The democrat agenda so far.... let's see if I'm missing anything....
1. Piss on energy independence, stop the pipeline of oil, pledge to stop any fracking, and with tough times coming for the oil industry now gas and oil prices will be driven up. (yes I know there's some acute factors too but there's no signs of price hikes slowing down)
2. Actually create a crisis on the border through you own doing and policy. The rhetoric and promises of open borders is already creating issues. Stopping the wall and encouraging mass illegal migration of people. And of course congress trying to seal the deal with letting everyone in and giving them amnesty. Great plan!
3. Proposing tax hikes while lying and saying it won't affect everyone... it will. Tax hikes are to help the government with more big spending? For what? And we've already been doing big spending? For what? We have a COVID relief bill jammed through that really didn't have a whole lot to do with COVID.
4. Encouraging continued shutdown of schools and businesses, double masking, building up fear, downplaying good news.
So what else is on this agenda? Can we get more anti- American? Can we screw this place up anymore?
Our country is run by a bunch of corrupt, soulless, heartless, careless, dickless, incompetent, stupid, ignorant, racist, demented bunch of mother ****ers!
End rant.