Sad:. Absolute Lunacy from NCSU Professor

11,679 Views | 62 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by SupplyChainPack
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To be filed under, "Useful Idiots".

Shouldn't we be leaving this stupidity for the nuts in Chapel Hill?

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Just when I thought that nothing could be more insane than this "covid-19" scamdemic/pLandemic.

These white people advocating this rubbish are totally out of their minds -- that is, if they actually believe what they are saying. And maybe this NC State professor (Nelson) is not white herself. Maybe she's jewish, or has some other non-white ancestry that she identifies with.

But I don't think she actually believes what she is saying. If she did, then would she gladly fork over half of her salary and sell her house and donate it all to black people, as "penance" for her "guilt" of "being complicit in white supremacy"? lmfao. Of course not.

I bet she hasn't donated even $500 of her personal wealth to "re-distribute" to black people. What she wants to do is have the government pass a "reparations" law whereby OTHER white people's assets are forcibly confiscated and "re-distributed".

She is just a communist, who is going along with this politically-motivated (communist/leftist Democrat) agenda to attack white people, and inflame racial tensions for political purposes.

Here is a portion of the her statement. Note that she uses the term "whiteness" repeatedly. Strange word, right? More on that below:


A reckoning: I benefit from white supremacy every single day. No, my life hasn't been easy. There are reasons I should not be here. Nonetheless, my experiences of harm from individuals and systems was/is/will always be made easier by the fact, by the privilege, of my whiteness. More significantly, every harm, hurt, and/or violence I have perpetrated on someone who is not white, either individually or by virtue of my roles in systems, is made easier by the fact, by the privilege, of my whiteness. Facing the foundational facts of my white privilege and complicity with white supremacy is not a form of suffering. I have made others suffer, or allowed suffering, because of my white complicity with white supremacy.

"Whiteness" is the same buzzword used by the modern architect of this "abolish whiteness" movement, a jewish professor from Harvard, Noel Ignatiev. This guy literally argued that the white race needs to be "abolished", since the mere existence of white people "perpetuates white supremacy and oppression". Hear him spewing this garbage here:

Here's the Harvard website with an article literally entitled "Abolish The White Race", regarding this movement/journal which Ignatiev helped establish at Harvard!

Article on Ignatiev when he died just a few months ago

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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This is modern Marxist-controlled "academia" folks. And it's only going to get worse. You are going to see more and more of this "abolish whiteness" (and "white privilege") garbage going into the future. It is gaining steam. And it's already filtering down into high schools, and middle and elementary schools -- as well as our entire society, including government (eg, with "reparation" laws already being passed, such as in Asheville, NC recently).

And what is their end goal? You heard it...they admit it. They want to literally abolish the white race. The radical left and communist movement harbors an intense hatred of the white/European peoples (and Christianity). Now, do people understand WHY that is? Why do these far-Left communists hate the white/European race so much? Well, there's many reasons. But the biggest factor is that the Marxist movement was not started by (and is not currently controlled by) white/European people. It was created by and is still led by another ethnic group that is hostile to whites/Europeans and Christianity. And the identity of this ethnic group is pretty easy to discover when doing just a little research into who actually created and runs the communist movement. Furthermore, the white/European peoples are the true biological descendants of the Israelites. So this is a Satanic attack on the true Israelites -- ie, the true chosen people of God.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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It's coming to the suburbs and small business near you.
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Wow. That's scary stuff.
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SupplyChainPack said:

To be filed under, "Useful Idiots".

Shouldn't we be leaving this stupidity for the nuts in Chapel Hill?

This "professor" received all of her "education" at Unc-chapel HELL.


  • Ph.D. in Communication Studies from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009
  • M.A. in Communication Studies from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2005
  • B.A./B.A. in English/Communication Studies from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1996

Here's the article on NC State's official website promoting this "white supremacy guilt" and "black lives matter" garbage:


A Reckoning on What I Owe

An opening:
I OWE Black folks a DAILY practice of dismantling & redistributing my benefits from white supremacy. If you are white, I think you do too.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

Just when I thought that nothing could be more insane than this "covid-19" scamdemic/pLandemic.

Man am I sick of your crap. I posted on the FB forum to a similar comment you made, and looks like the mods cleaned up the thread and it was all deleted. I really hope you don't have to suffer with 13 straight days of 100+ fever, or hair loss and lost sense of smell nearly 5 months after "recovery" like my wife, but I am not sure what it will take for you and your tinfoil hat crew to understand this is a dangerous disease.
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WolfQuacker said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Just when I thought that nothing could be more insane than this "covid-19" scamdemic/pLandemic.

Man am I sick of your crap. I posted on the FB forum to a similar comment you made, and looks like the mods cleaned up the thread and it was all deleted. I really hope you don't have to suffer with 13 straight days of 100+ fever, or hair loss and lost sense of smell nearly 5 months after "recovery" like my wife, but I am not sure what it will take for you and your tinfoil hat crew to understand this is a dangerous disease.

You can be sick of me all you want, and call me a "tinfoil hat wearing lunatic" all you want. I don't care. I have the right to have my opinion on this.

You know what I'm sick of? I'm sick of this "covid-19" scam and the powers-that-be using it as the excuse to destroy our nation and take it over for a communist agenda.

As I said in that thread, I don't deny that people get sick. People are still dying of the regular flu, pneumonia, and other diseases. And many of the people with these other diseases are being falsely diagnosed as having "coronavirus". I disagree with the idea of this novel "covid-19" virus. I don't believe that it is what we are being told it is. The "testing" for it is deeply flawed, if not outright fraudulent. The numbers of cases and deaths claimed to be "caused" by it are being deliberately inflated. In reality, at the worst it is no more dangerous or deadly than the seasonal flu. And the draconian reaction (lockdowns, etc) in response to this is over-the-moon insanity. Destroying the country and bankrupting half of all small businesses in the nation over this? We are living in the friggin Twilight Zone.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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If not more people are dying, why do we have this chart?

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GuerrillaPack said:

SupplyChainPack said:

To be filed under, "Useful Idiots".

Shouldn't we be leaving this stupidity for the nuts in Chapel Hill?

This "professor" received all of her "education" at Unc-chapel HELL.


  • Ph.D. in Communication Studies from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009
  • M.A. in Communication Studies from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2005
  • B.A./B.A. in English/Communication Studies from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1996

Here's the article on NC State's official website promoting this "white supremacy guilt" and "black lives matter" garbage:


A Reckoning on What I Owe

An opening:
I OWE Black folks a DAILY practice of dismantling & redistributing my benefits from white supremacy. If you are white, I think you do too.

That should be an automatic disqualifier for any position at our institution - including janitorial positions.

We can, we have, and must continue to do better than this absurd lunacy.
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This seems antithetical to your thoughts on the UNCW professor and his freedom of speech at his University.
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statefan91 said:

This seems antithetical to your thoughts on the UNCW professor and his freedom of speech at his University.
I don't know your ethnicity, but will you follow her plea to "redistribute your benefits from white supremacy" to black people? If so, what will you redistribute? What do you "owe" them, as she says? Nelson urges us to pay them "in money" and also states that she supports "reparations". Are you ready to donate hundreds or thousands of dollars to this "righteous cause"?
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

statefan91 said:

This seems antithetical to your thoughts on the UNCW professor and his freedom of speech at his University.
I don't know your ethnicity, but will you follow her plea to "redistribute your benefits from white supremacy" to black people? If so, what will you redistribute? What do you "owe" them, as she says? Nelson urges us to pay them "in money" and also states that she supports "reparations". Are you ready to donate hundreds or thousands of dollars to this "righteous cause"?
I didn't say anything about the UNCW or NCSU professor messages, I just said it's antithetical to SCP's stance in the UNCW threads.
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A lot "free speech" supporters really have their panties in a was over an opinion column. \_()_/
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statefan91 said:

This seems antithetical to your thoughts on the UNCW professor and his freedom of speech at his University.

Not really. Freedom of speech doesn't mean that said speech isn't idiotic.

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PackBacker07 said:

A lot "free speech" supporters really have their panties in a was over an opinion column. \_()_/
I support free speech. Unlike many other posters on these boards, you never see me whining that someone shouldn't be able to post something, and insinuating that moderators should in any way censor anyone.

I'm not saying this so-called "professor" shouldn't be able to say anything she wants. All I'm saying is that her views are dangerous, far-Left Marxist anti-white racist horse ****. And if any poster on these boards shares her views, I would never call for them to be censored or banned on these boards in any way. Same for anyone posting these views on YouTube, Twitter, or any other platform. I'm more than happy to support their right to freedom of speech, and expose themselves as the morons that they are.

Now, what about the reverse? If someone here was posting far-right "racist" speech, would you be calling for them to be censored and banned from these boards? Do you support the banning of "far right" speech from YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms?
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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PB07 already answered your question in the UNCW thread:


For the millionth time, "big tech" can do whatever they want. You agree to their terms when you sign up. The First Amendment clearly states "CONGRESS shall make no law...," not "Twitter can't be a meanie..." It has nothing to do with free speech. You are free to say whatever you want, but that does not mean there will never be any consequences to said speech.
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SupplyChainPack said:

statefan91 said:

This seems antithetical to your thoughts on the UNCW professor and his freedom of speech at his University.

Not really. Freedom of speech doesn't mean that said speech isn't idiotic.

Yep - completely agree. Consistent across the UNCW and NCSU professor stories.
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statefan91 said:

SupplyChainPack said:

statefan91 said:

This seems antithetical to your thoughts on the UNCW professor and his freedom of speech at his University.

Not really. Freedom of speech doesn't mean that said speech isn't idiotic.

Yep - completely agree. Consistent across the UNCW and NCSU professor stories.
Is the kook State prof being hounded out of a job?
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Not sure, please check and let us know!
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statefan91 said:

PB07 already answered your question in the UNCW thread:


For the millionth time, "big tech" can do whatever they want. You agree to their terms when you sign up. The First Amendment clearly states "CONGRESS shall make no law...," not "Twitter can't be a meanie..." It has nothing to do with free speech. You are free to say whatever you want, but that does not mean there will never be any consequences to said speech.

It sounds like he supports Big Tech's decision to censor and ban right-wing and anti-Establishment speech.

Of course, there is no First Amendment issue with that. A private website is free to censor whoever they want. But it shows that the Leftists who run these Big Tech companies do not believe in freedom of speech.

These Big Tech platforms used to hold themselves out to be "public commons" where they would allow all viewpoints, and they would not censor based on viewpoint. Obviously that was false advertising, and they now essentially admit that they heavily censor right-wing and anti-Establishment speech.

What I'm asking is if those posters of the Leftist persuasion here support freedom of speech or not. Do you guys support those with "far right" views being able to freely speak on these boards? If you ran YouTube or Twitter, would you be censoring the right-wing? Or would you allow all sides to freely express themselves?
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Sure - you should have free speech until the board owners / mods feel that your speech is infringing upon their ability to make money from their site. I'm not sure what's so hard about that.
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statefan91 said:

Not sure, please check and let us know!
Great retort. You mentioned consistencies between the stories. I believe this is not consistent between the professors stories.
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statefan91 said:

Sure - you should have free speech until the board owners / mods feel that your speech is infringing upon their ability to make money from their site. I'm not sure what's so hard about that.
Big Tech isn't censoring conservatives because of financial issues. They are doing it for political reasons. They want Biden to win. Their choice, but at least be honest about it.
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I don't want to be "that guy" but if you would read my reply, this is what I said was consistent across the two stories:

"Not really. Freedom of speech doesn't mean that said speech isn't idiotic."

That's what SCP said, and I said I agree that freedom of speech doesn't mean that said speech isn't idiotic. If you are concerned with the way their cases are being played out in the court of public opinion, I can't help you there.
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Ripper said:

statefan91 said:

Sure - you should have free speech until the board owners / mods feel that your speech is infringing upon their ability to make money from their site. I'm not sure what's so hard about that.
Big Tech isn't censoring conservatives because of financial issues. They are doing it for political reasons. They want Biden to win. Their choice, but at least be honest about it.
What is the case for Big Tech wanting Biden to win? It seems very clear that the Republican administration's tax cut focused economic approach coupled with deregulation and repeal of net neutrality are all good things for big tech.
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statefan91 said:

Sure - you should have free speech until the board owners / mods feel that your speech is infringing upon their ability to make money from their site. I'm not sure what's so hard about that.
You are dodging the question again. Of course I understand the thought process and factors that any private website owner may go through in deciding if/when to censor people's speech.

What I'm asking is if YOU would censor right-wing speech. If you ran IPS or YouTube or Twitter, would you be censoring right-wing speech...for any reason you can come up with, financial or otherwise?
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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statefan91 said:

Ripper said:

statefan91 said:

Sure - you should have free speech until the board owners / mods feel that your speech is infringing upon their ability to make money from their site. I'm not sure what's so hard about that.
Big Tech isn't censoring conservatives because of financial issues. They are doing it for political reasons. They want Biden to win. Their choice, but at least be honest about it.
What is the case for Big Tech wanting Biden to win? It seems very clear that the Republican administration's tax cut focused economic approach coupled with deregulation and repeal of net neutrality are all good things for big tech.
It is ideological, not financial. Just like blue states. They implement policies that hurt their bottom line for political/ideological reasons. They may also gain crony benefits as well.
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Yes, if you were using my platform to say something that caused me to lose money in my business I would censor you. Any company that doesn't is dumb.
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Ripper said:

statefan91 said:

Ripper said:

statefan91 said:

Sure - you should have free speech until the board owners / mods feel that your speech is infringing upon their ability to make money from their site. I'm not sure what's so hard about that.
Big Tech isn't censoring conservatives because of financial issues. They are doing it for political reasons. They want Biden to win. Their choice, but at least be honest about it.
What is the case for Big Tech wanting Biden to win? It seems very clear that the Republican administration's tax cut focused economic approach coupled with deregulation and repeal of net neutrality are all good things for big tech.
It is ideological, not financial. Just like blue states. They implement policies that hurt their bottom line for political/ideological reasons. They may also gain crony benefits as well.
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statefan91 said:

Ripper said:

statefan91 said:

Ripper said:

statefan91 said:

Sure - you should have free speech until the board owners / mods feel that your speech is infringing upon their ability to make money from their site. I'm not sure what's so hard about that.
Big Tech isn't censoring conservatives because of financial issues. They are doing it for political reasons. They want Biden to win. Their choice, but at least be honest about it.
What is the case for Big Tech wanting Biden to win? It seems very clear that the Republican administration's tax cut focused economic approach coupled with deregulation and repeal of net neutrality are all good things for big tech.
It is ideological, not financial. Just like blue states. They implement policies that hurt their bottom line for political/ideological reasons. They may also gain crony benefits as well.
Naive. Must be nice to go through life that way.
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statefan91 said:

Yes, if you were using my platform to say something that caused me to lose money in my business I would censor you. Any company that doesn't is dumb.
Ok. I was pretty sure that you don't believe in freedom of speech, and are fully on board with the Leftist agenda to censor the right-wing in every way possible. It's just a bonus to have you admit it.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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So let me confirm - i'm naive because I don't think big tech company CEOs are deciding that they are going to do things detrimental to their companies bottom lines (all public companies BTW that have a fiduciary commitment to their shareholders and can be replaced) because they dislike Donald Trump?
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GuerrillaPack said:

statefan91 said:

Yes, if you were using my platform to say something that caused me to lose money in my business I would censor you. Any company that doesn't is dumb.
Ok. I was pretty sure that you don't believe in freedom of speech, and are fully on board with the Leftist agenda to censor the right-wing in every way possible. It's just a bonus to have you admit it.
I'm not sure I follow what you're saying? Do you think Fox News should be forced to air BLM commercials? Do you think TPUSA should have to host content about LGBTQ+ rights? If a message is incompatible with their target audience then they shouldn't be forced to air it / show it.

Seems weird that you would want to tell private companies how they should operate.
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statefan91 said:

SupplyChainPack said:

statefan91 said:

This seems antithetical to your thoughts on the UNCW professor and his freedom of speech at his University.

Not really. Freedom of speech doesn't mean that said speech isn't idiotic.

Yep - completely agree. Consistent across the UNCW and NCSU professor stories.

Nothing consistent about that. Professor Adams was a tremendous intellect in his field and was harassed relentlessly for having the "wrong opinion". Opinions he could back with evidence and logic.

The NCSU professor is just a short simple minded communications grad who is communicating groundless assertions, and senseless tripe.

The situations could scaresless be more different.
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