2024 Elections

251,895 Views | 3241 Replies | Last: 9 hrs ago by packofwolves
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Civilized said:

Bas2020 said:

kamala is losing

By how much?

I think Trump has a clear advantage in the EC and the popular vote is tied.

Harris problem is she is losing the Battleground State's. Racking up votes in California, NY, Boston, Chicago does next to nothing for her.


NC- Trump 2
GA- Trump 2
Arizona- Trump 4
NV- Harris 1
PA- Trump 1
MI- Tie
VA- Harris 3
WI- Trump 1
FL- Trump 10
OH -Trump 8
TX- Trump 8
MIN- Harris 5

I don't see anything that can happen in the next 3 weeks to change the trajectory and trend we are seeing now.

1% is alot in OH, PA, MI due to total population.

It's not like Wisconsin where 1%-3% is a true toss up.

The few independents left (maybe 2%) are most likely going to break Trump for a variety of reasons.

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Civilized said:

hokiewolf said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

CoachCase said:

Civilized said:

CoachCase said:

packofwolves said:

Dems desperately want non-citizens to vote.

And this is just another example of why people question the integrity of elections! Pubs work to ensure that elections are free and open to all who can legally vote. Dems look for the opportunity to circumvent the election process. Another example is chair of Moore County Dem Party who was arrested for removing Pub campaign signs. Yet, Republicans are a threat to Democracy!?!

You'd have more traction with this fake argument if either

a) There had ever been a problem with election security in this country, or
b) Republicans didn't have a miles-long track record of trying to suppress votes of college students, poorer Americans, and people of color

Also, what is fake about argument? Facts are facts. As far as voter suppression, the Democrats of post reconstruction especially in the South historically made it their goal to suppress voting. Of course, the demographics of the party have now changed but instead of denying the vote they are trying to make every one eligible to vote in the blink of a eye instead of going through the due process that has worked for centuries. And, America's process of citizenship is much more lenient than most countries of the free world.

Facts are facts. Agreed.

And you have no facts that support consequential election fraud occurring in America.

How do you reconcile that conflict?
80 Million plus votes…. That's very consequential!

You're proving my point.
Actually, I'm proving your opinion. I know, I know… show me one case where election fraud was won…. Civ, honestly, I shouldn't even have made my post. It really isn't important anymore. That election is over and we have a new one soon.

I've only heard people, with my perspective say the following:

We want to count all legal votes and let the chips fall where they do…. We should work to make sure that becomes the truth. You and I may disagree on US Citizens voting criteria (ID or something); however, I'm confident we both want legal elections…

I've long said I think needing ID is for made-up reasons but please go ahead and do it because then we won't have to hear about fake election insecurity anymore. Just figure out a way to put a federal ID card in everyone's hands that doesn't disenfranchise voters.

You're right, I want legal elections so I'm very glad we have them already and always have!
what percentage of voters do you think don't have an id? I think it hovers right around 0% because you need a form of ID to get other benefits from the govt, let alone cable and internet, which everyone who could potentially be dispensers to get those services as well as beer, wine, and cigarettes.

I understand I. The 90s, sure voter ID would be an issue. But not in 2024. It's a tired argument.

Not very egalitarian of you, hokie. Not very empirical, either.

The numbers you always see when this is studied is that between 3% and 11% of eligible voters in this country don't have ID that meets strict voter ID laws.

The last presidency was decided by 0.3%; 0.24%; and 0.63% in key swing states in Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin.

What percentage of voters not having an ID, or having ID's unreasonably deemed unacceptable (college students) do you think is a tolerable prospective quelling of turnout?

We're super comfortable with the reality of 3% - 11% of voters not having requisite ID, with swing-state margins that decide presidencies being well under 1%?

The problem here is threefold - voter ID laws impact a statistically meaningful subset of America; the demographics they disproportionately impact are minority; and the premise of requiring strict voter ID is to combat an alleged problem - voter impersonation - that is vanishingly rare.


Another 10 studies GAO reviewed showed mixed effects of various forms of state voter ID requirements on turnout. All 10 studies examined general elections before 2008, and 1 of the 10 studies also included the 2004 through 2012 general elections. Five of these 10 studies found that ID requirements had no statistically significant effect on turnout; in contrast 4 studies found decreases in turnout and 1 found an increase in turnout that were statistically significant.

Issues Related to Voter ID Laws

Here's one from your jam, Reason:

Do Voter ID Laws Suppress Democratic Votes

and the study it cites:

Who benefits from voter ID laws?

The study cited by Reason brings up an interesting prospective confounder - the actual negative impact of voter ID laws may be mostly or fully offset by campaigning against them to turn out the vote in areas with stricter ID laws.

But as a democratic society disenfranchising voters is an intolerable outcome. We can't be cavalier or anecdotal or worst case scenario - maliciously supportive - about cooling voter turnout.

So again - just put a federal ID card in people's hands and then we're all sure there's no problem. Everybody's got ID which will appease both the anti-disenfranchisement crowd, and the voter impersonation crowd can stop complaining about a fake problem.

you're making an assumption that that 3-11% of people without ids are also voters. I highly doubt the actual percentage of those folks actually vote, and it's not because they do t have an id. I actually think the opposite would happen, having a voter ID law would make more of these people want to vote.

If this is such a bad idea, please explain Georgia to me.
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Bas2020 said:

Civilized said:

Bas2020 said:

kamala is losing

By how much?

I think Trump has a clear advantage in the EC and the popular vote is tied.

Harris problem is she is losing the Battleground State's. Racking up votes in California, NY, Boston, Chicago does next to nothing for her.


NC- Trump 2
GA- Trump 2
Arizona- Trump 4
NV- Harris 1
PA- Trump 1
MI- Tie
VA- Harris 3
WI- Trump 1
FL- Trump 10
OH -Trump 8
TX- Trump 8

I don't see anything that can happen in the next 3 weeks to change the trajectory and trend we are seeing now.

The few independents left (may 2%) are most likely going to break Trump for a variety of reasons.

I think your outlook is basically what happens if every single thing breaks for Trump, which doesn't often happen in elections.

The polls definitely don't agree with you. Aggregations have Harris as +3 in the popular and the EC a true 50/50 tossup. But you probably don't trust the polls.

But even if you're right, Trump at +1 in NV, PA, WI is where the vulnerability in his path to the White House is.

Margin of error in polling is well over 1 point (more like 2-3 points).

You know what I hope happens in three weeks but the only thing that will surprise me is a decisive victory either way. I fully expect Harris to win the popular by 2-4 points and the EC to come down to small margins in two or three states, just like last time.

It's basically impossible to know what will happen till we get there.
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hokiewolf said:

Civilized said:

hokiewolf said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

CoachCase said:

Civilized said:

CoachCase said:

packofwolves said:

Dems desperately want non-citizens to vote.

And this is just another example of why people question the integrity of elections! Pubs work to ensure that elections are free and open to all who can legally vote. Dems look for the opportunity to circumvent the election process. Another example is chair of Moore County Dem Party who was arrested for removing Pub campaign signs. Yet, Republicans are a threat to Democracy!?!

You'd have more traction with this fake argument if either

a) There had ever been a problem with election security in this country, or
b) Republicans didn't have a miles-long track record of trying to suppress votes of college students, poorer Americans, and people of color

Also, what is fake about argument? Facts are facts. As far as voter suppression, the Democrats of post reconstruction especially in the South historically made it their goal to suppress voting. Of course, the demographics of the party have now changed but instead of denying the vote they are trying to make every one eligible to vote in the blink of a eye instead of going through the due process that has worked for centuries. And, America's process of citizenship is much more lenient than most countries of the free world.

Facts are facts. Agreed.

And you have no facts that support consequential election fraud occurring in America.

How do you reconcile that conflict?
80 Million plus votes…. That's very consequential!

You're proving my point.
Actually, I'm proving your opinion. I know, I know… show me one case where election fraud was won…. Civ, honestly, I shouldn't even have made my post. It really isn't important anymore. That election is over and we have a new one soon.

I've only heard people, with my perspective say the following:

We want to count all legal votes and let the chips fall where they do…. We should work to make sure that becomes the truth. You and I may disagree on US Citizens voting criteria (ID or something); however, I'm confident we both want legal elections…

I've long said I think needing ID is for made-up reasons but please go ahead and do it because then we won't have to hear about fake election insecurity anymore. Just figure out a way to put a federal ID card in everyone's hands that doesn't disenfranchise voters.

You're right, I want legal elections so I'm very glad we have them already and always have!
what percentage of voters do you think don't have an id? I think it hovers right around 0% because you need a form of ID to get other benefits from the govt, let alone cable and internet, which everyone who could potentially be dispensers to get those services as well as beer, wine, and cigarettes.

I understand I. The 90s, sure voter ID would be an issue. But not in 2024. It's a tired argument.

Not very egalitarian of you, hokie. Not very empirical, either.

The numbers you always see when this is studied is that between 3% and 11% of eligible voters in this country don't have ID that meets strict voter ID laws.

The last presidency was decided by 0.3%; 0.24%; and 0.63% in key swing states in Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin.

What percentage of voters not having an ID, or having ID's unreasonably deemed unacceptable (college students) do you think is a tolerable prospective quelling of turnout?

We're super comfortable with the reality of 3% - 11% of voters not having requisite ID, with swing-state margins that decide presidencies being well under 1%?

The problem here is threefold - voter ID laws impact a statistically meaningful subset of America; the demographics they disproportionately impact are minority; and the premise of requiring strict voter ID is to combat an alleged problem - voter impersonation - that is vanishingly rare.


Another 10 studies GAO reviewed showed mixed effects of various forms of state voter ID requirements on turnout. All 10 studies examined general elections before 2008, and 1 of the 10 studies also included the 2004 through 2012 general elections. Five of these 10 studies found that ID requirements had no statistically significant effect on turnout; in contrast 4 studies found decreases in turnout and 1 found an increase in turnout that were statistically significant.

Issues Related to Voter ID Laws

Here's one from your jam, Reason:

Do Voter ID Laws Suppress Democratic Votes

and the study it cites:

Who benefits from voter ID laws?

The study cited by Reason brings up an interesting prospective confounder - the actual negative impact of voter ID laws may be mostly or fully offset by campaigning against them to turn out the vote in areas with stricter ID laws.

But as a democratic society disenfranchising voters is an intolerable outcome. We can't be cavalier or anecdotal or worst case scenario - maliciously supportive - about cooling voter turnout.

So again - just put a federal ID card in people's hands and then we're all sure there's no problem. Everybody's got ID which will appease both the anti-disenfranchisement crowd, and the voter impersonation crowd can stop complaining about a fake problem.

you're making an assumption that that 3-11% of people without ids are also voters. I highly doubt the actual percentage of those folks actually vote, and it's not because they do t have an id. I actually think the opposite would happen, having a voter ID law would make more of these people want to vote.

If this is such a bad idea, please explain Georgia to me.

I'm making the assumption that some of the 5 million - 17 million people without ID's vote.

You're making the assumption none do.

Which assumption is safer?

Again, we have states coming down to tens of thousands of votes. Even in the most conservative scenarios, say 3% don't have ID's and only 5% of those vote, that's 250,000 people. And that's in the most realistically conservative scenario.

Sorry, there's no justifiable reason to suppress hundreds of thousands of votes.

And you seem to just be ignoring the studies I posted and just posting what you think will happen. It's been quantified what happens so there's no reason to just dream up what you think will happen.

Ensuring our citizens can vote may literally be the most fundamental right in a democracy. Do you have a problem with putting a federal photo ID in everyone's hands to make sure they aren't denied that right?
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My outlook is actually very cautious..

The polls have been wrong on Trump in favor of Clinton by 8 and Biden by 5.

IF the polls are "off" the same way they typically are then Trump wins in a landslide .

4 years ago on this date the pollsters had Trump down 8-10 points … now it's tied? Yikes .

We will know more in 10 days once more early voting data rolls in .
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Civilized said:

packofwolves said:

Notice Dems fight any actions to help ensure the integrity of elections. The latest is fighting Georgia's added process to validate the vote counts.


Democrats are in the midst of suing Georgia's State Election Board over a recently passed rule that would require all votes be counted by hand in each county after they are machine-tabulated to ensure the totals match.

Rep. Nikema Williams, D-Ga., chairwoman of the Georgia Democratic Party, told Fox News Digital earlier this month that the new rule's intent was "to sow division and distrust and chaos in our election process."

If you want to disagree with her, then tell us what the new rule's intent actually is.

Because our elections already have as much or more integrity than any country in the world.

This election security bull**** would be like if the president had 150 million dollars in the bank and reconciled his checkbook down to a rounding error year after year after year.

But then inexplicably he came out one year and started lambasting the banking industry left and right and claimed his money isn't safe in banks and caused massive public distrust in the banking industry and encouraged legislators to get legislation passed "just to make sure the banking industry is safe."

We'd all think that was wacky as ****, and clearly counterproductive to drum up significant public distrust in banking even though our banks are as good or better than banks anywhere.

That's what Trump has done with elections. He's infected the brains of tens of millions of Americans because he's a child that can't stand to lose.

If our country has as much security or more than any other country, would you Mind duplicating another country's policy?

Example: stick a finger in an ink bottle to ensure your vote
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Bas2020 said:

My outlook is actually very cautious..

The polls have been wrong on Trump in favor of Clinton by 8 and Biden by 5.

IF the polls are "off" the same way they typically are then Trump wins in a landslide .

4 years ago on this date the pollsters had Trump down 8-10 points … now it's tied? Yikes .

We will know more in 10 days once more early voting data rolls in .

...Indicating that perhaps pollsters are getting better at capturing Trump votes. I'd be shocked if the polls are off 5+ points this time.

Trump is a confounder with polling though, clearly.
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caryking said:

Civilized said:

packofwolves said:

Notice Dems fight any actions to help ensure the integrity of elections. The latest is fighting Georgia's added process to validate the vote counts.


Democrats are in the midst of suing Georgia's State Election Board over a recently passed rule that would require all votes be counted by hand in each county after they are machine-tabulated to ensure the totals match.

Rep. Nikema Williams, D-Ga., chairwoman of the Georgia Democratic Party, told Fox News Digital earlier this month that the new rule's intent was "to sow division and distrust and chaos in our election process."

If you want to disagree with her, then tell us what the new rule's intent actually is.

Because our elections already have as much or more integrity than any country in the world.

This election security bull**** would be like if the president had 150 million dollars in the bank and reconciled his checkbook down to a rounding error year after year after year.

But then inexplicably he came out one year and started lambasting the banking industry left and right and claimed his money isn't safe in banks and caused massive public distrust in the banking industry and encouraged legislators to get legislation passed "just to make sure the banking industry is safe."

We'd all think that was wacky as ****, and clearly counterproductive to drum up significant public distrust in banking even though our banks are as good or better than banks anywhere.

That's what Trump has done with elections. He's infected the brains of tens of millions of Americans because he's a child that can't stand to lose.

If our country has as much security or more than any other country, would you Mind duplicating another country's policy?

Example: stick a finger in an ink bottle to ensure your vote

Would I mind requiring sticking a finger in an ink bottle to ensure people don't vote twice? Sure.
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Bas2020 said:

My outlook is actually very cautious..

The polls have been wrong on Trump in favor of Clinton by 8 and Biden by 5.

IF the polls are "off" the same way they typically are then Trump wins in a landslide .

4 years ago on this date the pollsters had Trump down 8-10 points … now it's tied? Yikes .

We will know more in 10 days once more early voting data rolls in .
If that story about Walz dismissed from teaching for indecent liberties with a minor ever got legs, they'd both be toast. Says something about her judgment in picking something like him for a running mate.
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Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

packofwolves said:

Notice Dems fight any actions to help ensure the integrity of elections. The latest is fighting Georgia's added process to validate the vote counts.


Democrats are in the midst of suing Georgia's State Election Board over a recently passed rule that would require all votes be counted by hand in each county after they are machine-tabulated to ensure the totals match.

Rep. Nikema Williams, D-Ga., chairwoman of the Georgia Democratic Party, told Fox News Digital earlier this month that the new rule's intent was "to sow division and distrust and chaos in our election process."

If you want to disagree with her, then tell us what the new rule's intent actually is.

Because our elections already have as much or more integrity than any country in the world.

This election security bull**** would be like if the president had 150 million dollars in the bank and reconciled his checkbook down to a rounding error year after year after year.

But then inexplicably he came out one year and started lambasting the banking industry left and right and claimed his money isn't safe in banks and caused massive public distrust in the banking industry and encouraged legislators to get legislation passed "just to make sure the banking industry is safe."

We'd all think that was wacky as ****, and clearly counterproductive to drum up significant public distrust in banking even though our banks are as good or better than banks anywhere.

That's what Trump has done with elections. He's infected the brains of tens of millions of Americans because he's a child that can't stand to lose.

If our country has as much security or more than any other country, would you Mind duplicating another country's policy?

Example: stick a finger in an ink bottle to ensure your vote

Would I mind requiring sticking a finger in an ink bottle to ensure people don't vote twice? Sure.
Well, that's a start…
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Oldsouljer said:

Bas2020 said:

My outlook is actually very cautious..

The polls have been wrong on Trump in favor of Clinton by 8 and Biden by 5.

IF the polls are "off" the same way they typically are then Trump wins in a landslide .

4 years ago on this date the pollsters had Trump down 8-10 points … now it's tied? Yikes .

We will know more in 10 days once more early voting data rolls in .
If that story about Walz dismissed from teaching for indecent liberties with a minor ever got legs, they'd both be toast. Says something about her judgment in picking something like him for a running mate.

I'd wait to see if it's verified . After what the dirty democrats did to Brett Kavanaugh I'd never want to repeat that . Difference I know is that democrat senators pushed the kavanaugh rape hoax where as the Walz story is just online folks as of today .
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Oldsouljer said:

Bas2020 said:

My outlook is actually very cautious..

The polls have been wrong on Trump in favor of Clinton by 8 and Biden by 5.

IF the polls are "off" the same way they typically are then Trump wins in a landslide .

4 years ago on this date the pollsters had Trump down 8-10 points … now it's tied? Yikes .

We will know more in 10 days once more early voting data rolls in .
If that story about Walz dismissed from teaching for indecent liberties with a minor ever got legs, they'd both be toast. Says something about her judgment in picking something like him for a running mate.
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#Sieve, it's not looking good, buddy. You can be a hero by simply jumping off the sinking ship, #justdoit

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Bas2020 said:

Oldsouljer said:

Bas2020 said:

My outlook is actually very cautious..

The polls have been wrong on Trump in favor of Clinton by 8 and Biden by 5.

IF the polls are "off" the same way they typically are then Trump wins in a landslide .

4 years ago on this date the pollsters had Trump down 8-10 points … now it's tied? Yikes .

We will know more in 10 days once more early voting data rolls in .
If that story about Walz dismissed from teaching for indecent liberties with a minor ever got legs, they'd both be toast. Says something about her judgment in picking something like him for a running mate.

I'd wait to see if it's verified . After what the dirty democrats did to Brett Kavanaugh I'd never want to repeat that . Difference I know is that democrat senators pushed the kavanaugh rape hoax where as the Walz story is just online folks as of today .
Didn't say I believed it, just that if it became quickly and widely disseminated…..
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Oldsouljer said:

Bas2020 said:

Oldsouljer said:

Bas2020 said:

My outlook is actually very cautious..

The polls have been wrong on Trump in favor of Clinton by 8 and Biden by 5.

IF the polls are "off" the same way they typically are then Trump wins in a landslide .

4 years ago on this date the pollsters had Trump down 8-10 points … now it's tied? Yikes .

We will know more in 10 days once more early voting data rolls in .
If that story about Walz dismissed from teaching for indecent liberties with a minor ever got legs, they'd both be toast. Says something about her judgment in picking something like him for a running mate.

I'd wait to see if it's verified . After what the dirty democrats did to Brett Kavanaugh I'd never want to repeat that . Difference I know is that democrat senators pushed the kavanaugh rape hoax where as the Walz story is just online folks as of today .
Didn't say I believed it, just that if it became quickly and widely disseminated…..

Just like the stories about JD Vance fornicating with a couch.
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Oldsouljer said:

Bas2020 said:

Oldsouljer said:

Bas2020 said:

My outlook is actually very cautious..

The polls have been wrong on Trump in favor of Clinton by 8 and Biden by 5.

IF the polls are "off" the same way they typically are then Trump wins in a landslide .

4 years ago on this date the pollsters had Trump down 8-10 points … now it's tied? Yikes .

We will know more in 10 days once more early voting data rolls in .
If that story about Walz dismissed from teaching for indecent liberties with a minor ever got legs, they'd both be toast. Says something about her judgment in picking something like him for a running mate.

I'd wait to see if it's verified . After what the dirty democrats did to Brett Kavanaugh I'd never want to repeat that . Difference I know is that democrat senators pushed the kavanaugh rape hoax where as the Walz story is just online folks as of today .
Didn't say I believed it, just that if it became quickly and widely disseminated…..
This summarizes the entire MAGA movement perfectly.
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Civilized said:

Oldsouljer said:

Bas2020 said:

Oldsouljer said:

Bas2020 said:

My outlook is actually very cautious..

The polls have been wrong on Trump in favor of Clinton by 8 and Biden by 5.

IF the polls are "off" the same way they typically are then Trump wins in a landslide .

4 years ago on this date the pollsters had Trump down 8-10 points … now it's tied? Yikes .

We will know more in 10 days once more early voting data rolls in .
If that story about Walz dismissed from teaching for indecent liberties with a minor ever got legs, they'd both be toast. Says something about her judgment in picking something like him for a running mate.

I'd wait to see if it's verified . After what the dirty democrats did to Brett Kavanaugh I'd never want to repeat that . Difference I know is that democrat senators pushed the kavanaugh rape hoax where as the Walz story is just online folks as of today .
Didn't say I believed it, just that if it became quickly and widely disseminated…..

Just like the stories about JD Vance fornicating with a couch.
Now that one was funny! Even so, as someone with a family member who was falsely accused of that crime, I don't take these allegations automatically, even with someone I detest, like Walz.
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A 49 or 50 state sweep......the most likely loss is the state of Washington which is the most corrupt of all 50 states and under the control of the CCP
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Something to consider plausible
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Our Nation is under attack, it's very simple fellas.

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Civilized said:

packofwolves said:

Notice Dems fight any actions to help ensure the integrity of elections. The latest is fighting Georgia's added process to validate the vote counts.


Democrats are in the midst of suing Georgia's State Election Board over a recently passed rule that would require all votes be counted by hand in each county after they are machine-tabulated to ensure the totals match.

Rep. Nikema Williams, D-Ga., chairwoman of the Georgia Democratic Party, told Fox News Digital earlier this month that the new rule's intent was "to sow division and distrust and chaos in our election process."

If you want to disagree with her, then tell us what the new rule's intent actually is.

Because our elections already have as much or more integrity than any country in the world.

This election security bull**** would be like if the president had 150 million dollars in the bank and reconciled his checkbook down to a rounding error year after year after year.

But then inexplicably he came out one year and started lambasting the banking industry left and right and claimed his money isn't safe in banks and caused massive public distrust in the banking industry and encouraged legislators to get legislation passed "just to make sure the banking industry is safe."

We'd all think that was wacky as ****, and clearly counterproductive to drum up significant public distrust in banking even though our banks are as good or better than banks anywhere.

That's what Trump has done with elections. He's infected the brains of tens of millions of Americans because he's a child that can't stand to lose.

This is an action by the governor of Georgia, but you deflect to Trump. A hand count certainly will not "sow division and distrust and chaos in our election process". What a ridiculous argument.

Why should anyone care if the Kemp/state of Georgia chooses to hand count? Elections are secure, so there should be no concerns with the counts not matching, correct? So no one should care.
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Civilized said:

Oldsouljer said:

Bas2020 said:

Oldsouljer said:

Bas2020 said:

My outlook is actually very cautious..

The polls have been wrong on Trump in favor of Clinton by 8 and Biden by 5.

IF the polls are "off" the same way they typically are then Trump wins in a landslide .

4 years ago on this date the pollsters had Trump down 8-10 points … now it's tied? Yikes .

We will know more in 10 days once more early voting data rolls in .
If that story about Walz dismissed from teaching for indecent liberties with a minor ever got legs, they'd both be toast. Says something about her judgment in picking something like him for a running mate.

I'd wait to see if it's verified . After what the dirty democrats did to Brett Kavanaugh I'd never want to repeat that . Difference I know is that democrat senators pushed the kavanaugh rape hoax where as the Walz story is just online folks as of today .
Didn't say I believed it, just that if it became quickly and widely disseminated…..

Just like the stories about JD Vance fornicating with a couch.
Didn't you believe that?
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caryking said:

Civilized said:

Oldsouljer said:

Bas2020 said:

Oldsouljer said:

Bas2020 said:

My outlook is actually very cautious..

The polls have been wrong on Trump in favor of Clinton by 8 and Biden by 5.

IF the polls are "off" the same way they typically are then Trump wins in a landslide .

4 years ago on this date the pollsters had Trump down 8-10 points … now it's tied? Yikes .

We will know more in 10 days once more early voting data rolls in .
If that story about Walz dismissed from teaching for indecent liberties with a minor ever got legs, they'd both be toast. Says something about her judgment in picking something like him for a running mate.

I'd wait to see if it's verified . After what the dirty democrats did to Brett Kavanaugh I'd never want to repeat that . Difference I know is that democrat senators pushed the kavanaugh rape hoax where as the Walz story is just online folks as of today .
Didn't say I believed it, just that if it became quickly and widely disseminated…..

Just like the stories about JD Vance fornicating with a couch.
Didn't you believe that?

Civ excitedly cheered the rape accusations against Kavanaugh. Civ loves rape, when it's levied against a conservative.
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Civilized said:

packofwolves said:

Notice Dems fight any actions to help ensure the integrity of elections. The latest is fighting Georgia's added process to validate the vote counts.


Democrats are in the midst of suing Georgia's State Election Board over a recently passed rule that would require all votes be counted by hand in each county after they are machine-tabulated to ensure the totals match.

Rep. Nikema Williams, D-Ga., chairwoman of the Georgia Democratic Party, told Fox News Digital earlier this month that the new rule's intent was "to sow division and distrust and chaos in our election process."

If you want to disagree with her, then tell us what the new rule's intent actually is.

Because our elections already have as much or more integrity than any country in the world.

This election security bull**** would be like if the president had 150 million dollars in the bank and reconciled his checkbook down to a rounding error year after year after year.

But then inexplicably he came out one year and started lambasting the banking industry left and right and claimed his money isn't safe in banks and caused massive public distrust in the banking industry and encouraged legislators to get legislation passed "just to make sure the banking industry is safe."

We'd all think that was wacky as ****, and clearly counterproductive to drum up significant public distrust in banking even though our banks are as good or better than banks anywhere.

That's what Trump has done with elections. He's infected the brains of tens of millions of Americans because he's a child that can't stand to lose.

That or democrats know any shenanigans usually benefit them in elections?
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Talking about a supposed grown man acting like a child...
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TheStorm said:

Talking about a supposed grown man acting like a child...
Yea, these wackos need to post their stuff over on the Football forum. That's where Wackos can stick together and hash it out…
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Valid question.

The video is just as painful to watch as Biden's bad debate.

Seriously, what's going on here?
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I think this is the town hall meeting in which two people in the crowd needed medical attention and Trump paused his talk to let medical personnel take care of the sick. No more, no less.
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Civilized said:

Valid question.

The video is just as painful to watch as Biden's bad debate.

Seriously, what's going on here?

Boy, you are really looking deranged here. Don't cry about were or guerrilla when you post stupid **** like this.
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"Is anyone here invested in crypto or even just Bitcoin? Just curious. I am heavily into it and keep up with news on the crypto front as well as the overall financial sector. It's amazing to see what has changed in just the last year with regards to our gov'ts stance on crypto and innovation. And when I first got into it it was fairly non partisan but has now become a completely partisan issue. The democrats have taken a strong stance that they do not want crypto in the US and have tried to screw investors over on many fronts. The republicans in contrast are taking a pro-crypto stance. This is one of the biggest issues now for me. And it has not played a major role in elections to this point but I believe the 2024 election will be the first where this issue starts to be on the radar. I read somewhere around 1 in 4 households in America now owns at least some Bitcoin or crypto.

It will be interesting to watch. Biden has spoken lie after lie against it. RFK was a speaker at the Bitcoin conference in Miami. Trump has stayed out of this largely (which is odd to say on anything) but in the past had a mild stance against it. However given all the dynamic shifts since he was last in office I would imagine he will have to speak on it soon. DeSantis has also taken pro crypto stances as has Ted Cruz and Cynthia Lummus. Again... I don't know what will happen but it could be something to watch."

I posted the above in another election thread back in May of 2023. I've posted some whoppers in my time but it turns out I was somewhat right on this one. It could explain why more Gen Z is breaking for Trump. It has also been openly spoken about in campaigns now for the first time. I know there's a lot riding on this election and a lot of big issues being only a few weeks away now but I still think that it was smart for the GOP and Trump to take a pro stance on this for the last few years. Now Kamala is just throwing **** at the wall to see if it sticks... she even tied crypto to helping black men... lol.
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CoachCase said:

I think this is the town hall meeting in which two people in the crowd needed medical attention and Trump paused his talk to let medical personnel take care of the sick. No more, no less.

Let's hope those two are okay. Edit to add LOL at Civ. Hoping, wishing, praying for ANYTHING to latch on to.
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Gulfstream4 said:

CoachCase said:

I think this is the town hall meeting in which two people in the crowd needed medical attention and Trump paused his talk to let medical personnel take care of the sick. No more, no less.

Let's hope those two are okay. Edit to add LOL at Civ. Hoping, wishing, praying for ANYTHING to latch on to.

Nice try.

The defacto concert continued after the fainters got attended to, complete with Trump's complete and total lack of normal everyday human decency thrown in for good measure.


"Would anybody else like to faint? Please raise your hand," Trump quipped after the second individual was helped to their feet.

Rather than continue with questions, he indicated that he wanted his staff to play more of his music. They obliged, playing "Time to Say Goodbye" by Andrea Bocelli and "It's A Man's Man's Man's World" by James Brown.

"We could do another question or two if you'd like," Trump said, eliciting cheers from the crowd, before changing his mind. "How about this? We'll play 'YMCA,' and we'll go home."

Evidently it was incredibly hot in the venue. A day or two after a massive Coachella logistics cluster where it was a million degrees in the desert and there were more people passing out due to lack of shade/water/whatever and hundreds of people were stranded five miles away from where they parked because the bus company that brought them there didn't come back to get them.

Who is running logistics for his events, Eric and Don Jr.'s kids?
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