Steve Videtich said:
hokiewolf said:
Steve Videtich said:
hokiewolf said:
PackFansXL said:
hokiewolf said:
That was a good article, hokie. Thanks for posting.
too bad the ones who need to read it won't
I'm also worried about the ones who think others NEED to read it, but may not recognize their own failures in what they read.
what tribalism test am I failing this time?
"There was a time when I lived my life on the polarized wings. I spent more time worried about "the left" than I spent thinking through what part my partisanship played in fraying the American social fabric. I saw the triumph of my political foes as a greater threat to the nation than the partisan conflict itself."
The quote above said a lot to me. I have definitely contributed to the head butting in this board, but I also feel as if I recognized that. I'm no where close to perfect, but I did recognize what I was doing and feel as if I've changed my approach in a lot of ways.
My point is not the tribalism that you take from the article, but our own involvement in contributing to it, whether we want to admit it or not. That includes you. Your comment of people that NEED to read the article goes to that point. You contribute to the issues of this board as much as myself or anybody else you want to passive aggressively call out.
Damn!! That's powerful, Steve!!
This tribalism mantra is old to me. People have opinions, some are purely constitutional based, and some cultural based. I see where, the so-called tribalistic crowd, has as many issues with their own political party as they do the other.
Anybody that calls out another as being tribal is trying to assimilate all. That is not what we are supposed to be. So, I provide that the constitution gives equal individual protections that is good for all. The problem we have is when the constitution is ignored by creating powers that just aren't there…
So, tribalism is more of a new phenomenon where some try diminution of others opinions
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…
“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”
Joe Biden