Election Interference/Fraud

319,247 Views | 3695 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by BBW12OG
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IseWolf22 said:

pineknollshoresking said:

IseWolf22 said:

IseWolf22 said:

tuffy1006 said:

pineknollshoresking said:

tuffy1006 said:

pineknollshoresking said:

I love it....

The Democrats are doing background check of all National Guard folks that are to be at the inauguration for protection. If you are found to have supported Trump, you will not be allowed to protect the inauguration as you will be classified as a threat to society.
After the crap that went down this past week I'm completely ok with any incoming party to pick and choose who protects their inauguration. If you dont like it then tough s***. Stop crying "rayufs" just because your damn side lost. Many people that voted Trump first time around did not vote for him again this time....how is that hard to believe? Denial aint a river in egypt. His dumb ass handled this pandemic like an idiot....this was the result. Your anger should be with Trump....but of course it never will be

That's got to be the dumbest post to date...

Trump got ~ 12M more votes than in 2016
honestly I havn't looked at the numbers. I guess swing voters like myself stayed out of it last go around. I kinda just figured the swing voters mostly went Trump last time....I guess the reality most swing voters simply stayed home in 2016. My mistake for assuming wrong
Either way, he lost the election fair and square. I didnt realize it was the landslide it was either this time.....so why are yall complaining about a landslide election? That didnt have to be rigged. Thats like complaining about the refs after Clemson pummels the crap out of our football team.

They didn't stay home, 2020 was a historic turnout with more voters than ever before. Many non-voters showed up this year either because they loved or hated Trump.

To Trump's credit, he did a really good job motivating previous non-voters and he caused many culturally conservative, rural Democrats to switch parties.

On the other hand he drove a lot of professional, suburban Republicans out of the party, and motivated the Democrat's base even more.

As for undecideds, in 2016 Libertarians pulled 4.5 million votes and the Green party got 1.5 million. In 2020 Libertarians has 1.9 million and the Greens had 0.4 million. That's 3.7 million who didn't vote 3rd party and those heavily broke for Biden. Biden also won among those who didn't like both candidates, whereas Trump won that category in 2016.

Overall.... It's complicated.

Libertarian is the antithesis of the Biden/Harris ticket. No way they voted for them in mass! I don't believe that for one second. I could be the closet thing to a libertarian here and will tell you that just ain't happening!!!
The data says I'm right. Libertarians aligned more with the "establishment" Republicans you don't like than they do with Trump, although it's still a distantly different philosophy than Republicans/Conservatism.

"Pre-election polls predicted this2016 third-party voters, and specifically Libertarians (who made up 57 percent of the third-party electorate that year), repeatedly said that a majority of them were going straight, and preferred Biden to Trump by more than two to one."

Reason.com is one of the biggest and most respected sources of Libertarian media. The title of their last podcast is "The GOP's Authoritarian Sickness"

I'd be surprised if you've voted Libertarian more than I have, but maybe I'm wrong. You should go read up on the official party platform and see if you really align. Libertarianism is far more than low taxes and support for the second amendment. It's free trade, and liberal (small L) immigration policies. It's radically pro-civil liberties and pushes for increased accountability of anyone in government, including Police officers. It's generally incompatible with populism.
Thanks for showing me the source for the poll/data. Reason.com is a very good source. I read Reason.com very often.

As far as voting for Libertarians, you're right, you probably have voted for more Libertarians than me. I typically do not want to ever see Democrats win; so, the "waste my vote" mindset does kick in...

Libertarianism is far more than low taxes and support for the second amendment. It's free trade, and liberal (small L) immigration policies. It's radically pro-civil liberties and pushes for increased accountability of anyone in government, including Police officers. It's generally incompatible with populism.

I agree with everything you said above on libertarianism (Classic Liberal). Perhaps, you are right, I'm not a full on Libertarian as some of the writers on Reason; however, I really enjoy the perspective of people like Nick Gillespie. And, I was big supporter of Milton Friedman economics. Today, I like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz types... In fact, I voted for Ted Cruz in the 2016 primaries...
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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pineknollshoresking said:

Wolfpackrich1 said:

PKS King what else can you call Trump at this point. The man has spent the last 5 years proving to America he is a liar. I don't see how anybody can draw another conclusion. His lies created an assault on the Capital of the united States. Don't take my word. Listen to what Mike Pence, Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney and so many other said. Listen to "Stop the Steal" Rally speeches along with Donald Jr. , Rudy and others. He continued to claim the election was stolen. Knowing that he had no evidence that it was.

He lied to America about the Corona virus. Now close to 400,000 Americans are dead. You can dispute the number of dead. Somebody always does. But this virus is no hoax. President Trump said it was. Not just once dozens of times. Said we are rounding the corner on the virus as late as Late October. Said he would have Mexico pay for his wall.
What else can you call Trump at this point? I'll call him...

  • A person that loves America
  • A person that wants this country to be about America first
  • A person that spoke to people who have thought things weren't right far longer than even the Tea Party
  • A person that 74M people voted for

I think that your assertion that he's a liar comes off as an elitist. Now, I have no problem with you thinking that he's a liar; however, just change the wording a little and all's good...

As far as the deaths for the Corona Virus, no one truly knows the true numbers. In fact, people in another thread are saying NC has troubles calculating all deaths, so, I would say that could be the same with Corona.

Also, I agree... the virus is no hoax; however, I will ask for us all to consider the following:

  • 2020 had 1.8M deaths to Corona Virus - World Wide
  • 2020 had 40M abortions - World Wide

If we truly care about life, why does this not concern us?
Change what part of my wording? That he uses alternative facts. No I am not going to do that for a man that uses false hoods and disinformation as much as he does. As far as 74.2 million people voting for him does not change that he lost to mana that received 80.2 million votes. As far as me elitist. What part of my post makes me an elitist? Where did I stretch truths? I am completely in the frame work of truths.

I understand your feelings and concerns about abortions. I think that abortions is a very true topic for the conservative right to talk about. To discuss and point out the difference between them and the liberal left. I will tell you I have always supported a woman's right for choice. It fly's in direct opposite path that you represent. I can only tell you that I think that it is very complicated issue for a vast majority of Americans. I do not pretend to have a solution for it. I don't feel that we should divide this nation over it. I respect your feelings on it and know that President Trump showed great support for abolishing abortions.

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Wolfpackrich1 said:

pineknollshoresking said:

Wolfpackrich1 said:

PKS King what else can you call Trump at this point. The man has spent the last 5 years proving to America he is a liar. I don't see how anybody can draw another conclusion. His lies created an assault on the Capital of the united States. Don't take my word. Listen to what Mike Pence, Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney and so many other said. Listen to "Stop the Steal" Rally speeches along with Donald Jr. , Rudy and others. He continued to claim the election was stolen. Knowing that he had no evidence that it was.

He lied to America about the Corona virus. Now close to 400,000 Americans are dead. You can dispute the number of dead. Somebody always does. But this virus is no hoax. President Trump said it was. Not just once dozens of times. Said we are rounding the corner on the virus as late as Late October. Said he would have Mexico pay for his wall.
What else can you call Trump at this point? I'll call him...

  • A person that loves America
  • A person that wants this country to be about America first
  • A person that spoke to people who have thought things weren't right far longer than even the Tea Party
  • A person that 74M people voted for

I think that your assertion that he's a liar comes off as an elitist. Now, I have no problem with you thinking that he's a liar; however, just change the wording a little and all's good...

As far as the deaths for the Corona Virus, no one truly knows the true numbers. In fact, people in another thread are saying NC has troubles calculating all deaths, so, I would say that could be the same with Corona.

Also, I agree... the virus is no hoax; however, I will ask for us all to consider the following:

  • 2020 had 1.8M deaths to Corona Virus - World Wide
  • 2020 had 40M abortions - World Wide

If we truly care about life, why does this not concern us?
Change what part of my wording? That he uses alternative facts. No I am not going to do that for a man that uses false hoods and disinformation as much as he does. As far as 74.2 million people voting for him does not change that he lost to mana that received 80.2 million votes. As far as me elitist. What part of my post makes me an elitist? Where did I stretch truths? I am completely in the frame work of truths.

I understand your feelings and concerns about abortions. I think that abortions is a very true topic for the conservative right to talk about. To discuss and point out the difference between them and the liberal left. I will tell you I have always supported a woman's right for choice. It fly's in direct opposite path that you represent. I can only tell you that I think that it is very complicated issue for a vast majority of Americans. I do not pretend to have a solution for it. I don't feel that we should divide this nation over it. I respect your feelings on it and know that President Trump showed great support for abolishing abortions.

Change what part of my wording? That he uses alternative facts. No I am not going to do that for a man that uses false hoods and disinformation as much as he does.

Thats my point. If you want to have reasonable debates then we should talk in a way (I don't think this is exclusive to you) that doesn't create a divide. For instance: "It's my opinion that Trump is not a truthful person". That would allow for better debate and not put others in a defensive mode.

BTW, having an opinion is a way to debate. Saying that your opinion is the truth is not. So, an Elitist, in my opinion, is a person that doesn't make room for another possibility. They know it all and others have to conform to it.

Regarding abortions... I didn't bring up the idea to overturn Roe vs Wade in my post. What I was doing is drawing a parallel to the number of deaths we have in the world. I understand that people have a different opinion on the subject; however, for anyone (I'm not saying you are) to "NOT" be alarmed by the number of abortions makes me question (rightly or wrongly) ones concerns for any death statistics. That's all...
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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America first populism is the only way this country comes back. It may be too late anyway. But otherwise we're toast. America first agenda can at worst slow the decline and at best completely reverse it.

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Folks, this is the height of Elitism...

BTW, good for PBS, they fired the guy.
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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You can't take this stuff up... for those that don't know, certain ISP's around the country, are censoring both Twitter and Facebook. Facebook has filed a lawsuit against the ISP saying they can't censor them... Oh, the irony of it all... Then, this happened...

On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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pineknollshoresking said:

You can't take this stuff up... for those that don't know, certain ISP's around the country, are censoring both Twitter and Facebook. Facebook has filed a lawsuit against the ISP saying they can't censor them... Oh, the irony of it all... Then, this happened...

Uganda doesn't want a 3rd world authoritarian propaganda machine like facebook interfering in their elections! They probably have more integrity in their elections than we do now!
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ncsualum05 said:

pineknollshoresking said:

You can't take this stuff up... for those that don't know, certain ISP's around the country, are censoring both Twitter and Facebook. Facebook has filed a lawsuit against the ISP saying they can't censor them... Oh, the irony of it all... Then, this happened...

Uganda doesn't want a 3rd world authoritarian propaganda machine like facebook interfering in their elections! They probably have more integrity in their elections than we do now!
In all reality, I could care less about the Uganda election... We are acting more like a 3rd world country than the ones that truly are...
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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It's what the left wants.... total control.....
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Joe Biden and Kamala Harris become President and Vice President in 8 days
Payton Wilson on what he thought of Carter Finley: Drunk Crazy Crowded

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ncsualum05 said:

pineknollshoresking said:

You can't take this stuff up... for those that don't know, certain ISP's around the country, are censoring both Twitter and Facebook. Facebook has filed a lawsuit against the ISP saying they can't censor them... Oh, the irony of it all... Then, this happened...

Uganda doesn't want a 3rd world authoritarian propaganda machine like facebook interfering in their elections! They probably have more integrity in their elections than we do now!

That's hilarious. Good for them.
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Glasswolf said:

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris become President and Vice President in 8 days
Yes they do....and in about 6 months we'll have President Harris and whoever she picks to be her new VP
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I'm good with that
Payton Wilson on what he thought of Carter Finley: Drunk Crazy Crowded

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Glasswolf said:

I'm good with that
Of course you are. Redefining the country.... that's what you want. Good luck....
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Glasswolf said:

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris become President and Vice President in 8 days
Booooo.... Boooooo.... Booooo....
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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McConnell, Cheney, others support impeachment

Lines are being drawn in the party.

McConnell believes Trump committed impeachable offenses.

You can tell that dude is ready to be done with Trump.
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Civilized said:

McConnell, Cheney, others support impeachment

Lines are being drawn in the party.

McConnell believes Trump committed impeachable offenses.

You can tell that dude is ready to be done with Trump.

Anonymous sources say McConnell said that. Not a peep from McConnell to verify.
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pineknollshoresking said:

IseWolf22 said:

pineknollshoresking said:

IseWolf22 said:

IseWolf22 said:

tuffy1006 said:

pineknollshoresking said:

tuffy1006 said:

pineknollshoresking said:

I love it....

The Democrats are doing background check of all National Guard folks that are to be at the inauguration for protection. If you are found to have supported Trump, you will not be allowed to protect the inauguration as you will be classified as a threat to society.
After the crap that went down this past week I'm completely ok with any incoming party to pick and choose who protects their inauguration. If you dont like it then tough s***. Stop crying "rayufs" just because your damn side lost. Many people that voted Trump first time around did not vote for him again this time....how is that hard to believe? Denial aint a river in egypt. His dumb ass handled this pandemic like an idiot....this was the result. Your anger should be with Trump....but of course it never will be

That's got to be the dumbest post to date...

Trump got ~ 12M more votes than in 2016
honestly I havn't looked at the numbers. I guess swing voters like myself stayed out of it last go around. I kinda just figured the swing voters mostly went Trump last time....I guess the reality most swing voters simply stayed home in 2016. My mistake for assuming wrong
Either way, he lost the election fair and square. I didnt realize it was the landslide it was either this time.....so why are yall complaining about a landslide election? That didnt have to be rigged. Thats like complaining about the refs after Clemson pummels the crap out of our football team.

They didn't stay home, 2020 was a historic turnout with more voters than ever before. Many non-voters showed up this year either because they loved or hated Trump.

To Trump's credit, he did a really good job motivating previous non-voters and he caused many culturally conservative, rural Democrats to switch parties.

On the other hand he drove a lot of professional, suburban Republicans out of the party, and motivated the Democrat's base even more.

As for undecideds, in 2016 Libertarians pulled 4.5 million votes and the Green party got 1.5 million. In 2020 Libertarians has 1.9 million and the Greens had 0.4 million. That's 3.7 million who didn't vote 3rd party and those heavily broke for Biden. Biden also won among those who didn't like both candidates, whereas Trump won that category in 2016.

Overall.... It's complicated.

Libertarian is the antithesis of the Biden/Harris ticket. No way they voted for them in mass! I don't believe that for one second. I could be the closet thing to a libertarian here and will tell you that just ain't happening!!!
The data says I'm right. Libertarians aligned more with the "establishment" Republicans you don't like than they do with Trump, although it's still a distantly different philosophy than Republicans/Conservatism.

"Pre-election polls predicted this2016 third-party voters, and specifically Libertarians (who made up 57 percent of the third-party electorate that year), repeatedly said that a majority of them were going straight, and preferred Biden to Trump by more than two to one."

Reason.com is one of the biggest and most respected sources of Libertarian media. The title of their last podcast is "The GOP's Authoritarian Sickness"

I'd be surprised if you've voted Libertarian more than I have, but maybe I'm wrong. You should go read up on the official party platform and see if you really align. Libertarianism is far more than low taxes and support for the second amendment. It's free trade, and liberal (small L) immigration policies. It's radically pro-civil liberties and pushes for increased accountability of anyone in government, including Police officers. It's generally incompatible with populism.
Thanks for showing me the source for the poll/data. Reason.com is a very good source. I read Reason.com very often.

As far as voting for Libertarians, you're right, you probably have voted for more Libertarians than me. I typically do not want to ever see Democrats win; so, the "waste my vote" mindset does kick in...

Libertarianism is far more than low taxes and support for the second amendment. It's free trade, and liberal (small L) immigration policies. It's radically pro-civil liberties and pushes for increased accountability of anyone in government, including Police officers. It's generally incompatible with populism.

I agree with everything you said above on libertarianism (Classic Liberal). Perhaps, you are right, I'm not a full on Libertarian as some of the writers on Reason; however, I really enjoy the perspective of people like Nick Gillespie. And, I was big supporter of Milton Friedman economics. Today, I like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz types... In fact, I voted for Ted Cruz in the 2016 primaries...
You may not be a Libertarian but you can be a conservative who likes parts of Libertarianism. Rand Paul is much less of Libertarian than his father, but he still has Libertarian aspects I like. But this is why I hate when people boil this all down to left/right, communist/patriot etc. In reality there are many ideologies and most of us don't identify fully with one.

I myself call myself a Libertarian because that's what I'm closest too, but I definitely have some views that are more neoliberal and a few that are neoconservative. Everyone has a right to their worldview, although if you air it publicly, others have a right to question and/or criticize you (myself included)
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Glasswolf said:

I'm good with that
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packgrad said:

Civilized said:

McConnell, Cheney, others support impeachment

Lines are being drawn in the party.

McConnell believes Trump committed impeachable offenses.

You can tell that dude is ready to be done with Trump.

Anonymous sources say McConnell said that. Not a peep from McConnell to verify.

McConnell is a slow burn.

He did the same thing with being long-quiet on supporting the Stop the Steal BS and just letting it play out before ultimately advocating strongly for EC vote certification.

He's pretty clearly no ally of Trump but frankly I'll be surprised if he ultimately supports impeachment. That's a big leap.

Wouldn't surprise me for him to be drumming up anti-Trump sentiment behind the scenes regardless of how he ends up voting.

The next week will be interesting.
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The VP is the only adult in the room.

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Yeah, I really don't think the whole 25th Amendment or impeachment is such a great idea at this point.

All it'll do is galvanize his base and piss them off even more. Better to just let things simmer down and move on.

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Steve Williams said:

WP said:

Steve Williams said:

Was this the riot inducing speech? I literally have never heard it.
Steve, you are kidding right? You have been my most respected person on all Pack things for a long time and always the voice of reason. If you've been sucked into the insane conspiracy/insurrectionist/traitor land, my faith in humanity is going to be permanently damaged. Please say it isn't so.
No, I wasn't joking. I have purposely tuned most anything political-related out. I saw the aftermath but never saw or read the contents of Trump's speech that led up to what happened at the capitol.
Damn Steve, this hurts. You've been one of the most rational people I've ever virtually known (obviously you have no idea who I am). How any rational person can honestly say what you typed is beyond me. I'll try to enjoy reading your articles but will never look at you the same from this day forward.
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Lol. Steve never even commented on the speech and this guy is having a fit. The brainwashing is strong with this one.
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WP said:

Steve Williams said:

WP said:

Steve Williams said:

Was this the riot inducing speech? I literally have never heard it.
Steve, you are kidding right? You have been my most respected person on all Pack things for a long time and always the voice of reason. If you've been sucked into the insane conspiracy/insurrectionist/traitor land, my faith in humanity is going to be permanently damaged. Please say it isn't so.
No, I wasn't joking. I have purposely tuned most anything political-related out. I saw the aftermath but never saw or read the contents of Trump's speech that led up to what happened at the capitol.
Damn Steve, this hurts. You've been one of the most rational people I've ever virtually known (obviously you have no idea who I am). How any rational person can honestly say what you typed is beyond me. I'll try to enjoy reading your articles but will never look at you the same from this day forward.
Um...what am I missing? Steve asks if that was the speech that egged on the riots because he has never heard it.
You ask "is he serious" and he says "Yeah, I've never heard it"

And from that you got that he believes the conspiracy/election was rigged nonsense?
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Pacfanweb said:

Yeah, I really don't think the whole 25th Amendment or impeachment is such a great idea at this point.

All it'll do is galvanize his base and piss them off even more. Better to just let things simmer down and move on.

I mostly agree with you. It's largely pointless, particularly the 25th.
Conviction for impeachment would bar Trump from holding future office, but what are the chances he actually runs again. It would also deny him his pension and the $1 million per year travel budget, but frankly that's peanuts right now
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packgrad said:

The VP is the only adult in the room.

Trump told Pence last Tuesday; you'll either be remembered as a Patriot or a P***y (what he grabs); when trying to get Pence clean/rig the "hoax".

Mike Pence is a good guy that signed up for a bad job (poor lying leader's puppet). I'm glad he took the job and I'm sorry for him that he did! Mike Pence was one of few mentally stable people in the administration. I hope Trump washes off easily for him and his family! People like Mike Pence need to be in government.
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One of the things that congress is impeaching Trump for this week is refusing to accept the results of the election. The lead impeachment manager that was chosen is James Raskin, who objected to the 2016 election results..... seriously

Guess if it weren't for double standards there wouldnt be any standards at all
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packgrad said:

Lol. Steve never even commented on the speech and this guy is having a fit. The brainwashing is strong with this one.
Yeah, that might have been the most babyish post I've seen on the internet in a long, long while...

From the party of Loving Kindness nonetheless.
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Can anyone tell me why Trump's no allowed to have a presence on the internet again

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Liberalism now means you can cancel your customer's insurance if you disagree with them politically. Yay, Democrats!

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packgrad said:

Liberalism now means you can cancel your customer's insurance if you disagree with them politically. Yay, Democrats!

What type of insurance was it and was it personal or his business (he said "we").
In general, this one concerns me far more tham social media as certain types of insurance are critical. But I don't know enough specifics about this situation. I didnt even know he was a media personality now
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I don't know. I don't like to dive too deep into the comments. He said they were a AAA customer with 0 claims in 17 years.
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As I see all these things go down it's apparent that our judicial system is failing and broken as much as our congress. Our last line of defense is the courts and they are gone.
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