Civilized said:
caryking said:
As far as your birth rate info, we don't need anything. We have people sitting without jobs, as it stands. Just go look into any impoverished area and look at the people sitting on their porch…. These illegal immigrants are coming here and taking those jobs away. We, as a society demonize those people; however, the US Government along with elite money, took this jobs away from them.
So, right now, we don't need anymore immigration. We need for the current unemployed to take those jobs, whether white or blue collar…
The mythical porch-sitters would have all the construction work they can handle if they wanted to go into the industry.
There is a chronic labor shortage in construction for both skilled and unskilled workers despite 15% of the American construction workforce being undocumented (second by proportion only to agriculture).
The jobs are still out there.
Isn't it a little more nuanced than that, Civ?

I'm not saying that porch sitters are that answer 100%. That said, we have to start somewhere. Remember, the jobs that 15% are taking, come only from non-working American Citizens! Anyway you shake this out, it's true! What's missing are the skills, mental aspect, etc to get them back engaged in the workforce.
Pay attention to the unemployment numbers, each month. Inside those number are the people that are no longer, in the workforce numbers. That's a start!
Unfortunately, this country went through a time where a college degree was dang near a requirement for work. I don't know what requirement is needed in your industry; however, when I grew up, in Cary, while looking at your industry (because I've always enjoyed looking at housing construction) most of the sub-contractors were either white or Black.
Those people had small businesses and employed others. By the time I bought my first house, the foundation subs were starting to be Hispanic, where they used to be Black. That transformation happened slowly; however, very effectively.
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…
“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”
Joe Biden