Civilized said:
caryking said:
Civilized said:
caryking said:
jkpackfan said:
Civilized said:
jkpackfan said:
packofwolves said:
Civ - I didn't post that tweet as fact. Several are making that claim and I shared one of them. And if you already knew, why post it as a question?
I think there are other valid reasons why he shouldn't be special counsel.
Lol anyone with half a brain knows this, zero chance you'll ever see any charges come from this and it essentially shuts down the ability of the house to do a thorough investigation.
I can't believe there are actually people that see this any other way.
Two weeks ago y'all were on here saying there was zero chance a special counsel would be appointed so I think I'll just take a wait and see approach on any additional charges being filed.
I never once said that so…and this is a joke of a special counsel
That must be some of Civ's partisan rhetoric…
Ironically Weiss as you know is a Republican appointed by Trump and Trump tapped him to investigate Hunter Biden.
Just because Weiss may not get skull-drug around Congressional chambers in the next 30 days the way frothy Republicans want doesn't mean he or the investigation are going to escape scrutiny. He'll be subject to Congressional scrutiny either way; such scrutiny is a now or later proposition.
Weiss' new status as SC and the implosion of the plea deal are both bad news for the Biden family.
They virtually guarantee a drawn-out investigation, and that the President's son, at a minimum, will be embroiled in a major investigation in the middle of his Dad's Presidential campaign.
ETA: puking emoji not intentional
Let's get the facts straight…
Weiss was appointed in Delaware, with recommendation, by both Democratic Senators. Yes, Weiss is a registered Republican, according to reports; however, in todays world, that mean very little…
I think you find most Republicans, on this forum, find the party worthless. That said, they are less worthless than the Democrat. So, a Republican, can and will do something that blows the mind of what I consider to be a Republican…
In other words, they get classified as a RINO.
Please spare us on the party affiliation mess…. Most of the time, it means nothing!!
If it means nothing, why do we spend so much time analyzing the appointments and party makeup of the Supreme Court?
It may not be completely determinative or predictive.
But of course it means something.
Civ, these three appointees, by Trump (BTW, he's a Democrat, right?), were good most of the time, not all the time. The RINO's I'm talking about are typically elected. They have a tendency to say what most Republicans want to hear, on social issues. They keep them front me center, to win elections. Look around at my post, you will find a consistent theme… economy!
Even with Trump, he asked for a massive spending bill, to counteract, the Covid downturn. I was against it; however, I understand why he did that. Since Trump, we haven't needed any of the massive spending they've done. Furthermore, we moved the baseline, of the Federal Budget, so high, it's unmanageable. Look at some of the previous post, by Hokie. He has said (essentially), you can't balance the budget, without significant cuts and raising of taxes (I think). Well, he's right, on one part.. if your base line is todays spending, then, it want happen.
Prior to Covid, we can and should be able to reset the budget, to that level, then, we can start looking at cuts. The Republican Party signed up for giving this administration a blank check, to spend at free will, in the latest debt ceiling debate. Will that new spending set a new baseline to work from? That's up to the right people looking to cut the size of the Federal Government. It will not happen with Democrats and most Republicans.
In summary, Republicans suck almost as bad as Democrats. Please don't use a random Republican to make it sound like it's going to be ok, because it will NOT!!
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…
“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”
Joe Biden