in three sports, inventor of Google and Amazon.

That doesn't make it true now does it?
You also see yourself as someone with educated and rational opinions. So should we cater to your delusions, or just keep pointing out that you're a raging idiot?

Anyway, here you go... a rooster that can lay an egg:

I absolutely does. I have stumped your soy boy liberal A$$ more than once on here. And you know it.

As far as comparing a sea horse to a rooster.... well.. that would be like comparing a hard working masculine man to you.

There is no way anyone would confuse you as being that.

Nice try though... when in doubt just babble on and try to make a point out of nothing.

Go help packskins... I'm sure he will share a pillow you can bite or cry into.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Roe decision was in 1973. RBG said Roe was bad law in 1984. Dems + 2 Ind (Sanders and King who vote with the Dems) had 60 votes 2009 and 2010. The House was also Dem majority. Obama was President. That's not to say that some Republicans wouldn't have crossed and voted with the Dems to codify Roe. It was common knowledge that there were Republican elements who sought to overturn Roe. The Democrats didn't heed the storm clouds on the horizon and as a result Roe was overturned. Ergo, Democrats deserve some of the credit or blame depending on your viewpoint.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
BBW12OG said:

SmaptyWolf said:

BBW12OG said:

SmaptyWolf said:

BBW12OG said:

SmaptyWolf said:

BBW12OG said:

SmaptyWolf said:

BBW12OG said:

Wufskins said:

barelypure said:

SmaptyWolf said:

hokiewolf said:

SmaptyWolf said:

hokiewolf said:

SmaptyWolf said:

Civilized said:

hokiewolf said:

Civilized said:

Wufskins said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Seeing the senile communist kid-sniffer's commercials everywhere now -- on television and YouTube non-stop. No Trump commercials at all.

The commie's main pitch is to "fight" the climate change hoax and to fight for the "right" to murder unborn children. Wow, winning issues there Demoncrats....how does paying more taxes and higher prices for fuel for the global warming hoax make my life better? How does women murdering their unborn children make my life better?

Guess you guys think you can rig the election again with millions of absentee ballots that are 100% for Biden magically arriving at 3:00am in every battleground state?

Keep thinking women's abortion rights doesn't move the needle.


It very clearly had a huge electoral impact in 2022.

The recency of the Dobbs decision relative to the date of the 2022 elections impacted too, in ways that will be hard to quantify and extrapolate to 2024.

It won't go from mattering a lot to not at all, but I am curious to see how much of a motivator or galvanizing issue it is for the left over two years after Dobbs.
To me, this is where I do not like politics. Roe was a terrible law, it kicked the can down the road. Leagally, it was correct to overturn the law. Now instead of doing the thing they're supposed to do, like produce legislation, debate it and compromise a sound solution that is bi-partisan, they just use it as another issue to raise money from.

Oh sure, it should always have been legislated.

And the legal community seemed to agree it was a law that should/would be overturned when the SC took it up.

Most Americans want sensible abortion law, not outright bans or effective bans and not red herring full-term abortions. They want something that makes sense that's in between those two extremes. That sentiment was clear before Dobbs. Pubs knew this.

They had the opportunity though to come to the table with Dems to craft and pass good, common-sense legislation that would supersede the legally dubious Roe law.

They chose instead to overturn first and ask legislative questions later (or not at all) and they should bear the electoral burden of that poor decision/sequencing.

Was there anything about Roe that wasn't already a sensible compromise? It seemed to work pretty well for decades. Sure it should have been legislated, but there was nothing stopping congress for all of those decades and they chose not to.

Roe was only under attack exactly because the anti-abortion movement wants an outright ban, full stop, and pushing it to the states gave them an opening to do that. So now conservatives are the dogs who finally caught the car.

What they're now discovering the hard way is that women care about their own bodily autonomy as much as anyone cares about any constitutional right, and the idea of kicking their rights to the states to decide is bullsh**.
Roe was bad law, bad laws need to be removed from our system, not reinforced.

Your last paragraph I especially disagree with. No one is forcing someone to live in the 14 states that banned abortion. Just like a woman has the free will to choose to not use contraception that would prevent having to have an abortion, they have the free will to pick up and move to the other 36 states of their choosing where some form of abortion is legal.

Abortion should be decided at the state level because what is good for California and New York is not necessarily what should be good for the entire country. Treating the United States like it is one big blob of like minded people is the reason why we get bad laws like Roe in the first place.

My biggest frustration with the left side argument is that there isn't free choice to begin with. Use contraception or abstain from sex, or don't and risk getting pregnant. That's autonomy! What you want is 0% accountability, and that was what Roe offered to woman.

Now, my biggest frustration with the right side at the moment is doing stupid **** like trying to ban IVF or contraception based on religious arguments. That don't fly with me either.

So you'd be fine with kicking the 2nd Amendment and every other constitutional right to the states to decide? Or just the ones that don't affect you personally?

Don't get me wrong, I think Republicans should definitely turn "if you don't like it, you're "free" to move to another state" and "it's your fault for getting pregnant, suck it up!" into their bumper stickers. I'd love a permanent Dem majority.
uh, the states actually can kick the amendments if they wanted to, it's part of the constitution. Roe was bad law that also happened to give you something you think is a right. It's not an amendment though.

Sorry, let me clarify. Roe was decided based on the "due process clause" of the 14th Amendment. So Roe was no less a "constitutional right" than any random gun law leveraging the 2nd Amendment.

The current court just decided to ignore all of that and instead use a bunch of questionable ideological reasoning to justify overturning long settled law. You're fine with that outcome because it happened to give you something you think is a right. I think you guys will end up regretting the dangerous precedent that you've now set with this court, never mind the political realities of getting what you wished for in this case. Ugly stuff.
Except neither Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, nor Barrett said it was settled law. The all said it was precedent. Precedents are merely guides and can be changed. Settled means it has stood the test and should hold up to challenges. Those on the left are all hung up that Roe was settled. They forgot to tell SCOTUS tho.

You're right BP, but the term to use is super precedent. Neither of the three Trump appointees called Roe super precedent.
So deadskins.... can a man have a baby?

You think about this topic a LOT. Have you considered getting on the birth control pill, just in case?
It's a legitimate political question. The fact you refuse to state your position is telling in and of itself.

You are a card toting MARXIST and you know it. You are just ashamed to admit it. So typical...

It's only a "legitimate political question" if you live in an increasingly bizarre right wing fantasy world. Has anyone in the real world ever suggested that a man can have a baby? How is this even a topic, let alone one that some of you clearly obsess about?
LOL... you are joking right?

Your party has been using the phrase "birthing person" for over a year now.

They also say that men can have babies, periods and lactate. They also say women can have balls and shafts.

Play dumb all you want. You deflected again. You have been exposed for what you are comrade. Enjoy being a MARXIST... don't run from it.

Ooohh, you're talking about people who are physiologically women, but psychologically see themselves as a man for whatever reason, a.k.a. transgender people. Honestly, who cares what they want to be called when they're pregnant? Does that really affect your life? Jesus you guys need a hobby.

If America can tolerate 40% of the country worshipping a used car salesman and insisting the Earth is flat, we can handle a relative handful of people who struggle with their gender identity.
Yeah playing make believe is one thing. When you start believing it is real then you need help.

Again... you have shown who you are. Embrace it.

While you are at it... why don't you find me a rooster that can lay an egg.

And for the record I see my self "psychologically" as a multi-billionaire, 4 time All American in three sports, inventor of Google and Amazon.

That doesn't make it true now does it?
You also see yourself as someone with educated and rational opinions. So should we cater to your delusions, or just keep pointing out that you're a raging idiot?

Anyway, here you go... a rooster that can lay an egg:

I absolutely does. I have stumped your soy boy liberal A$$ more than once on here. And you know it.

As far as comparing a sea horse to a rooster.... well.. that would be like comparing a hard working masculine man to you.

There is no way anyone would confuse you as being that.

Nice try though... when in doubt just babble on and try to make a point out of nothing.

Go help packskins... I'm sure he will share a pillow you can bite or cry into.

Lol, you might be confusing "stumped" with "trying to disregard an obviously unwell person". I think I'll go back to that.

Have a nice day!
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barelypure said:

Roe decision was in 1973. RBG said Roe was bad law in 1984. Dems + 2 Ind (Sanders and King who vote with the Dems) had 60 votes 2009 and 2010. The House was also Dem majority. Obama was President. That's not to say that some Republicans wouldn't have crossed and voted with the Dems to codify Roe. It was common knowledge that there were Republican elements who sought to overturn Roe. The Democrats didn't heed the storm clouds on the horizon and as a result Roe was overturned. Ergo, Democrats deserve some of the credit or blame depending on your viewpoint.
Anybody who supports abortion should be given a post-birth abortion immediately.

Anyone who supports murdering the unborn is human trash. That's why these people are perfectly fine with Biden molesting young girls on camera many times. That's why they want to destroy the lives of children after they are born by having the school mandate them to go to have their minds corrupted and getting lap dances from Sodomite pedophiles at drag queen story time.

Demoncrats are scum of the earth.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
GuerrillaPack said:

barelypure said:

Roe decision was in 1973. RBG said Roe was bad law in 1984. Dems + 2 Ind (Sanders and King who vote with the Dems) had 60 votes 2009 and 2010. The House was also Dem majority. Obama was President. That's not to say that some Republicans wouldn't have crossed and voted with the Dems to codify Roe. It was common knowledge that there were Republican elements who sought to overturn Roe. The Democrats didn't heed the storm clouds on the horizon and as a result Roe was overturned. Ergo, Democrats deserve some of the credit or blame depending on your viewpoint.
Anybody who supports abortion should be given a post-birth abortion immediately.

Anyone who supports murdering the unborn is human trash. That's why these people are perfectly fine with Biden molesting young girls on camera many times. That's why they want to destroy the lives of children after they are born by having the school mandate them to go to have their minds corrupted and getting lap dances from Sodomite pedophiles at drag queen story time.

Demoncrats are scum of the earth.

Ain't just Democrats
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barelypure said:

Roe decision was in 1973. RBG said Roe was bad law in 1984. Dems + 2 Ind (Sanders and King who vote with the Dems) had 60 votes 2009 and 2010. The House was also Dem majority. Obama was President. That's not to say that some Republicans wouldn't have crossed and voted with the Dems to codify Roe. It was common knowledge that there were Republican elements who sought to overturn Roe. The Democrats didn't heed the storm clouds on the horizon and as a result Roe was overturned. Ergo, Democrats deserve some of the credit or blame depending on your viewpoint.

Dems probably just assumed that after 50 years the issue was settled and even though Republicans loved to fundraise off of abortion there was no way they'd be politically stupid enough to actually reverse Roe.

Whoopsie! Who could have predicted Republicans would drive all of the smart people out of their party?
How long do you want to ignore this user?
SmaptyWolf said:

barelypure said:

Roe decision was in 1973. RBG said Roe was bad law in 1984. Dems + 2 Ind (Sanders and King who vote with the Dems) had 60 votes 2009 and 2010. The House was also Dem majority. Obama was President. That's not to say that some Republicans wouldn't have crossed and voted with the Dems to codify Roe. It was common knowledge that there were Republican elements who sought to overturn Roe. The Democrats didn't heed the storm clouds on the horizon and as a result Roe was overturned. Ergo, Democrats deserve some of the credit or blame depending on your viewpoint.

Dems probably just assumed that after 50 years the issue was settled and even though Republicans loved to fundraise off of the abortion there was no way they'd be politically stupid enough to actually reverse Roe.

Whoopsie! Who could have predicted Republicans would drive all of the smart people out of their party?
The smug condescension and your arrogance are something to behold. People like you are the reason President Trump was elected the first time and will be the reason he is elected again in November.

Nothing short of water main breaks or "miraculously found ballots" will save you and your liberal band of dip sheeyats.

It's a damn shame that NCSU produced someone with your character. Sad.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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GuerrillaPack said:

barelypure said:

Roe decision was in 1973. RBG said Roe was bad law in 1984. Dems + 2 Ind (Sanders and King who vote with the Dems) had 60 votes 2009 and 2010. The House was also Dem majority. Obama was President. That's not to say that some Republicans wouldn't have crossed and voted with the Dems to codify Roe. It was common knowledge that there were Republican elements who sought to overturn Roe. The Democrats didn't heed the storm clouds on the horizon and as a result Roe was overturned. Ergo, Democrats deserve some of the credit or blame depending on your viewpoint.
Anybody who supports abortion should be given a post-birth abortion immediately.

Anyone who supports murdering the unborn is human trash. That's why these people are perfectly fine with Biden molesting young girls on camera many times. That's why they want to destroy the lives of children after they are born by having the school mandate them to go to have their minds corrupted and getting lap dances from Sodomite pedophiles at drag queen story time.

Demoncrats are scum of the earth.
What's your thoughts on Mark Robinson? Assuming you live in NC?
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ncsupack1 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

barelypure said:

Roe decision was in 1973. RBG said Roe was bad law in 1984. Dems + 2 Ind (Sanders and King who vote with the Dems) had 60 votes 2009 and 2010. The House was also Dem majority. Obama was President. That's not to say that some Republicans wouldn't have crossed and voted with the Dems to codify Roe. It was common knowledge that there were Republican elements who sought to overturn Roe. The Democrats didn't heed the storm clouds on the horizon and as a result Roe was overturned. Ergo, Democrats deserve some of the credit or blame depending on your viewpoint.
Anybody who supports abortion should be given a post-birth abortion immediately.

Anyone who supports murdering the unborn is human trash. That's why these people are perfectly fine with Biden molesting young girls on camera many times. That's why they want to destroy the lives of children after they are born by having the school mandate them to go to have their minds corrupted and getting lap dances from Sodomite pedophiles at drag queen story time.

Demoncrats are scum of the earth.
What's your thoughts on Mark Robinson? Assuming you live in NC?
He isn't perfect but he is a far cry better than the DNC puppet boy Josh Stein. He and Jeff Jackson are the "future" crooks of the NC dumbocrat party.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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BBW12OG said:

ncsupack1 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

barelypure said:

Roe decision was in 1973. RBG said Roe was bad law in 1984. Dems + 2 Ind (Sanders and King who vote with the Dems) had 60 votes 2009 and 2010. The House was also Dem majority. Obama was President. That's not to say that some Republicans wouldn't have crossed and voted with the Dems to codify Roe. It was common knowledge that there were Republican elements who sought to overturn Roe. The Democrats didn't heed the storm clouds on the horizon and as a result Roe was overturned. Ergo, Democrats deserve some of the credit or blame depending on your viewpoint.
Anybody who supports abortion should be given a post-birth abortion immediately.

Anyone who supports murdering the unborn is human trash. That's why these people are perfectly fine with Biden molesting young girls on camera many times. That's why they want to destroy the lives of children after they are born by having the school mandate them to go to have their minds corrupted and getting lap dances from Sodomite pedophiles at drag queen story time.

Demoncrats are scum of the earth.
What's your thoughts on Mark Robinson? Assuming you live in NC?
He isn't perfect but he is a far cry better than the DNC puppet boy Josh Stein. He and Jeff Jackson are the "future" crooks of the NC dumbocrat party.
I'm asking the poster that posted about people who support or have abortions. But thanks for answering, so it depends on the team and who is paying for the abortion?
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ncsupack1 said:

BBW12OG said:

ncsupack1 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

barelypure said:

Roe decision was in 1973. RBG said Roe was bad law in 1984. Dems + 2 Ind (Sanders and King who vote with the Dems) had 60 votes 2009 and 2010. The House was also Dem majority. Obama was President. That's not to say that some Republicans wouldn't have crossed and voted with the Dems to codify Roe. It was common knowledge that there were Republican elements who sought to overturn Roe. The Democrats didn't heed the storm clouds on the horizon and as a result Roe was overturned. Ergo, Democrats deserve some of the credit or blame depending on your viewpoint.
Anybody who supports abortion should be given a post-birth abortion immediately.

Anyone who supports murdering the unborn is human trash. That's why these people are perfectly fine with Biden molesting young girls on camera many times. That's why they want to destroy the lives of children after they are born by having the school mandate them to go to have their minds corrupted and getting lap dances from Sodomite pedophiles at drag queen story time.

Demoncrats are scum of the earth.
What's your thoughts on Mark Robinson? Assuming you live in NC?
He isn't perfect but he is a far cry better than the DNC puppet boy Josh Stein. He and Jeff Jackson are the "future" crooks of the NC dumbocrat party.
I'm asking the poster that posted about people who support or have abortions. But thanks for answering, so it depends on the team and who is paying for the abortion?

Frankly the Venn diagram of Robinson's history, rhetoric, appeal, and electoral drawbacks overlap Trump's almost exaclty.

The main difference between them is that Robinson is a bona fide religious conservative, and Trump is a charlatan.
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Civilized said:

ncsupack1 said:

BBW12OG said:

ncsupack1 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

barelypure said:

Roe decision was in 1973. RBG said Roe was bad law in 1984. Dems + 2 Ind (Sanders and King who vote with the Dems) had 60 votes 2009 and 2010. The House was also Dem majority. Obama was President. That's not to say that some Republicans wouldn't have crossed and voted with the Dems to codify Roe. It was common knowledge that there were Republican elements who sought to overturn Roe. The Democrats didn't heed the storm clouds on the horizon and as a result Roe was overturned. Ergo, Democrats deserve some of the credit or blame depending on your viewpoint.
Anybody who supports abortion should be given a post-birth abortion immediately.

Anyone who supports murdering the unborn is human trash. That's why these people are perfectly fine with Biden molesting young girls on camera many times. That's why they want to destroy the lives of children after they are born by having the school mandate them to go to have their minds corrupted and getting lap dances from Sodomite pedophiles at drag queen story time.

Demoncrats are scum of the earth.
What's your thoughts on Mark Robinson? Assuming you live in NC?
He isn't perfect but he is a far cry better than the DNC puppet boy Josh Stein. He and Jeff Jackson are the "future" crooks of the NC dumbocrat party.
I'm asking the poster that posted about people who support or have abortions. But thanks for answering, so it depends on the team and who is paying for the abortion?

Frankly the Venn diagram of Robinson's history, rhetoric, appeal, and electoral drawbacks overlap Trump's almost exaclty.

The main difference between them is that Robinson is a bona fide religious conservative, and Trump is a charlatan.

And like Trump, he will lose hugely.
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Wufskins said:

Civilized said:

ncsupack1 said:

BBW12OG said:

ncsupack1 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

barelypure said:

Roe decision was in 1973. RBG said Roe was bad law in 1984. Dems + 2 Ind (Sanders and King who vote with the Dems) had 60 votes 2009 and 2010. The House was also Dem majority. Obama was President. That's not to say that some Republicans wouldn't have crossed and voted with the Dems to codify Roe. It was common knowledge that there were Republican elements who sought to overturn Roe. The Democrats didn't heed the storm clouds on the horizon and as a result Roe was overturned. Ergo, Democrats deserve some of the credit or blame depending on your viewpoint.
Anybody who supports abortion should be given a post-birth abortion immediately.

Anyone who supports murdering the unborn is human trash. That's why these people are perfectly fine with Biden molesting young girls on camera many times. That's why they want to destroy the lives of children after they are born by having the school mandate them to go to have their minds corrupted and getting lap dances from Sodomite pedophiles at drag queen story time.

Demoncrats are scum of the earth.
What's your thoughts on Mark Robinson? Assuming you live in NC?
He isn't perfect but he is a far cry better than the DNC puppet boy Josh Stein. He and Jeff Jackson are the "future" crooks of the NC dumbocrat party.
I'm asking the poster that posted about people who support or have abortions. But thanks for answering, so it depends on the team and who is paying for the abortion?

Frankly the Venn diagram of Robinson's history, rhetoric, appeal, and electoral drawbacks overlap Trump's almost exaclty.

The main difference between them is that Robinson is a bona fide religious conservative, and Trump is a charlatan.

And like Trump, he will lose hugely.
Yeah, I have a hard time seeing Mark win.
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Civilized said:

ncsupack1 said:

BBW12OG said:

ncsupack1 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

barelypure said:

Roe decision was in 1973. RBG said Roe was bad law in 1984. Dems + 2 Ind (Sanders and King who vote with the Dems) had 60 votes 2009 and 2010. The House was also Dem majority. Obama was President. That's not to say that some Republicans wouldn't have crossed and voted with the Dems to codify Roe. It was common knowledge that there were Republican elements who sought to overturn Roe. The Democrats didn't heed the storm clouds on the horizon and as a result Roe was overturned. Ergo, Democrats deserve some of the credit or blame depending on your viewpoint.
Anybody who supports abortion should be given a post-birth abortion immediately.

Anyone who supports murdering the unborn is human trash. That's why these people are perfectly fine with Biden molesting young girls on camera many times. That's why they want to destroy the lives of children after they are born by having the school mandate them to go to have their minds corrupted and getting lap dances from Sodomite pedophiles at drag queen story time.

Demoncrats are scum of the earth.
What's your thoughts on Mark Robinson? Assuming you live in NC?
He isn't perfect but he is a far cry better than the DNC puppet boy Josh Stein. He and Jeff Jackson are the "future" crooks of the NC dumbocrat party.
I'm asking the poster that posted about people who support or have abortions. But thanks for answering, so it depends on the team and who is paying for the abortion?

Frankly the Venn diagram of Robinson's history, rhetoric, appeal, and electoral drawbacks overlap Trump's almost exaclty.

The main difference between them is that Robinson is a bona fide religious conservative, and Trump is a charlatan.
I still would like to know the posters feelings on Mark.
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ncsupack1 said:

BBW12OG said:

ncsupack1 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

barelypure said:

Roe decision was in 1973. RBG said Roe was bad law in 1984. Dems + 2 Ind (Sanders and King who vote with the Dems) had 60 votes 2009 and 2010. The House was also Dem majority. Obama was President. That's not to say that some Republicans wouldn't have crossed and voted with the Dems to codify Roe. It was common knowledge that there were Republican elements who sought to overturn Roe. The Democrats didn't heed the storm clouds on the horizon and as a result Roe was overturned. Ergo, Democrats deserve some of the credit or blame depending on your viewpoint.
Anybody who supports abortion should be given a post-birth abortion immediately.

Anyone who supports murdering the unborn is human trash. That's why these people are perfectly fine with Biden molesting young girls on camera many times. That's why they want to destroy the lives of children after they are born by having the school mandate them to go to have their minds corrupted and getting lap dances from Sodomite pedophiles at drag queen story time.

Demoncrats are scum of the earth.
What's your thoughts on Mark Robinson? Assuming you live in NC?
He isn't perfect but he is a far cry better than the DNC puppet boy Josh Stein. He and Jeff Jackson are the "future" crooks of the NC dumbocrat party.
I'm asking the poster that posted about people who support or have abortions. But thanks for answering, so it depends on the team and who is paying for the abortion?

My stance on abortion is that if it is rape, incest or a direct threat to the mother it should be allowed. It should NOT be allowed as an alternative to birth control or as the libtards put it... "abortion on demand up to and after 9 months."
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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BBW12OG said:

ncsupack1 said:

BBW12OG said:

ncsupack1 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

barelypure said:

Roe decision was in 1973. RBG said Roe was bad law in 1984. Dems + 2 Ind (Sanders and King who vote with the Dems) had 60 votes 2009 and 2010. The House was also Dem majority. Obama was President. That's not to say that some Republicans wouldn't have crossed and voted with the Dems to codify Roe. It was common knowledge that there were Republican elements who sought to overturn Roe. The Democrats didn't heed the storm clouds on the horizon and as a result Roe was overturned. Ergo, Democrats deserve some of the credit or blame depending on your viewpoint.
Anybody who supports abortion should be given a post-birth abortion immediately.

Anyone who supports murdering the unborn is human trash. That's why these people are perfectly fine with Biden molesting young girls on camera many times. That's why they want to destroy the lives of children after they are born by having the school mandate them to go to have their minds corrupted and getting lap dances from Sodomite pedophiles at drag queen story time.

Demoncrats are scum of the earth.
What's your thoughts on Mark Robinson? Assuming you live in NC?
He isn't perfect but he is a far cry better than the DNC puppet boy Josh Stein. He and Jeff Jackson are the "future" crooks of the NC dumbocrat party.
I'm asking the poster that posted about people who support or have abortions. But thanks for answering, so it depends on the team and who is paying for the abortion?

My stance on abortion is that if it is rape, incest or a direct threat to the mother it should be allowed. It should NOT be allowed as an alternative to birth control or as the libtards put it... "abortion on demand up to and after 9 months."
The question wasn't for you. But thanks for answering. Read up a few post.
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Funny how you lefty Sheeyat Bags complain about voter ID being racist and how it isn't necessary....

Explain this you clowns.....

Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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BBW12OG said:

Funny how you lefty Sheeyat Bags complain about voter ID being racist and how it isn't necessary....

Explain this you clowns.....

Well maybe because, as anyone with a triple digit IQ would know, those are two completely different things. And I'm actually in favor of voter ID.
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Buzzosborne said:

BBW12OG said:

Funny how you lefty Sheeyat Bags complain about voter ID being racist and how it isn't necessary....

Explain this you clowns.....

Well maybe because, as anyone with a triple digit IQ would know, those are two completely different things. And I'm actually in favor of voter ID.

When do your tar holes play again??

F U in the most serious of terms you useless piece of tar hole trash.

You are such a ***** nozzle your own kind can't stand for you to post on their boards.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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BBW12OG said:

ncsupack1 said:

BBW12OG said:

ncsupack1 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

barelypure said:

Roe decision was in 1973. RBG said Roe was bad law in 1984. Dems + 2 Ind (Sanders and King who vote with the Dems) had 60 votes 2009 and 2010. The House was also Dem majority. Obama was President. That's not to say that some Republicans wouldn't have crossed and voted with the Dems to codify Roe. It was common knowledge that there were Republican elements who sought to overturn Roe. The Democrats didn't heed the storm clouds on the horizon and as a result Roe was overturned. Ergo, Democrats deserve some of the credit or blame depending on your viewpoint.
Anybody who supports abortion should be given a post-birth abortion immediately.

Anyone who supports murdering the unborn is human trash. That's why these people are perfectly fine with Biden molesting young girls on camera many times. That's why they want to destroy the lives of children after they are born by having the school mandate them to go to have their minds corrupted and getting lap dances from Sodomite pedophiles at drag queen story time.

Demoncrats are scum of the earth.
What's your thoughts on Mark Robinson? Assuming you live in NC?
He isn't perfect but he is a far cry better than the DNC puppet boy Josh Stein. He and Jeff Jackson are the "future" crooks of the NC dumbocrat party.
I'm asking the poster that posted about people who support or have abortions. But thanks for answering, so it depends on the team and who is paying for the abortion?

My stance on abortion is that if it is rape, incest or a direct threat to the mother it should be allowed. It should NOT be allowed as an alternative to birth control or as the libtards put it... "abortion on demand up to and after 9 months."
You're being a lot more generous than me. Abortion for rape or incest, well it depends on when. If within the 1st trimester I'm not happy about it but I understand. After that IDK. Oh, and if you're claiming rape or incest there needs to be a police report and hopefully an arrest and jail time.

As to the mother's health, again that is a time issue. If it is determined that she might die and she is less than 24 weeks along then I'm not opposed. But if she has reached 24 weeks then the doctor should deliver the baby and do what they can to save the baby. As to the mother if aborting the baby will save her life then it stands to reason that delivering the baby will do the same.

As to an abortion after 9 months, well let's just say there's a certain poster newly arrived here that...well he knows.
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BBW12OG said:

Buzzosborne said:

BBW12OG said:

Funny how you lefty Sheeyat Bags complain about voter ID being racist and how it isn't necessary....

Explain this you clowns.....

Well maybe because, as anyone with a triple digit IQ would know, those are two completely different things. And I'm actually in favor of voter ID.

When do your tar holes play again??

F U in the most serious of terms you useless piece of tar hole trash.

You are such a ***** nozzle your own kind can't stand for you to post on their boards.

You're a laughingstock among your own fan base. If you look anything like you sound, you're the lardass in the meme in his skivvies surrounded by computer equipment. Your handle should be BBW120KG. See if you can even figure that one out. I'm sure someone will come along to explain it for you.

Do you ride a mobility scooter around Walmart?
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Buzzosborne said:

BBW12OG said:

Buzzosborne said:

BBW12OG said:

Funny how you lefty Sheeyat Bags complain about voter ID being racist and how it isn't necessary....

Explain this you clowns.....

Well maybe because, as anyone with a triple digit IQ would know, those are two completely different things. And I'm actually in favor of voter ID.

When do your tar holes play again??

F U in the most serious of terms you useless piece of tar hole trash.

You are such a ***** nozzle your own kind can't stand for you to post on their boards.

You're a laughingstock among your own fan base. If you look anything like you sound, you're the lardass in the meme in his skivvies surrounded by computer equipment. Your handle should be BBW120KG. See if you can even figure that one out. I'm sure someone will come along to explain it for you.

Do you ride a mobility scooter around Walmart?
LOL.... typical lefty... projection is strong with you.

You are a clown on your own site and you noticeably didn't deny it.

I guess you are bitter that your 30 year old players didn't make it past the Sweet 16 again. Now that everyone can pay players will be interested to see how well your crapbag of a school does.

As far as you go... how much of a pathetic loser do you have to be where your own fanbase and fellow alum, who are nothing be condescending *******s, abandons you and admonishes you every single time you post?

Yeah... your projection says it all. And again... GFY!!
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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barelypure said:

BBW12OG said:

ncsupack1 said:

BBW12OG said:

ncsupack1 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

barelypure said:

Roe decision was in 1973. RBG said Roe was bad law in 1984. Dems + 2 Ind (Sanders and King who vote with the Dems) had 60 votes 2009 and 2010. The House was also Dem majority. Obama was President. That's not to say that some Republicans wouldn't have crossed and voted with the Dems to codify Roe. It was common knowledge that there were Republican elements who sought to overturn Roe. The Democrats didn't heed the storm clouds on the horizon and as a result Roe was overturned. Ergo, Democrats deserve some of the credit or blame depending on your viewpoint.
Anybody who supports abortion should be given a post-birth abortion immediately.

Anyone who supports murdering the unborn is human trash. That's why these people are perfectly fine with Biden molesting young girls on camera many times. That's why they want to destroy the lives of children after they are born by having the school mandate them to go to have their minds corrupted and getting lap dances from Sodomite pedophiles at drag queen story time.

Demoncrats are scum of the earth.
What's your thoughts on Mark Robinson? Assuming you live in NC?
He isn't perfect but he is a far cry better than the DNC puppet boy Josh Stein. He and Jeff Jackson are the "future" crooks of the NC dumbocrat party.
I'm asking the poster that posted about people who support or have abortions. But thanks for answering, so it depends on the team and who is paying for the abortion?

My stance on abortion is that if it is rape, incest or a direct threat to the mother it should be allowed. It should NOT be allowed as an alternative to birth control or as the libtards put it... "abortion on demand up to and after 9 months."
You're being a lot more generous than me. Abortion for rape or incest, well it depends on when. If within the 1st trimester I'm not happy about it but I understand. After that IDK. Oh, and if you're claiming rape or incest there needs to be a police report and hopefully an arrest and jail time.

As to the mother's health, again that is a time issue. If it is determined that she might die and she is less than 24 weeks along then I'm not opposed. But if she has reached 24 weeks then the doctor should deliver the baby and do what they can to save the baby. As to the mother if aborting the baby will save her life then it stands to reason that delivering the baby will do the same.

As to an abortion after 9 months, well let's just say there's a certain poster newly arrived here that...well he knows.

An abortion after 9 months?? Can you document any such kind happening from an elective standpoint and not from an emergency due to health of mother. I'd like to see an example and actual context of why said abortion was provided.
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Wufskins said:

barelypure said:

BBW12OG said:

ncsupack1 said:

BBW12OG said:

ncsupack1 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

barelypure said:

Roe decision was in 1973. RBG said Roe was bad law in 1984. Dems + 2 Ind (Sanders and King who vote with the Dems) had 60 votes 2009 and 2010. The House was also Dem majority. Obama was President. That's not to say that some Republicans wouldn't have crossed and voted with the Dems to codify Roe. It was common knowledge that there were Republican elements who sought to overturn Roe. The Democrats didn't heed the storm clouds on the horizon and as a result Roe was overturned. Ergo, Democrats deserve some of the credit or blame depending on your viewpoint.
Anybody who supports abortion should be given a post-birth abortion immediately.

Anyone who supports murdering the unborn is human trash. That's why these people are perfectly fine with Biden molesting young girls on camera many times. That's why they want to destroy the lives of children after they are born by having the school mandate them to go to have their minds corrupted and getting lap dances from Sodomite pedophiles at drag queen story time.

Demoncrats are scum of the earth.
What's your thoughts on Mark Robinson? Assuming you live in NC?
He isn't perfect but he is a far cry better than the DNC puppet boy Josh Stein. He and Jeff Jackson are the "future" crooks of the NC dumbocrat party.
I'm asking the poster that posted about people who support or have abortions. But thanks for answering, so it depends on the team and who is paying for the abortion?

My stance on abortion is that if it is rape, incest or a direct threat to the mother it should be allowed. It should NOT be allowed as an alternative to birth control or as the libtards put it... "abortion on demand up to and after 9 months."
You're being a lot more generous than me. Abortion for rape or incest, well it depends on when. If within the 1st trimester I'm not happy about it but I understand. After that IDK. Oh, and if you're claiming rape or incest there needs to be a police report and hopefully an arrest and jail time.

As to the mother's health, again that is a time issue. If it is determined that she might die and she is less than 24 weeks along then I'm not opposed. But if she has reached 24 weeks then the doctor should deliver the baby and do what they can to save the baby. As to the mother if aborting the baby will save her life then it stands to reason that delivering the baby will do the same.

As to an abortion after 9 months, well let's just say there's a certain poster newly arrived here that...well he knows.

An abortion after 9 months?? Can you document any such kind happening from an elective standpoint and not from an emergency due to health of mother. I'd like to see an example and actual context of why said abortion was provided.
You can't do your own research?

And when the information is shown you will ignore it and move on without even acknowledging it. You are well known for doing that.

If you want to know the answer to your question Google it....

Every dumbocrat politician on record has refused to answer the question on what is acceptable terms for abortion. And you damn well know it.

Typical obfuscation by a left wing ideologue.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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Abortions in the 3rd trimester make up 1% of all abortions. Let's tamper down the rhetoric a bit. This isn't some phenomenon that took over the country, much like a lot of the political speech about domestic issues.
Originator of the Tony Adams Scale
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hokiewolf said:

Abortions in the 3rd trimester make up 1% of all abortions. Let's tamper down the rhetoric a bit. This isn't some phenomenon that took over the country, much like a lot of the political speech about domestic issues.
It's a child, not a choice! It's that simple, as far as I'm concerned. Now, the legal system, in the US, has taken the proper stance in putting the issue back with the States. If NC does away with all abortions, then I'll support that. If NC continues its stance with certain abortions, then I'll accept it.

For me, it's that simple.
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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caryking said:

hokiewolf said:

Abortions in the 3rd trimester make up 1% of all abortions. Let's tamper down the rhetoric a bit. This isn't some phenomenon that took over the country, much like a lot of the political speech about domestic issues.
It's a child, not a choice! It's that simple, as far as I'm concerned. Now, the legal system, in the US, has taken the proper stance in putting the issue back with the States. If NC does away with all abortions, then I'll support that. If NC continues its stance with certain abortions, then I'll accept it.

For me, it's that simple.
I agree Cary, but just because someone has a different opinion on abortion rights doesn't automatically mean they agree with the most extreme stance, nor does the most extreme rhetoric represent 99% of abortion procedures.
Originator of the Tony Adams Scale
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BBW12OG said:

Wufskins said:

barelypure said:

BBW12OG said:

ncsupack1 said:

BBW12OG said:

ncsupack1 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

barelypure said:

Roe decision was in 1973. RBG said Roe was bad law in 1984. Dems + 2 Ind (Sanders and King who vote with the Dems) had 60 votes 2009 and 2010. The House was also Dem majority. Obama was President. That's not to say that some Republicans wouldn't have crossed and voted with the Dems to codify Roe. It was common knowledge that there were Republican elements who sought to overturn Roe. The Democrats didn't heed the storm clouds on the horizon and as a result Roe was overturned. Ergo, Democrats deserve some of the credit or blame depending on your viewpoint.
Anybody who supports abortion should be given a post-birth abortion immediately.

Anyone who supports murdering the unborn is human trash. That's why these people are perfectly fine with Biden molesting young girls on camera many times. That's why they want to destroy the lives of children after they are born by having the school mandate them to go to have their minds corrupted and getting lap dances from Sodomite pedophiles at drag queen story time.

Demoncrats are scum of the earth.
What's your thoughts on Mark Robinson? Assuming you live in NC?
He isn't perfect but he is a far cry better than the DNC puppet boy Josh Stein. He and Jeff Jackson are the "future" crooks of the NC dumbocrat party.
I'm asking the poster that posted about people who support or have abortions. But thanks for answering, so it depends on the team and who is paying for the abortion?

My stance on abortion is that if it is rape, incest or a direct threat to the mother it should be allowed. It should NOT be allowed as an alternative to birth control or as the libtards put it... "abortion on demand up to and after 9 months."
You're being a lot more generous than me. Abortion for rape or incest, well it depends on when. If within the 1st trimester I'm not happy about it but I understand. After that IDK. Oh, and if you're claiming rape or incest there needs to be a police report and hopefully an arrest and jail time.

As to the mother's health, again that is a time issue. If it is determined that she might die and she is less than 24 weeks along then I'm not opposed. But if she has reached 24 weeks then the doctor should deliver the baby and do what they can to save the baby. As to the mother if aborting the baby will save her life then it stands to reason that delivering the baby will do the same.

As to an abortion after 9 months, well let's just say there's a certain poster newly arrived here that...well he knows.

An abortion after 9 months?? Can you document any such kind happening from an elective standpoint and not from an emergency due to health of mother. I'd like to see an example and actual context of why said abortion was provided.
You can't do your own research?

And when the information is shown you will ignore it and move on without even acknowledging it. You are well known for doing that.

If you want to know the answer to your question Google it....

Every dumbocrat politician on record has refused to answer the question on what is acceptable terms for abortion. And you damn well know it.

Typical obfuscation by a left wing ideologue.

I didn't make the claim. You hear it all the time from the right, it should be easy to prove. Fact is, very few if any abortions occur after 8 months with a healthy mom and baby. Doctors won't perform them and mom's ain't deciding to terminate their pregnancy after 8 months.

How long do you want to ignore this user?
Wufskins said:

BBW12OG said:

Wufskins said:

barelypure said:

BBW12OG said:

ncsupack1 said:

BBW12OG said:

ncsupack1 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

barelypure said:

Roe decision was in 1973. RBG said Roe was bad law in 1984. Dems + 2 Ind (Sanders and King who vote with the Dems) had 60 votes 2009 and 2010. The House was also Dem majority. Obama was President. That's not to say that some Republicans wouldn't have crossed and voted with the Dems to codify Roe. It was common knowledge that there were Republican elements who sought to overturn Roe. The Democrats didn't heed the storm clouds on the horizon and as a result Roe was overturned. Ergo, Democrats deserve some of the credit or blame depending on your viewpoint.
Anybody who supports abortion should be given a post-birth abortion immediately.

Anyone who supports murdering the unborn is human trash. That's why these people are perfectly fine with Biden molesting young girls on camera many times. That's why they want to destroy the lives of children after they are born by having the school mandate them to go to have their minds corrupted and getting lap dances from Sodomite pedophiles at drag queen story time.

Demoncrats are scum of the earth.
What's your thoughts on Mark Robinson? Assuming you live in NC?
He isn't perfect but he is a far cry better than the DNC puppet boy Josh Stein. He and Jeff Jackson are the "future" crooks of the NC dumbocrat party.
I'm asking the poster that posted about people who support or have abortions. But thanks for answering, so it depends on the team and who is paying for the abortion?

My stance on abortion is that if it is rape, incest or a direct threat to the mother it should be allowed. It should NOT be allowed as an alternative to birth control or as the libtards put it... "abortion on demand up to and after 9 months."
You're being a lot more generous than me. Abortion for rape or incest, well it depends on when. If within the 1st trimester I'm not happy about it but I understand. After that IDK. Oh, and if you're claiming rape or incest there needs to be a police report and hopefully an arrest and jail time.

As to the mother's health, again that is a time issue. If it is determined that she might die and she is less than 24 weeks along then I'm not opposed. But if she has reached 24 weeks then the doctor should deliver the baby and do what they can to save the baby. As to the mother if aborting the baby will save her life then it stands to reason that delivering the baby will do the same.

As to an abortion after 9 months, well let's just say there's a certain poster newly arrived here that...well he knows.

An abortion after 9 months?? Can you document any such kind happening from an elective standpoint and not from an emergency due to health of mother. I'd like to see an example and actual context of why said abortion was provided.
You can't do your own research?

And when the information is shown you will ignore it and move on without even acknowledging it. You are well known for doing that.

If you want to know the answer to your question Google it....

Every dumbocrat politician on record has refused to answer the question on what is acceptable terms for abortion. And you damn well know it.

Typical obfuscation by a left wing ideologue.

I didn't make the claim. You hear it all the time from the right, it should be easy to prove. Fact is, very few if any abortions occur after 8 months with a healthy mom and baby. Doctors won't perform them and mom's ain't deciding to terminate their pregnancy after 8 months.

Should any?
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
How long do you want to ignore this user?
BBW12OG said:

Buzzosborne said:

BBW12OG said:

Buzzosborne said:

BBW12OG said:

Funny how you lefty Sheeyat Bags complain about voter ID being racist and how it isn't necessary....

Explain this you clowns.....

Well maybe because, as anyone with a triple digit IQ would know, those are two completely different things. And I'm actually in favor of voter ID.

When do your tar holes play again??

F U in the most serious of terms you useless piece of tar hole trash.

You are such a ***** nozzle your own kind can't stand for you to post on their boards.

You're a laughingstock among your own fan base. If you look anything like you sound, you're the lardass in the meme in his skivvies surrounded by computer equipment. Your handle should be BBW120KG. See if you can even figure that one out. I'm sure someone will come along to explain it for you.

Do you ride a mobility scooter around Walmart?
LOL.... typical lefty... projection is strong with you.

You are a clown on your own site and you noticeably didn't deny it.

I guess you are bitter that your 30 year old players didn't make it past the Sweet 16 again. Now that everyone can pay players will be interested to see how well your crapbag of a school does.

As far as you go... how much of a pathetic loser do you have to be where your own fanbase and fellow alum, who are nothing be condescending *******s, abandons you and admonishes you every single time you post?

Yeah... your projection says it all. And again... GFY!!

I left IC because of the moderation. I know you're familiar with that concept. I haven't been back to see if they talk about me there, but let me ASSURE you you're a topic of much derision and amusement on Pack Pride. I really liked the Brickyard and felt I fit in much politically better there. Not a MAGAt but not a lefty either. It's a shame what happened to that place, and I'm hoping after the tourney there will be a mass migration here. As for you, I seriously couldn't give a fuc- less about you. You can take a dirt nap for all I care. If your mods decide to ban me, so be it, but I'll keep posting here til then.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
caryking said:

Wufskins said:

BBW12OG said:

Wufskins said:

barelypure said:

BBW12OG said:

ncsupack1 said:

BBW12OG said:

ncsupack1 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

barelypure said:

Roe decision was in 1973. RBG said Roe was bad law in 1984. Dems + 2 Ind (Sanders and King who vote with the Dems) had 60 votes 2009 and 2010. The House was also Dem majority. Obama was President. That's not to say that some Republicans wouldn't have crossed and voted with the Dems to codify Roe. It was common knowledge that there were Republican elements who sought to overturn Roe. The Democrats didn't heed the storm clouds on the horizon and as a result Roe was overturned. Ergo, Democrats deserve some of the credit or blame depending on your viewpoint.
Anybody who supports abortion should be given a post-birth abortion immediately.

Anyone who supports murdering the unborn is human trash. That's why these people are perfectly fine with Biden molesting young girls on camera many times. That's why they want to destroy the lives of children after they are born by having the school mandate them to go to have their minds corrupted and getting lap dances from Sodomite pedophiles at drag queen story time.

Demoncrats are scum of the earth.
What's your thoughts on Mark Robinson? Assuming you live in NC?
He isn't perfect but he is a far cry better than the DNC puppet boy Josh Stein. He and Jeff Jackson are the "future" crooks of the NC dumbocrat party.
I'm asking the poster that posted about people who support or have abortions. But thanks for answering, so it depends on the team and who is paying for the abortion?

My stance on abortion is that if it is rape, incest or a direct threat to the mother it should be allowed. It should NOT be allowed as an alternative to birth control or as the libtards put it... "abortion on demand up to and after 9 months."
You're being a lot more generous than me. Abortion for rape or incest, well it depends on when. If within the 1st trimester I'm not happy about it but I understand. After that IDK. Oh, and if you're claiming rape or incest there needs to be a police report and hopefully an arrest and jail time.

As to the mother's health, again that is a time issue. If it is determined that she might die and she is less than 24 weeks along then I'm not opposed. But if she has reached 24 weeks then the doctor should deliver the baby and do what they can to save the baby. As to the mother if aborting the baby will save her life then it stands to reason that delivering the baby will do the same.

As to an abortion after 9 months, well let's just say there's a certain poster newly arrived here that...well he knows.

An abortion after 9 months?? Can you document any such kind happening from an elective standpoint and not from an emergency due to health of mother. I'd like to see an example and actual context of why said abortion was provided.
You can't do your own research?

And when the information is shown you will ignore it and move on without even acknowledging it. You are well known for doing that.

If you want to know the answer to your question Google it....

Every dumbocrat politician on record has refused to answer the question on what is acceptable terms for abortion. And you damn well know it.

Typical obfuscation by a left wing ideologue.

I didn't make the claim. You hear it all the time from the right, it should be easy to prove. Fact is, very few if any abortions occur after 8 months with a healthy mom and baby. Doctors won't perform them and mom's ain't deciding to terminate their pregnancy after 8 months.

Should any?
you're talking about such a low statistical percentage of women who are choosing to abort a perfectly healthy baby in the third trimester, and a doctor who would actually do it, I'm not even sure it's significant.

The only mention I can find because I did look at every possible article that a baby was born and then aborted because the mother choose to is exactly zero. The number of articles I read about politicians saying it happens was too numerous to count.
Originator of the Tony Adams Scale
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