hokiewolf said:
caryking said:
hokiewolf said:
caryking said:
Werewolf said:

Not just donkeys but establishment elephants too.
And not a single new dime for our southern border.
When you elect politicians, you dont get solutions. When you elect people interested in actually legislating, then something will happen. Until then, there will never be a change because much like abortion, keeping the issue open lets the politicians fill their election coffers.
Sounds like you just described Trump...
No, I did not
That doesn't describe any of our current electorate. This issue in this country is that we've moved away from the way that our government should be running. Here is how it works right now.
Executive Branch - President passes all kinds of executive orders to push through parts of his agenda because that's what we do now.
Legislative Branch - House and Senate don't actually pass laws and root for the executive branch to do whatever the party in power wants through executive fiat because it won't get passed through a vote
Judicial Branch - Make rulings based on preference as opposed to the actual written law and constitution.
The people who elect these idiots - Cheer all of this on because we think it'll benefit us somehow.
Here is what should actually happen.
Legislative Branch - Work through compromise to pass laws that are to the benefit of the country.
Executive Branch - Enforce the laws that the Legislative Branch has passed.
Judicial Branch - Rule on cases that come before them by following that law as laid out and the constitution
The people who elect these folks - Cheer because this is an actual sustainable form of governance.
Lets take the latest case that is causing an uproar in our country, abortion rights. The Supreme Court draft shows that the SC is going to overturn this and send it back to the states. Half of the country is screaming that women are losing their constitutional rights, but that just isn't the case. The original ruling created a right out of thin air. The right to an abortion is not in the constitution nor had the federal government passed a law for this. To me that means that the court originally ruled incorrectly per the way that our judicial system should work.
There is a remedy for this. The house and the senate can pass a law that makes abortion legal in all 50 states. Will it pass the house, absolutely. Will it pass the senate, absolutely not. When this happens either the legislative body of our country can come together, compromise, and then pass some form of this law...or they don't and if the people want this bad enough they can elect representatives that will make this law on a federal level.
Conversely, the states are fully within their rights to go through the same process on the state level. If California decides that they want to have abortion, then they have the right to pass a law to codify this and can operate per their law going forward. If Texas decides they don't want abortion, then they have the right to pass a law to that extent as well. In both instances if people in those states don't like it then the have the ability to elect someone to change that law, or they can move somewhere that more aligns with their worldview.
That is how this whole thing should work. The fact that we have moved away from this should be a very worrysome thing for everyone in this country.