BollNCSU said:
So, It's been said that Tresh did not get drafted earlier because he was asking for bigger money. So then he got drafted later and took the lesser money. Am I understanding this correctly? If so, why ask for more money if you were going to subsequently fall down and when it happens take that money anyway? Is it just a gamble where you hope someone does pay you higher and pays you what you want and if they don't you're going to take it anyway? This just seems kind of crazy if I am understanding it correctly
It really is a game you have to play, almost akin to something out of Vegas and a poker table. The player and/or agent has to decide what, if anything, they are going to leak out to the executives and so on. There is also bluffing involved sometimes.
I have not been trained in those types of negotiations but if it was me my inclination would be to keep everything close to the vest. If you know you don't want to go back to school, there isn't really much other direction you can go.
To answer your question towards the end, in my mind it is exactly like a gamble.
Twitter: @RobMcLamb