SmaptyWolf said:
caryking said:
SmaptyWolf said:
caryking said:
SmaptyWolf said:
caryking said:
hokiewolf said:
caryking said:
SmaptyWolf said:
caryking said:
SmaptyWolf said:
caryking said:
Werewolf said:
packofwolves said:
Biden is an absolute failure on the border, along with weasel Mayorkas. Inexcusable what is happening. Can't get his butt out of office soon enough.
" Video out of San Diego shows hundreds of migrants being released from buses, with migrants from China and Pakistan onto the streets. A conversation in the video shows a migrant speaking to a Border Patrol agent, who tells him he can do whatever he wants now.
This is after releases have been taking place in Arizona in the Tucson Sector for days as agents have been facing 2,000 encounters a day and images have emerged of packed shelters in places like Ajo."
A couple of guys here on this board are probably in front of the boob tube now watching CNN and MSNBC cheering this on......probably with the vigor matching a Pack football game.
Unfortunately, this may be true…. For the life of me, I don't understand why it's so difficult to follow simple immigration law..
I've got bad news for you... this actually is the immigration law. Our immigration laws have been pretty broken in various ways for decades, and everyone agrees they need to be fixed. But Republicans have stonewalled any immigration legislation.
If you want to end illegal immigration tomorrow, the single most powerful tool we have is E-Verify, a way to ensure everyone at a workplace is legal. Take away the jobs and people wont bother coming illegally. But here's the dirty little secret... American businesses don't want that, so Republicans have fought it tooth and nail.
So Republicans are doing everything they can behind the scenes to keep the cheap labor flowing in, and THEN get to use it as a campaign issue to keep you guys foaming at the mouth. Lol, Steve Bannon even got put in jail for pocketing some of the money you guys sent in to "build the wall", before Trump pardoned him. Nice racket.
Just stupid commentary…
We have laws on the books for illegal crossing. Enforce them. People, like this idiot, always come up with these grand government programs, or whatever…. Just stupid thinking!!
And, as usual… Trump!!
Oh, please... there's about 100% chance that Fox News video was total BS, as always. They're shameless. In realty those were asylum seekers who were granted entry and then dumped off. You can't exactly be "illegal" when a cop lets you go.
As I said, though, our asylum system is pretty broken. It's too bad Republicans (not just Trump) like it that way... cheap labor, and a way to keep you nitwits permanently riled up.
Who watches Fox News?
First and foremost… this has absolutely nothing to do with Asylum. The vast majority of these people are illegally crossing our border. As usual, an idiotic liberal like you, wants to change the storyline.
This stupid ass government, endorsed by stupid ass people like you, are allowing the absolute invasion of our border. Then we have studio ass mayors, like Adams, blaming the Texas Governor, for busing of these illegals into NYC. Blame this current federal government!
You want be able to because you're too stupid to realize the reality of this situation, as a useless liberal does!!
the fact of the matter is that both parties are equally at fault for what has gone on at the border. The immigration system is broken, and there is zero political will from either side to change that broken system.
The near impossibility of being able to immigrate into the United States with less then 2% of those who seek to LEGALLY immigrate into the US is an embarrassment and the reason why there is an issue at the border.
That is such a misrepresentation….
How many people should the US legally allow in per year?
Determine that, then figure out how to streamline the process. At the border, turn them all away. The very fact that people think it's ok for them to stroll across the border, is crazy. This administration created the problem. He used his words, and they started coming.
Hokie, you are bought into the same narrative as this other hack. You can try and combine the issues; however, that's going to keep this country divided. This is very simple in its resolution…
1) stop the insanity at the border, by turning them back
2) determine a useful number of immigrants to come into the country
3) streamline the process
If it's not done in that order, we will never solve the political problem.
Conservative fan fiction aside, almost no one (outside of Libertarian wackos) thinks its ok for them to stroll across the border.
Unfortunately your mind prefers simple, and loves it when politicians and media feed you simple BS, but this is a complicated problem.
Unless there's an active pandemic, turning people away before they have the chance to request an asylum hearing is illegal. Ultimately most do end up getting sent back after a hearing, and we DO have immigration limits, but if you don't like how things are working why aren't Republicans clamoring to change immigration laws, instead of spending all of their time thinking about Hunter Biden? Why didn't Republicans try to change any actual immigration laws when Trump was in power? It's such a mystery.
And how would you like to change things, anyway? If a ship full of Jews show up fleeing the holocaust, are you turning them away, too, before they can request asylum?
Again… misrepresentation!
Answer a simple question… what is a useful number of immigrants the US should "allow" into the country?
1 million?
Lol, I'm not sure you know what "misrepresentation" means, but anway...
To answer your question, the "useful" number of immigrants needed every year is constrained by two things:
1) Our citizens' birthrate (along with most "1st world" countries) has been dropping for a while, so we need a certain number of immigrants to make up the difference if we want our economy to grow and not shrink.
2) The number of immigrants has to be low enough not to culturally stress everyone out.
Finding the correct number of immigrants that satisfies both #1 and #2 is really hard, but clearly both Repubs and Dems prioritize #1, and Republicans use #2 to con you guys into voting Republican.
You are always looking to to demean someone, aren't you?? Why do you think so many people have come at you the way they have?
I have a decent grasp of the English language and don't need people like you trying to make something, out of nothing.
As far as your birth rate info, we don't need anything. We have people sitting without jobs, as it stands. Just go look into any impoverished area and look at the people sitting on their porch…. These illegal immigrants are coming here and taking those jobs away. We, as a society demonize those people; however, the US Government along with elite money, took this jobs away from them.
So, right now, we don't need anymore immigration. We need for the current unemployed to take those jobs, whether white or blue collar…
Lol, you guys have been "demeaning" me, to put it mildly, the second I chimed in here, because that's what cult members do when exposed to anything outside of their bubble. But I'm a big boy and can handle it. It's pretty comical, though, how you melt into a snowflake puddle the second someone returns any of the bile your spewing and hurts your fee fees. That's kinda your thing, though... perpetual grievance.
Anyway, it's pretty clear you know exactly zero about economics, or even what our current unemployment rate is, so I guess we can wrap this attempted conversation up.
You came in here very hot, right from the start. So, yes, you have been demeaned by some, including me. You earned it properly. Now, if you'd like to start over, then let's do that.
BTW, I'm fr from a grievance person. In fact, I would rather have conversation with people that truly enjoy discussion…. Just today, while sitting in Delta Sky Lounge, at LaGaurdia Airport, I met a guy (Black probably Liberal) and we enjoyed each others conversation, so much, that we exchanged contacts.
And yes, we were talking political stuff as well as race relations…
Economics - Have you ever started a company, from scratch, and grow it to 70M with 145 employees? Yes, I really don't know much about economics, finance, employment, supply chain, sales and marketing, etc…
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…
“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”
Joe Biden