Changes On The Way At Inside Pack Sports
I've been in this business for nearly 20 years now, and one constant has been $9.95. Whether that was at my previous spot or here at IPS... $9.95.
It's literally a running joke between myself, Bryant, Steve... even others at various media sites that if you want information from us... it’s going to cost you $9.95! But in life there is inflation and prices change.
At Inside Pack Sports we've consistently added value to our product over the last five years. We acquired Football Recruiting Analyst Steve Williams, who I believe is the best in the business when it comes to covering NC State football recruiting. We have great writers and analysts such as Phillip Danford and James Johnson. We’ve added an outstanding podcast platform in IPS Live as well as others such as Elite+ and IPS In Five. So much has been added to your subscription over the years.
Again, the one constant though has been $9.95. That is less than a lunch these days, certainly a dinner. Other forms of entertainment such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu consistently adjust their rates, as they should.
Going forward, so will Inside Pack Sports as starting on January 1st our premium rate will increase from $9.95 per month to $11.95 per month. We’ll be increasing two dollars monthly for our subscribers. We're announcing this two weeks ahead of time because we wanted to be upfront about the price increase but also allow for some members to lock in the current annual rate if they wish to do so.
Along with that we will have a couple of new features/services available for members.
One move is we’re announcing Ethan Barry as an additional recruiting analyst who will focus exclusively on covering non-revenue/Olympic sports at NC State. Ethan will be covering sports such as baseball, women's basketball, wrestling, etc... something we’ve had members request over the last couple of years. He’s excited about this opportunity and so am I as it’s a chance for us to further differentiate ourselves from competitors.
Also, we will be announcing a new tiering option at Inside Pack Sports that will be really cool for our members. I’ll have more information on the new tiering option later today but it will be built around a Varsity Texting Service available for members who choose to subscribe to that tier.
I’m always trying to evolve at Inside Pack Sports. We’re constantly working to improve the overall product and we’re light years ahead of where we were when we began in 2017.
That is THE goal. Build the brand, improve the platform.
We appreciate you as always, and we hope you continue to support us because we're going to bust our ass to make sure we continue to provide you with the best content we can.
James Henderson and the IPS Crew