The Biden Administration

543,252 Views | 5465 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by James Henderson
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BBW12OG said:

I work in Canada as well as the U.S., civ that's a "foreign" country FYI.. they have SOCIALIZED health care. I work with 20+ individuals on a semi-regular basis and have for 15 years.

You know where they come when they need serious medical procedures? America. You know why? It's 18 months to get a mammogram. Some women have less than 3 to live once lumps are found and not removed. That's a short wait. Try having knee surgery, back surgery etc.... 2 - 3 years at best unless you are willing to pay private doctors out of pocket. Educate yourself more and maybe people wouldn't call you out on your lack of knowledge on subjects.

You know what will happen when you and the SOCIALIST PARTY gets your dream of single payer? All of those ILLEGALS that you are letting in this country will overrun the medical facilities with colds, sore throats etc...

Canada has closed borders and they'll deport your ass instantly. Sleepy Joe just opened the floodgate. Illegal immigration is up 178% in the last 20 days.

I know what your and your lefty friends' solution is. Higher taxes. Why don't you just skip all the BS and just institute a National Wage for everyone and just let the Government take control over everything.

Standardize healthcare, housing, eduction, wages etc.... Hell, don't stop there. Abolish all religion and history from say.... 2021 inauguration. Then you and your comrades can rewrite it the way you want.

Sound familiar? It should. Pick up a book for God's sake. What you and your ilk are doing to this country is going to end badly.
Wouldn't frequent long waits for medical procedures be reflected in Candians' dissatisfaction with their system?

44% of Americans are dissatisfied.

Only 14% of Canadians are.

Why are Americans so much more dissatisfied than them if our system is superior to theirs?
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Civilized said:

BBW12OG said:

I work in Canada as well as the U.S., civ that's a "foreign" country FYI.. they have SOCIALIZED health care. I work with 20+ individuals on a semi-regular basis and have for 15 years.

You know where they come when they need serious medical procedures? America. You know why? It's 18 months to get a mammogram. Some women have less than 3 to live once lumps are found and not removed. That's a short wait. Try having knee surgery, back surgery etc.... 2 - 3 years at best unless you are willing to pay private doctors out of pocket. Educate yourself more and maybe people wouldn't call you out on your lack of knowledge on subjects.

You know what will happen when you and the SOCIALIST PARTY gets your dream of single payer? All of those ILLEGALS that you are letting in this country will overrun the medical facilities with colds, sore throats etc...

Canada has closed borders and they'll deport your ass instantly. Sleepy Joe just opened the floodgate. Illegal immigration is up 178% in the last 20 days.

I know what your and your lefty friends' solution is. Higher taxes. Why don't you just skip all the BS and just institute a National Wage for everyone and just let the Government take control over everything.

Standardize healthcare, housing, eduction, wages etc.... Hell, don't stop there. Abolish all religion and history from say.... 2021 inauguration. Then you and your comrades can rewrite it the way you want.

Sound familiar? It should. Pick up a book for God's sake. What you and your ilk are doing to this country is going to end badly.
Wouldn't frequent long waits for medical procedures be reflected in Candians' dissatisfaction with their system?

44% of Americans are dissatisfied.

Only 14% of Canadians are.

Why are Americans so much more dissatisfied than them if our system is superior to theirs?
It probably has something to do with the 85% increase in medical cost that hospitals have to charge in order to cover their losses from all of the people who don't pay.

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I guess the amount of Frenchies in Canada that are polled and the numbers of other Canadians are not proportional. Fact. I have spent 45-60 days a year there since 2006 in every Province. But, you seem to be an expert so I won't stand in your way.

Their polling is very similar to the polling here. You get the answer you want by the people you poll. Plus, it's government run. You think that the government in Canada wants to be made look bad?

You can take it for what it's worth but I've been there. I've seen it. And it's not the utopia that you and your SOCIALIST PARTY thinks it is. Hell, you know it you just refuse to admit it.
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"It probably has something to do with the 85% increase in medical cost that hospitals have to charge in order to cover their losses from all of the people who don't pay." cowboypack02

Add in the illegals that go to the ER for colds, sore throats, runny noses because they know they can't be turned away causing long lines and frustration from patients who legitimately need the services.

Also the "unemployed" that use the Ambulances to get to and from the hospital because they don't drive, don't want to take public transportation and they have zero intentions of ever paying the bills it is frustrating.

But what the hell.... the SOCIALIST PARTY'S answer to every problem is to throw money at it. Tax the people who work for living, made good decisions and earn a moderate living into the poor house so you have a two class system. The Gods and the Clods......

With the lefties it always has been and always will be about total control and absolute power. Then you have their "followers" who are often uneducated on anything outside their MSM bubbles, just read posts on this board and others, following blindly and lapping up ever word they say as if were 100% factual.


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Here's another "unifying" nominee from Sleepy Joe... she is a deranged nutjob. Insulted 75 million Americans for 4 years, every member of the GOP, several members of the SOCIALIST PARTY, got called out for it, deleted over 1,000 tweets and still bold face lies in the face of the U.S. Senate Commitee that is supposed to confirm her.

What a **** show this joke of an administration is 20 days in....

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I would really like to entertain this debate about the US and Canada medical system but I will not. As someone who lived in canada for 3 years, my knowledge of the system probably wouldn't go over to well with some. Civ would probably listen and understand what I was saying and have a cordial debate about it. Some others, probably not so much.
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RunsWithWolves26 said:

I would really like to entertain this debate about the US and Canada medical system but I will not. As someone who lived in canada for 3 years, my knowledge of the system probably wouldn't go over to well with some. Civ would probably listen and understand what I was saying and have a cordial debate about it. Some others, probably not so much.
It's cool man. You can give it straight to some. If Canada has it going for them that's great. Our gov't though can **** up things a lot more than some and don't forget that most politicians in other countries do not hold the same amount of disdain for their people and nation as American congress currently does. Most of our leaders in Washington literally hate us.
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RunsWithWolves26 said:

I would really like to entertain this debate about the US and Canada medical system but I will not. As someone who lived in canada for 3 years, my knowledge of the system probably wouldn't go over to well with some. Civ would probably listen and understand what I was saying and have a cordial debate about it. Some others, probably not so much.

Last warning. The mods keep getting flags from you post. Next time I'm banning you and you can go crying to James as you usually do and I'll take the heat.
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Add in the illegals that go to the ER for colds, sore throats, runny noses because they know they can't be turned away causing long lines and frustration from patients who legitimately need the services.

Also the "unemployed" that use the Ambulances to get to and from the hospital because they don't drive, don't want to take public transportation and they have zero intentions of ever paying the bills it is frustrating.

This actually does not happen as often as is played up by most Americans or in the media. Is it an issue? Yes. Are there many more glaringly obvious issues our healthcare system needs to address as far as costs are concerned? Absolutely. Aging population and obesity epidemic (resulting in high BP, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart attacks, and strokes) are much larger issues that we have yet to address.

Key Facts about the Uninsured Population
Spending on Health Care for Uninsured Americans: How Much, and Who Pays?
New study explains why US health care spending increased $1 trillion
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You are wrong about so much of what you just said, it really isn't worth discussing it. You prefer throwing names, taking down to, insulting, belittling, antagonizing, etc over actual civil, honest, open debate. Please continue to carry on as you see fit.

Edited to add. Could you please stary being a little more civil. Everytime I check in, you have multiple post flagged. Even the one you replied to me with is flagged. I won't delete it but please, try to do better. Thanks in advance.
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I'm as civil as the next guy. No personal attacks have been made by me. Delete it if you want. I'm guessing you are a moderator. Didn't know and frankly I don't care. I speak my peace. Voice my opinons and usually provide fact base evidence to prove them. Sorry if the left can't handle the truth. It's always been the case. Flag away. It is winter.... I guess we should expect to see some snowflakes! And that is reference to it being winter so don't take it personal.

"You are wrong about so much of what you just said, it really isn't worth discussing it. You prefer throwing names, taking down to, insulting, belittling, antagonizing, etc over actual civil, honest, open debate. Please continue to carry on as you see fit."

So if I'm so wrong elaborate and point it out. Share your thoughts. Unless you do it's just a hollow statement. I'm sure there are positive interactions with the healthcare in Canada. I also know first hand, my ex wife is a nurse at a major NC Hospital ER and I know for FACT that the things I stated happen on a DAILY basis. So please, the floor is yours. Expound upon me being wrong and let's have a go.
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RunsWithWolves26 said:

I would really like to entertain this debate about the US and Canada medical system but I will not. As someone who lived in canada for 3 years, my knowledge of the system probably wouldn't go over to well with some. Civ would probably listen and understand what I was saying and have a cordial debate about it. Some others, probably not so much.
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PG.... unreal.... I'm looking and they are including EVERY state that doesn't mandate mask wearing for a domestic travel ban... other words all flights to states that are GOP run will not be receiving flights from SOCIALIST PARTY states.... and air travel FROM those states will only be allowed by SOCIALIST PARTY residents for a limited time...

Yeah.... I'm the one causing drama....
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BBW12OG said:

PG.... unreal.... I'm looking and they are including EVERY state that doesn't mandate mask wearing for a domestic travel ban... other words all flights to states that are GOP run will not be receiving flights from SOCIALIST PARTY states.... and air travel FROM those states will only be allowed by SOCIALIST PARTY residents for a limited time...

Yeah.... I'm the one causing drama....

I wonder if mask-wearing will be as politicized the next time a pandemic comes around.

More broadly, it will be fascinating to see how we prepare for the next pandemic and what infrastructure and protocols are in place so that the second we have the faintest tickle of a pandemic we pull the lever.

The countries that weathered this storm the best went big early. Shut it down, masked up, got ahead of it, tested like crazy, contact-traced, and isolated.

We need much more robust contact tracing systems in place and the infrastructure to ramp up testing and vaccine production exponentially within days not months.

Basically, we need to make sure we do what southeast Asia did and learn our lessons from taking our lumps on COVID the way they did with various respiratory syndromes. Don't let this be for naught and don't make the same mistakes again.
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RunsWithWolves26 said:

I would really like to entertain this debate about the US and Canada medical system but I will not. As someone who lived in canada for 3 years, my knowledge of the system probably wouldn't go over to well with some. Civ would probably listen and understand what I was saying and have a cordial debate about it. Some others, probably not so much.
I'd love to hear your feedback on the Canadian system. I do believe that it probably works well for some countries. I don't think it will work here long term because of the policies in place at this time. The old adage "You can't have open borders in a welfare state" really sticks out to me.
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Here's evidence that there should definitely be an impeachment of Horizontal Evidence. Plain as day and clear as a bell. Please tell me if President Trump is being held to the sham standards that the SOCIALIST PARTY are exhibiting then this is by far more damning than anything he tweeted or said.

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Civilized said:

BBW12OG said:

PG.... unreal.... I'm looking and they are including EVERY state that doesn't mandate mask wearing for a domestic travel ban... other words all flights to states that are GOP run will not be receiving flights from SOCIALIST PARTY states.... and air travel FROM those states will only be allowed by SOCIALIST PARTY residents for a limited time...

Yeah.... I'm the one causing drama....

I wonder if mask-wearing will be as politicized the next time a pandemic comes around.

More broadly, it will be fascinating to see how we prepare for the next pandemic and what infrastructure and protocols are in place so that the second we have the faintest tickle of a pandemic we pull the lever.

The countries that weathered this storm the best went big early. Shut it down, masked up, got ahead of it, tested like crazy, contact-traced, and isolated.

We need much more robust contact tracing systems in place and the infrastructure to ramp up testing and vaccine production exponentially within days not months.

Basically, we need to make sure we do what southeast Asia did and learn our lessons from taking our lumps on COVID the way they did with various respiratory syndromes. Don't let this be for naught and don't make the same mistakes again.
Well, if our next pandemic is also spread out by 100 years, I"d guess a lot of the challenges we faced this time will exist. We'll have long forgotten the criticality of preparation. It'll be "That earmarked money sure could be better spent over here doing _______. "

I'd like to think if it happens in the next decade or so, we'd be prepared and have much of the infra in place to more quickly roll out some kind of response.

As for politics getting involved....i mean, I know its too soon, but several weeks after Trump left, it sure doesn't feel like the politicization of everything has gotten any less. I'm not so sure thats going to lessen any anytime soon.....
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RunsWithWolves26 said:

I would really like to entertain this debate about the US and Canada medical system but I will not. As someone who lived in canada for 3 years, my knowledge of the system probably wouldn't go over to well with some. Civ would probably listen and understand what I was saying and have a cordial debate about it. Some others, probably not so much.
In the coronavirus thread, weren't you one of the guys who was really hot about the way our governor handled things? So do you want him responsible for governing your medical care?

*I assume some governments would be good at doing so. I'm not sure we're capable.
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Packchem91 said:

RunsWithWolves26 said:

I would really like to entertain this debate about the US and Canada medical system but I will not. As someone who lived in canada for 3 years, my knowledge of the system probably wouldn't go over to well with some. Civ would probably listen and understand what I was saying and have a cordial debate about it. Some others, probably not so much.
In the coronavirus thread, weren't you one of the guys who was really hot about the way our governor handled things? So do you want him responsible for governing your medical care?

*I assume some governments would be good at doing so. I'm not sure we're capable.

Never said I wanted any government to be responsible for my medical care nor do I.
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RunsWithWolves26 said:

Packchem91 said:

RunsWithWolves26 said:

I would really like to entertain this debate about the US and Canada medical system but I will not. As someone who lived in canada for 3 years, my knowledge of the system probably wouldn't go over to well with some. Civ would probably listen and understand what I was saying and have a cordial debate about it. Some others, probably not so much.
In the coronavirus thread, weren't you one of the guys who was really hot about the way our governor handled things? So do you want him responsible for governing your medical care?

*I assume some governments would be good at doing so. I'm not sure we're capable.

Never said I wanted any government to be responsible for my medical care nor do I.
Got it. I believe everyone should have access to reasonable and affordable healthcare, and that while it may not be a "right", it should be a function of any country as wealthy as US.
HOW to do doubt its a huge issue, because you have to change so much to make it happen....and we are not very good at changing things unless there is a personal (or corporate) financial reason for us to do so.

But watching how differently states approached the same problem from the coronavirus is probably even more troubling about having a government-run health system (state or federal).
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Packchem91 said:

Civilized said:

BBW12OG said:

PG.... unreal.... I'm looking and they are including EVERY state that doesn't mandate mask wearing for a domestic travel ban... other words all flights to states that are GOP run will not be receiving flights from SOCIALIST PARTY states.... and air travel FROM those states will only be allowed by SOCIALIST PARTY residents for a limited time...

Yeah.... I'm the one causing drama....

I wonder if mask-wearing will be as politicized the next time a pandemic comes around.

More broadly, it will be fascinating to see how we prepare for the next pandemic and what infrastructure and protocols are in place so that the second we have the faintest tickle of a pandemic we pull the lever.

The countries that weathered this storm the best went big early. Shut it down, masked up, got ahead of it, tested like crazy, contact-traced, and isolated.

We need much more robust contact tracing systems in place and the infrastructure to ramp up testing and vaccine production exponentially within days not months.

Basically, we need to make sure we do what southeast Asia did and learn our lessons from taking our lumps on COVID the way they did with various respiratory syndromes. Don't let this be for naught and don't make the same mistakes again.
Well, if our next pandemic is also spread out by 100 years, I"d guess a lot of the challenges we faced this time will exist. We'll have long forgotten the criticality of preparation. It'll be "That earmarked money sure could be better spent over here doing _______. "

I'd like to think if it happens in the next decade or so, we'd be prepared and have much of the infra in place to more quickly roll out some kind of response.

As for politics getting involved....i mean, I know its too soon, but several weeks after Trump left, it sure doesn't feel like the politicization of everything has gotten any less. I'm not so sure thats going to lessen any anytime soon.....
To your last paragraph I warned everyone that Trump wasn't the sole issue here. Everyone got convinced that Trump was the problem for everything and once he was gone things would get "civil" or go back to "normal". That's never happening. We are a divided nation that is bitter and hateful and that's not changing. Particularly when one party is trying to control everything from culture to media to social media to government to healthcare and everything in between. We're never uniting again and I'd wage odds of war being higher than actually uniting.
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ncsualum05 said:

Packchem91 said:

Civilized said:

BBW12OG said:

PG.... unreal.... I'm looking and they are including EVERY state that doesn't mandate mask wearing for a domestic travel ban... other words all flights to states that are GOP run will not be receiving flights from SOCIALIST PARTY states.... and air travel FROM those states will only be allowed by SOCIALIST PARTY residents for a limited time...

Yeah.... I'm the one causing drama....

I wonder if mask-wearing will be as politicized the next time a pandemic comes around.

More broadly, it will be fascinating to see how we prepare for the next pandemic and what infrastructure and protocols are in place so that the second we have the faintest tickle of a pandemic we pull the lever.

The countries that weathered this storm the best went big early. Shut it down, masked up, got ahead of it, tested like crazy, contact-traced, and isolated.

We need much more robust contact tracing systems in place and the infrastructure to ramp up testing and vaccine production exponentially within days not months.

Basically, we need to make sure we do what southeast Asia did and learn our lessons from taking our lumps on COVID the way they did with various respiratory syndromes. Don't let this be for naught and don't make the same mistakes again.
Well, if our next pandemic is also spread out by 100 years, I"d guess a lot of the challenges we faced this time will exist. We'll have long forgotten the criticality of preparation. It'll be "That earmarked money sure could be better spent over here doing _______. "

I'd like to think if it happens in the next decade or so, we'd be prepared and have much of the infra in place to more quickly roll out some kind of response.

As for politics getting involved....i mean, I know its too soon, but several weeks after Trump left, it sure doesn't feel like the politicization of everything has gotten any less. I'm not so sure thats going to lessen any anytime soon.....
To your last paragraph I warned everyone that Trump wasn't the sole issue here. Everyone got convinced that Trump was the problem for everything and once he was gone things would get "civil" or go back to "normal". That's never happening. We are a divided nation that is bitter and hateful and that's not changing. Particularly when one party is trying to control everything from culture to media to social media to government to healthcare and everything in between. We're never uniting again and I'd wage odds of war being higher than actually uniting.
No, he was not the sole issue here. He was a user of the tools available and happened to be in the most powerful position in the world, which made him the most recognizable flamer, but not the sole issue by far.

Frankly, I'm firmly on the side that the media is one of the bigger drivers in this. To be clear, I don't think the mainstream are "inflamers" necessarily....but they are clearly choosing sides. Throw in on the specialty media (all the "team" sites that give "news" flavored towards the readers desires) and it's changed consumers perspectives. Now, many people hear news they don't like, and it must be wrong, misleading, or purposefully harmful...when in reality, it may just be news.

But ultimately, media, including social media, benefits from all of this because it results in ratings / hits. Lord, CNN will be running headlines about Trump a year from now, because it gives them what they need.
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Packchem91 said:

ncsualum05 said:

Packchem91 said:

Civilized said:

BBW12OG said:

PG.... unreal.... I'm looking and they are including EVERY state that doesn't mandate mask wearing for a domestic travel ban... other words all flights to states that are GOP run will not be receiving flights from SOCIALIST PARTY states.... and air travel FROM those states will only be allowed by SOCIALIST PARTY residents for a limited time...

Yeah.... I'm the one causing drama....

I wonder if mask-wearing will be as politicized the next time a pandemic comes around.

More broadly, it will be fascinating to see how we prepare for the next pandemic and what infrastructure and protocols are in place so that the second we have the faintest tickle of a pandemic we pull the lever.

The countries that weathered this storm the best went big early. Shut it down, masked up, got ahead of it, tested like crazy, contact-traced, and isolated.

We need much more robust contact tracing systems in place and the infrastructure to ramp up testing and vaccine production exponentially within days not months.

Basically, we need to make sure we do what southeast Asia did and learn our lessons from taking our lumps on COVID the way they did with various respiratory syndromes. Don't let this be for naught and don't make the same mistakes again.
Well, if our next pandemic is also spread out by 100 years, I"d guess a lot of the challenges we faced this time will exist. We'll have long forgotten the criticality of preparation. It'll be "That earmarked money sure could be better spent over here doing _______. "

I'd like to think if it happens in the next decade or so, we'd be prepared and have much of the infra in place to more quickly roll out some kind of response.

As for politics getting involved....i mean, I know its too soon, but several weeks after Trump left, it sure doesn't feel like the politicization of everything has gotten any less. I'm not so sure thats going to lessen any anytime soon.....
To your last paragraph I warned everyone that Trump wasn't the sole issue here. Everyone got convinced that Trump was the problem for everything and once he was gone things would get "civil" or go back to "normal". That's never happening. We are a divided nation that is bitter and hateful and that's not changing. Particularly when one party is trying to control everything from culture to media to social media to government to healthcare and everything in between. We're never uniting again and I'd wage odds of war being higher than actually uniting.
No, he was not the sole issue here. He was a user of the tools available and happened to be in the most powerful position in the world, which made him the most recognizable flamer, but not the sole issue by far.

Frankly, I'm firmly on the side that the media is one of the bigger drivers in this. To be clear, I don't think the mainstream are "inflamers" necessarily....but they are clearly choosing sides. Throw in on the specialty media (all the "team" sites that give "news" flavored towards the readers desires) and it's changed consumers perspectives. Now, many people hear news they don't like, and it must be wrong, misleading, or purposefully harmful...when in reality, it may just be news.

But ultimately, media, including social media, benefits from all of this because it results in ratings / hits. Lord, CNN will be running headlines about Trump a year from now, because it gives them what they need.
Agree with all this.

The media (all sides, all slants) are like divorce attorneys, their financial interests are largely misaligned with their clients' best interests. The more chaos there is the more money they make.
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Here we go....make sure that the SOCIALIST PARTY continues to manage and control the media and the information it shares. If not.... there will be consequences.

In 22 days Sleepy Joe and the **** show administration have done more to garner negative headlines than has been reported... know.... "but, but, but orange man man real real bad..."

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Didn't Sleepy Joe say he had a "zero tolerance" for mean people in his administration? Put up or shut up Sleepy Joe. Where are all the fact checkers on this? only matters when a Republican is in office. The SOCIALIST PARTY gets a pass....

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Civilized said:

Packchem91 said:

ncsualum05 said:

Packchem91 said:

Civilized said:

BBW12OG said:

PG.... unreal.... I'm looking and they are including EVERY state that doesn't mandate mask wearing for a domestic travel ban... other words all flights to states that are GOP run will not be receiving flights from SOCIALIST PARTY states.... and air travel FROM those states will only be allowed by SOCIALIST PARTY residents for a limited time...

Yeah.... I'm the one causing drama....

I wonder if mask-wearing will be as politicized the next time a pandemic comes around.

More broadly, it will be fascinating to see how we prepare for the next pandemic and what infrastructure and protocols are in place so that the second we have the faintest tickle of a pandemic we pull the lever.

The countries that weathered this storm the best went big early. Shut it down, masked up, got ahead of it, tested like crazy, contact-traced, and isolated.

We need much more robust contact tracing systems in place and the infrastructure to ramp up testing and vaccine production exponentially within days not months.

Basically, we need to make sure we do what southeast Asia did and learn our lessons from taking our lumps on COVID the way they did with various respiratory syndromes. Don't let this be for naught and don't make the same mistakes again.
Well, if our next pandemic is also spread out by 100 years, I"d guess a lot of the challenges we faced this time will exist. We'll have long forgotten the criticality of preparation. It'll be "That earmarked money sure could be better spent over here doing _______. "

I'd like to think if it happens in the next decade or so, we'd be prepared and have much of the infra in place to more quickly roll out some kind of response.

As for politics getting involved....i mean, I know its too soon, but several weeks after Trump left, it sure doesn't feel like the politicization of everything has gotten any less. I'm not so sure thats going to lessen any anytime soon.....
To your last paragraph I warned everyone that Trump wasn't the sole issue here. Everyone got convinced that Trump was the problem for everything and once he was gone things would get "civil" or go back to "normal". That's never happening. We are a divided nation that is bitter and hateful and that's not changing. Particularly when one party is trying to control everything from culture to media to social media to government to healthcare and everything in between. We're never uniting again and I'd wage odds of war being higher than actually uniting.
No, he was not the sole issue here. He was a user of the tools available and happened to be in the most powerful position in the world, which made him the most recognizable flamer, but not the sole issue by far.

Frankly, I'm firmly on the side that the media is one of the bigger drivers in this. To be clear, I don't think the mainstream are "inflamers" necessarily....but they are clearly choosing sides. Throw in on the specialty media (all the "team" sites that give "news" flavored towards the readers desires) and it's changed consumers perspectives. Now, many people hear news they don't like, and it must be wrong, misleading, or purposefully harmful...when in reality, it may just be news.

But ultimately, media, including social media, benefits from all of this because it results in ratings / hits. Lord, CNN will be running headlines about Trump a year from now, because it gives them what they need.
Agree with all this.

The media (all sides, all slants) are like divorce attorneys, their financial interests are largely misaligned with their clients' best interests. The more chaos there is the more money they make.
Exactly. I've never listened to Rush...but I'm guessing he stayed fixated on Obama long after Trump became president...just like CNN, ABC, MSNBC will remain fixated on Trump for a long time --- because it works for their base.
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That's sad. You are looking at MSM outlets that hate one party so much that they want to transform the minds of 75 million+ Americans to meet their end goal of single party rule....

But, if they were having to cover Sleepy Joe and the **** show administration they would have to cover it as honestly as they could and that would not be copacetic with their master's the SOCIALIST PARTY.
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BBW12OG said:

That's sad. You are looking at MSM outlets that hate one party so much that they want to transform the minds of 75 million+ Americans to meet their end goal of single party rule....

Which is exactly what FoxNews does as well. Lets not pretend they don't contribute to the issue. In fact, I'd argue they accelerated the issue by being so good at it, and kicking the butts of the others in ratings. Opened those eyes to not even hide the agenda.

And as I've suggested before --- couple this with the way many of the reporters act on Twitter, and that even further erodes any trust. They bare their souls on that platform, it is very easy to see their biases....and when you know they are then reporting the "news", its impossible to not read bias into it.
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Packchem91 said:

BBW12OG said:

That's sad. You are looking at MSM outlets that hate one party so much that they want to transform the minds of 75 million+ Americans to meet their end goal of single party rule....

Which is exactly what FoxNews does as well. Lets not pretend they don't contribute to the issue. In fact, I'd argue they accelerated the issue by being so good at it, and kicking the butts of the others in ratings. Opened those eyes to not even hide the agenda.

And as I've suggested before --- couple this with the way many of the reporters act on Twitter, and that even further erodes any trust. They bare their souls on that platform, it is very easy to see their biases....and when you know they are then reporting the "news", its impossible to not read bias into it.
I believe social media accelerated our downfall much worse than traditional media. And the social media monster in turn further poisoned an already poisoned traditional media and destroyed any credibility it had left.
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Yep - I have been off of Facebook for about 1.5 years and it's fantastic
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ncsualum05 said:

Packchem91 said:

BBW12OG said:

That's sad. You are looking at MSM outlets that hate one party so much that they want to transform the minds of 75 million+ Americans to meet their end goal of single party rule....

Which is exactly what FoxNews does as well. Lets not pretend they don't contribute to the issue. In fact, I'd argue they accelerated the issue by being so good at it, and kicking the butts of the others in ratings. Opened those eyes to not even hide the agenda.

And as I've suggested before --- couple this with the way many of the reporters act on Twitter, and that even further erodes any trust. They bare their souls on that platform, it is very easy to see their biases....and when you know they are then reporting the "news", its impossible to not read bias into it.
I believe social media accelerated our downfall much worse than traditional media. And the social media monster in turn further poisoned an already poisoned traditional media and destroyed any credibility it had left.
yep. it all has become a cesspool.
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Pretty telling that the same group that gave Iran billions of dollars, allowed for them to forbid inspections at certain locations, required a minimum of two weeks notice prior to inspecting allowed sites, has heaped praise on rejoining the Iran Nuclear Deal is now ignoring our strongest and best Ally in the Middle East.

Guess Sleepy Joe is goose stepping to Dear Leader's playbook in lock step like his handlers are requiring.

Wake up lefties.... this isn't good for America. Not that most of you care...
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ncsualum05 said:

Packchem91 said:

BBW12OG said:

That's sad. You are looking at MSM outlets that hate one party so much that they want to transform the minds of 75 million+ Americans to meet their end goal of single party rule....

Which is exactly what FoxNews does as well. Lets not pretend they don't contribute to the issue. In fact, I'd argue they accelerated the issue by being so good at it, and kicking the butts of the others in ratings. Opened those eyes to not even hide the agenda.

And as I've suggested before --- couple this with the way many of the reporters act on Twitter, and that even further erodes any trust. They bare their souls on that platform, it is very easy to see their biases....and when you know they are then reporting the "news", its impossible to not read bias into it.
I believe social media accelerated our downfall much worse than traditional media. And the social media monster in turn further poisoned an already poisoned traditional media and destroyed any credibility it had left.
Completely. Social media is wretched for productive discourse. All sound bites and bluster.
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