New Tiered Varsity Membership Now Available For IPS Subscribers
Today we're announcing the creation of our Varsity membership which will be available to all Inside Pack Sports subscribers, and for the next two weeks it will be accessible for members to check out!
What Is It?
Our Varsity Membership is an add-on to your current premium membership. With the varsity membership you will receive exclusive access to our Varsity Texting Service as well as access to our Varsity Message Board.
These texts will be sent from James Henderson and Steve Williams and periodically directly to your phone. Releasing information as quickly as ever has become critical and through this texting service members will be able to get tidbits of information from James and Steve quicker than ever.
What Type Of Texts Will We Receive?
The texting service will be used to send a variety of types of texts with a focus on the format of our current Facts, Opinions, and Rumors feature. Example texts would be as seen below:
IPS RUMOR ALERT- We believe NC State QB Devin Leary will declare for the NFL draft. Discussion on the Varsity Message Board.
IPS FACT ALERT- Rolesville WR Noah Rogers will be on hand Saturday for the Wake Forest game.
IPS OPINION ALERT- We think odds are in favor of NC State RB Demie Sumo playing on Saturday versus Wake Forest.
We will also implement an IPS Confidential text we have yet to use at Inside Pack Sports because of the sensitivity of the topic. Sometimes we get tidbits of information we’ve chosen to not disclose on the message boards. These tidbits we will be texting out as IPS Confidential. An example would be:
IPS CONFIDENTIAL ALERT- We’re hearing that Coach X has been fired.
These texts will not replace Facts, Opinions, and Rumors. It just allows us to share info quicker and not have to wait for specific articles to be created.
What Will Be Posted On The Varsity Message Board?
This will be a forum for our Varsity members to engage each other. Members will be able to discuss the texts they receive and have a way to communicate/ask our staff specific questions relative to the texts.
Obviously if we’re going to have a texting service as an add-on then a forum will need to be in place fo rmembers to discuss those texts.
Also we hope to have additional forms of content for varsity members as well on the message board.
When Will It Start?
The Varsity membership will start January 1st, 2023. However, starting today, all premium members will have access to the Varsity forum for the final two weeks of the year.
Also, we will use the built-in texting service at Inside Pack Sports for the next two weeks to demo the Varsity Texting Service. However, starting January 1st, you must be subscribed to receive the Varsity Texting Service because we will then transition to an external texting service to send those texts.
We demo’d this texting service with select members earlier, which you can find in this thread.
How Do I Suscribe?
You will be able to subscribe via your account. The membership will be $15.95 monthly/$175 annually, essentially a $4 dollar add-on to your current membership.
What Do I Need To Do To My Account?
All members MUST have their mobile number entered into their account to receive texts and also have texts alerts turned on.
Go to the Settings tab under the head logo in the top right of the home page. From there you can add in your mobile number as well as make sure text alerts is turned on under Communication Settings.
Remember, starting 1/1 your number must be in your account so we can manually enter it into the external texting service.
What Will Change From My Premium Membership?
Nothing at all. This is an add-on tier to current memberships and you’re not required to join.
Any Questions?
If you have any additional questions please contact James Henderson at James@InsidePackSports.com.