Wolfpack said:
TheStorm said:
packofwolves said:
Wolfpack said:
Glasswolf said:
Against my better judgment I'm going to make a comment on this thread. I can go find several links to left leaning sites that post pro democratic websites that support some of my positions. But none of them would be good enough for some posters on this forum. I don't have the time or the desire to debate some posters on this forum. My best advice is to get out and register people to vote and let's see what happens in November. Whatever happens in November I will except
I have been a strong advocate for removing this forum. I'm not sure what purpose it serves. We're here to talk Pack sports...
I don't understand this. If you don't like a forum, just don't use it. There are plenty of forums on this site to discuss sports.
His problem is that he can't control what happens here. That he cannot cancel the topics that get discussed here from both sides... so he's going to whine and cry and think that if he pulls his $10 / month that it's going to get those viewpoints that he doesn't agree with shut down.
Of course, he could just stick to the four (4) SPORTS FORUMS that are here... or he could post his own topic and views on this forum.
But he's not interested in that of course.
You don't know a single thing about me. And your opinion on me or my character is not welcome. I really do not like when it becomes so personal like this. I was pointing out a clear racist comment and this is the crap I get. Got it dude, I'M the problem.
I am simply stating that, sure, I have the right to cancel my subscription. I did. You all are continuously claiming I want to cancel YOU - I do not... not sure how many times I can say it.
BUT can we just not do the racism? Do you all think this forum is full of homogeneous heterosexual white men who agree with you? Do you know at all if any of us are minorities, possibly muslims? Do I really need to spell this out for you?
Is this thread really an objective take on our presidency if it starts out with "Who the hell is running this **** show of an administration?" And you think I'M the sensitive cuck? Who's the group that consistently and persuasively sets off the personal attacks? And who is showing the insecurity in that situation? The group that can't accept basic election results? That are as vile to the presidency as the other party was last term? Get a damn mirror. Good lord... LOL
Well, I've been away a couple of day (I think) and came back to this unfortunate situation...
Wolfpack, people don't know you, correct... for that matter, I don't know Storm, Civ, Chem, BBW, werewolf, GP, etc... etc... Hell, we all know who Steve V is; however, does anyone know him? I don't. oh, don't let me forget Hokie, packgrad, XL, Glass, Oldsouljer, etc... etc...
That said, chem and I have been to blows with each other, at the same time, he and I converse respectfully, and sometimes in agreement (Nascar thread)... <- that's on the WC also, right?
Shows we're watching on Netflix, etc - WC
Music we're listening to - WC
BBQ places - WC
and so many others - WC
Wolfpack, what I don't understand is the need (I guess its a need, perhaps desire) to come on the WC and condemn posters because you don't agree with them (that's an assumption that you don't agree).
I have made it clear that the WC should (my opinion) be a "free for all" and those that want to jump in, please, do so... That said, I don't set the rules and I play by (most of the time, I think) them... I also believe the WC should be behind the pay wall, so people that aren't paying would not be allowed. That would include you.
To answer one of your questions:
Is this thread really an objective take on our presidency if it starts out with "Who the hell is running this **** show of an administration?"Obviously, some people believe Biden is doing an ok to good job. The poles indicate it. That said, those people really need to look in the mirror and ask: what kind of country is the USA? If they think that Biden is doing ok, then they (my opinion) have a lack of understanding of what this great country is and (more importantly) what its not. No matter how the "far left" wants to change this country, it's just not who we are. Sorry, that is the truth, some need to realize it...
So, please, if you don't like the WC, don't visit... We actually have fun! I would say that everyone of us would put down the rhetorical conversations and enjoy a good beer with each other. Yea, Civ, that includes you

to quote the Great Rodney King: Can't we all get along together... As much as it appears we are bickering, and we are, we all get along together expressing our opinion. if you don't like it, move on...
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…
“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”
Joe Biden