caryking said:
Civilized said:
caryking said:
hokiewolf said:
You're right, my apologies. I'm just passionate about it.
Hokie, you and I agree on research to solve different epidemics, diseases, etc…. I think we just disagree on the funding source.
The fallacy of the "funding source" argument WRT federal government spending on things like NIH, USAID, IRS agents, etc. is these sorts of cuts literally solve nothing especially with looming tax cuts that will further cut revenue. They're all downside window dressing.
And if you say they're not, that these cuts in conjunction with tax cuts get us meaningfully closer to a balanced budget, then show us the math.
The fallacy of the tax cuts argument is: tax revenues never go down. They continue a natural trend upwards. So, as long as the natural upward happens, and we continue the 1.5 - 2.0 trillion in yearly deficits, something has to change.
You really can't tax enough, without destroying the economy, to make up for the deficit we have. So, as has been the case forever, this isn't a taxing issue; rather, it's a spending issue. It's time for the wrecking ball!!!

The fallacy is that you always focus on dollar amounts (instead of % of GDP) that never take into account things like inflation or our growing population and our growing GDP.
The only question is: do you really not understand this stuff, or are you in on the con?
For about 5 decades now is has been a
deliberate strategy by conservatives to keep cutting taxes and adding it to the deficit. They even have a
name for it. Ever wonder why Republicans always do that over and over? It's because
THEY WANT A DEFICIT CRISES so that the "solution" will be to gut the entitlements that they're ideologically opposed to.
That's it! That's the crises, and we can fix it tomorrow. Just stop doing
Fun fact: We could raise taxes across the board like 3% and be completely sustainable with zero cuts. Crises averted.