Wolfer79 said:
Bttt since Pack Insider thinks they have breaking information from fall 2023
If it is "no longer being pursued" to move the softball stadium, I wonder if it all goes back to the cost of all those changes in the campus master plan. If they were to actually do all that construction on the master plan, the cost would be ASTRONOMICAL. Off the top of my head from memory, it proposes around 50-60 buildings being constructed or renovated/replaced.
The new integrated sciences building that is currently under construction in the Brickyard area (where Harrelson once stood) has a $180 million price tag.
Related to the PackInsider article, I wonder if it is really necessary to demolish Lee and Sullivan in the near future. From the outside, they don't look too bad. Bragaw does appear from the outside to perhaps be outdated and in need of demolition/replacement relatively soon.