Was the JFK assignation an inside job?

10,569 Views | 79 Replies | Last: 15 days ago by Werewolf
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I'm not saying I buy into all this; however, my distrust of government certainly allows me to scratch my head and say...


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caryking said:

I'm not saying I buy into all this; however, my distrust of government certainly allows me to scratch my head and say...


The truth is coming..........it is being rolled out slowly

Remember the name George H W Bush
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Oh no...the "crazy conspiracy theorists" are RIGHT again.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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I always thought the mafia made the most sense to me as far as who had JFK killed.
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I started a thread on this over four years ago (which didn't get much traction):


I cited a small portion of the evidence proving the truth (some YouTube vides of eyewitnesses) -- that JFK was shot from the front (with the shot causing his head to move to the back and left), and that the shooter(s) were located in the area of the so-called "grassy knoll".

Don't believe it? Watch the eyewitnesses say it themselves (below), describing hearing/seeing the shots come from the grassy knoll, and even seeing the person(s) with the gun and puffs of smoke coming from the rifle! Amazingly, YouTube hasn't yet censored/removed these videos.

1. Several railroad workers were on the triple overpass overlooking the area, and witnessed/heard a shot come from the area of the grassy knoll, from behind the fence. All witnessed a "puff of smoke" from the rifle linger in the air for several seconds.

2. Eyewitness Beverly Oliver was filming the Presidential motorcade. She is firmly convinced that shots came from the area of the grassy knoll "in the area of the picket fence". She says she saw a "figure" (person) in the area and "smoke" (ie, from the rifle).

3. Eyewitness Bill Newman firmly believes that shot(s) came from the area of the grassy knoll, based both upon the impact the shots had on the President's head as well as the sound of the shots.

4. Gordon Arnold was filming the Presidential motorcade travelling down Elm Street from the "mounded" area known as the "Grassy Knoll", just in front of the picket fence. He claims that two shots were fired over his head from behind, stating that he "hit the dirt" after feeling the first shot go by just over his left shoulder. Arnold says that he remained lying down for the duration of the shooting until he was confronted by two policemen who confiscated his film and ordered him to leave the area. He suggested that he had been afraid to report the incident due to claims of "peculiar" deaths of witnesses to the assassination .

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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hokiewolf said:

I always thought the mafia made the most sense to me as far as who had JFK killed.
Does the Italian mafia control our government and Establishment media? Is that why our own government and the Establishment media has covered up the truth for almost 60 years?

No. The organization/entity ultimately responsible for murdering JFK is much more powerful than the mafia. Let's call it the "real government" within our government (CIA, etc)....or the "Deep State", to use popular terminology.

Now, maybe this Deep State subcontracted some mafia people to pull the trigger, or kill some of the eyewitnesses, or engage in other acts surrounding the assassination. Sure. But it goes much, much deeper than the mafia.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

Oh no...the "crazy conspiracy theorists" are RIGHT again.
There is a mafia/cabal that controls America through the Council on Foreign Relations and thence down to the operative unit, the CIA. If that was the framework of the organization in 1963 time will tell. George H W Bush was there and leaning up against a building wall per a couple of pics.
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JFK Jr's crashed plane recovered and being inspected by two persons.
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From the link posted by Cary, here's a very short clip of the key portion of the Tucker Carlson show where he cites a person with access to the still classified CIA documents who says that the CIA was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Here's a longer portion of this segment of the show:

As rightfully pointed out by Tucker in this segment, the term "conspiracy theory" was created and popularized (by the NY Times and other lapdog Establishment media) immediately after the JFK assassination, to smear and disparage those who questioned the official story and believed that there was, in fact, a conspiracy involved in the murder of JFK.

So you see, you gullible lemmings who believe everything you are told to believe by the criminal Establishment....when you are a good little boy and parrot the smear term "conspiracy theorist" to attempt to attack people like me, it's really just a compliment and badge of honor.

Yes, we are the people left in the world who still have a working brain, and who can see something so obvious as the fact that the "official" story on the JFK assassination is a preposterous pile of garbage. And we are the people with the courage to speak the truth, and who don't cower to peer pressure and parrot the "politically correct" views everyone is brainwashed to believe.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GP Truth!
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Think about the GARGANTUAN ramifications of the JFK assassination, and more importantly the ensuing cover-up. Virtually all levels of the U.S. Government, 99.9% of Establishment media, and most other major institutions (universities, etc) in our society have been actively involved in covering up the truth about this for almost 60 years, and are still doing it to this day.

This one issue alone ought to be enough to shatter your trust in the U.S. Government, Establishment media, academia, and other major institutions. This is a criminal Establishment. The U.S. Government, Establishment media, academia, and these other major institutions are willingly part of a criminal network, or controlled by it. This "cabal" is incredibly wicked/nefarious and extremely powerful.

This is why so-called "conspiracy theorists" exist. Issues like the JFK assassination and cover-up are the reason why a huge portion of the country completely distrusts the government, Establishment media, and other "Establishment" institutions. And that's just one issue. Once any curious and thoughtful person starts digging around and investigating other important issues, they will very easily find out that the government, Establishment media, academia, and other Establishment institutions are blatantly lying about hundreds of other extremely important issues, and that the government has been involved in hundreds of other nefarious plots and crimes (illegal wars, false flags, etc)....cementing the reality that this is a criminal government and Establishment cabal that cannot be trusted at all, and which is actively involved in waging war against the citizenry (seeking to enslave us and destroy our freedoms, etc) and is deceiving the masses on virtually every issue of importance.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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What's more unbelievable, far-fetched, or unthinkable? That a criminal cabal controlling the government and media could perpetrate real or fake "school shootings", as a pretext to take away your gun rights? Or that they could deliberately lie in order to start wars overseas, for ulterior motives? Or that they could assassinate a sitting president (the "most powerful man in the world"), and then get away with it scot free and blatantly frame a patsy and cover up the truth for 60 years, telling the public a preposterous cover story?

And once you know the truth about the JFK assassination and realize that this government and Establishment is, in fact, wicked and nefarious enough to murder JFK and cover up the truth for all these years and lie to the public, then you can also clearly realize that they have malevolent intent towards the people of this nation, and are also capable of staging school shootings to enact gun control, deliberately lying to start wars, and lying about the threat posed by a virus in order to enact a tyrannical agenda, etc.

One of the things that people who attack "conspiracy theorists" always say is something like "Oh come on, there's no way that everyone could be in on the conspiracy. Come on, the government, and Establishment media, and 99% of academia can't all be in on the conspiracy! Surely the truth would get out! People can't keep secrets."

Well, hello genius...they are doing exactly just that with the JFK assassination and cover-up. They ARE all in on it. But actually, it's not a secret at all. They tried to suppress the truth, but the truth still got out - despite them killing many eyewitnesses to the assassination, etc. It's just that most people are too lazy to seek out the truth, and prefer to be lazy and have the criminal Establishment Lamestream media and government spoon feed them lies.

But if they had just an ounce of curiosity or good sense, they could do something as simple as search the internet or YouTube for a bunch of eyewitnesses to the JFK assassination describing the shots coming from the grassy knoll. Or just watch footage of the shot hitting JFK's head, and see that it caused his head to move to the back and left...and therefore the shot could not have come from behind (from Oswald in the school book depository building, per official story). But no....too lazy and/or stupid to even put 2 and 2 together on that.

And it's that way with all of these other real conspiracies -- such as the engineered covid scamdemic, the 9/11 false flag, the "New World Order" agenda, and all these fake and staged "school shootings". The evidence is all out there and easy to find. And once you find it, it is blatantly obvious that the "official" stories are false, and/or that this malevolent conspiracy does, in fact, exist.

But, ohhh, then those people who are diligent and wise enough to seek out and find the truth are belittled and disparaged and attacked by the lazy lemmings as "crazy conspiracy theorists". That is the all-powerful smear term that totally negates the truth, and cements the lie to remain in place. Abracadabra..."conspiracy theoirst". Such a powerful term. Magical powers. The magic comes from trusting in incredibly wicked psychopaths and blindly believing whatever they tell you to believe.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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I re-watched a lot of the eyewitness testimony on YouTube over the last couple days. Another big "red flag" that destroys the official story is that the eyewitnesses heard at least 3 or 4 shots, and the timing of the shots. The 2nd and 3rd shots were taken only about 1 second after the first shot, and the 2nd and 3rd shots occurred almost simultaneously (or within less than half a second of each other). For example, see the testimony from the eyewitness in this video at 3:35.

What is the significance of that? Well, of course, that would be impossible per the official story...with a "lone shooter" (Lee Harvey Oswald), using a bolt action rifle. Of course, commie libtards who know nothing about guns probably will not understand this -- which is a trend if you are paying attention, because most libtards are complete ignoramuses about everything of importance. They know absolutely nothing, but think they know everything (because they think that being brainwashed by the criminal Establishment's lies and unquestionably believing and parroting politically correct propaganda makes them "smart", lol).

Also, they violated Texas law by not allowing an autopsy of John F. Kennedy's body while his body was in Parkland Hospital in Dallas. Within only about an hour or so, they put JFK's body in a casket and flew it back to Washington DC, and supposedly conducted the autopsy there in D.C. (rigged, of course, to conceal the evidence). But many of the resident physicians who saw JFK's body while in Dallas, including this testimony from Dr. Charles Crenshaw, have testified that the bullet wound in his head was from a bullet that entered at the right temple area, and exited to the back of his head. So the head shot came from a shooter located in front of JFK in the limousine, not from behind.

They also flew the presidential limousine that JFK was riding in back to Washington DC, where it also was (no doubt), prevented from being examined. However, as one of the medical students at Parkland Hospital, Evalea Glanges testified (see at 1:50 in this video), she saw a bullet hole in the front windshield of the limousine, which she describes as "a clear through and through bullet hole" that went "from the front to the back". What's the significance of that? From the front to the back -- ie, shots came from in front of the vehicle...which contradicts the bogus official story framing the patsy Oswald, claiming that all the shots came from behind the limousine in the Texas School Book Depository building.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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George H W Bush was rescued at sea from his fighter jet crash, I understand. We've seen video clips too.
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caryking said:

I'm not saying I buy into all this; however, my distrust of government certainly allows me to scratch my head and say...


Nothing has ever seemed "right" about the assassination, hence the controversy across the decades. That said, years before Kennedy took office, his predecessor Eisenhower gave the nation an early warning about something like the deep state, in his words, the "military-industrial complex."
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Oldsouljer said:

caryking said:

I'm not saying I buy into all this; however, my distrust of government certainly allows me to scratch my head and say...


Nothing has ever seemed "right" about the assassination, hence the controversy across the decades. That said, years before Kennedy took office, his predecessor Eisenhower gave the nation an early warning about something like the deep state, in his words, the "military-industrial complex."
Listen to JFK's speeches leading up to the assassination.

All's we need is snopes.com to correct us.
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I firmly believe the government played a part in his killing. Ask me and I'll give my thoughts
I asked a ref if he could give me a technical foul for thinking bad things about him. He said, of course not. I said, well, I think you stink. And he gave me a technical. You can't trust em.

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Glasswolf said:

I firmly believe the government played a part in his killing. Ask me and I'll give my thoughts
Tell us Glass…
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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Posted July 8, 2004 (edited)
I am at the Library of Congress in Washington DC. I just read through the Dallas Morning News for the week that Kennedy was killed.
On Monday the Dallas Morning News simply speculated that the motorcade would travel down Main.
On Wednesday the Dallas Morning News stated that it would indeed travel straight down Main.
On Thursday, November 21, 1963, the Dallas Morning News had a map with the motorcade going straight down Main and not making any turns.
Mayor Earl Cabell of Dallas was the brother of Air Force General C.P. Cabell, who was Allen Dulles's Deputy Director at the CIA.
Mayor Earl Cabell's Administration made a change in the route that President Kennedy's motorcade would take. Instead of traveling straight down Main through the middle of Dealey Plaza, which was the route published in the Dallas Morning News on November 21, the motorcade turned right on Houston and went over to the Texas School Book Depository at Elm and Houston. It then turned left and headed down Elm. President Kennedy was shot and killed on Elm.
Someone on the forum had said that the motorcade route was not changed, and that it was said all that week that it would be going down Houston and then Elm Street.
The motorcade route was changed at the last hour to both make the assassination possible and to be able to accuse Oswald.
Edited July 8, 2004 by Anthony Frank
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They will never admit to anything. The intelligence agencies are far too powerful, they run this country (and by extension, the world). If it were to ever come out that the CIA was involved in the assassination of the President, there would be legitimate anarchy. Americans (those who think freely, at least) would demand that all intelligence departments be disbanded, audits conducted of ALL current and former congressmen and women.

The government knows everything about YOU, but you know very little of the government. Democracy died decades ago when national security was made the priority over American liberties. Just look to the FBI for a current example, working directly with a political party to silence those who present substantiated truths about a presidential nominee. Our entire system is rigged, it's a sham. While I am no fan of Donald J Trump, I at least applaud him for being honest about one thing, which is him proving the system is rigged by admitting that he uses the system.
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Wufpack17 said:

They will never admit to anything. The intelligence agencies are far too powerful, they run this country (and by extension, the world). If it were to ever come out that the CIA was involved in the assassination of the President, there would be legitimate anarchy. Americans (those who think freely, at least) would demand that all intelligence departments be disbanded, audits conducted of ALL current and former congressmen and women.

The government knows everything about YOU, but you know very little of the government. Democracy died decades ago when national security was made the priority over American liberties. Just look to the FBI for a current example, working directly with a political party to silence those who present substantiated truths about a presidential nominee. Our entire system is rigged, it's a sham. While I am no fan of Donald J Trump, I at least applaud him for being honest about one thing, which is him proving the system is rigged by admitting that he uses the system.
Generally agree. And who controls the intelligence agencies and other key areas of the government that are orchestrating this agenda? That's the big question. Also, as anyone who's paying attention knows, it's not only the U.S. Government that is totally controlled by this "cabal" that is pushing this malevolent totalitarian (communist) agenda for a "New World Order". This is worldwide. This is going on in nearly every nation in the world. Newsflash...it's the people Kanye was talking about recently.

At the top of the hierarchy, it's a cabal of international bankers. Governments and nations are controlled via debt. The borrower is slave to the lender. When your nation is 30 trillion dollars in debt to the bankers via the usurious banking ponzi scheme, they are totally controlled by those bankers. And then this cabal of international bankers (and their allies) have used the astronomical wealth they have obtained via the usurious banking racket to not only buy off and control the politician puppets, but also buy up and control all the other key spheres of power in our society (Establishment media, Hollywood, academia, major religious organizations, oil and other key industries, Big Tech and the internet, etc).
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Wufpack17 said:

They will never admit to anything. The intelligence agencies are far too powerful, they run this country (and by extension, the world). If it were to ever come out that the CIA was involved in the assassination of the President, there would be legitimate anarchy. Americans (those who think freely, at least) would demand that all intelligence departments be disbanded, audits conducted of ALL current and former congressmen and women.

The government knows everything about YOU, but you know very little of the government. Democracy died decades ago when national security was made the priority over American liberties. Just look to the FBI for a current example, working directly with a political party to silence those who present substantiated truths about a presidential nominee. Our entire system is rigged, it's a sham. While I am no fan of Donald J Trump, I at least applaud him for being honest about one thing, which is him proving the system is rigged by admitting that he uses the system.
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#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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Yes, if ever there are honest historians in the future, J Donald Trump will be remembered as the man who pulled back the curtain on the true nature of American government.
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Oldsouljer said:

Yes, if ever there are honest historians in the future, J Donald Trump will be remembered as the man who pulled back the curtain on the true nature of American government.
You are triple winner on that my fellow Patriot.
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Posting here only because I can't believe it has been 29 years already...
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This how y'all come across to us rational folks....

And of course EVERYTHING is a conspiracy according to y'all......

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What an idiot. There have been many movies made about the Kennedy assassination over the years, and 60 years later there are still portions of the Warren Report that the government refuses to release... that in and of itself, tells you that there's still some damning information in there that they don't want out.

Rationalize on that, *****.

By the way, all I did was post that it had been 29 years since Jackie had passed away and didn't want to start a new thread to post it. This thread just happened to be the best placeholder in my opinion.
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60 years ago today
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And this guy is referring to himself as rational?

Happy Thanksgiving's Traffic!
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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BTW, on November 22 (60th Anniversary of his assassination) I watched the eight (yes, eight!) - 30 minute documentary episodes on JFK's Presidency on the History Channel... I was only born in 1962, but let me tell you that dude was really put through the ringer that year with both Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missle crisis... also lost a newborn child right after being elected.

I never had a clue as to what all he had to endure during his short time as President. If you haven't watched them, I highly recommend that you do (available On Demand still). Really opened my eyes, and yes, CIA rogues knocking him off is certainly a possibility to me after watching these. We'll never know though...

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TheStorm said:

BTW, on November 22 (60th Anniversary of his assassination) I watched the eight (yes, eight!) - 30 minute documentary episodes on JFK's Presidency on the History Channel... I was only born in 1962, but let me tell you that dude was really put through the ringer that year with both Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missle crisis... also lost a newborn child right after being elected.

I never had a clue as to what all he had to endure during his short time as President. If you haven't watched them, I highly recommend that you do (available On Demand still). Really opened my eyes, and yes, CIA rogues knocking him off is certainly a possibility to me after watching these. We'll never know though...

Oh well. I tried to share something that I felt was legitimate for discussion, but I see it's just going to get buried with more crazy-ass spam.

Kennedy also had to deal with desegregation riots at Ole Miss and University of Alabama... that was a very full less than 3 years.
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