WILSON: Champion's Mentality Will Be Paramount for Wolfpack in Columbia
There are a plethora of intangibles that can go into an athletics contest, especially baseball. One, in particular, is mentality.
Much like momentum, having a champion’s mentality isn’t something one can see nor hold, but if one watches the game of baseball long enough, one can detect signs of it emboldening or weakening. This season, NC State has had its resolve tested numerous times, and it will have an opportunity to stake its claim as being Omaha-worthy this weekend as the team travels to South Carolina.
However, the biggest obstacle standing in the Wolfpack’s way isn’t the host of the Columbia Regional but rather its first opponent.
South Carolina, as strong as it’s been -- especially early in the season -- is basically in a tailspin. The Gamecocks got one good game in the SEC Tournament against Georgia but then continued their downward spiral that began after their 30-4 start to the year. Home-field advantage is only as strong as the team that holds it up, and the Cocks lost its final two home series to Auburn and Tennessee. Carolina is vulnerable and shouldn’t be too cocky, pardon the pun, despite hosting the other three teams.
It’s a different story for Campbell.
The Camels have been as good at home as they’ve been on the road this year with 20 wins each from both the home and road dugout. Additionally, Campbell’s been raking through its Big South competition whilst earning wins against fellow NCAA Tournament teams like Tulane, UNCW, Coastal Carolina, East Carolina, and even North Carolina in non-conference play.
But the biggest fire under the Camels’ tail was ignited Sunday evening.
There’s a common adage that states, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” If Dante Alighieri’s model of Hell is to be believed, I’d wager a scorned baseball team is right there in the fifth circle reserved for those consumed by wrath. Since Campbell can’t take its own rage out on the NCAA, who elected not to award Campbell with a hosting bid despite having an RPI inside the top 16, it will be more than happy to use NC State as a glorified punching bag (or, rather, batting cage).
Where does this leave the Wolfpack? In short, it is directly in Campbell’s crosshairs, and frankly, the Pack is susceptible to resting too easily on its own laurels.
As suboptimal as the season has been for State, the common consensus outside of the locker room was that the Pack was easily in the tournament. The RPI was strong enough. The non-conference schedule was much better than the year before. The ACC was a meat grinder in terms of regular competition on weekends. However, 2022 was still fresh in the minds of much of the team that saw its Omaha dreams crumble.
As much as NC State deserved to be there from the jump, once its name popped up on the NCAA Tournament Selection Show, the celebration in the locker room was basically a major sigh of relief. The team’s wait was over. It’s free from the melancholia of the previous year. But is getting in enough for this team, at least from a mental standpoint?
In short, the Wolfpack shouldn’t just be happy to get there. The rewards for NC State and a trip to the Super Regionals are there for the taking with a faltering South Carolina potentially waiting on Saturday. But NC State can easily be as vulnerable against an irate, vengeful Campbell if the Pack takes its position for granted.