BigBarryWood said:
Unfortunately I don't think there's any other option. Once the Bermuda is there it's not going away. I hate Bermuda so I did the same thing years ago. Killed my entire yard and started over with fescue.
You can spray out Bermuda in fescue with Tenacidy or Fusilade but it is not cheap.
I have started from scratch before and sprayed everything out but the Bermuda just came back. I just overseed with Rye now and start pushing the Bermuda in June or so when the heat gets the Rye.
I was a turf major while at State but have been out of it for a while but I like the "Timothy McVeigh" approach with Bermuda. When the soil temps start to warm up around April or May hammer it with some Nitrogen (About a pound per 1000 square feet) every 3-4 weeks. Bermuda roots also grow laterally so if you can Dethatch/Verticut or aerate in the warmer months when it is getting active it will take off.